The Devonshire Manuscript/Hartte aprest with dessperott thoughtes

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The Devonshire Manuscript
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This rotyd greff will not but growe So feble is the therd that dothe the burden staye
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 47v
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 48r

f. [47v]

1    Hartte aprest with{w+t+} dessperott thoughtes
2    ys fforsyd euere to laymentte
3    wyche nowe In me so sore hathe wrovgh
4    {_o}{es} {{th}+t+} that nedes to ytt I maust consentte
5    wher ffor all ioye I do reffusse
6    & cruell wyll ther off acuse

7    Yff cruell wyll had nott byne gyde
8    dysspare{r'} In me had no plasse
9    ffor my trwe menynge she well asspyde
10    butt yett ffor all thatt wold geue no grasse
11    where{r'} ffor all ioye I do reffusse
12    & cruell wyll ther off acusse

f. [48r] 

13    She mowt wyell see & yett wold nott
14    & maye daylly yff that{{th}+t+} she wyll
15    howe paynffull ys my happelesse lotte
16    ionnyedionde joined  with dysspeare me ffor to spylle
17    whereffor all ioy I do reffueys
18    & cruell wyll ther off acvys accuse 
a hart aprest with{w+t+} desp o hart aprest v



Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H11. This poem explores the unfortunate lot of a lover and the cruel neglect of the lady; although the speaker accuses the lady's will of cruelty, the lover’s will is also cruel because he consents to despair.

The transcriber’s letters cross the spine of the book, which suggests that perhaps the manuscript circulated unbound for a time. A hand not unlike H5 continues the poem on 48r by partially repeating the first line twice and crossing out the first instance.

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Textual Notes


Texts Collated





 1      Hartte aprest with dessperott] Hart oppressyd with desp'rat AAH05 
2      ys fforsyd euere to laymentte] yf forced ever to lament AAH05 
3      wyche] Whiche AAH05     nowe] now AAH05     In] in AAH05     hathe] hath AAH05     wrovgh] wrought AAH05 
4      nedes] needes AAH05     ytt] it AAH05     maust] must AAH05     consentte] consent AAH05 
5      wher ffor] Whearfore AAH05     ioye] ioy AAH05     do] must AAH05     reffusse] refuse AAH05 
6      &] and AAH05     cruell] crewell AAH05     wyll] will AAH05     ther off] thearof AAH05     acuse] accuse AAH05 
7      Yff] Yf AAH05     cruell] crewell AAH05     wyll] will AAH05     nott] not AAH05     byne] bene AAH05     gyde] guyde AAH05 
8      dysspare In] Dispayre in AAH05     no] had no AAH05     plasse] place AAH05 
9      trwe] trew AAH05     menynge] meaning AAH05     asspyde] espied AAH05 
10      butt yett] and AAH05     ffor] for AAH05     thatt] that AAH05     geue] geve AAH05     grasse] grace AAH05 
11      where ffor] thearfore AAH05     do] must AAH05     reffusse] refuse AAH05 
12      &] and AAH05     cruell] crewll AAH05     wyll] will AAH05     ther off] therof AAH05     acusse] accuse AAH05 
13      She] Shee AAH05     mowt]  AAH05     wyell] well AAH05     see] moght see AAH05     &] and AAH05     yett] yet AAH05     wold] wolde AAH05     nott] not AAH05 
14      &] and AAH05     maye] may AAH05     daylly] daylye AAH05     yff] if AAH05     she] shee AAH05     wyll] will AAH05 
15      howe] How AAH05     paynffull] paynfull AAH05     ys] is AAH05     happelesse] haples AAH05     lotte] lott AAH05 
16      ionnyediondejoined with dysspeare] Ioyn'de with dispayre AAH05     ffor] for AAH05     spylle] spill AAH05 
17      whereffor] Whearby AAH05     ioy] ioye AAH05     do reffueys] must refuse AAH05 
18      &] Sence AAH05     cruell] Crewell AAH05     wyll] will AAH05     ther off] doth me AAH05     acvysaccuse] so use AAH05