The Devonshire Manuscript/My lute awake performe the last labor

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ys yt possyble Alas poore man what hap have I
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 14v
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 15r

 f. [14v] 

1   {{th}+e+}{p+} My lute awake performe the last labor
2    and thys labor that thow & I shall wast
3    & end that{{th}+t+} I have now begone
4    ffor when thys song ys songe & past
5    my lute be styll ffor I have done

6    As to be herd where ere ys none
7    as led to grave in mar{m'}ble1 stone
8    my song may perse thyher hart as sone2
9    shuld we then syng or syghe or mone
10    no no my lute for I have done

11    The rokk dothe not so cruelly
12    repullse the waves contynually
13    as she my sute & affeccyon
14    so that{{th}+t+} I am past Remedy
15    Wherby my lute & I have done

16    Prowd of the spoyle that{{th}+t+} thow hast gott
17    of symple hartes{es} thorow lovys shott
18    by whom vnkynd thow hast them wone
19    thynk not he hathe hys boo for gott
20    altho my lute & I have Done

f. [15r] 

21    Vengawnce may fall on thy dysdayn
22    that makes{es} but game of ernest payn
23    trow not alone vnder the sone
24    vnquit to cawse thy lovers playn
25    altho my lute & I have done

26    May chawnce they lye wytherd & old
27    the wyter nyghtes{es} that are so cold winter 
28    playnyn{_y}g3 in vayn vnto the mone
29    thy wysshes then dare not be told
30    care then who lyst for I have done

31    And then maye chawnce the to Repent
32    the tyme that thow hast lost & Spent
33    to cawse thy lovers syghe & swone
34    then shalt thow know beawte is but lent
35    & Wysshe & Want As I have Done4

36    Now cesse my lute thys ys the last
37    labor that thow & I shall wast
38    & endyd ys that I haue now 5 begone
39    now ys thys song Bothe songe & past
40    my lute be styll for I have Done

fynys quod{q+d+} Wyatts

Notes & Glosses


     1. The expansion to "ar" is a variant of "er."[1]
     2. This change from the second person to the third person depersonalizes and generalizes the meaning of the poem.
     3. This abbreviation is non-standard.
     4. It is possible that the majuscule forms are used for emphasis.
     5. It is possible that the inserting hand is H1, or perhaps it is that of Lady Margaret Douglas.



Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[2] this poem was entered by H2. The poem describes a contemplation of extremes in order to illustrate changeful minds. John Hall wrote a religious parody of this poem as a song (see Hall's The Court of Virtue (c. 1565)).[3]

