The Devonshire Manuscript/Manuscript Witness Descriptions

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AAH: Arundel Castle, Duke of Norfolk Arundel-Harington MS


c. late 16th century. The Arundel-Harington Manuscript is a verse miscellany originally comprised of 228 leaves, now 145, prepared by, or for, John Harington of Stepney and his son Sir John Harington of Kelston. 55 of the Arundel-Harington poems are attributed to Wyatt.

Witness: "My harte I gave the not to do it paine"; "My herte I gave the not to do yt paine": LDev (3r, 75v); AAH (65v); see also LEge (13v), L4797 (4r), OxRawl_poet_108 (4r, 7r), STC 13860-62(3) (13r), and STC 13863-68(8) (E5r-5v).
Witness: "Pacyence tho I have not": LDev (13v) and LDev (71r); AAH (75v); see also DBla (146r) and LEge (28r).
Witness: "All women have vertues noble & excelent": LDev (18v); AAH (107v); see also LMB (32r), CPep2553 (p. 356), and L28635 (57v).
Witness: "Was neuer yet fyle half so well fylyd": LDev (19v); "Was neuer ffile yet half so well yfyled": AAH (60v, 65v-66r); see also DBla (174r), LEge (14v), STC 13860-62(3) (E1r), and STC 13863-68(8) (C3v).
Witness: "Suche Wayn thowght / as wonted to myslede me /": LDev (31r); "Suche vayne thought as wonted to mislead me": AAH (67v); see also: LEge (38r), STC 13860-62(3) (E4v), and STC 13863-68(8) (C4r).
Witness: "Yff fansy wuld favour": LDev (34v); "ffansye doth know how": AAH (75r); see also LEge (30r-v), STC 26053.5 (44r), and STC 24650.5 (A6v-7r).
Witness:"The lyvely sparkes that yssue frome those Iies /": LDev (36v); "The lyvelye sparckes that yssue from those eyes": AAH (67v); see also LEge (23v), STC 13860-62(3) (E1r), and STC 13863-68(8) (C3v).
Witness: "Tho I can not yowr cruelte constrayne /": LDev (37v); AAH (78v); see also LEge (38v).
Witness: "Somtyme I fled the fyre that me brent /": LDev (38v); AAH (68v); see also: LEge (40r), LHar78 (27r), STC 13860-62(3) (G2v), and STC 13863-68(8) (D5r).
Witness: "Hartte aprest with dessperott thoughtes": LDev (47v-48r); "Hart oppressyd with desp'rat thought": AAH (217r).
Witness: "So feble is the therd that dothe the burden staye": LDev (49r-50v); AAH (97v-98v); see also LEge (67r-68v), STC 13860-62(3) (14v-Klv), and STC 13863-68(8) (E6r-7v).
Witness: "to men that knows ye not": LDev (60r); "To men that know you not": AAH (18v-19r).
Witness: "patiens for my devise": LDev (71r); AAH (75v); see also DBla (147r) and LEge (28v).
Witness: "to wishe and wante and not obtaine": LDev (71v); "Yf then I burne to playne me so": AAH (77r); see also LEge (39r-39v), STC 13860-62(3) (G2), and STC 13863-68(8) (D4v).
Witness: "she sat and sewid that hathe done me the wronge": LDev (73r); AAH (68v); see also LEge (37r), STC 13860-62(3) (G1v-2r), and STC 13863-68(8) (D4r-4v).
Witness: "Who hathe harde of such tyrannye before": LDev (73r); "Whoe hath heard of suche crueltie before": AAH (68r); see also LEge (29v), STC 13860-62 (G2r), and STC 13863-68 (D4v).
Witness: "My hope alas hath me abusid": LDev (74v); AAH (77r-v); see also LEge (41r-v).
Witness: "Nowe fare well love and theye lawes forever": LDev (75r); "ffarewell love and all thie Lawes for ever": AAH (65v); see also LEge (13r), STC 13860-62 (I3r), STC 13863-68(8) (E5r), and STC 20519-19.5 (Q1v).
Witness: "Eche man telles me I chaunge of my devise": LDev (75v); "Eache man me tellithe I chaunge most my devise": AAH (63v); see also LEge (11v), STC 13860-62 (E2v), and STC 13863-68(8) (C5r).
Witness: "now all of chaunge": LDev (81r); AAH (17r).
Witness: "My nowne Iohn poyntz . sins ye delight to know": LDev (85v-87r); "Myne owne I. P. sins you delight to knowe": AAH (64r); see also CFf.5.14 (5v-7r), CCor168 (110v-111v), LEge (49r-v), L36529 (30r-31r), STC 13860-62(3) (L3r-4r), and STC 13863-68(8) (F6v-7v).
Witness: "My mothers maides . when they dyd sow or spin": LDev (87v); AAH (100r); see also: LEge (50v-52v), STC 13860-62(3) (L1v-3), and STC 13863-68(8) (F5r-6v).

CCor: Cambridge, Corpus Christi College MS 61


c. 1420. This manuscript contains one of the earliest copies of Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; CCor (2r).

CCor168: Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 168


c. 1558-78. 120 ff. This manuscript is an anthology of Richard Cox, Bishop of Ely, in Latin and English.

Witness: "My nowne Iohn poyntz . sins ye delight to know": LDev (85v-87); CCor168 (110v-111v); see also LEge (49r-v), STC 13860-62(3) (Lsig.3r-4r), STC 13863-68(8) (F6v-7v), AAH (64r-65r), CFf.5.14 (5v-7r), and L36529 (30r-31r).

CFf.5.14: Cambridge University Library, Ff.5.14


c. 1566-72. 141 ff. This manuscript is a miscellany of Herbert Westfaling (1532?-1602), Bishop of Hereford (1586) and vice-chancellor of Oxford University (1576).

Witness: "Venus thorns that are so sharp and kene": LDev (72v); "Venomous thorns that are so sharp and keen": CFf.5.14 (5v); see also STC 13863-68(8) (F2v) and L36529 (32r).
Witness: "My nowne Iohn poyntz . sins ye delight to know": LDev (85v-87r); CFf.5.14 (5v-7r); see also AAH (64r), CCor168 (110v-111v), LEge (49r-v), L36529 (30r-31r), STC 13860-62 (L3r-4r), and STC 13863-68(8) (F6v-7v).

