Interlingual Energizers

This book aims to be a guide for non-formal education activities such as energizers, icebreakers or team building games in an interlingual environment. In such an environment people with different native languages meet. The proposed activities can be facilitated with children as well as with adults.

Energizers in the old days

This book provides an editable collection of such activities which are enhanced with instructions in several languages. English as a globally used language is considered only a starting point to use the activity for example in a Romanian, Spanish or Swedish etc. environment.

Get started


To get an impression about what this book offers, have a look at some of the best interlingual energizers:



Browse all 32 interlingual energizers at the index.

The activities are structured using stages in an ideal workshop:

Alternatively they are structures by topic:

And they are structures by the required language level of the facilitator:

You can also find them based on available translations:

This book also contains tips and tricks for facilitating interlingual energizers:



The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.