The Devonshire Manuscript/Early Printed Books Witness Descriptions

STC 5068-74: The workes of Geffray Chaucer newly printed, with dyuers workes whiche were neuer in print before


STC 5068: Chaucer, Geoffrey. The workes of Geffray Chaucer newly printed, with dyuers workes whiche were neuer in print before (ed. Wylliam Thynne). T. Godfray, 1532; STC 5069: Another edition. [R. Grafton for] W. Bonham, 1542; STC 5074: Another edition. [R. Grafton for] R. Toye, 1550.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; STC 5068-74(3) (2H1r-2Q3r).
Witness: "[Cupido unto whos commandement]": LDev (89v, 91r), extracts copied from STC 5068. Folio 89v begins, "Womans harte vnto no creweltye" and "ys thys afayre avaunte / ys thys honor" (vv. 344-50 and 64-77), 91r "how frendly was medea to Iason" (vv. 302-8); STC 5068, 5069, 5074(3) (3S6r-3T3); see also OxDig (1r), OxBod (38v), OxArc24 (211v), OxFai (40r), OxTan (41r), CFin (71r), CTri600 (p. 116), EBan (269r), DCosV.ii (100r), and SHun744 (6r).
Witness: "[Seeing the manifolde inconvenience]": LDev (90r), extract of vv. 239-45 begins “yff all the erthe were parchment scrybable”; STC 5068-74(3) (3R6v-3S3v); see also EBan (258v).
Witness: "O marble herte and yet more harde perde" and "Alas what shuld yt be to yow preiudyce": LDev (90r), extracts of vv. 717-24 and 229-36 copied from "Half in a dreme nat fully wele awaked"; STC 5068-74 (3D4v-3E3v) is a reprint of STC 5088 but adds 42 lines; see also STC 5088 (D2v-E3v), LMB (120r-136v), LSlo1710 (164r-176v), OxFai (50v), CFin (117r), CTri599 (98r), and LHar372 (61r).
Witness: “for thowgh I had yow to morow agayne”: LDev (91r), extract of vv. 308-16 copied from STC 5068; STC 5068-74(3) (3E3v-5r); see also LMB (76r-84r), OxDig (39v-43v), OxBod (5r-11r), OxFai (32r), OxTan (59v), LHar372 (57r), LHar7333 (134r col. 1), and L16165 (241v-243v, 256r-258v). Extract of vv. 211-350, Anelida's Complaint, occurs separately in CFin (61r), CPep2006 (p. 382), CTri600 (p. 106), L34360 [olim Phillipps 9053], and SHun140 (84r-86r).

STC 5088: Here begynnneth the boke of Fame made by Geffray Chaucer; with dyuers other of his workes


Chaucer, Geoffrey. Here begynnneth the boke of Fame made by Geffray Chaucer; with dyuers other of his workes. R. Pynson, 1526.

Witness: "O marble herte and yet more harde perde" and "Alas what shuld yt be to yow preiudyce": LDev (90r), extracts of vv. 717-24 and 229-36 copied from "Half in a dreme nat fully wele awaked"; STC 5088 (D2v-E3v); see also LMB (120r-136v), LSlo1710 (164r-176v), STC 5068-74 (3D4v-3E3v), OxFai (50v), CFin (117r), CTri599 (98r), and LHar372 (61r).

STC 5095-6: The noble and amerous auncyent hystory of Troylus and Creseyde in the tyme of the syege of Troye


Chaucer, Geoffrey. STC 5095: The noble and amerous auncyent hystory of Troylus and Creseyde in the tyme of the syege of Troye. Compyled by Geffray Chaucer. W. de Worde, 1517; STC 5096: Another edition. [Anon.] R. Pynson, 1526.

Witness: "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; STC 5095-6(2) (A2r-Z7).

STC 12143-4: Io. Gower de confessione Amantis


Gower, John. STC 12143: Io. Gower de confessione Amantis. T. Berthelette, 1532; STC 12144: Another edition. T. Berthelette, 1554.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; STC 12143-4 (2A3v).