CFin: Cambridge, Cambridge University Library MS Ff.1.6


c.1450-1500 paper. 159 ff. Also known as the Findern Manuscript, this anthology contains poems by Chaucer, Hoccleve, Lydgate, Clanvowe, and Roos.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v"Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest", 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; CFin (150r), extract of III.302-33.
Witness: "[Cupido unto whos commandement]": LDev (89v, 91r), extracts copied from STC 5068. Folio 89v begins,"Womans harte vnto no creweltye" and "ys thys afayre avaunte / ys thys honor" (vv. 344-50 and 64-77), 91r "how frendly was medea to Iason" (vv. 302-8); CFin (71r); see also STC 5068-74(3) (3S6-3Tr), OxDig (1r), OxBod (38v), OxArc24 (211v), OxFai (40r), OxTan (41r), CTri600 (p. 116), EBan (269r), DCosV.ii (100r), and SHun744 (6r).
Witness: "O marble herte and yet more harde perde" and "Alas what shuld yt be to yow preiudyce": LDev (90r), extracts of vv. 717-24 and 229-36 copied from "Half in a dreme nat fully wele awaked"; CFin (117r); see also STC 5088 (D2v-E3v), LMB (120r-136v), LSlo1710 (164r-176v), STC 5068-74 (3D4v-3E3v), OxFai (50v), CTri599 (98r), and LHar372 (61r).
Witness: "for thowgh I had yow to morow agayne": LDev (91r), extract of vv. 308-16 copied from STC 5068; Extract of vv. 211-350, Anelida's Complaint, occurs separately in CFin (61r); see also CPep2006 (p. 382), CTri600 (p. 106), L34360 [olim Phillipps 9053], and SHun140 (84r-86r). Complete versions can be found in LMB (76r-84r), STC 5068-74(3) (3E3v-5r), OxDig (39v-43v), OxBod (5r-11r), OxFai (32r), OxTan (59v), LHar372 (57r), LHar7333 (134r col. 1), and L16165 (241v-243v, 256r-258v).

CGg4.12: Cambridge, Cambridge University Library MS Gg.4.12


204 ff. John Capgrave’s Abbreuiacion of Cronicles, author’s autograph, before 1464. In the early sixteenth century, short English verses were entered on the end flyleaf.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe,", 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; "If love be not o Lord what fele I so," CGg4.12 (105v), extract of I.400-6.

CGg4.27: Cambridge, Cambridge University Library MS Gg.4.27


c. 1410-1430. 512 ff. This manuscript contains poems by Chaucer and Lydgate, including a unique version of the Canterbury Tales prologue.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV. 13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; CGg4.27 (13r-126v) begins at I.71.

CPep2006: Cambridge, Magdalene College Pepys MS 2006


Formed from two manuscripts, the Magdalene College Pepys MS 2006 was Pepys’ collected works of Chaucer.

Witness: "for thowgh I had yow to morow agayne": LDev (91r), extract of vv. 308-16 copied from STC 5068 ; Extract of vv. 211-350, Anelida’s Complaint, occurs separately in CPep2006 (p. 382); see also CFin (61r), CTri600 (p. 106), L34360 [olim Phillipps 9053], and SHun140 (84r-86r). Complete versions can be found in LMB (76r-84r), STC 5068-74(3) (3E3v-5r), OxDig (39v-43v), OxBod (5r-11r), OxFai (32r), OxTan (59v), LHar372 (57r), LHar7333 (134r col. 1), and L16165 (241v-243v, 256r-258v).

CPep2553: Cambridge, Magdalene College Pepys MS 2553


c. 1570-1586. This manuscript is also known as the Maitland Folio.

Witness: "All women have vertues noble & excelent": LDev (18v); "All wemeine Ar guid noblle And excellent": CPep2553 (p. 356); see also LMB (32r), AAH (107v), and L28635 (57v), which is a transcript of AAH (107v).

CSJC: Cambridge, St. John’s College MS 235


c. 1425-1450. 128 ff. This manuscript contains Troilus and Criseyde and Testament of Criseide.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be"(adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; CSJC (1r-119v).

CTri599: Cambridge, Trinity College MS 599 (R.3.19)


15th century, with one poem that may have been added in the 16th century. 254 ff. A collection of 14 small booklets, the Trinity College MS 599 (R.3.19) contains poems by Chaucer and Lydgate.

Witness: "O marble herte and yet more harde perde" and "Alas what shuld yt be to yow preiudyce": LDev (90r), extracts of vv. 717-24 and 229-36 copied from "Half in a dreme nat fully wele awaked"; CTri599 (98r); see also STC 5088 (D2v-E3v), LMB (120r-136v), LSlo1710 (164r-176v), STC 5068-74 (3D4v-3E3v), OxFai (50v), CFin (117r), and LHar372 (61r).

CTri600: Cambridge, Trinity College MS 600 (R.3.20)


c. 1430-1450 paper. 368 ff. Transcribed by John Shirley, the Trinity College MS 600 (R.3.20) contains Chaucer and Lydgate’s minor poems, including the only extant version of “Chauciers Wordes A Geffrey vn to Adame his owen scryveyne.”

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; CTri600 (p. 361), extract of I.631-7.
Witness: "[Cupido unto whos commandement]": LDev (89v, 91r), extracts copied from STC 5068. Folio 89v begins, "Womans harte vnto no creweltye" and "ys thys afayre avaunte / ys thys honor" (vv. 344-50 and 64-77), 91r "how frendly was medea to Iason" (vv. 302-8); CTri600 (p. 116); see also STC 5068-74(3) (3S6-3T3r); see also OxDig (1r), OxBod (38v), OxArc24 (211v), OxFai (40r), OxTan (41r), CFin (71r), EBan (269r), DCosV.ii (100r), and SHun744 (6r).
Witness: "for thowgh I had yow to morow agayne": LDev (91r), extract of vv. 308-16 copied from STC 5068; Extract of vv. 211-350, Anelida’s Complaint, occurs separately in CTri600 (p. 106); see also CPep2006 (p. 382), CFin (61r), L34360 [olim Phillipps 9053], and SHun140 (84r-86r). Complete versions can be found in LMB (76r-84r), STC 5068-74(3) (3E3v-5r), OxDig (39v-43v), OxBod(5r-11r), OxFai (32r), OxTan (59v), LHar372 (57r), LHar7333 (134r col. 1), and L16165 (241v-243v, 256r-258v).

CTri652: Cambridge, Trinity College MS 652 (R.4.20)


15th century. This manuscript contains the Travels of Sir John Mandeville and poems by Lydgate and Chaucer.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; CTri652 (171v), extract of III.302-22.

DBla: Dublin, Trinity College MS 160


16th century. A composite volume. The first two parts contain a lament of the Virgin and Peter Idley’s Instructions. Both of these are from the fifteenth century. The third part, comprised of ff. 57-186, is the Blage MS, which is a verse miscellany compiled by John Mantell from c. 1534-41, and George Blage from c. 1545-48.

