Global Issues: Japan

Global Issues

Table of Contents

  1. Global Issues and Global Citizenship in Japan
  2. Globalization in Commerce and Trade
    2.1. Case Study: Toyota Megaweb Showcase
    2.2. Case Study: The Toyota Way
    2.3. Case Study: Kyocera-business model
  3. Japan's Militarism: Past and Present
    3.1. Case Study: Kototoi Bridge (Asakusa)
    3.2. Case Study: The Emperor in National & International Affairs
  4. Peace Movements & Peace Museums
    4.1. Case Study: Ritsumeikan University and the Kyoto Museum for World Peace
    4.2. Case Study: National Debate on Article 9
    4.3. Case Study: JUMP--Japan United for Ministry of Peace
  5. Human Rights in Japan
    5.1. Case Study: Liberty Osaka
    5.2. Case Study: War Crimes Trials, 1945 - 2008
    5.3. Case Study: Human Rights and Discrimination Today
  6. Gender Issues
    6.1. Case Study: "Comfort Women" in World War II
  7. Children and the Education System in Japan
  8. News Media, Politics & Kisha Clubs
  9. Special Projects
    9.1. The Global Art Project for Peace
    9.2. The Peace Philosophy Centre
    9.3. Harmonics Life Centre