A Social Edition of the Devonshire MS (BL Add. MS 17492)
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Pages in category "A Social Edition of the Devonshire MS (BL Add. MS 17492)"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 241 total.
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- The Devonshire Manuscript/A my herte a what eilith the
- The Devonshire Manuscript/A Note on this Edition
- The Devonshire Manuscript/A wel I hawe at other lost
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Absens absenting causithe me to complaine
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Alas poore man what hap have I
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Alas that men be so vngent
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Alas what shuld yt be to yow preiudyce
- The Devonshire Manuscript/All women have vertues noble & excelent
- The Devonshire Manuscript/All yn the sight my lif doth hole depende
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest
- The Devonshire Manuscript/am el mem
- The Devonshire Manuscript/And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte
- The Devonshire Manuscript/and thys be thys ye may
- The Devonshire Manuscript/And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce
- The Devonshire Manuscript/And wylt thow leve me thus
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Appendix I: Paleographic Features
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Appendix II: Paleography/Attribution by Order of Appearance
- The Devonshire Manuscript/as ffor my part I know no thyng
- The Devonshire Manuscript/As power & wytt wyll me Assyst
- The Devonshire Manuscript/At last withdrawe yowre cruellte
- The Devonshire Manuscript/At most myscheffe
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Back Matter
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Beholde love thye powre how she despisith
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Biographies
- The Devonshire Manuscript/blame not my lute for he must sownde
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Bownd am I now & shall be styll
- The Devonshire Manuscript/but now helpe god to quenche all thys sorow
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Deme as ye list vppon goode cause
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand 1
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand 1.1
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand 10
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand 11
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand 12
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand 13
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand 2
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand 3
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand 4
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand 5
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand 6
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand 7
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand 7.1
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand 8
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand 9
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand HS
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand MD
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand MF
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand MS
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand TH1
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Detailed Hand List Hand TH2
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Dryven bye desire I dede this dede
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Dyvers dothe vse as I have hard & kno
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Family and Affairs of Henry VIII
- The Devonshire Manuscript/fancy framed my hart ffrust
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Farewell all my wellfare
- The Devonshire Manuscript/ffanecy fframed my hart ffurst
- The Devonshire Manuscript/ffor to love her for her lokes lovelye
- The Devonshire Manuscript/fforget not yet the tryde entent
- The Devonshire Manuscript/ffortune dothe frown
- The Devonshire Manuscript/ffortyn ells
- The Devonshire Manuscript/ffull well yt maye be sene
- The Devonshire Manuscript/for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe
- The Devonshire Manuscript/for thowgh I had yow to morow agayne
- The Devonshire Manuscript/for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke
- The Devonshire Manuscript/for who so ends
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Front Matter
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Genealogical Tables Landing
- The Devonshire Manuscript/General Introduction
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Go burnynge siths vnto the frosen hert
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Greting to you bothe yn hertye wyse
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Grudge on who liste this ys my lott
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Gyve place all ye that dothe reioise
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Hartte aprest with dessperott thoughtes
- The Devonshire Manuscript/hate whom ye list for I kare not
- The Devonshire Manuscript/He Robyn gentyll robyn
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Hey Robyn Ioly Robyn tell me
- The Devonshire Manuscript/how frendly was medea to Iason
- The Devonshire Manuscript/how shold I
- The Devonshire Manuscript/howe shulde I
- The Devonshire Manuscript/I abide and abide and better abide
- The Devonshire Manuscript/I am as I am and so wil I be
- The Devonshire Manuscript/I am not ded altho I had a falle
- The Devonshire Manuscript/I ame not she be prowess off syt
- The Devonshire Manuscript/I finde no peace and all my warre is donne
- The Devonshire Manuscript/I have sought long with stedfastnesse
- The Devonshire Manuscript/I lowe lovyd and so doithe she
- The Devonshire Manuscript/I may well say with Ioyfull harte
- The Devonshire Manuscript/I se the change ffrom that that was
- The Devonshire Manuscript/If that I cowlde in versis close
- The Devonshire Manuscript/In faythe methynkes yt ys no Ryght
- The Devonshire Manuscript/In places Wher that I company
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Ineternum I was ons determined
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Introduction to the Encoded Materials
- The Devonshire Manuscript/It was my choyse It Was my chaunce
- The Devonshire Manuscript/It was my choyse yt was no chaunce /
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Items in the Devonshire Manuscript Without Witnesses
- The Devonshire Manuscript/lament my losse my labor and my payne
- The Devonshire Manuscript/lengre to muse
