Category:Half-finished books

These books are about halfway done, with additional pages still to be created and completed.

Use To put a book in
{{status|100%}} Completed books
{{status|75%}} Books nearing completion
{{status|50%}} Half-finished books
{{status|25%}} Partly developed books
{{status|0%}} Freshly started books

Pages in category "Half-finished books"

More recent additions More recent modifications
  1. Swedish
  2. Lingwa de planeta
  3. German
  4. Bulgarian
  5. Cantonese
  6. Tanchangya
  7. Conlang
  8. Loglan
  9. Mandarin Chinese Grammar for Pimsleur Students
  10. D'ni
  1. Accordion
  2. Budget Watch Collecting
  3. Introduction to Mathematical Physics
  4. Irish
  5. World History
  6. Environmental theory and collection of ideas
  7. Data Science: An Introduction
  8. JavaScript
  9. Lower Sorbian
  10. Manchu

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 379 total.

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