Witness: "O cruell causer of vndeserrved chaynge": LDev (2v); “Alas the greefe, and dedly wofull smert”: DBla (74r); see also LEge (5v-6v).
Witness: "At last withdrawe yowre cruellte": LDev (4r-v); DBla (67r).
Witness: "To wette yowr Iye withouten teare": LDev (5r); DBla (170r).
Witness: "Suffryng in sorow in hope to attayn": LDev (6r); DBla (159r) has only 30 lines.
Witness: "At most myscheffe": LDev (12r); DBla (68r); see also LEge (34r-v).
Witness: "Pacyence tho I have not": LDev (13v); “Patience thought I have not”: DBla (146r) - the variant begins at stanza 3 with “Patience of all my blame”; see also LEge (28r).
Witness: "My lute awake performe the last labor": LDev (14v-15r); “My lute awake perfourme the last”: DBla (125r); see also LEge (43v-44r), STC 26053.5 (45v), and STC 13860-62 (H3v-4r).
Witness: "That tyme that myrthe dyd stere my shypp": LDev (17v); DBla (175r-v).
Witness: "Was neuer yet fyle half so well fylyd": LDev (19v): “There was never file half so well filed”: DBla (174r); see also LEge (14v) and STC 13860-62(3) (E1r).
Witness: "The knot which fyrst my hart dyd strayn";"The knot which fyrst my hart did strayn";"The knott whych ffyrst my hart dyd strayn /": LDev (22v, 23r-v, 33r-v); DBla (173r-v).
Witness: "to my meshap alas I ffynd": LDev (42r-v); DBla (172r); see also STC 13860-62(3) (Y4r-v).
Witness: "myght I as well within my song be lay": LDev (65v); “Myght I as well within my songe belaye”: DBla (129r).
Witness: "yf chaunse assignid": LDev (70v); DBla (109r) is a five-line version; see also LEge (44v-45r).
Witness: "perdye I saide yt not": LDev (70v-71r); DBla (145r-v); see also NHOsb (31v) and STC 13860-62(3) (H4v-I1v).
Witness: "patiens for my devise": LDev (71r); DBla (147r); see also LEge (28v).
Witness: "Nature that gave the bee so fete agrace": LDev (71v); DBla (129v); see also LEge (45r), LHar78 (27r), and STC 13860-62(3) (H4r).
Witness: "Lyk as the swanne towardis her dethe": LDev (73r); DBla (122r); see also LEge (46r), which is incomplete due to MS damage.
Witness: "A my herte a what eilith the": LDev (78v); "A my herte a what aileth the": DBla (66r).
Witness: "hate whom ye list for I kare not": LDev (78v); DBla (100r).
Witness: "love doth againe": LDev (80v); “Love hathe agayn”: DBla (120r-v).
Witness: "Wythe seruing still": LDev (81r); DBla (181r).
Witness: "Dryven bye desire I dede this dede": LDev (81v); DBla (87r); see also STC 13860-62 (2Lv).
Witness: "Absens absenting causithe me to complaine": LDev (81v-82r); DBla (59r) displays incipit only in the table of contents.
Witness: "I am as I am and so wil I be": LDev (85r); “I do not rejoice nor yet complain”: DBla (107r) omits vv. 1-8; see also EBan (250r) and PLat (3r flyleaf).

DCosV.ii: Durham, University of Durham MS Cosin V.ii.13


Contains 16th century bookseller’s mark. 111 ff. The Durham MS Cosin V.ii.13 contains Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke"(I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; DCosV.ii (4r).
Witness: "[Cupido unto whos commandement]": LDev (89v, 91r), extracts copied from STC 5068. Folio 89v begins, "Womans harte vnto no creweltye" and ys thys afayre avaunte / ys thys honor"(vv. 344-50 and 64-77), 91r "how frendly was medea to Iason" (vv. 302-8); DCosV.ii (100r); see also STC 5068-74(3) (3S6-3T3r), OxDig (1r), OxBod (38v), OxArc24 (211v), OxFai (40r), OxTan (41r), CFin (71r), CTri600 (p. 116), EBan (269r), and SHun744 (6r).

DCosV.iii 11: Durham, University of Durham MS Cosin V.ii.11


c. 1660. 136ff. This manuscript contains Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy and poems by Chaucer.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; DCosV.iii (100v), extract of II.1106-7.

EBan: Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland Advocates 1.1.6


c. 1568. Transcribed by George Bannatyne. The manuscript contains poems by Chaucer and Henryson.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte"(IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; EBan (230r), extract of I.400-34 beginning “Gif no luve is o God quaht feill I so."
Witness: "I am as I am and so wil I be": LDev (85r); EBan (250r); see also DBla (107r) and PLat (3r flyleaf).
Witness: "[Seeing the manifolde inconvenience]": LDev (90r), extract of vv. 239-45 beginning "yff all the erthe were parchment scrybable"; EBan (258v); see also STC 5068-74(3) (3R6v-3S3v).
Witness: "[Cupido unto whos commandement]": LDev (89v, 91r), extracts copied from STC 5068. Folio 89v begins, "Womans harte vnto no creweltye" and "ys thys afayre avaunte / ys thys honor" (vv. 344-50 and 64-77), 91r "how frendly was medea to Iason" (vv. 302-8); EBan (269r); see also STC 5068-74(3) (3S6-3T3r), OxDig (1r), OxBod (38v), OxArc24 (211v), OxFai (40r), OxTan (41r), CFin (71r), CTri600 (p. 116), DCosV.ii (100r), and SHun744 (6r).

L4797: London, BL Additional MS 4797


16th and 17th centuries. 138 ff. A composite manuscript with two Elizabethan poems in the first gathering of vellum leaves.

Witness: "My harte I gave the not to do it paine"; "My herte I gave the not to do yt paine": LDev (3r, 75v); L4797 (4r); see also AAH (65v), OxRawl 108 (4r), and STC 13863-68(8) (E5r-5v).

L12044: London, BL Additional MS 12,044


A 15th century vellum quarto. This manuscript contains Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; L12044 (1r).

L16165: London, BL Additional MS 16,165


c. 1450. Quarto. Contains various old English tracts in prose and verse, including Chaucer.

Witness: "for thowgh I had yow to morow agayne": LDev (91r), extract of vv. 308-16 copied from STC 5068; L16165 (241v-243v, 256r-258v); see also OxTan (59v), OxDig (39v-43v), LMB (76r-84r), STC 5068-74(3) (3E3v-5r), OxBod (5r-11r), OxFai (32r), LHar372 (57r), and LHar7333 (134r col. 1). Extract of vv. 211-350, Anelida's Complaint, occurs separately in CFin (61r), CPep2006 (p. 382), CTri600 (p. 106), L34360 [olim Phillipps 9053], and SHun140 (84r-86r).

L18752: London, BL Additional MS 18,752


c. 1530s. 216ff. This manuscript contains Latin and English prose and verse from the fourteenth through the sixteenth century. The early Tudor verse was transcribed in a non-contiguous manner by several hands.

Witness: "As power & wytt wyll me Assyst": LDev (20r); “For as ye lyst my wyll ys bent”: L18752 (89v-90).

L28635: London, BL Additional MS 28,635


19th century. Transcript of a manuscript belonging to Dr. Harington of Bath, containing copies of poems by Sir John Harington and his father, John Harington of Stepney.

