The Devonshire Manuscript/I se the change ffrom that that was

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The Devonshire Manuscript
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thy promese was to loue me best ther ys no cure ffor care off miyd
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 40v
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 41r

 f. [40v] 

1    I se the change ffrom that that was
2    and how thy ffayth hath tayn hes fflyth
3    but I with{w+t+} pacyense let yt pase
4    and with{w+t+} my pene thys do I wryt
5    to show the playn be prowff off syght
6    I se the change

7    I se the change off weryd mynd
8    and sleper hold hath quet my hyer
9    lo how be prowff in the I ffynd
10    a bowrnyng ffath in changyng ffyer
11    ffar well my part prowff ys no lyer
12    I se the change

13    I se the change off chance in loue
14    [d] delyt no lenger may a byed
15    what shold I sek ffurther to prowe
16    no no my trust ffor I hawe tryd
17    the ffolloyng off a ffallse gyd
18    I se the chang

19    I se the change as in thys case
20    has mayd me ffre ffrom myn a woo
21    ffor now anovder has my plase
22    and or I west I wot ner how
23    yt hapnet thys as ye here now
24    I se the change

f. [41r1]

25    I se the change seche ys my chance
26    to sarwe in dowt and hope in weyn
27    but sens my surty so doth glanse
28    repentens now shall quyt thy payn
29    neuer to trust the lyke agayn
30    I se the change

I s [] ffynys

Notes & Glosses


     1. The top inch of the page has been cut and repaired, and the original text is missing, evidenced by several descenders. So, too, has the part of the manuscript before the "ffynys" to the first poem, which appears to be a repeating of the burden, "I se the change."



Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by Margaret Douglas. The speaker in the poem discusses the theme of mutability, a common subject of Petrarchan poetry.

Margaret Douglas's writing becomes progressively sloppier, larger, and lighter as she makes her way down the page. Her writing on "ther ys no cure ffor care off miyd" (41r) appears so faint that it is almost unreadable.

Works Cited
