Competitive Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence is the art of analyzing competition — their historic and current moves and predicting how they are likely to behave in the future. It's a critical component for understanding how to create and maintain competitive advantage in the market.

Introduction to CI

  1. Definition of Competitive Intelligence
  2. Type of intelligence
  3. Intelligence Process
  4. Key CI skillsets
  5. Key Intelligence Topics (KITs)

Toolkits and Best Practices in CI

  1. Research
  2. War Games
  3. Analysis
  4. Web Research
  5. CI structure


  1. On Recent Trends in Competitive Intelligence via Technical Virtuosity

About the Book

  1. Authors

This book was initially started as a collaboration effort of the Competitive Intelligence class at UC Irvine's Paul Merage School of Business. All business schools academics and practitioners are invited to contribute to this book to make this a practical guide. Thank you for your contributions!