The Devonshire Manuscript/To wette yowr Iye withouten teare
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←At last withdrawe yowre cruellte | I lowe lovyd and so doithe she→ |
f. [5r]
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1 To wette yowr Iye with{w+t+}houten teare
2 and in good helth to faine desease
3 that you ther be myn eyne myght bleyr
4 therw therewith yowr other freindes to please
5 and thoo ye thinke ye ned not ferfeare
6 yet f so ye can not me apease
7 but as ye list faine flater or golse
8 ye shall not wynne yf I do lose
9 prat and paint and spre not
10 ye knowe I can me worke
11 and if be ye canrre not1
12 be sure I do not reke
13 and thowe ye swere it were not
14 I can bothe swere and speke
15 by god and by this crvsse
16 yf I haue the moke ye shall haue the loss
Notes & Glosses
edit 1. The n is overwritten by an r.
editAttributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H1. The poet describes a lover’s awareness of his mistress’ duplicity.
Works Cited
Textual Notes
editTexts Collated
edit1 yowr] your DBla19 Iye] yee DBla19 withouten] withoutyn DBla19
2 good helth to] goodhelthe to DBla19 faine] fayne DBla19 desease] dyssease DBla19
3 ther be] therby DBla19 eyne] yee DBla19 bleyr] bleare DBla19
4 therwtherewith] therwith DBla19 yowr] your DBla19 other] DBla19 freindes] ffrendes DBla19
5 thoo] thoughe DBla19 tyhinke] thynk DBla19 feare] ffeare DBla19
6 f] DBla19 can not] cannot DBla19
7 ye] you DBla19 list] lyst DBla19 faine flater] ffayne fflatyr DBla19 golse] glose DBla19
8 ye] you DBla19 wynne] wyn DBla19 lose] losse DBla19
9 prat] Prat DBla19 paint] paynt DBla19 spre] spare DBla19
10 worke] wreke DBla19
11 if] yf DBla19 canrre] car DBla19
12 sure] suer DBla19 reke] recke DBla19
13 thowe] thoughe DBla19 it] yt DBla19
14 speke] speake DBla19
15 this] the DBla19 crvsse] crosse DBla19 DBla19
16 yf] If DBla19 moke] mocke DBla19 the] it the DBla19 loss] worse DBla19