Witness: "All women have vertues noble & excelent": LDev (18v); L28635 (57v) is a transcript of AAH (107v); see also LMB (32r) and CPep2553 (p. 356).

L28636: London, BL Additional MS 28,636


19th century. Transcript of Dr. Harington’s manuscript collection of Sir Thomas Wyatt’s poems.

Witness: "He Robyn gentyll robyn"; "Hey Robyn Ioly Robyn tell me": LDev (22v, 24r-v); “A Robyn | Ioly Robyn”: L28636 (34r) is a transcript of LEge (37v); see also LHen (53v-54r).

L30513: London, BL Additional MS 30, 513


c. 1550. 129+iiiff. Thomas Mulliner compiled 120 pieces of English keyboard music. Twenty-four of these are English songs, two of which date from the Elizabethan period. Only incipits are listed.

Witness: "o happy dames that may enbrayes": LDev (55r-v); L30513 (107r) incipit only, with music; see also LPro (28v-29), LHar78 (30v), and STC 13860-62(3) (B4r-v).

L34360: London, BL Additional MS 34,360


15th century. Small folio. A collection of English poems, chiefly by John Lydgate, with a few by, or attributed to, Geoffrey Chaucer, together with three roundels in French.

Witness:"for thowgh I had yow to morow agayne": LDev (91r), extract of vv. 308-16 copied from STC 5068; Extract of vv. 211-350, Anelida’s Complaint, occurs separately in L34360 [olim Phillipps 9053]; see also CTri600 (p. 106), CPep2006 (p. 382), CFin (61r), and SHun140 (84r-86r). Complete versions can be found in LMB (76r-84r), STC 5068-74(3) (3E3v-5r), OxDig (39v-43v), OxBod (5r-11r), OxFai (32r), OxTan (59v), LHar372 (57r), LHar7333 (134r col. 1), and L16165 (241v-243v, 256r-258v).

L36529: London, BL Additional MS 36529


c. 1560-1590. 82 ff. The Hill manuscript, a poetic anthology formerly belonging to the Harington family of Stepney.

Witness: "At last withdrawe yowre cruellte": LDev (4r-v); L36529 (67v-68r); see also AAH (24r-v).
Witness: "The Wandryng gadlyng in the somer tyde /": LDev (35v); L36529 (32v); see also LEge (32r) and STC 13863-68(8) (C7r-7v).
Witness: "Venus thorns that are so sharp and kene": LDev (72v); L36529 (32r); see also CFf.5.14 (5v) and STC 13863-68(8) (F2v).
Witness: "I am not ded altho I had a falle": LDev (74r); L36529 (32r); see also LEge (40r), STC 13860-62(3) (G2v), STC 13863-68(8) (D5r), and STC 20519-19.5 (2C2r).
Witness: "I finde no peace and all my warre is donne": LDev (82r-v); L36529 (32r); see also LEge (20v), STC 13863-68(8) (C5v-6r), STC 13860-62(3) (E3r-v), and STC 20519-19.5 (P1v).
Witness: "My nowne Iohn poyntz . sins ye delight to know": LDev (85v-87r); L36529 (30r-31r); see also AAH (64r-65r), CFf.5.14 (5v-7r), CCor168 (110v-111v), STC 13860-62(3) (L3r-4r), and STC 13863-68(8) (F6v-7v).

LCO: London, BL Cotton Otho A.XVIII, burned, Transcript at Cat. 643, M.4


Date unknown. This manuscript was burnt in the Cotton Library fire in 1731. It contained saints' lives and chronicles, as well as four poems by Chaucer.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; LCO (no folio reference — pasted in), extract of II.548.

LDev: London, BL Additional MS 17,492


The Devonshire MS contains 124 ff. It was transcribed in several hands, most of them unattributed, between 1532 and c. 1539. One poem was entered in c. 1562. It is a miscellany of verse by Wyatt and other members of Henry VIII’s court and includes extracts from Chaucer and other Middle English verse.

LEge: London, BL Egerton MS 2,711


c. 1550. This manuscript is a collection of 123 poems, of which one is copied twice, entered before 1558. Nineteen were added in Elizabethan hands. Twenty-five poems and corrections in three others are in Sir Thomas Wyatt’s hand. One poem and some revisions of Wyatt’s poems are in Nicholas Grimald’s hand from c. 1549. Seventy-three of the entries from before 1558 are signed with “TV,” “VT,” or “Tho,” possibly in Wyatt’s hand. A sixteenth century hand has signed fifteen other poems with “Wyatt.” The MS, without Grimald’s additions, was copied for and partly by Wyatt before 1542 as a collection of Wyatt’s poems.

