The Devonshire Manuscript/It was my choyse yt was no chaunce /
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←O ye louers that hygh vpon the whele | Suche Wayn thowght / as wonted to myslede me /→ |
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f. [30v]
1 3 It was my choyse yt was no chaunce /
2 that browght my hart in others holde /
3 Wherby ytt hath had Sufferaunce /
4 lenger perde then Reason wold /
5 syns I ytt Bownde{d,} where ytt was ffree /
6 me thynkes{es} ywys of Ryght yt shold /
7 Acceptyd be
8 Acceptyd be with{w+t+} owte Refuse /
9 {{th}+e+} {{th}+t+} Vnles that fortune have the power /
10 All Ryght of love for to Abuse /
11 for As thay say / one happy howre /
12 may more prevayle then Ryght or myght /
13 yf fortune then lyst for to lowre /
14 What vaylyth Right
15 What vaylyth Ryght yff thys be trew /
16 then trust to chaunce and go by gesse /1
17 then who so lovyth may well go sew /
18 vncerten hope for hys redresse /
19 yett some wolde{d,} say Assueredly /
20 thou mayst Appele for thy relesse /
21 to fantasy /
22 To fantasy pertaynys to chose /
23 All thys I knowe for fantasy /
24 ffurst vnto love dyd me Induse /
25 but yet I knowe as stedefastly /
26 that yff love haue no faster knott /
27 so nyce a choyse slyppes{es} sodenly /
28 yt lastyth nott /
29 {es} {{th}+t+} Itt lastyth not that stondes by change /
30 fansy doth change / fortune ys frayle /
31 both thes to plese / the ways ys strange /
32 therfore me thynkes{es} best to prevayle /
33 ther ys no way that{{th}+t+} ys so Iust /
34 as trowgh to lede / tho tother fayle /
35 And therto trust /
Notes & Glosses
edit 1. It is possible that the writer is indulging in wordplay with guess and guise.
editAttributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H4 and discusses Fortune's right to abuse lovers. Rebholz notes the speaker's decision to dwell on the mental image ("fantasy") of a new love in order to gain freedom from a current love.[2]
H3 enters a thirteen line excerpt of the poem on "It was my choyse It Was my chaunce" (24v-25r).
Works Cited
Textual Notes
editTexts Collated
edit1 yt was no chaunce /] It Was my chaunce LDev039
2 browght] brovgght LDev039 hart] hert LDev039 in] N LDev039 holde /] hold LDev039
3 Wherby] wher by LDev039 ytt] it LDev039 Sufferaunce /] sufferaunce LDev039
4 lenger] lengar LDev039 Reason] resan LDev039 wold /] wuld LDev039
5 syns] sens LDev039 ytt Bownde where ytt was ffree /] yt bovnd where it was fre LDev039
6 me thynkes] methynks LDev039 ywys] I wys LDev039 Ryght] ryght LDev039 yt] it LDev039 shold /] shuld LDev039
7 Acceptyd] Accepted yt LDev039
8 Acceptyd] Accepted LDev039 be] yt be LDev039 with owte Refuse /] with owyt Refuse LDev039
9 Vnles] Wnles LDev039 fortune] fortun LDev039 have] haith LDev039 power /] powre LDev039
10 All] all LDev039 Ryght] ryght LDev039 love] Low LDev039 Abuse /] a buse LDev039
11 As thay say / one] as thei say on LDev039 howre /] owre LDev039
12 prevayle] prevayll LDev039 then] yen LDev039 Ryght] ryght LDev039 or] ore LDev039 myght /] myght LDev039
13 lowre /] lowre LDev039
14 What vaylyth Right] LDev039
15 What vaylyth Ryght yff thys be trew /] LDev039
16 then trust to chaunce and go by gesse /] LDev039
17 then who so lovyth may well go sew /] LDev039
18 vncerten hope for hys redresse /] LDev039
19 yett some wolde say Assueredly /] LDev039
20 thou mayst Appele for thy relesse /] LDev039
21 to fantasy /] LDev039
22 To fantasy pertaynys to chose /] LDev039
23 All thys I knowe for fantasy /] LDev039
24 ffurst vnto love dyd me Induse /] LDev039
25 but yet I knowe as stedefastly /] LDev039
26 that yff love haue no faster knott /] LDev039
27 so nyce a choyse slyppes sodenly /] LDev039
28 yt lastyth nott /] LDev039
29 Itt lastyth not that stondes by change /] LDev039
30 fansy doth change / fortune ys frayle /] LDev039
31 both thes to plese / the ways ys strange /] LDev039
32 therfore me thynkes best to prevayle /] LDev039
33 ther ys no way that ys so Iust /] LDev039
34 as trowgh to lede / the tother fayle /] LDev039
35 And therto trust /] LDev039