The Devonshire Manuscript/Payne of all payne the most grevos paine
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←Eche man telles me I chaunge of my devise | lament my losse my labor and my payne→ |
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f. [75v]
1 Payne of all payne the{{th}+e+} most grevors paine
2 ys to loue hartelye & can{_a} not be louid again
3 {{s}8}{w+t+} love with vnkindenesse is causer of hevenis
4 of inwarde sorro & sighis painefull.
5 Where as I love is no redresse
6 {es}{{th}+e+} {n'} to no manner of pastime the sprites so dull
7 {es}{es} {p`} with priue morninges& lookes Rufull.
8 the boddye all werishe the{{th}+e+} collor pale & wan
9 {_i} {_e} a ghost more like agost then lyk a lyving man
10 {{th}+e+}{_a} Whan cupido hath inflamid the harte desire
11 to love there as ys disdayne.
12 of good or ill the{{th}+e+} minde obliuyous.
13 to attain Nothin{_i} g regardin{_i} g but love tattaine
14 alwais imaginin{_i}g by what meane or train
15 yt may be at rest thus in a momen{_e}te.
16 now here now there being never con{_o}tente.
17 {{th}+e+}{_a} {_i} Tossing and torning whanthe body wolde rest.
f. [76r]
18 with{w+t+} dreamis opprest and visions fantastycall
19 sleping or waking love is ever preste
20 some tyme to wepe some tyme to crye and call
21 bewayling his fortune and lif bestiall
22 Nowe in hope of recure and now in dispaire
23 this yis a sorye lyf to lyve alwaye in care/
24 Recorde of therence in his com{_o}medis poeticall
25 yn love ys Ielosye / and iniuris mannye on{_o}n
26 angre and debate with{w+t+} mynde sensuall.
27 nowe warre nowe peace musing all alone /
28 some tyme all morte and colde as anye stonne
29 this causith unkindenesse of suche as cannot skill
30 of th trewe love assurde with{w+t+} herte and good will
31 Lucrese the Romaine for love of our{o+r+} lorde
32 {_o}{p+} & bye cause perforce she had commit advowtrye
33 with{w+t+} tarquinus as the storye dothe recorde
34 her self ded slea / with{w+t+}c a knif most pituoslye
35 {{th}+t+}{es} among her nigh frindes bye cause that she
36 so falslye was betrayed lo this was the guardon
37 Where as true love hath no domynyon
38 To make rehersall of old antiqui{q+i+}tye
39 what nedithe yt we see bye experience
40 among lovers yt chaunsith daylye
41 Displeasor and variaunce for none offens
42 but if true love might gyve sentens
43 that vnkindenes & disdayne shuld have no place
44 but true harte / for true love yt ware agrete grace /
45 O venuis ladye of love the goddesse
46 help all true lovers / to have love againe
47 bannishe from{_o} thye presens disdayne and vnkindnesse
48 kyndnesse and pytie to thy ser{{s}8}uice Retayne
49 for true love ons fixed / in the cordiall vayne
50 can never be revoulsid bye no manner{n'}of arte
51 {p1}{_o} vnto the sowle from the boddye departe
editAttributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H8. The poem is known as “Love with vnkindenesse is causer of hevenis.” Rebholz notes that this lyric could be a modified carol.[2] The speaker uses classical allusions to describe the difficult life of a lover suspended between hope and despair.
The stanzaic division in this lyric is minimal.
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