The Devonshire Manuscript/The lyvely sparkes that yssue frome those Iies /

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The Wandryng gadlyng in the somer tyde / Tho I can not yowr cruelte constrayne /
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 36v
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 36r

f. [36r] 
f. [36v] 

1    The lyvely spar{p+}kes that yssue frome those Iies /
2    Agaynst the whych ne valyth no defence /
3    Haue prest myn hart / and done ytt none offence /
4    with{w+t+} quakyng pleasour / more then ons or twyse /
5    Was neuer{u'} man cowlde Any thynge devyse /
6    the sonne bemys / to torne / with{w+t+} so gret vehemence /
7    to dase manys syght / As by ther bryght pre{p'}sence1
8    dasyd am I / moche leke vnto the gyse /
9    Off one I strekyn with{w+t+} dynt off lytenyng /
10    blyndyd with{w+t+} the strok erryng here and ther /
11    so call I for helpe / I nott when ne wher /
12    The payne off my faute paciently beryng /
13    for After the blase / as ys no wonder /
   here I the nay
14    off dedly nay here I the ferefull thondyr

Notes & Glosses


     1. This is an unusual method of creating the abbreviation. It is somewhat like a supralinear hook, only closed into a circle.



Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt based on internal evidence,[1] this poem was entered by H4 and is a translation of Petrarch's Rime 258. The speaker moves from a feeling of pleasure to pain: while the lady’s physical beauty gives him pleasure, he feels extreme anguish him when she becomes hostile to him (killing him with her “nay”). The poem also appears in Tottel's Miscellany as “The louer describeth his being striken with sight of his loue” (item 40).[2]

H4 follows the sonnet structure through his or her use of capitalization.

Works Cited


Textual Notes


Texts Collated


STC13860_27, AAH17, LEge36



1 The] THe STC_13860_27 lyvely] lyvelye AAH17 liuely STC_13860_27 sparkes] sparckes AAH17 sperkes LEge36 sparkes, STC_13860_27 yssue] issue LEge36 STC_13860_27 frome] from AAH17 LEge36 STC_13860_27 Iies /] eyes AAH17 Iyes LEge36 eyes, STC_13860_27
2 Agaynst] against LEge36 Against STC_13860_27 whych] whiche AAH17 which LEge36 STC_13860_27 ne] there STC_13860_27 valyth] vayleth AAH17 vaileth LEge36 STC_13860_27 defence /] defence AAH17 LEge36 defence, STC_13860_27
3 Haue] have LEge36 prest] perst STC_13860_27 myn] my AAH17 STC_13860_27 hart /] hart AAH17 hert LEge36 hart, STC_13860_27 ytt] it AAH17 LEge36 STC_13860_27 offence /] offence AAH17 LEge36 offence, STC_13860_27
4 with] With AAH17 STC_13860_27 quakyng] quaking AAH17 qwaking LEge36 pleasour /] pleasure AAH17 LEge36 pleasure, STC_13860_27 ons] once STC_13860_27 twyse /] twyse AAH17 twise LEge36 twise. STC_13860_27
5 Was] was AAH17 neuer] never AAH17 LEge36 cowlde Any thynge devyse /] could any thing devyse AAH17 could any thing devise LEge36 could any thing deuise, STC_13860_27
6 the] STC_13860_27 sonne] Sonne AAH17 Sunne STC_13860_27 bemys /] beames AAH17 STC_13860_27 bemes LEge36 torne /] turne AAH17 STC_13860_27 torn LEge36 with] wtih LEge36 gret] great AAH17 LEge36 STC_13860_27 vehemence /] vehemence AAH17 LEge36 STC_13860_27
7 to] To STC_13860_27 manys] mans AAH17 LEge36 STC_13860_27 syght /] sight AAH17 LEge36 sight, STC_13860_27 As] as AAH17 LEge36 STC_13860_27 ther] their AAH17 LEge36 STC_13860_27 bryght] bright AAH17 LEge36 STC_13860_27
8 dasyd] Dased AAH17 STC_13860_27 dased LEge36 am] ame LEge36 I /] I AAH17 LEge36 I, STC_13860_27 moche] muche LEge36 much STC_13860_27 leke] lyke AAH17 like LEge36 STC_13860_27 gyse /] guyse AAH17 gyse LEge36 gise STC_13860_27
9 Off] of AAH17 Of LEge36 STC_13860_27 one] on STC_13860_27 I strekyn] ystreeken AAH17 I stricken LEge36 striken STC_13860_27 dynt] dintt AAH17 dint STC_13860_27 off] of AAH17 LEge36 STC_13860_27 lytenyng /] lighteninge AAH17 lightening LEge36 lightenyng, STC_13860_27
10 blyndyd] blyndid AAH17 blynded LEge36 Blind STC_13860_27 strok] stroke AAH17 stroke / LEge36 stroke, STC_13860_27 erryng] erring AAH17 and errying STC_13860_27 here] heare AAH17 and] & LEge36 ther /] theare AAH17 there LEge36 STC_13860_27 there. STC_13860_27
11 so] So STC_13860_27 helpe /] helpp AAH17 helpe : LEge36 helpe, STC_13860_27 nott] not AAH17 LEge36 STC_13860_27 when ne wher /] when ne wheare AAH17 when ne where LEge36 when, nor where, STC_13860_27
12 The] the AAH17 payne] paine AAH17 pain LEge36 off] of AAH17 LEge36 STC_13860_27 faute] fall AAH17 STC_13860_27 fals LEge36 paciently] patientlie AAH17 patiently LEge36 beryng /] bearinge AAH17 bering LEge36 bearyng. STC_13860_27
13 for] ffor AAH17 For STC_13860_27 After] after AAH17 LEge36 streight after STC_13860_27 blase /] blase AAH17 STC_13860_27 as ys no wonder /] as is no wonder AAH17 as is no wounder LEge36 (as is no wonder) STC_13860_27
13.5 here I the nay] AAH17 LEge36 STC_13860_27
14 off] of AAH17 LEge36 Of STC_13860_27 dedly] deadly AAH17 STC_13860_27 nay] noyse STC_13860_27 here] heare AAH17 STC_13860_27 I] I : LEge36 ferefull] fearfull AAH17 STC_13860_27 thondyr] thonder AAH17 thounder LEge36 thunder. STC_13860_27