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Lo how I seke & sew to haue
- The Devonshire Manuscript/lo in thy hat thow hast be gone
- The Devonshire Manuscript/love doth againe
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Lyk as the swanne towardis her dethe
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Madame margeret
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Manuscript Witness Descriptions
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Marvell nomore Altho
- The Devonshire Manuscript/May not thys hate from the estarte
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Me list no more to sing
- The Devonshire Manuscript/My ferefull hope from me ys fledd
- The Devonshire Manuscript/my hart ys set nat to remowe
- The Devonshire Manuscript/my hart ys set not remove
- The Devonshire Manuscript/My harte I gave the not to do it paine
- The Devonshire Manuscript/My herte I gave the not to do yt paine
- The Devonshire Manuscript/My hope alas hath me abusid
- The Devonshire Manuscript/My hope is yow for to obtaine,
- The Devonshire Manuscript/My loue ys lyke vnto theternall fyre
- The Devonshire Manuscript/My lute awake performe the last labor
- The Devonshire Manuscript/My mothers maides . when they dyd sow or spin
- The Devonshire Manuscript/My nowne Iohn poyntz . sins ye delight to know
- The Devonshire Manuscript/My pen take payn a lytyll space
- The Devonshire Manuscript/my ywtheffol days ar past
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Mye love toke skorne my servise to retaine
- The Devonshire Manuscript/myght I as well within my song be lay
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Myght I as well within my songe
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Myn vnhappy chaunce / to home shall I playn
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Nature that gave the bee so fete agrace
- The Devonshire Manuscript/now all of chaunge
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Now may I morne as one off late
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Now must I lerne to lyue at rest
- The Devonshire Manuscript/now that ye be assemblled heer
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Nowe fare well love and theye lawes forever
- The Devonshire Manuscript/O cruell causer of vndeserrved chaynge
- The Devonshire Manuscript/o happy dames that may enbrayes
- The Devonshire Manuscript/O marble herte and yet more harde perde
- The Devonshire Manuscript/O myserable sorow withowten cure
- The Devonshire Manuscript/O very lord / o loue / o god alas
- The Devonshire Manuscript/O ye louers that hygh vpon the whele
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Ons me thoght ffortune me kist
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Ons me thought fortune me kiste
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Pacyence of all my smart
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Pacyence tho I have not
- The Devonshire Manuscript/patiens for I have wrong /
- The Devonshire Manuscript/patiens for my devise
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Payne of all payne the most grevos paine
- The Devonshire Manuscript/perdye I saide yt not
- The Devonshire Manuscript/She sat and sewid that hathe done me the wronge
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Sigla of Manuscripts & Early Printed Books Associated with the Devonshire Manuscript
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Sins ye delight to kno
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Sins you will nedes that I shall sing
- The Devonshire Manuscript/So feble is the therd that dothe the burden staye
- The Devonshire Manuscript/So vnwarely was never no man cawght /
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Somtyme I fled the fyre that me brent /
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Spight hathe no powre to make me sadde
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Stoppe me of my
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Suche Wayn thowght / as wonted to myslede me /
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Suffryng in sorow in hope to attayn
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Sum summ say I love sum say I moke
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Sum tyme I syghe sumtyme I syng
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Syns loue ys suche that as ye wott
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Syns so ye please to here me playn
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Take hede be tyme leste ye be spyede
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Tanglid I was yn loves snare
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Textual Introduction
- The Devonshire Manuscript/That tyme that myrthe dyd stere my shypp
- The Devonshire Manuscript/The Boleyn Family
- The Devonshire Manuscript/The Boleyn, Knyvet, Shelton, and Howard Families
- The Devonshire Manuscript/The fruite of all the seruise that I serue
- The Devonshire Manuscript/The hart & servys to yow profferd
- The Devonshire Manuscript/The Howard Family
- The Devonshire Manuscript/The Ioye so short alas the paine so nere
- The Devonshire Manuscript/The knot which fyrst my hart did strayn
- The Devonshire Manuscript/The knot which fyrst my hart dyd strayn
- The Devonshire Manuscript/The knott whych ffyrst my hart dyd strayn /
- The Devonshire Manuscript/the losse is small to lose suche on
- The Devonshire Manuscript/The lyvely sparkes that yssue frome those Iies /
- The Devonshire Manuscript/The pleasaunt beayt of swet Delyte Dothe blynd
- The Devonshire Manuscript/The restfull place Revyver of my smarte
- The Devonshire Manuscript/the sueden ghance ded mak me mves
- The Devonshire Manuscript/The Wandryng gadlyng in the somer tyde /
- The Devonshire Manuscript/ther ys no cure ffor care off miyd
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Theye fle from me that some tyme ded me seke
- The Devonshire Manuscript/This rotyd greff will not but growe
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Tho I can not yowr cruelte constrayne /
- The Devonshire Manuscript/thou haste no faith of him that eke hath none
- The Devonshire Manuscript/thy promese was to loue me best
- The Devonshire Manuscript/Title Page
- The Devonshire Manuscript/To cause accorde or to agree
- The Devonshire Manuscript/to cowntarffete a mery mode
- The Devonshire Manuscript/To dere is bowght the doblenes
- The Devonshire Manuscript/To make an ende of all this strif
- The Devonshire Manuscript/to men that knows ye not
- The Devonshire Manuscript/to my meshap alas I ffynd
- The Devonshire Manuscript/To Rayle or geste ye kno I vse yt not
- The Devonshire Manuscript/To wette yowr Iye withouten teare