Works Cited


Textual Notes


Texts Collated


DBLa11, LEge22, STC13860_14, STC_26053_5_4, STC_24650_5



1 My lute awake] MY lute'awake lute awake STC_13860_14 My lute awake STC_26053_5_4 lute] lut DBla11 performe] perfourme LEge22 STC_26053_5_4 labor] DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4
2 labor] labour LEge22 Labour STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 labor that thow &] Labour that thou and STC_26053_5_4 thow] thou DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 &] and DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 shall] shal STC_24650_5 wast] waste STC_13860_14 wast: STC_13860_14 wast, STC_24650_5
3 &] and DBla11 LEge22 STC_24650_5 And STC_13860_14 & end that] and end that STC_26053_5_4 have] haue DBla11 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 now] new STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 begone] begonne DBla11 STC_26053_5_4 begon LEge22 begonne: STC_13860_14
4 ffor] for LEge22 STC_24650_5 And STC_13860_14 ffor when] For when STC_26053_5_4 thys] this DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 ys] is LEge22 STC_13860_14 song ys songe &] song, is gon and STC_24650_5 ys songe] is sung STC_26053_5_4 songe] song LEge22 STC_13860_14 songe &] snge and DBla11 & past] and past: STC_13860_14 past] paste STC_26053_5_4
5 my] My STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 my lute be styll ffor I] My lute be still for I STC_26053_5_4 lute] lut DBla11 styll] still LEge22 stil STC_24650_5 ffor] for LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 have] haue DBla11 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 done] donne DBla11 done. STC_13860_14 STC_26053_5_4
6 As to be herd] As to be hearde STC_26053_5_4 herd] hard DBla11 heard STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 where ere ys] where eare is STC_26053_5_4 where] wher STC_24650_5 ere] eare STC_13860_14 ere ys] care is STC_24650_5 ys] is LEge22 STC_13860_14 none] none: STC_13860_14
7 as] As STC_13860_14 A STC_24650_5 as led to] As lead to STC_26053_5_4 led] lede LEge22 lead STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 grave] graue STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 in] in a STC_24650_5 marble] marbill LEge22 stone] stone: STC_13860_14
8 my] My STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 my song] My song STC_26053_5_4 perse] pearse STC_13860_14 perse, STC_24650_5 perce STC_26053_5_4 thyher] her DBla11 STC_13860_14 STC_26053_5_4 thyher hart] her hert so LEge22 hart] heart STC_24650_5 sone] sonne DBla11 sone. STC_13860_14
9 shuld] should LEge22 Should STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 should STC_26053_5_4 we] whe DBla11 then] thene DBla11 syng or] synge or DBla11 sigh or LEge22 sigh? or STC_13860_14 syng, STC_24650_5 syng STC_26053_5_4 syghe] walle DBla11 syng LEge22 singe, STC_13860_14 wepe STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 mone] mone? STC_13860_14
10 no no] No, no, STC_13860_14 No more STC_24650_5 No more STC_26053_5_4 lute] lut DBla11 for] ffor DBla11 have] haue DBla11 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 done] donne DBla11 done. STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5
11 The rokk dothe] The rocke doth STC_26053_5_4 rokk] roke DBla11 rocke STC_24650_5 rokk dothe] Rokke do LEge22 rockes do STC_13860_14 dothe] Dothe DBla11 doth STC_24650_5 cruelly] crewellye DBla11
12 repullse] repulse DBla11 LEge22 Repulse STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 repullse the waves] Repulse the waues STC_26053_5_4 waves] waues STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 waves contynually] wayuis contlye wauy DBla11 contynually] continuelly LEge22 continually, STC_13860_14 continually STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4
13 as] As STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 as she my sute &] As she my sute and STC_26053_5_4 sute] suyte LEge22 &] and DBla11 & affeccyon] and affection: STC_13860_14 and affection. STC_24650_5 affeccyon] affecsion DBla11 affection LEge22 effeccion STC_26053_5_4
14 so] So STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 so that I am] So that I am STC_26053_5_4 am] ame LEge22 past] past al STC_24650_5 past all STC_26053_5_4 Remedy] remedye DBla11 remedy LEge22 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 remedy, STC_13860_14
15 Wherby] wherby DBla11 whereby LEge22 Wherby my lute &] Wherby my lute and STC_26053_5_4 &] and DBla11 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 have] haue DBla11 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 done] donne DBla11 done. STC_13860_14
16 Prowd] Proude STC_13860_14 Proud STC_24650_5 Prowd of the spoyle] Proud of the splene STC_26053_5_4 spoyle] spoile STC_13860_14 splen STC_24650_5 thow] thou DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 thow hast gott] thou hast shot STC_26053_5_4 gott] gate DBla11 gotte STC_13860_14 shot STC_24650_5
17 of] Of STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 of symple hartes thorow] Of symple hart, through STC_26053_5_4 symple] simplell DBla11 simple LEge22 STC_13860_14 hartes] harts DBla11 hertes LEge22 hartes thorow lovys shott] hart, through loues got STC_24650_5 thorow] theow DBla11 thorough LEge22 thorow lovys shott] through loues shot: STC_13860_14 lovys] lovis DBla11 loves LEge22 loues STC_26053_5_4 shott] shote DBla11 shot LEge22 STC_26053_5_4
18 by] By STC_13860_14 by whom vnkynd] vnkynd althoughe DBla11 Vnkind although STC_24650_5 Vnkind although STC_26053_5_4 whom] whome LEge22 vnkynd] vnkinde STC_13860_14 thow] thou DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 them] theim LEge22 wone] wyeoun DBla11 wonne, STC_13860_14 won STC_24650_5
19 thynk] think DBla11 thinck LEge22 Thinke STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 thynk not] Thinke not STC_26053_5_4 hathe] hath STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 hathe hys boo] haith his bow LEge22 hys boo for gott] his bowe fforgote DBla11 his bow forgot, STC_13860_14 hys boo] his owne STC_24650_5 his bow STC_26053_5_4 for gott] forgot LEge22 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4
