Hobo tourism/Bum tour of winter Japan

Bum tour of winter Japan — a project of the Russian traveler Viktor Pinchuk, conceived and implemented spontaneously.

Overnight in the lobby of the student dormitory in Kyoto

General information

  • Duration: 2 weeks.
  • Period: 15.01. 2012 — 29. 01. 2012
  • Idea: Viktor Pinchuk.
  • Number of participants: 1 (one).
  • Starting point: Tokyo
  • Transit through: Kyiv.
  • Number of Islands visited: 3 (three).
  • Way to get: plane.
  • Ways to move: railway transport, bus, pedestrian routes.
  • Method: kiseru.
  • Nature of the journey: creative trip.
  • Objects of interest: temples.
  • Purpose: collection of material for the book, articles and photo exhibition.
  • Format: bum tour, winter hard option.

Places visited

  • Islands: Honshu, Shikoku, Enoshima.
  • Cities & villages: Narita (airport), Hakuba, Oboke, Okayama, Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Kamakura, Tokyo.

Мap of the route

The methods applied


In the process of moving along the route the following accommodation options were used:

Outcomes and results


Written and published in the press (in Russian):

  • Япония для нищих — 15. 03. 2012. — Republic of Crimea: newspaper. — № 8 (941);
  • «Гуманоид» в гостях у самураев — 22. 03. 2012. — Republic of Crimea: newspaper. — № 9 (942);
  • Продолжение бомжеключений — 23. 03. 2012. — Republic of Crimea: newspaper. — № 10 (943);
  • Ватащи-ва бимбо хито дэсу — 5. 04. 2012. — Republic of Crimea: newspaper. — № 11 (944);
  • Сказки и быль о Японии — 12. 04. 2012. — Republic of Crimea: newspaper. — № 12 (945);
  • Двадцатая страна — 24. 04. 2012. — Republic of Crimea: newspaper. — № 13 (946);
  • Заметки «японского» бомжа — 24. 05. 2012. — Republic of Crimea: newspaper. — № 15 (948);
  • Остров размером с деревню — 7. 06. 2012. — Republic of Crimea: newspaper. — № 16 (949);
  • Вот и всё: вокзал и аэропорт… — Republic of Crimea: newspaper. — 7. 06. 2012. — № 17 (950);
  • Вечерний город Токио — Evening city: newspaper. — 14.08.2012. — № 50 (585).


Illustrations from the book "Japan for Free"

Articles in Wikisource mentioning this trip


