Category:Requests for deletion

This page lists all modules currently listed on Wikibooks:Requests for deletion, and have been listed here through the use of {{rfd}}.

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Pages in category "Requests for deletion"

More recent additions More recent modifications
  1. Human Geography
  2. Hobo tourism/Printable version
  3. Hobo travel journalism/Printable version
  4. Hobo tourism/Third creative trip of Viktor Pinchuk to Africa
  5. Hobo tourism/Third African trip
  6. Hobo tourism/Visiting Death
  7. Hobo tourism/One day in an Afghan prison
  8. Hobo tourism/Around the world with empty pockets
  9. Hobo tourism/Indian dreams
  10. Hobo tourism/Two months of wandering and 14 days behind bars
  1. Human Geography
  2. Salute, Jonathan!
  3. Austrian German
  4. Hobo tourism/Printable version
  5. Hobo tourism/Third creative trip of Viktor Pinchuk to Africa
  6. Hobo tourism/Third African trip
  7. Hobo tourism/Visiting Death
  8. Hobo tourism/One day in an Afghan prison
  9. Hobo tourism/Around the world with empty pockets
  10. Hobo tourism/Indian dreams

The following 157 pages are in this category, out of 157 total.


Media Files

The following 12 files are in this category, out of 12 total.