Investigating Critical & Contemporary Issues in Education

Education has long been a topic of debate. The world's greatest thinkers continue to revolutionize methods to create a better generation. But every time a seemingly flawless method is devised, a later and greater thinker proves it to be complete nonsense. The philosopher Freidrich William Neitzche comments that, "Philosophical systems are wholly true only for their founders. For all subsequent philosophers they usually seem one great mistake..."



Timothy Goodale Ph.D

Chapter 1: Student Academic Performance
Chapter 2: Racial Imbalances
Chapter 3: Challenges of Poverty
Chapter 4: Gender Bias
Chapter 5: Parental Involvement
Chapter 6: Mobility
Chapter 7: Drugs & Violence
Chapter 8: Attrition & Status
Chapter 9: High Stakes Assessment
Chapter 10: Diverse Learning Needs
Chapter 11: Quality/Expectations
Chapter 12: School Level Disparities in Funding
Chapter 13: Technology Issues
Chapter 14: Charter and Private School Debate
Chapter 15: English as a Second Language
Chapter 16: Early Childhood Education