Witness: "O cruell causer of vndeserrved chaynge": LDev (2v); “Alas the greefe, and dedly wofull smert”: LEge (5v-6v); see also DBla (74r).
Witness: "My harte I gave the not to do it paine"; "My herte I gave the not to do yt paine": LDev (3r, 75v); LEge (13v); see also STC 13860-62 (E1r).
Witness: "Yff I had sufferd thys to yow vnware": LDev (11r); LEge (47v-48r); see also LRoy (52r, 55v).
Witness: "At most myscheffe": LDev (12r); LEge (34r-v); see also DBla (68r).
Witness: "Pacyence tho I have not": LDev (13v); “Patience thought I have not”: LEge (28r); see also DBla (146r).
Witness: "My lute awake performe the last labor": LDev (14v-15r); “My lute awake perfourme the last”: LEge (43v-44r); see also DBla (125r-v), STC 26053.5 (45v), and STC 13860-62 (H3v-4r).
Witness: "Marvell nomore Altho": LDev (16v); “Marvaill no more al tho”: LEge (35r-v); see also STC 13860-62(3) (F4v-G1r).
Witness: "The restfull place Revyver of my smarte": LDev (18r); LEge (7v); see also STC 13860-62(3) (F2v).
Witness: "What no perde ye may be sure": LDev (19r); LEge (31v).
Witness: "Was neuer yet fyle half so well fylyd": LDev (19v): “There was never file half so well filed”: LEge (14v); see also DBla (174r) and STC 13860-62(3) (E1r).
Witness: "He Robyn gentyll robyn": LDev (22v); “A Robyn | Ioly Robyn”: LEge (37v); see also L28636 (34r), which is a transcript of LEge and LHen (53v-54r).
Witness:"Suche Wayn thowght / as wonted to myslede me /": LDev (31r); LEge (38r); see also STC 13860-62(3) (E4v).
Witness: "Yff fansy wuld favour": The Devonshire Manuscript/Witnesses#If fansy would favour lacks lines 13-16; LEge (30r-v); see also STC 26053.5 (44r).
Witness: "The Wandryng gadlyng in the somer tyde /": LDev (35v); LEge (32r); see also L36529 (32v) and STC 13860-62(3) (E4v-F1).
Witness: "The lyvely sparkes that yssue frome those Iies /": LDev (36v); LEge (23v); see also STC 13860-62(3) (E1r).
Witness: "Tho I can not yowr cruelte constrayne /": LDev (37v); “Tho I cannot yor crueltie constrain”: LEge (38v).
Witness: "Somtyme I fled the fyre that me brent /": LDev (38v); "some tyme I fled the fyre that me brent”: LEge (40r); see also LHar78 (27r) and STC 13860-62(3) (G2v).
Witness: "What deth ys worse then thys /";"What dethe is worsse then this": LDev (39v, 74r); “What deth is worse then this”: LEge (42r).
Witness: "So feble is the therd that dothe the burden staye": LDev (49r-50v); LEge (67r-68v); see also STC 13860-62(3) (14v-K1v).
Witness: "Go burnynge siths vnto the frosen hert": LDev (61v); LEge (16v); see also STC 13860-62 (I4r).
Witness: "To cause accorde or to agree": LDev (69r); LEge (53r).
Witness: "Beholde love thye powre how she despisith": LDev (69v); LEge (4r); see also STC 13860-62 (G2r).
Witness: "thou haste no faith of him that eke hath none": LDev (69v); LEge (16r).
Witness: "Theye fle from me that some tyme ded me seke": LDev (69v-70); LEge (26v); see also STC 13860-62(3) (E4r).
Witness: "Ceaser whan the traytor of egipte": LDev (70r); “Cesar when that the traytour of Egipt”: LEge (4v-5)r; see also STC 13860-62 (E2v).
Witness: "yf chaunse assignid": LDev (70v); LEge (44v-45r); see also DBla (109r).
Witness: "patiens for my devise": LDev (71r); LEge (28v); see also DBla (147r).
Witness: "I have sought long with stedfastnesse": LDev (71v); LEge (45v).
Witness: "Nature that gave the bee so fete agrace": LDev (71v); LEge (45r); see also LHar78 (27r), DBla (129v), and STC 13860-62(3) (H4r).
Witness: "to wishe and wante and not obtaine": LDev (71v); LEge (39r-v).
Witness: "Ons me thoght ffortune me kist"; "Ons me thought fortune me kiste": LDev (71v, 73v-74); “Ons as me thought fortune me kyst”: LEge (42v); see also STC 13860-62(3) (H3r-v).
Witness: "Resounde my voyse ye woodes that herithe me plaine": LDev (72r); LEge (17v); see also STC 13860-62(3) (F1v).
Witness: "Sins ye delight to kno": LDev (72v); LEge (47r-v).
Witness: "Venus thorns that are so sharp and kene": LDev (72v); LEge (50r); see also LHar78 (27r) and STC 13860-62(3) (2D2r).
Witness:"Ineternum I was ons determined": LDev (72v); “In eternum I was ons determined”: LEge (46v).
Witness: "Lyk as the swanne towardis her dethe": LDev (73r); LEge (46r), which is incomplete due to MS damage; see also DBla (122r).
Witness: "Cruell desire my master and my foo": LDev (73r); “Desire alas my master & my foo”: LEge (50r); see also STC 13860-62 (K3v).
Witness: "She sat and sewid that hathe done me the wronge": LDev (73r); LEge (37r); see also STC 13860-62(3) (G1v-2r).
Witness: "Who hathe harde of such tyrannye before": LDev (73r); "Who hath herd of suche crueltye before": LEge (29v); see also STC 13860-62(3) (G2r).
Witness: "Ye know my herte my ladye dere": LDev (73v); “All to my harme”: LEge (29r), which lacks vv. 1-14 due to missing leaf.
Witness: "comforte thy self my wofull herte": LDev (74r); LEge (48v).
Witness: "I am not ded altho I had a falle": LDev (74r); “He is not ded that somtyme hath a fall”: LEge (40r); see also L36529 (32r), STC 13860-62(3) (G2v), STC 13863-68(8) (D5r), and STC 20519-19.5 (2C2r).
Witness: "My hope alas hath me abusid": LDev (74v); LEge (41r-v).
Witness: "Nowe fare well love and theye lawes forever": LDev (75r); “ffarewell Love and all thy lawes for ever”: LEge (13r); see also STC 13860-62 (I3r).
Witness:"ffor to love her for her lokes lovelye": LDev (75r); LEge (14r).
Witness: "Eche man telles me I chaunge of my devise": LDev (75v); “Eche man me telleth I chaunge moost my devise”: LEge (11v); see also STC 13860-62 (E2v).
Witness: "I finde no peace and all my warre is donne": LDev (82r-v); LEge (20v); see also L36529 (32r), STC 13863-68(8) (C5v-6r), STC 13860-62(3) (E3r-v), and STC 20519-19.5 (P1v).
Witness:"My nowne Iohn poyntz . sins ye delight to know": LDev (85v-87r); “Praise him for councill that is dronck of ale”: LEge (49r-v) due to MS damage, begins at line 52; see also CCor168 (110v-111v), STC 13860-62(3) (L3r-4r), STC 13863-68(8) (F6v-7v), AAH (64r-65r), CFf.5.14 (5v-7r), and L36529 (30r-31r).
Witness: "My mothers maides . when they dyd sow or spin": LDev (87v) lines 1-19 only; LEge (50v-52v); see also STC 13860-62(3) (L1v-3).

LHar78: London, BL Harley MS 78


16th century. This manuscript is a composite volume of papers collected by John Stow and containing historical notes and poems from various dates in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The poems by Wyatt and his contemporaries (15r-30v) were transcribed in the mid-sixteenth century. Verses on ff. 54-72 transcribed in sixteenth century hand.

Witness: "Somtyme I fled the fyre that me brent /": LDev (38v); “some tyme I fled the fyre that me brent”: LHar78 (27r); see also LEge (40r) and STC 13860-62(3) (G2v).
Witness: "o happy dames that may enbrayes": LDev (55r-v); LHar78 (30v) lines 1-7 only; see also L30513 (107r), LPro (28v-29r), and STC 13860-62(3) (9B4r-v).
Witness: "Nature that gave the bee so fete agrace": LDev (71v); LHar78 (27r); see also LEge (45r), DBla (129v), and STC 13860-62(3) (H4r).
Witness: "Venus thorns that are so sharp and kene": LDev (72v); LHar78 (27r); see also LEge (50r) and STC 13860-62(3) (2D2r).

LHar372: London, BL Harley MS 372


15th-16th centuries. Poems of Lydgate and others copied in the fifteenth century. One poem was added on the last leaf in the mid-sixteenth century.

