Manga Study Guide: Barefoot Gen

Manga Study Guide
Barefoot Gen

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 - Background information


1.1 - The comic and the history

1.2 - Author’s life and experience

1.3 - Author's purpose and philosophy

Chapter 2 - The text


2.1 - Plot summary

2.2 - Plot structure (The Weekly Jump)

2.3 - Analysis (Q& A from study guide)

2.4 - Character summary

2.5 - Symbolism (eg wheat field, sun)

Chapter 3 - Manga Conventions


3.1 - Use of cartoon violence

3.2 - Humour

3.3 - Facial features ( esp. eyes)

3.4 - Layout

3.5 - Pace

3.6 - Bubbles

3.7 - Onomatopoeia

3.8 - Gutter

3.9 - Line