The Devonshire Manuscript/Gyve place all ye that dothe reioise

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howe shulde I Dyvers dothe vse as I have hard & kno
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 77v

f. [77v]

1    Gyve place all ye that{{th}+t+} dothe reioise
2    and loves panges{es} hathe clene forget
3    let them{_e} drawe nere & here my voyse
4    Whom love dothe force in paynes to frett
5    for all of playnte my song is sett
6    {_a}{{s}8} wiche long hathe seruid & nought can1gett

7    A faithefull herte so trulye men{_e}te
8    rewardid is full slenderelye
9    {_e}{w+t+} a stedfaste faithe fwith good entente
10    ys recom{_o}pensid craftelye
11    Such hap dothe hap full craftelyevnhappelye2
12    {{th}+t+}{_e} to themthat mene but honestelye /

13    with{w+t+} humble sute I have assayde
14    to torne her cruell herted minde
15    but for rewarde I am delaide
16    and to mye welthe here eris be blinde
17    lo thus bye chaunse I am{_a} assignide
18    {{th}+e+}{{s}8} {w+t+} with stedfaste love to serue thee vnkinde

19    What vaylithe trothe or stedfastenesse
20    {w+t+}{{s}8} or still to serue without repreffe
21    what vaylith faithe or gen{_e}tilnesse/
22    where crueltie dothe raine as chefe /
23    alas there is no greter greeff
24    then{_e} for to love and lake releffe/

25    Care dothe con{_o} straine me to com{_o} plaine
26    of love & her vncertaintye
27    wich gra{gA}untith nought but grete disdayne
28    for losse of all my libretye
29    alas this is extremytye
30    for love to finde suche crueltye /

31    for hertye love to finde such crueltie 3
32    alas it is a carefull lott
33    and for to voide so fowle a mote
34    there is no waye but slip the{{th}+e+} knott
35    the gayne so colde the paine so hott
36    prayse yt who list I like yt not /


Notes & Glosses


     1. See Petti.[1] This is a variant, ornamental style of macron.
     2. There is a line over both occasions of the word "hap," for an unknown reason.
     3. The word "crueltie" here is of interest. The Egerton Manuscript has 'hate' in this position, which would rhyme with "mate / mote." It is possible that the word is a carryover from the previous line, and thus, scibal error, but the word is spelled differently and the lines are in different stanzas, which might reduce the likelihood of such an error.



Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[2] this poem was entered by H8. The speaker laments that honesty and steadfastness get little reward.

The word “crueltie” in line 31 is of interest in this transcription. The version of the poem in the Egerton Manuscript has “hate,” which would rhyme with “mote/mate” in line 33. The word in "Gyve place all ye that dothe reioise" may be a carryover from the previous line, thereby constituting a scibal error; yet the word is spelled differently and the lines are in different stanzas, which might reduce the likelihood of such an error.

Works Cited
