Category:Freshly started books

These books are stubs, possibly with only the structure and table of contents laid out or very few pages complete.

Use To put a book in
{{status|100%}} Completed books
{{status|75%}} Books nearing completion
{{status|50%}} Half-finished books
{{status|25%}} Partly developed books
{{status|0%}} Freshly started books

Pages in category "Freshly started books"

More recent additions More recent modifications
  1. Hausa
  2. Thesis Writing Guide
  3. Mongolian
  4. Norwegian
  5. Step-By-Step Conlang
  6. Burmese
  7. Georgian
  8. Latvian
  9. Jumieka
  10. Sinhala
  1. Judaism
  2. Hausa
  3. World War I
  4. Version Control
  5. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  6. Urban Calligraphy
  7. Nature
  8. Fire Simulation for Engineers
  9. Aspies Book
  10. Anim8or - Basics to Advanced

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,308 total.

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