Witness: "O marble herte and yet more harde perde" and "Alas what shuld yt be to yow preiudyce": LDev (90r), extracts of vv. 717-24 and 229-36 copied from "Half in a dreme nat fully wele awaked"; LHar372 (61r); see also STC 5088 (D2v-E3v), LMB (120r-136v), LSlo1710 (164r-176v), STC 5068-74 (3D4v-3E3v), OxFai (50v), CFin (117r), and CTri599 (98r).
Witness:"for thowgh I had yow to morow agayne": LDev (91r), extract of vv. 308-16 copied from STC 5068; LHar372 (57r); see also OxTan (59v), OxDig (39v-43v), LMB (76r-84r), STC 5068-74(3) (3E3v-5r), OxBod (5r-11r), OxFai (32r), LHar7333 (134r col. 1), and L16165 (241v-243v, 256r-258v). Extract of vv. 211-350, Anelida's Complaint, occurs separately in CFin (61r), CPep2006 (p. 382), CTri600 (p. 106), L34360 [olim Phillipps 9053], and SHun140 (84r-86r).

LHar1239: London, BL Harley MS 1239


c. 1450-1475. 107 ff. This manuscript contains Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde and the Canterbury Tales.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; LHar1239 (1r-62v).

LHar2280: London, BL Harley MS 2280


c. 1400-1425. 98 ff. This manuscript contains Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; LHar2280 (1r).

LHar2392: London, BL Harley MS 2392


c. 1400-1425 parchment. 145 ff. This manuscript contains Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; LHar2392 (1r).

LHar3943: London, BL Harley MS 3943


c. 1400-1425 parchment. 116 ff. This manuscript contains Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; LHar3943 (2r).

LHar4912: London, BL Harley MS 4912


c. 1450-1475 parchment. 175 ff. This manuscript contains Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; LHar4912 (1r).

LHar7333: London, BL Harley MS 7333


c. 1450-1500 parchment. 211 ff. This manuscript contains poems by Gower, Hoccleve, and Lydgate, and includes seven of Chaucer’s minor works.

Witness: "for thowgh I had yow to morow agayne": LDev (91r), extract of vv. 308-16 copied from STC 5068; LHar7333 (134r col. 1); see also OxTan (59v), OxDig (39v-43v), LMB (76r-84r), STC 5068-74(3) (3E3v-5r), OxBod(5r-11r), OxFai (32r), LHar372 (57r), and L16165 (241v-243v, 256r-258v). Extract of vv. 211-350, Anelida’s Complaint, occurs separately in CFin (61r), CPep2006 (p. 382), CTri600 (p. 106), L34360 [olim Phillipps 9053], and SHun140 (84r-86r).

LHen: London, BL Additional MS 31,922


c. 1510s-1520s. 129 ff. The Henry VIII MS is a collection of 109 vocal and instrumental pieces. Probably compiled after 1513 by Sir Henry Guilford, Controller of the King’s Household, its English songs have settings for three or four voices by Henry VIII, Kempe, Doctor Cooper, William Cornysh, T. Farthyng, Wyllyam Daggere, Rysbye, J. Lloyd, Pygott, and unnamed composers.

Witness: "He Robyn gentyll robyn"; "Hey Robyn Ioly Robyn tell me": LDev (22v, 24r-v); “A Robyn | Ioly Robyn”: LHen (53v-54r); see also LEge (37v) and L28636 (34r), which is a transcript of LEge.

LMB: Longleat, Marquess of Bath MS 258


Sixteenth century. 147 ff. The poems by Chaucer, Lydgate, and others were transcribed in the first quarter of the sixteenth century with additions from the Elizabethan period.

Witness: "All women have vertues noble & excelent": LDev (18v); LMB (32r); see also CPep2553 (p. 356), AAH (107v), and L28635 (57v).
Witness: "O marble herte and yet more harde perde" and "Alas what shuld yt be to yow preiudyce": LDev (90r), extracts of vv. 717-24 and 229-36 copied from “Half in a dreme nat fully wele awaked”; LMB (120r-136v); see also LSlo1710 (164r-176v), STC 5088 (D2v-E3v), STC 5068-74 (3D4v-3E3v), OxFai (50v), CFin (117r), CTri599 (98r), and LHar372 (61r).
Witness: "for thowgh I had yow to morow agayne": LDev (91r), extract of vv. 308-16 copied from STC 5068; LMB (76r-84r); see also STC 5068-74(3) (3E3v-5r), OxDig (39v-43v), OxBod (5r-11r), OxFai (32r), OxTan (59v), LHar372 (57r), LHar7333 (134r col. 1), and L16165 (241v-243v, 256r-258v). Extract of vv. 211-350, Anelida's Complaint, occurs separately in CFin (61r), CPep2006 (p. 382), CTri600 (p. 106), L34360 [olim Phillipps 9053], and SHun140 (84r-86r).

LPro: London, Public Record Office MS SP 1/246v


16th century. This manuscript is a partbook with texts or incipits for English songs.

Witness: "o happy dames that may enbrayes": LDev (55r-v); LPro (28v-29r) lines 1-7 with music; see also L30513 (107r), LHar78 (30v), and STC 13860-62(3) (B4r-v).

LRoy: London, BL Royal Appendix 58


16th century. A songbook, begun after 1507, of liturgical, religious, and secular pieces. It was augmented in the 1520s and completed after 1547. It contains full texts, single stanzas, and incipits with musical settings composed during Henry VIII’s reign.

Witness: "Yff I had sufferd thys to yow vnware": LDev (11r); LRoy (52r, 55v) incipit only with lute tablature; see also LEge (47v-48r).

LSLC: Lord Salisbury Library, Cecil Fragment


16th century. Discovered among Lord Salisbury’s papers in the late 1950s, the manuscript contains a fragment of Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; LSLC (no folio reference), extract of I.764-833.

LSlo1710: London, BL Sloane MS 1710


16th and 17th centuries. Historical and other tracts in several hands from the early sixteenth century and through the seventeenth century.

Witness: "O marble herte and yet more harde perde" and "Alas what shuld yt be to yow preiudyce": LDev (90r), extracts of vv. 717-24 and 229-36 copied from “Half in a dreme nat fully wele awaked”; “At my commyng the ladys everychone”: LSlo1710 (164r-176v); see also STC 5088 (D2v-E3v), LMB (120r-136v), STC 5068-74 (3D4v-3E3v), OxFai (50v), CFin (117r), CTri599 (98r), and LHar372 (61r).

LSlo3501: London, BL Sloane MS 3501


15th and 16th centuries. “The book of hunttyng . . . cleped maistere of game” is from the fifteenth century. A vellum flyleaf from the second quarter of the sixteenth century contains texts and incipits for English songs.

Witness: "blame not my lute for he must sownde": LDev (64r-v); LSlo3501 (2v) incipit only.

NHOsb: New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library Osborn MS 13


c. 1560. This manuscript, known as the Braye Lute Book, was compiled after 1553 with the latest datable text on the death of Edward VI. It contains lute tabulatures by R.C., T.C., R.K., and T.W. for twenty-nine full or partial texts and nine with incipits only.

Witness: "perdye I saide yt not": LDev (70v-71r); "Perdy I said not so": NHOsb (31v) incipit only, with lute tablature; see also DBla (145r-v) and STC 13860-62(3) (H4v-I1v).

