
About - Hakkında

  1. Introduction - Tanıtım 100% developed
  2. About this book - Bu kitap hakkında 100% developed
  3. Computing in Turkish - Türkçe bilgisayar 100% developed
  4. Contributions to this Wikibook - Bu Vikikitap'a katkılar 100% developed
  1. A - I
  2. İ - R
  3. S - Z
  4. Vowel Classifications and Harmony
  5. Consonant Classifications and Harmony

Ways of enhancing your Turkish - Türkçenizi geliştirme yolları 75% developed

  1. Turkish Satellite Television
  2. Turkish Music
  3. Turkish Movies
  4. Turkish on the internet
  5. Turkish newspapers & magazines

Lessons - Dersler


Unit One - Ünite Bir
  1. Lesson One - Greetings - Ders Bir - Tanışma 75% developed
  2. Lesson Two - I am... - Ders İki - Ben... 100% developed
  3. Lesson Three - Asking Questions - Ders Üç - Soru Sorma 100% developed
  4. Lesson Four - Are you busy today? - Ders Dört - Bugün meşgul müsün? 0% developedNeeds a lot of work. Give me some ideas, please!
  5. Unit One - Test - Ünite Bir - Test 0% developed

Unit Two - Ünite İki
  1. Lesson Five - Asking for directions - Ders Beş - Yön Sorma 100% developed
  2. Lesson Six - Geography of Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus - Ders Altı - Türkiye ve Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti Coğrafyası
  3. Lesson Seven - Transport - Ders Yedi - Taşıma 0% developed
  4. Lesson Eight - Services - Ders Sekiz - Hizmetler 50% developed
  5. Unit Two - Test - Ünite İki - Test 0% developed

Unit Three - Ünite Üç
  1. Lesson Nine - Kinship - Ders Dokuz - Akrabalık 0% developed
  2. Lesson Ten - Kinship: Advanced - Ders On - Akrabalık:Gelişmiş 0% developed
Altaic-Language Wikibooks
Mongolic: Mongolian
Tungusic: Manchu
Turkic: Azerbaijani | Turkish | Turkmen | Uzbek
Buyeo: * Japanese* | Korean*
*The inclusion of Japanese and Korean in Altaic
and the existence of Buyeo is controversial.
See Altaic languages for more information on this dispute.

Grammar - Dil Bilgisi

  1. Word Order - Kelime Sırası
  2. Vowel Classifications and Harmony
  3. Pronouns - Adıllar
  4. Cases - Durumlar
  5. Plural - Çoğulluk
  6. Verbs - Eylemler
  7. Postpositions - İlgeçler
  8. Present Tense - Şimdiki Zaman
  9. Negative - Present Continuous Tense - Olumsuz - Şimdiki Zaman
  10. Interrogative - Present Continuous Tense - Soru - Şimdiki zaman
  11. Past Tense - Geçmiş Zaman
  12. Past Tense 2 - Geçmiş Zaman 2
  13. Negative Past Tense - Olumsuz Geçmiş Zaman
  14. Past Continuous Tense - Geniş Zaman
  15. Negative Past Continuous Tense - Olumsuz Geniş Zaman
  16. Future Tense - Gelecek Zaman

See tr:User:Srhat

  1. Simple Present Tense (or Aorist Tense) - Geniş Zaman
  2. Turkish/Present Continuous Tense - Şimdiki Zaman
  3. Turkish/Future Tense - Gelecek Zaman
  4. Turkish/Seen Past Tense - Görülen Geçmiş Zaman
  5. Turkish/Heard Past Tense - Öğrenilen Geçmiş Zaman
  6. Turkish/Compound Tenses - Birleşik Zamanlar

All pages:

Merhaba! Birinci dersinize hoşgeldiniz! If you're wondering what on Earth that just said, here's what it means: Hello! Welcome to your first lesson! Your first lesson will start with greetings, as they are what you will use in the beginning of conversations.



Read the following dialogues. You can hover your mouse pointer over the parts of the dialogue, specific words or suffixes to see what they mean, but you don't have to understand every part of the word, each suffix from the first lesson. You will learn the rules later, so don't worry about them.

Two friends are talking to each other.
Ahmet: Merhaba!
Zeynep: Merhaba!
Two friends are talking to each other.
Ahmet: Merhaba! Hi!
Zeynep: Merhaba Ahmet, nasılsın? Hi Ahmet, how are you!
Ahmet: İyiyim sağ ol, sen? I'm fine thanks, you?
Zeynep: Ben de iyiyim I'm fine, too.
Two friends are talking to each other.
Ahmet: Merhaba! Hi!
Zeynep: Merhaba Ahmet, nasılsın? Hi Ahmet, how are you!
Ahmet: İyiyim sağ ol, sen? I'm fine thanks, you?
Zeynep: Ben de iyiyim I'm fine, too.