Turkish/Ways of enhancing your Turkish/University Courses Directory

If you want to learn Turkish, then what better way of doing it than by studying it professionally? Of course, this is really up to, but if you want to become an expert in this field of knowledge, you can just take a university course. See the universities' respective websites for more information about their courses.



Københavns Universitet

  • Turkish Studies (Tyrkisk)



Université de Provence Aix-Marseille I

  • Turkish

United Kingdom


University College London

  • French and Turkish - 4FT Hon BA

King's College London (University of London)

  • Turkish and Modern Greek Studies - 4FT Hon BA

University of Manchester

  • Middle Eastern Languages - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish Studies - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish and Islamic Studies - 3FT Hon BA

Oxford University

  • Turkish - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish with Islamic Art and Archaeology - 3FT Hon BA
  • Turkish with Ottoman History - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish with subsidiary language - 4FT Hon BA

School of Oriental and African Studies

  • History of Art/Archaeology and Turkish - 4FT Hon BA
  • Linguistics and Turkish - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish and Arabic - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish and Development Studies - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish and Economics - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish and Geography - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish and Georgian - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish and History - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish and Law - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish and Management - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish and Music - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish and Persian - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish and Politics - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish and Social Anthropology - 4FT Hon BA
  • Turkish and Study of Religions - 4FT Hon BA

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