NYMor: New York, Pierpont Morgan Library MS M817


c. 1403-1413. Parchment. 12 ff. This manuscript contains Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde. Olim Campsall Hall.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; NYMor (2r).

NYPlimpton: New York, Columbia University Plimpton 276


c. 1554 and 1592. 81 ff. A miscellany in prose and verse, this manuscript was once owned by Anne Bower. It includes entries by Agnes and Willaim Brightman, William Sommer, Philip Symonson, and Richard Johnson.

Witness: "to my meshap alas I ffynd": LDev 42r-v; NYPlimpton (81r); see also STC 13863-68(8) (K5v).

OxAdd287: Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Additional C.287 (Bodl 29640)


17th century. This manuscript contains Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; OxAdd287.

OxArc24: Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Arch. Selden B.24 (Bodl 3354)


c. 1485-1515. This manuscript includes Troilus and Criseyde and other poems by Chaucer. "The Kingis Quhair," "The Cuckoo and the Nightingale," and other pieces were copied in Scotland in the last quarter of the fifteenth century. Poems found at the end of the manuscript were entered in the mid-sixteenth century.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; OxArc24 (1r-118v).
Witness: "[Cupido unto whos commandement]": LDev (89v, 91r), extracts copied from STC 5068. Folio 89v, begins"Womans harte vnto no creweltye" and "ys thys afayre avaunte / ys thys honor" (vv. 344-50 and 64-77), 91r "how frendly was medea to Iason" (vv. 302-8); OxArc24 (211v); see also STC 5068-74(3) (3S6-3T3r), OxDig (1r), OxBod (38v), OxFai (40r), OxTan (41r), CFin (71r), CTri600 (p. 116), EBan (269r), DCosV.ii (100r), and SHun744 (6r).

OxArc56: Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Arch. Selden supra 56. (Bodl 3444)


1441. 106 ff. This manuscript contains Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde. A note on folio 2 confirms the date: “Anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo quadragesimo primo Anno Regni Regis Henrici Sexti post conquestum Anglie decimonono.”

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; OxArc56 (1r).

OxBod: Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Bodley 638 (Bodl 2078)


c. 1475-1500. Paper and parchment. 219 ff. This manuscript contains poems by Chaucer, Hoccleve, and Lydgate.

Witness: "[Cupido unto whos commandement]": LDev (89v, 91r), extracts copied from STC 5068. Folio 89v begins "Womans harte vnto no creweltye" and "ys thys afayre avaunte / ys thys honor" (vv. 344-50 and 64-77), 91r "how frendly was medea to Iason" (vv. 302-8); OxBod (38v); see also STC 5068-74(3) (3S6-3T3r), OxDig (1r), OxArc24 (211v), OxFai (40r), OxTan (41r), CFin (71r), CTri600 (p. 116), EBan (269r), DCosV.ii (100r), and SHun744 (6r).
Witness: "for thowgh I had yow to morow agayne": LDev (91r), extract of vv. 308-16 copied from STC 5068; OxBod (5r-11r); see also LMB (76r-84r), STC 5068-74(3) (3E3v-5r), OxDig (39v-43v), OxFai (32r), OxTan (59v), LHar372 (57r), LHar7333 (134r col. 1), and L16165 (241v-243v, 256r-258v). Extract of vv. 211-350, Anelida's Complaint, occurs separately in CFin (61r), CPep2006 (p. 382), CTri600 (p. 106), L34360 [olim Phillipps 9053], and SHun140 (84r-86r).

OxDig: Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Digby 181. (Bodl 1782)


Part 1 c. 1475-1500; Part 2 (Troilus and Criseyde) c. 1450-1475. Paper. This manuscript contains poems by Chaucer and Hoccleve.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; OxDig (54r-93r).
Witness: "[Cupido unto whos commandement]": LDev (89v, 91r), extracts copied from STC 5068. Folio 89v begins "Womans harte vnto no creweltye" and "ys thys afayre avaunte / ys thys honor" (vv. 344-50 and 64-77), 91r "how frendly was medea to Iason" (vv. 302-8); OxDig (1r), stanzas disarranged; see also STC 5068-74 (3) (3S6-3Tr), OxBod (38v), OxArc24 (211v), OxFai (40r), OxTan (41r), CFin (71r), CTri600 (p. 116), EBan (269r), DCosV.ii (100r), and SHun744 (6r).
Witness: "for thowgh I had yow to morow agayne": LDev (91r), extract of vv. 308-16 copied from STC 5068; OxDig (39v-43v); see also LMB (76r-84r), STC 5068-74(3) (3E3v-5r), OxBod (5r-11r), OxFai (32r), OxTan (59v), LHar372 (57r), LHar7333 (134r col. 1), and L16165 (241v-243v, 256r-258v). Extract of vv. 211-350, Anelida's Complaint, occurs separately in CFin (61r), CPep2006 (p. 382), CTri600 (p. 106), L34360 [olim Phillipps 9053], and SHun140 (84r-86r).

OxFai: Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Fairfax 16 (Bodl 3896)


c. 1450. Parchment. MS Fairfax 16 contains poems by Chaucer, Hoccleve, and Lydgate.

Witness: "[Cupido unto whos commandement]": LDev (89v, 91r), extracts copied from STC 5068. Folio 89v begins, "Womans harte vnto no creweltye" and "ys thys afayre avaunte / ys thys honor" (vv. 344-50 and 64-77), 91r "how frendly was medea to Iason" (vv. 302-8); OxFai (40r); see also STC 5068-74(3) (3S6r-3T3), OxDig (1r), OxBod (38v), OxArc24 (211v), OxTan (41r), CFin (71r), CTri600 (p. 116), EBan (269r), DCosV.ii (100r), and SHun744 (6r).
Witness: "O marble herte and yet more harde perde" and "Alas what shuld yt be to yow preiudyce": LDev (90r), extracts of vv. 717-24 and 229-36 copied from "Half in a dreme nat fully wele awaked"; OxFai (50v); see also STC 5088 (D2v-E3v), LMB (120r-136v), LSlo1710 (164r-176v), STC 5068-74 (3D4v-3E3v), CFin (117r), CTri599 (98r), and LHar372 (61r).
Witness: "for thowgh I had yow to morow agayne": LDev (91r), extract of vv. 308-16 copied from STC 5068; OxFai (32r); see also OxDig (39v-43v), LMB (76r-84r), STC 5068-74(3) (3E3v-5r), OxBod (5r-11r), OxTan (59v), LHar372 (57r), LHar7333 (134r col. 1), and L16165 (241v-243v, 256r-258v). Extract of vv. 211-350, Anelida's Complaint, occurs separately in CFin (61r), CPep2006 (p. 382), CTri600 (p. 106), L34360 [olim Phillipps 9053], and SHun140 (84r-86r).

