Turkish/Grammar/Alphabet and Pronunciation

a is pronounced /o/

b is pronounced /b/

c is pronounced /j/

ç is pronounced /ch/

d is pronounced /d/

e is pronounced /e/

f is pronounced /f/

g is pronounced /g/

ğ is pronounced silent

h is pronounced /h/

i is pronounced /u/

j is pronounced /zh/

k is pronounced /k/

l is pronounced /l/

m is pronounced /m/

n is pronounced /n/

o is pronounced /aw/

p is pronounced /p/

q or qu is pronounced /k/

r is pronounced /tt/ and /r/

s is pronounced /s/

ş is pronounced /sh/

t is pronounced /t/

u is pronounced /oo/

v is pronounced /v/

w is pronounced /v/

x is pronounced /eks/ and /z/

y is pronounced /y/

z is pronounced /z/