The Devonshire Manuscript/Ceaser whan the traytor of egipte

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Theye fle from me that some tyme ded me seke yf chaunse assignid
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 70r

f. [70r]

1    Ceaser whan{_a} the traytor of egipte
2    the honorable  with{w+t+}thonorable hed ded him presente
3    Covering his gladnesse ded repre{p'}sente
4    plaint  as it is with{w+t+} his tearis / outwarde asitis writ /
5    And Annyball Hannibal  eke / whan fortune ded flitt
6    from{_o} him and to Rome ded her whele relente
7    ded laugh among thim when tearis had besprent
8    her cruell dispight inwardelye to shitt /
9    soo chaunsith yt oft that{y+t+} everye passhion
10    the minde hidithe bye collor con{_o}trarye
11    with{w+t+} faynid visage / now sad now merye /
12    wherebye If I laughe at any season
13    yt is by cause I have none other waye
14    to cloke my care but vndre sporte and playe /

fs s



Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H8. Wyatt's sonnet is an adaptation of Petrarch's Rime 102 and, according to R. A. Rebholz, may have referenced a commentary on Petrarch by Vellutello da Lucca.[2] This sonnet's theme describes the need to hide one’s true feelings from the public eye—a popular subject throughout the manuscript. For examples of other poems portraying the theme of concealment, see: “Sum summ say I love sum say I moke” (58v); “In places Wher that I company” (62v); “I am not she be prowess off syt” (65r); “Myght I as well within my song be lay” (65v); “To cowntarffete a mery mode” (65v); and “Whan that I call vnto my mynde” (82v-83r)). The poem also appears in Tottel's Miscellany under the title “Of others fained sorrow, and the louers fained mirth” (item 45).[3]

Works Cited


Textual Notes


Texts Collated


LEge05, STC13860_03



1 Ceaser] Caesar, LEge05 CEsar, STC_13860_03 whan] when that LEge05 STC_13860_03 traytor] traytour LEge05 STC_13860_03 egipte] Egipt LEge05 Egypt STC_13860_03
2 with] With STC_13860_03 thonorable] thonourable LEge05 hed] hed, LEge05 ded] did LEge05 STC_13860_03 presente] present: LEge05 present, STC_13860_03
3 Covering] covering LEge05 Coueryng STC_13860_03 gladnesse] gladnes: LEge05 hartes gladnesse, STC_13860_03 ded] did LEge05 STC_13860_03 represente] represent LEge05 STC_13860_03
4 plaint] playnt, LEge05 Plaint STC_13860_03 tearis /] teeres / LEge05 teares STC_13860_03 outwarde] owteward: LEge05 outward, STC_13860_03 asitis] as it is LEge05 STC_13860_03 writ /] writt LEge05 writ. STC_13860_03
5 And] and, LEge05 STC_13860_03 AnnyballHannibal eke /] Hannyball, eek, LEge05 Eke Hannibal, STC_13860_03 whan] when LEge05 STC_13860_03 ded flitt] him shitt LEge05 him outshyt STC_13860_03
6 from him] cleene from his reign: LEge05 Clene from his reigne, STC_13860_03 and] & LEge05 to Rome ded her whele relente] from all his intent: LEge05 from all his entent, STC_13860_03
7 ded laugh among thim] laught to his folke, / LEge05 Laught to his folke, STC_13860_03 when tearis had besprent] whome sorrowe did torment: LEge05 whom sorow did torment, STC_13860_03
8 her] his LEge05 His STC_13860_03 cruell] cruelle LEge05 cruel STC_13860_03 dispight] dispite / LEge05 despite STC_13860_03 inwardelye to shitt /] for too disgorge, & qwite. LEge05 for to disgorge and quit. STC_13860_03
9 soo] so, LEge05 So STC_13860_03 chaunsith] chaunceth LEge05 chanceth STC_13860_03 yt] it LEge05 me, STC_13860_03 oft] oft: LEge05 STC_13860_03 everye] every LEge05 euery STC_13860_03 passhion] passion LEge05 STC_13860_03
10 the] The STC_13860_03 minde] mynde LEge05 hidithe] hideth, LEge05 hideth STC_13860_03 bye] by LEge05 STC_13860_03 collor] coolour LEge05 colour STC_13860_03 contrarye] contrary: LEge05 contrary, STC_13860_03
11 with] With STC_13860_03 faynid visage /] fayned visage, LEge05 STC_13860_03 sad] sad, LEge05 STC_13860_03 merye /] mery. LEge05 STC_13860_03
12 wherebye] whereby, LEge05 Wherby, STC_13860_03 If I] if that I STC_13860_03 laughe] laught, LEge05 laugh STC_13860_03 at] LEge05 season] tyme, or season: LEge05 season: STC_13860_03
13 yt] it LEge05 It STC_13860_03 is] is: LEge05 by cause] for bicause LEge05 because STC_13860_03 have] haue STC_13860_03 none other] not hernother LEge05 waye] waye, LEge05 way STC_13860_03
14 to] too LEge05 To STC_13860_03 care] care: LEge05 care, STC_13860_03 but] but, LEge05 vndre] vnder LEge05 STC_13860_03 sporte] sporrt, LEge05 sport STC_13860_03 and] & LEge05 playe /] playe. LEge05 play. STC_13860_03

Textual Notes
