The Devonshire Manuscript/Tho I can not yowr cruelte constrayne /
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←The lyvely sparkes that yssue frome those Iies / | Somtyme I fled the fyre that me brent /→ |
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f. [37r]
f. [37v]
1 Tho I can not yowr cruelte constrayne /
2 for my good wyll to favor me Agayne /
3 thowe my trewe and faythfull love /
4 haue no power yowr hart to move /
5 yett rewe Apon my payne /
6 Tho I yowr thrall must euer{u'}more remayne /
7 And for yowr sake my liberte restrayne /1
8 the grettest grace that{{th}+t+} I do crave /
9 ys that ye wuld wytsave /
10 to rewe Apon my payne /
11 Tho I haue not deseruyd to optayne2
12 so ^ hey reward but thus to ser{{s}8}ve in vayne /
13 tho I shall haue no redresse /
14 yet of ryght ye can no lesse /
15 but rewe Apon my payne /
16 For I se wele that{{th}+t+} yowr hey dysdayne /
17 wull no wyse graunt that{{th}+t+} I shall more Attayne /
18 yett ye must graunt At the leste
19 thys my power And small request
20 to rewe apon my pame payne
Notes & Glosses
edit 1. This phrase is resonant.
2. This phrase is resonant.
3. It is uncertain that the same hand creates the flourish and the character.
editAttributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt based on internal evidence,[1] this poem was entered by H4 who uses large capitals in order to indicate stanzaic divisions. The speaker asks that his beloved feel sorrow for his pain in love: "thys my power And small request / to rewe apon my pame payne" (19-20).
Works Cited
Textual Notes
editTexts Collated
edit1 Tho] Thoughe AAH18 can not] cannot AAH18 LEge40 yowr] your AAH18 LEge40 cruelte] crueltie AAH18 LEge40 constrayne /] constrayne AAH18 constrain LEge40
2 for] ffor AAH18 my] mye AAH18 wyll] will AAH18 LEge40 favor] favour AAH18 LEge40 Agayne] agayne AAH18 again LEge40
3 thowe] thoughe AAH18 tho LEge40 trewe] trew AAH18 true LEge40 and] & LEge40 faythfull] faithfull AAH18 LEge40 love /] love AAH18 LEge40
4 haue] Have AAH18 have LEge40 power] powre AAH18 yowr] your AAH18 LEge40 hart] hert LEge40 move /] move AAH18 LEge40
5 yett] Yet AAH18 yet LEge40 rewe] rew AAH18 LEge40 Apon] vppon AAH18 vpon LEge40 payne /] payne AAH18 pain LEge40
6 Tho] though AAH18 yowr] your AAH18 LEge40 euermore] evermore AAH18 LEge40 remayne /] remayne AAH18 remain LEge40
7 And] and AAH18 LEge40 yowr] your AAH18 LEge40 liberte] lybertie AAH18 libertie LEge40 restrayne] restrain LEge40
8 grettest] greattest AAH18 greatest LEge40 crave /] crave AAH18 LEge40
9 ys] is LEge40 ye] you AAH18 wuld] wold AAH18 would LEge40 wytsave /] vouchesave AAH18 LEge40
10 rewe] rew AAH18 LEge40 Apon] vppon AAH18 vpon LEge40 payne /] payne AAH18 pain LEge40
11 Tho] Though AAH18 haue] have AAH18 LEge40 deseruyd] deservid AAH18 deserued LEge40 optayne] obtayne AAH18 obtain LEge40
12 hey] highe AAH18 high LEge40 reward] rewarde AAH18 Reward LEge40 serve] serue LEge40 vayne /] vayne AAH18 vain LEge40
13 tho] thowghe AAH18 haue] have AAH18 LEge40 redresse /] redresse AAH18 LEge40
14 yet] Yet AAH18 ryght] right AAH18 LEge40 lesse /] lesse AAH18 LEge40
15 rewe] rew AAH18 LEge40 Apon] vppon AAH18 vpon LEge40 my] mye AAH18 payne /] payne AAH18 pain LEge40
16 For] But AAH18 but LEge40 wele] well AAH18 LEge40 yowr] your AAH18 LEge40 hey] highe AAH18 high LEge40 dysdayne /] disdayne AAH18 disdain LEge40
17 wull] Will AAH18 wyse] wise LEge40 Attayne /] attayne AAH18 attain LEge40
18 yett] yet LEge40 yett ye must graunt At the leste] AAH18 At] at LEge40 leste] lest LEge40
19 thys] this LEge40 thys my power And small request] AAH18 power And] poure and LEge40
20 to rewe apon] to rew vponreioyse not at LEge40 to rewe apon my pame payne] AAH18 my pame payne] my pain LEge40