OxJes: Oxford, Jesus College MS 39


15th century. This manuscript is a copy of Disce mori, a treatise on sin and virtue, which draws on Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; OxJes (311r), extract of I.400-6.

OxLau: Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Laud misc. 99 (Bodl 1123)


c. 1490–1525. Like OxJes, this manuscript is a copy of Disce mori, a treatise on sin and virtue, which draws on Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; OxLau (252r), extract of I.400-6.

OxRawC: Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Rawlinson C.813 (Bodl 12653)


c. 1520-1535. Compiled by Humphrey Wellys of Staffordshire. This manuscript contains a collection of secular poems (ff. 1-98), followed by political prophecies in verse and prose.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; OxRawC (48v), extract beginning “Loo he that ys all holly yours soo free (adapted from I.708-12; II.778-84, 841-47, 869-82, 1121-27; IV.260-66, 267-73, 561-67; and V.1072-78).

OxRawF: Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Rawlinson F.163 (Bodl 14655)


c. 1400-1425. Paper. This manuscript contains Chaucer’s Balade to Rosamonde and Troilus and Criseyde.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; OxRawF (1r-113v).

OxRawl_poet_108: Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawl. poet. 108


c.1570. 84ff. Possibly transcribed by the Eleanor (Eliner) Gunter who signs her name on f.84v, as many poems throughout are subscribed E. G. This manuscript is an anthology of dance steps, recipes, and miscellaneous verse in English and Latin.

Witness: "My harte I gave the not to do it paine"; "My herte I gave the not to do yt paine": LDev (3r, 75v); OxRawl 108 (4r); see also AAH (65v), L4797 (4r), and STC 13863-68(8) (E5r-5v).

OxTan: Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Tanner 346 (Bodl 10173)


Mid-15th century. Parchment. This manuscript includes poems by Chaucer, Hoccleve, Lydgate, and others.

Witness: "[Cupido unto whos commandement]": LDev (89v, 91r), extracts copied from STC 5068. Folio 89v, begins"Womans harte vnto no creweltye" and "ys thys afayre avaunte / ys thys honor" (vv. 344-50 and 64-77), 91r "how frendly was medea to Iason" (vv. 302-8); OxTan (41r); see also STC 5068-74(3) (3S6-3T3r), OxDig (1r), OxBod (38v), OxArc24 (211v), OxFai (40r), CFin (71r), CTri600 (p. 116), EBan (269r), DCosV.ii (100r), and SHun744 (6r).
Witness: "for thowgh I had yow to morow agayne": LDev (91r), extract of vv. 308-16 copied from STC 5068; OxTan (59v); see also OxDig (39v-43v), LMB (76r-84r), STC 5068-74(3) (3E3v-5r), OxBod (5r-11r), OxFai (32r), LHar372 (57r), LHar7333 (134r col. 1), and L16165 (241v-243v, 256r-258v). Extract of vv. 211-350, Anelida's Complaint, occurs separately in CFin (61r), CPep2006 (p. 382), CTri600 (p. 106), L34360 [olim Phillipps 9053], and SHun140 (84r-86r).

PLat: Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Latin MS 35


15th and 16th centuries. This manuscript contains Latin sermons by John Felton from the mid-15th century. The poem on the front flyleaf was entered in the early 16th century.

Witness:"I am as I am and so wil I be": LDev (85r); PLat (3r flyleaf); see also EBan (250r) and DBla (107r).

SGS: Sir George Stephens


15th century. According to Hamer, the whereabouts of this manuscript is uncertain. It may have been destroyed.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; SGS (two vellum slips), extract of V.1443-98.

SHunEL: San Marino, Huntington Library MS EL 26.A.13


15th and 16th centuries. This manuscript is a composite volume of Middle English poems and extracts of poems by Chaucer, Lydgate, and others. Part 3 (ff. 121r-132r) contains a poem transcribed after 1534.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; SHunEL (iii), scrap of an extract only.

SHun114: San Marino, Huntington Library MS HM 114


15th century. 325 ff. This manuscript contains Langland's Piers Plowman, Mandeville’s Travels, and Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde, among other works. Sir Henry Spelman was the earliest recorded owner, followed by Dr. John Taylor, Anthony Askew, Richard Gough, and Richard Heber. Olim Phillipps 8252.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; SHun114 (193r-318v).

SHun140: San Marino, Huntington Library MS HM 140


15th and 16th centuries. This manuscript contains poems by Lydgate and others, which were copied in the mid-fifteenth century on paper. The ownership rhyme was entered in the manuscript in the early sixteenth century. Olim Phillipps 8299.

Witness: "for thowgh I had yow to morow agayne": LDev (91r), extract of vv. 308-16 copied from STC 5068; extract of vv. 211-350, Anelida’s Complaint, occurs separately in SHun140 (84r-86r); see also L34360 [olim Phillipps 9053], CTri600 (p. 106), CPep2006 (p. 382), and CFin (61r). Complete versions can be found in LMB (76r-84r), STC 5068-74(3) (3E3v-5r), OxDig (39v-43v), OxBod (5r-11r), OxFai (32r), OxTan (59v), LHar372 (57r), LHar7333 (134r col. 1), and L16165 (241v-243v, 256r-258v).

SHun143: San Marino, Huntington Library MS HM 143


Late 14th century. Parchment. 108 ff. Contains Langland's Piers Plowman and Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde. Owned by John Russle and James Southeby.

Witness: "[The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen]": LDev (29v-30r, 59v, 91r-92r), extracts from IV.13-14, 288-308, and 323-29 copied from STC 5068. Folio 29v begins, "And now my pen alas wyth wyche I wryte" (IV.13-14), 29v-30r "O very lord / o loue / o god alas" (adapted from IV.288-308, 323-29), 59v "for thylke grownde that bearyth the wedes wycke" (I.946-52), 91r "yff yt be so that ye so creuel be" (adapted from II.337-51, 778-84, 785-91, 855-61), 91v "for loue ys yet the moste stormy lyfe," 91v "Also wyckyd tonges byn so prest," 92r "And who that sayth that for to love ys vyce"; SHun143 (ii and iii).

SHun744: San Marino, Huntington Library MS HM 744


15th century. Parchment. This manuscript contains Hoccleve’s poetry, copied by Hoccleve himself. Owned by the Fyler, or Filer, family. Olim Ashburnham 133, post Gollancz.

Witness: "[Cupido unto whos commandement]": LDev (89v, 91r), extracts copied from STC 5068. Folio 89v begins, "Womans harte vnto no creweltye" and "ys thys afayre avaunte / ys thys honor" (vv. 344-50 and 64-77), 91r "how frendly was medea to Iason" (vv. 302-8); SHun744 (6r); see also STC 5068-74(3) (3S6r-3T3), OxDig (1r), OxBod (38v), OxArc24 (211v), OxFai (40r), OxTan (41r), CFin (71r), CTri600 (p. 116), EBan (269r), and DCosV.ii (100r).