The Devonshire Manuscript/fforget not yet the tryde entent

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Now must I lerne to lyue at rest o happy dames that may enbrayes
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 54v

 f. [54v] 

1    fforget not yet the tryde entent
2    of suche a truthe as I haue ment
3    my gret travayle so gladly spent
4    fforget not yet

5    fforget not yet when fyrst began
6    the wery lyffe ye know synes{es} whan
7    the sute the ser{{s}8}uys none tell can
8    fforgett not yett

9    fforget not yet the gret assays
10    the cruell wrong the skornfull ways
11    the paynfull pacyence in denAys
12    fforgett not yet

13    fforget not yet forget not thys
14    how long ago hathe ben & ys
15    the mynd that neuer{u'} ment amys
16    fforget not yet

17    fforget not then thyn owne aprovyd
18    the whyche so long hathe the so louyd
19    whose stedfast faythe yet neuer{u'} movyd
20    fforget not thys



Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H6 and is unique to this manuscript. The repeated phrase “fforget not yet” denotes the speaker’s request to the lady to remember his past service and his steadfastness in the face of her disdain.

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