The Devonshire Manuscript/Back Matter

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The Devonshire Manuscript
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ffortyn ells
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 93v
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 94r
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 94v
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 95r
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 95v
The Devonshire Manuscript facsimile 96r

f. [93v] 
f. [94r]1
f. [94v]
f. [95r2, 3]
f. [95v4, 5]
f. [96r6]

Notes & Glosses


     1. This is a scrap from the original endsheet, with some scribbles; among them what appears to be a name: "John Koss[tt?]lache, [ ] BA."
     2. This is vellum manuscript bits from binding papers. It appears to be Latin and is black and red.
     3. The script is a very fine rounded gothic (XIII or XIV century?) with what might be contemporary marginal notes. The two scraps (very small and damaged) are fragments of the same page of a manuscript, recto and verso, dealing with some legal issue or judicial proceedings. The marginal notes and one incipit mention the "libellenses", who were officers who presented petitions to the Roman emperor and registered them. "Arbitros," people appointed to inquire into a cause, are also mentioned. Several names of Roman magistrates are present together with legal terms (i.e. "appellatio", meaning appeal). The "questor palatii" was a sort of chancellor named by emperor Constantine. Since "prefectus" and "pretor" are present as well, the text may have something to do with the government of a Roman province. The text could be from one of the Latin legal Codices.
     4. This is vellum manuscript bits from binding papers; appears to be Latin, black and red.
     5. See note on 95r as to the nature of the scraps.
     6. This is an excerpt from binding papers. It is an elaborate script, but smudged and hard to decipher: "Wlbe lyned / nl owe" Slogan: "Nowe or / neuer."