STC 13860-62: Songes and Sonettes, written by the ryght honorable Lorde Henry Haward late Earle of Surrey, and other


Howard, Henry, Early of Surrey. STC 13860: Songes and Sonettes, written by the ryght honorable Lorde Henry Haward late Earle of Surrey, and other. R. Tottel, 1557; STC 13861: Another edition. R. Tottel, 1557; STC 13862: Another edition. R. Tottel, 1557 (STC 13862 is a reprint of STC 13861 with minor verbal variants).

Witness: “My harte I gave the not to do it paine”;My herte I gave the not to do yt paine": LDev (3r, 75v); STC 13860-62(3) (13r); See also LEge (13v).
Witness: “My lute awake performe that last labor”: LDev (14v-15r); “My lute awake perfourme the last”: STC 13860-62 (H3v-4r); see also LEge (43v-44r), DBla (125r-v), and STC 26053.5 (45v).
Witness: “Marvell nomore Altho”: LDev (16v); “Marvaill no moreal tho”: STC 13860-62(3) (F4v-G1r); see also LEge (35r-v).
Witness: “The restfull place Revyver of my smarte”: LDev (18r); STC 13860-62(3) (F2v); see also LEge (7v).
Witness: “Was neuer yet fyle half so well fylyd”: LDev (19v): “There was never file half so well filed”: STC 13860-62(3) (E1r); see also DBla (174r) and LEge (14v).
Witness: “Suche Wayn thowght / as wonted to myslede me /”: LDev (31r); STC 13860-62(3) (E4v); see also LEge (38r).
Witness: “So vnwarely was never no man cawght /”: LDev (32r); “Vnwarely so was neuer no man caught”: STC 13860-62(3) (H4r-v).
Witness: “The Wandryng gadlyng in the somer tyde /”: LDev (35v); STC 13860-62(3) (E4v-F1); see also LEge (32r).
Witness: “The lyvely sparkes that yssue frome those Iies /”: LDev (36v); STC 13860-62(3) (E1r); see also LEge (23v).
Witness: “Somtyme I fled the fyre that me brent /”: LDev (38v); “some tyme I fled the fyre that me brent”: STC 13860-62(3) (G2v); see also LEge (40r) and LHar78 (27r).
Witness: “to my meshap alas I ffynd”: LDev (42r-v); STC 13860-62(3) (Y4r-v); see also DBla (172r).
Witness: “So feble is the therd that dothe the burden staye”: LDev (49r-50v); STC 13860-62(3) (14v-K1v); see also LEge (67r-68v).
Witness: “o happy dames that may enbrayes”: LDev (55r-v); STC 13860-62(3) (B4r-v); see also L30513 (107r), LPro (28v-29r), and LHar78 (30v).
Witness: “Go burnynge siths vnto the frosen hert”: LDev (61v); STC 13860-62 (14r); see also LEge (16v).
Witness: “my ywtheffol days ar past”: LDev (68r-v); “My youthfull yeres are past”: STC 13860-62(3) (X1r).
Witness: “All yn the sight my lif doth hole depende”: LDev (69r); STC 13860-62 (H4v).
Witness: “Beholde love thye powre how she despisith”: LDev (69v); STC 13860-62 (G2r); see also LEge (4r).
Witness: “Theye fle from me that some tyme ded me seke”: LDev (69v-70v); STC 13860-62(3) (E4r); see also LEge (26v).
Witness: “Ceaser whan the traytor of egipte”: LDev (70r); STC 13860-62 (E2v); see also LEge (4v-5r).
Witness: “perdye I saide yt not”: LDev (70v-71r); STC 13860-62(3) (H4v-I1v); see also NHOsb (31v) and DBla (145r-v).
Witness: “Nature that gave the bee so fete agrace”: LDev (71v); STC 13860-62(3) (H4r); see also LEge (45r), LHar78 (27r), and DBla (129v).
Witness: “Ons me thoght ffortune me kist”;"Ons me thought fortune me kiste": LDev (71v, 73v-74r); “Ons as me thought fortune me kyst”: STC 13860-62(3) (H3r-v); see also LEge (42v).
Witness: “Resounde my voyse ye woodes that herithe me plaine”: LDev (72r); STC 13860-62(3) (F1v); see also LEge (17v).
Witness: “Venus thorns that are so sharp and kene”: LDev (72v); “Venemus thornes that ar so sharp & kene”: STC 13860-62(3) (2D2r); see also LEge (50r) and LHar78 (27r).
Witness: “Cruell desire my master and my foo”: LDev (73r); “Desire alas my master & my foo”: STC 13860-62 (K3v); see also LEge (50r).
Witness: “She sat and sewid that hathe done me the wronge”: LDev (73r); STC 13860-62(3) (G1v-2r); see also LEge (37r).
Witness: “Who hathe harde of such tyrannye before”: LDev (73r); STC 13860-62(3) (G2r); see also LEge (29v).
Witness: “I am not ded altho I had a falle”: LDev (74r); “He is not ded that somtyme hath a fall”: STC 13860-62(3) (G2v); see also LEge (40r).
Witness: “Nowe fare well love and theye lawes forever”: LDev (75r); “ffarewell Love and all thy lawes for ever”: STC 13860-62 (13r); see also LEge (13r).
Witness: “Eche man telles me I chaunge of my devise”: LDev (75v); “Eche man me telleth I chaunge moost my devise”: STC 13860-62 (E2v); see also LEge (11v).
Witness: “Mye love toke skorne my servise to retaine”: LDev (79v); “My loue to skorne, my seruice to retayne”: STC 13860-62(3) (G3r-v).
Witness: “Dryven bye desire I dede this dede”: LDev (81v); STC 13860-62 (2Lv); see also DBla (87r).
Witness: “I finde no peace and all my warre is donne”: LDev (82r-v); STC 13860-62(3) (E3r-v); see also LEge (20v).
Witness: “My nowne Iohn poyntz . sins ye delight to know”: LDev (85v-87r); STC 13860-62(3) (L3r-4r); see also LEge (49r-v), CCor168 (110v-111v), STC 13863-68(8) (F6v-7v), AAH (64r-65r), CFf.5.14 (5v-7r), and L36529 (30r-31r).
Witness: “My mothers maides . when they dyd sow or spin”: LDev (87v); STC 13860-62(3) (L1v-3); see also LEge (50v-52v).

