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Books on this shelf deal with literature: the art of written works.


The following 31 subcategories may be of interest, out of 31 total.

Pages in category "Shelf:Literature"

More recent additions More recent modifications
  1. Women's Writing Before Woolf: A Social Reference
  2. Saint Michael: Early Anglo-Saxon Tradition
  3. Shelf:Hello, Jonathan!
  4. Themes in Literature
  5. Create Vampires
  6. 19th Century Literature
  7. Speed Reading
  8. The Bell Jar
  9. William Wordsworth We are Seven
  10. MRC Tutor Resource Guide
  1. Speed Reading
  2. How to Find a Book
  3. History of Literature
  4. Literary Criticism
  5. Guide to English Literature
  6. 19th Century Literature
  7. American Literature
  8. MRC Tutor Resource Guide
  9. Introduction to Select Irish Literature and Film
  10. Manga Study Guide: Barefoot Gen

The following 32 pages are in this category, out of 32 total.