The Devonshire Manuscript/My loue ys lyke vnto theternall fyre

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The Devonshire Manuscript
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Lo how I seke & sew to haue Syns so ye please to here me playn
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 53r

 f. [53r] 

1    My loue ys lyke vnto theternall the eternal  fyre
2    and I as those whyche therin do remayn
3    whose grevous paynes{es} ys but theyre gret desyre
4    to se the syght whyche they may not attayn
5    So in hells heate my self I fele to be
6    that am restraynd by gret extremyte
7    the syght of her whyche ys so dere to me
8    O puissant loue & power of gret avayle
9    by whome hell may be fellt or dethe assayle




Attributed to Sir Thomas Wyatt,[1] this poem was entered by H6 and is unique to the manuscript. The speaker associates his frustrated desire to behold the object of his love with the agony of the damned in hell separated from the presence of God. Agnes K. Foxwell argues that the poem is a "madrigal" due to its rhyme scheme.[2]

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