20 altho] althoug DBla11 all tho LEge22 Although STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 Although STC_26053_5_4 &] and DBla11 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 have] haue DBla11 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 Done] done DBla11 LEge22 STC_26053_5_4 done. STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5
21 Vengawnce] Vngence DBla11 Vengeaunce LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 may] shall LEge22 STC_13860_14 fall] fal STC_24650_5 thy] such STC_24650_5 thy dysdayn] such disdayne STC_26053_5_4 dysdayn] disdayne DBla11 disdain LEge22 disdaine STC_13860_14 dysdayne STC_24650_5
22 that] That STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 makes] makest LEge22 STC_13860_14 maketh STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 of ernest payn] on ernest pain LEge22 on earnest payne. STC_13860_14 o fernest payne STC_26053_5_4 ernest payn] yernyst paygne DBla11 earnest paine STC_24650_5
23 trow] trowe DBla11 thinck LEge22 Thinke STC_13860_14 Trow STC_24650_5 true STC_26053_5_4 sone] sonne LEge22 STC_24650_5 sunne STC_13860_14 STC_26053_5_4
24 vnquit] vnquyt DBla11 LEge22 Vnquit STC_13860_14 Vngently STC_24650_5 Vngentylly STC_26053_5_4 cawse] cause DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 thy] to STC_24650_5 the STC_26053_5_4 lovers] louers DBla11 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 playn] playne DBla11 plain LEge22 plaine: STC_13860_14 plaine STC_24650_5 payne STC_26053_5_4
25 altho] al tho DBla11 all tho LEge22 Although STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 Although STC_26053_5_4 &] and DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 have] haue DBla11 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 done] donne DBla11 done. STC_13860_14
26 May chawnce they lye] Perchaunce they lay the lye LEge22 May chawnce they lye wytherd & old] STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 chawnce] chaunce DBla11 chance STC_13860_14 they] the DBla11 thee STC_13860_14 lye] lie STC_13860_14 wytherd] whetheryd DBla11 wetherd LEge22 witherd STC_13860_14 &] and DBla11 & old] and olde, STC_13860_14
27 the wyterwynter] In winter STC_13860_14 the wyterwynter nyghtes that are so cold] STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 wyterwynter] wentyr DBla11 wynter LEge22 nyghtes] nyght LEge22 nightes STC_13860_14 are] ar DBla11 cold] colde, STC_13860_14
28 playnyng] playning DBla11 Playning STC_13860_14 playnyng in vayn vnto the mone] STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 vayn] vayne DBla11 vain LEge22 vaine STC_13860_14 mone] mone: STC_13860_14
29 thy] Thy STC_13860_14 thy wysshes then dare not be told] STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 wysshes] wishys DBla11 wisshes LEge22 wishes STC_13860_14 dare] dar DBla11 told] tolde. STC_13860_14
30 care then] Care then STC_13860_14 but care DBla11 care then who lyst for I have done] STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 lyst] list, STC_13860_14 for] ffor DBla11 have] haue DBla11 STC_13860_14 done] done. STC_13860_14
31 And] nd DBla11 maye] may DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 chawnce] chaunce DBla11 LEge22 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 chance STC_13860_14 the] thee STC_13860_14 Repent] repent DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4
32 the] The STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 tyme] time STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 thow] thou DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 hast] has DBla11 &] and DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4 Spent] spent DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 STC_26053_5_4
33 to] To STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 to cawse thy lovers syghe & swone] STC_26053_5_4 cawse] cause DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 thy] they LEge22 lovers] louer DBla11 louers STC_13860_14 lovers syghe &] louer to sighe and STC_24650_5 syghe] sigh LEge22 syghe & swone] sigh and swowne. STC_13860_14 &] and DBla11 swone] sowne DBla11 STC_24650_5 swoune LEge22
34 then] Then STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 then shalt thow know beawte is but lent] STC_26053_5_4 thow] thou DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 know] knowe LEge22 beawte is] bevtye DBla11 beaultie LEge22 beauty STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 lent] lent, STC_13860_14
35 & Wysshe & Want As] and wyshe and want as DBla11 and wisshe and want as LEge22 And wish and want as STC_13860_14 And wyshe and want as STC_24650_5 & Wysshe & Want As I have Done] STC_26053_5_4 have] haue DBla11 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 Done] done DBla11 LEge22 STC_24650_5 done. STC_13860_14
36 Now cesse my lute] My lute be styll DBla11 Now cesse my lute thys ys] My lute be stil this is STC_24650_5 Now cesse my lute thys ys the last] STC_26053_5_4 cesse] cease STC_13860_14 thys] this DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 ys] is LEge22 STC_13860_14 last] last, STC_13860_14
37 labor] labour LEge22 Labour STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 labor that thow & I shall wast] STC_26053_5_4 thow] thou DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 &] and DBla11 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 shall] shal STC_24650_5 wast] wast, STC_13860_14
38 & endyd ys that I haue now] and ended is that we LEge22 & endyd ys that I haue now begone] And ended is that we begonne. STC_13860_14 STC_26053_5_4 & endyd ys] And end STC_24650_5 endyd ys] end DBla11 haue now] haue now DBla11 haue STC_24650_5 begone] begonne DBla11 STC_24650_5 begon LEge22
39 now ys] ffor when DBla11 Now is STC_13860_14 Or when STC_24650_5 now ys thys song Bothe songe & past] STC_26053_5_4 ys] is LEge22 thys] this DBla11 LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 Bothe] ys DBla11 boeth LEge22 both STC_13860_14 is STC_24650_5 songe] songyne DBla11 song LEge22 STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 &] and DBla11 STC_24650_5 & past] and past, STC_13860_14
40 my] My STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 my lute be styll for I have Done] STC_26053_5_4 lute] lut DBla11 styll] still LEge22 STC_13860_14 stil STC_24650_5 for] ffor DBla11 have] haue DBla11 haue STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5 Done] done DBla11 LEge22 STC_24650_5 done. STC_13860_14 STC_24650_5