Annotations of The Complete Peanuts
Since 2004, Fantagraphics Books has been republishing the complete run of the comic strip Peanuts in hardcover form, starting from the origin of the strip in October 1950. (For more details on the series, see The Complete Peanuts).

Charles M. Schulz made frequent topical references within the strip to the events and popular culture of the time, which would have required no explanation for a contemporary reader. Some of these references are now rather obscure, and might not be understood by someone not versed in the popular culture of the period. These annotations aim to provide background for such references, and explain their significance. Links to Wikipedia are provided where necessary, if more information is desired.
Each chapter corresponds with a separate volume from the Fantagraphics series, corresponding to two years of the published strips. The original publication dates of the strips are given in addition to the page numbers of the collection, so this reference work can also be used by people with access to the original archives.
editWikiquote has a collection of quotations related to: Peanuts |
- 1950–1952
- 1953–1954
- 1955–1956
- 1957–1958
- 1959–1960
- 1961–1962
- 1963–1964
- 1965–1966
- 1967–1968
- 1969–1970
- 1971–1972
- 1973–1974
- 1975–1976
- 1977–1978
- 1979–1980
- 1981–1982
- 1983–1984
- 1985–1986
- 1987–1988
- 1989–1990
- 1991–1992
- 1993–1994
- 1995–1996
- 1997–1998
- 1999–2000 (also includes Lil' Folks)
- Comics and Stories (the final volume of extras)