STC 24650.5: The Courte of Venus. Newly and diligently corrected with many proper Ballades newly amended


The Courte of Venus. Newly and diligently corrected with many proper Ballades newly amended. 1563. STC 24650.2: French edition.

Witness: “My pen take payn a lytyll space”: LDev (3v); STC 24650.5 (A3v-4r); STC 24650.2 (A4r).
Witness: “My lute awake performe the last labor”: LDev (14v-15r); STC 24650.5 (A4r-5v); see also: STC 13863-68(8) (E1v-2r).
Witness: “Marvell nomore Altho”: LDev (16v); STC 24650.5 (A8r-8v); see also: STC 13863-68(8) (D3r-3v).
Witness: “Yff fansy wuld favour”: LDev (34v); STC 24650.5 (A6v-7r); see also: AAH (75r).

STC 26053.5: A Boke of Balettes


Wyatt, Sir Thomas. A Boke of Balettes. [Anon.] W. Copland, 1549.

Witness: “My pen take payn a lytyll space”: LDev (3v); STC 26053.5 (45r-v).
Witness: “My lute awake performe the last labor”: LDev (14v-15r); “My lute awake perfourme the last”: STC 26053.5 (45v); see also LEge (43v-44r), DBla (125r-v), and STC 13860-62 (H3v-4r).
Witness: “Yff fansy wuld favour”: LDev (34v); "The fantasy of my harte": STC 26053.5 (44r); see also LEge (30r-v).