The Devonshire Manuscript/I finde no peace and all my warre is donne

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The Devonshire Manuscript
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Absens absenting causithe me to complaine patiens for I have wrong /
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 82r
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 82v

f. [82r]

1    I finde no peace and all my warre is don{_o}ne
2    I fere and hope / I bourne and freis lyke yse /
3    I flye aboute the heavin yet can I not aryse /
4    and nought I have and all the worlde I leson
5    That loosithe and ^nor. lockithe holdithe me in pri{p`}son
6    and holdithe me not / yet can I scape no wise
7    nor lettithe me lyve nor die at my devise
8    and yet of dethe it gyvethe me occassiyon occasion

f. [82v] 

9    with{w+t+}out yes1 I see / and with{w+t+} out tong I playne
10    I desire to perishe / and yet I aske helthe
11    I love another and thus I hate my silf
12    I fede me in sorrowe and lawghe in all my paine
13    lyke wyse displesithe me bothe dethe and lyf
14    and my delight is causer of this strif /


Notes & Glosses


     1. The scribe means "eyes."



Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H8 and is a translation of Petrarch’s Rime 134. The speaker lives in uncertainty -- a space between fear and hope, life and death. Wyatt and Petrarch both explore the theme of contraries in love in their poetry (love and hate, sorrow and laughter, and delight and strife). The poem also appears in Tottel's Miscellany under the title “Description of the contrarious passions in a louer” (item 49).[2]

H8 frequently overlines a word in this section, but his or her overlining leaves the significance of the words indeterminate.

Works Cited


Textual Notes


Texts Collated


STC13860_10, LEge15, L36529_03



1      finde] fynde LEge15 Find STC_13860_10     peace] peace, STC_13860_10     warre] war L36529_03 warr LEge15     donne] done LEge15 done: STC_13860_10 
2      fere] feare L36529_03 feare, STC_13860_10     and hope / I bourne and] & hope I burn & LEge15     hope /] hope L36529_03 hope: STC_13860_10     bourne] burne, STC_13860_10     bourne and] burn an L36529_03     freis] frese L36529_03 STC_13860_10 freise LEge15     lyke] like L36529_03 LEge15 STC_13860_10     yse /] yse L36529_03 LEge15 yse: STC_13860_10 
3      flye] fley LEge15     aboute] above L36529_03 LEge15 aloft, STC_13860_10     the heavin]  STC_13860_10     heavin] wind L36529_03 wynde LEge15     I]  L36529_03     aryse /] ryse L36529_03 arrise LEge15 arise: STC_13860_10 
4      and] And STC_13860_10     nought] nowght L36529_03 noght LEge15     have] haue L36529_03 haue, STC_13860_10     and] yet L36529_03 & LEge15     worlde] world L36529_03 worold LEge15     leson] season L36529_03 seson LEge15 season. STC_13860_10 
5      That] that L36529_03     loosithe] loose the / L36529_03 loseth LEge15 lockes STC_13860_10     andnor.] nor L36529_03 LEge15 STC_13860_10     lockithe] locketh L36529_03 LEge15 loseth, STC_13860_10     holdithe] holdes L36529_03 holdeth LEge15 STC_13860_10     prison] pryson, STC_13860_10 
6      and holdithe] And holdes STC_13860_10     holdithe] holde L36529_03 holdeth LEge15     not /] not L36529_03 LEge15 not, STC_13860_10     scape] escape L36529_03     wise] wise: STC_13860_10 
7      nor lettithe] Nor lettes STC_13860_10     lettithe] letes L36529_03 letteth LEge15     lyve] live L36529_03 lyue, STC_13860_10     die] dye L36529_03 LEge15 dye, STC_13860_10     devise] device L36529_03 deuise, STC_13860_10 
8      and] And STC_13860_10     dethe] death L36529_03 STC_13860_10 deth LEge15     gyvethe] gevethe L36529_03 gyveth LEge15 geueth STC_13860_10     me] none L36529_03     occassiyon occasion] occasion L36529_03 LEge15 occasion. STC_13860_10 
9      without] Withoute LEge15 Without STC_13860_10     yes] eye L36529_03 STC_13860_10 Iyen LEge15     see /] see L36529_03 se LEge15 se, STC_13860_10     and] & LEge15  STC_13860_10     without] withoute LEge15     playne] playn L36529_03 plain LEge15 playne: STC_13860_10 
10      desire] wish STC_13860_10     perishe /] perishe L36529_03 perisshe LEge15 perysh, STC_13860_10     and]  STC_13860_10     I aske helthe] aske I helth L36529_03     helthe] for helth: STC_13860_10 
11      love] loue STC_13860_10     another] an othre LEge15 another, STC_13860_10     thus] yet L36529_03     hate] have L36529_03     silf] self L36529_03 LEge15 selfe. STC_13860_10 
12      fede] feed L36529_03     me]  L36529_03     sorrowe] sorow L36529_03     sorrowe and lawghe] sorow, and laugh STC_13860_10     and lawghe] & laught LEge15     lawghe] lawgh L36529_03     paine] pain LEge15 payne. STC_13860_10 
13      lyke wyse] likewise L36529_03 LEge15 Lo, thus STC_13860_10     displesithe] pleaseth L36529_03 displeaseth LEge15 STC_13860_10     bothe] boeth LEge15 both STC_13860_10     dethe] death L36529_03 STC_13860_10     dethe and lyf] lyff & deth LEge15     lyf] lyfe L36529_03 life. STC_13860_10 
14      and] And STC_13860_10     delight] delite LEge15     this strif /] my gryef L36529_03     strif /] strife. STC_13860_10     strif /] stryff LEge15