Old School RuneScape/Printable version

Old School RuneScape

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The Abyss is an extra dimension in the world of RuneScape that can be very helpful for runecrafting. It allows quick access to all the runecrafting alters without the need for travelling, or a talisman/tiara for that alter. However, its huge benefits come with great risks. Members can access it by doing a small miniquest.

The miniquest


Players have to talk to the Zamorakian Mage in the Wilderness (level 5) after completing the Rune Mysteries Quest. His exact location is at the end of the river north of Edgeville, it is advised to follow the river on the east side for minimal pker risk. He will tell the player to meet him in the Varrock chaos temple, this is located south of the rune store. The player will then receive the assignment to teleport to the rune essence mine from three different locations (named in the Essence section of the Runecrafting guide) while carrying an orb given to them by the Mage. After the orb has been returned to the Mage, he will share his research with the player and the player receives an Abyssal book explaining about the Abyss and a small pouch along with 1000 runecrafting experience. They can now also access a rune store and the Abyss by right-clicking on the Mage in level 5 Wilderness.



There are four different types: small, medium, large, and giant. After completing the Abyss miniquest players automatically receive a small pouch, the others can be obtained by killing abyssal monsters inside the Abyss and they will be 2/3 full of essence when found. A player can only have one of every type of pouch. Every pouch holds multiple rune essences, thus allowing players to carry more than their actual inventory space of essences. While being used for carrying essence, the largest kind of pouch a player is using may degrade, in that case the Dark Mage sitting in the center of the two Abyssal rings can be talked into repairing them at no cost. When a player loses any of the pouches, they can kill Abyssal monsters again and eventually receive the pouches as a monster drop.

Pouch Name Amount of Essence it Holds Runecrafting Level Required to Use
Small 3 1
Medium 6 25
Large 9 50
Giant 12 75

The Abyssal Space


The Abyss can be reached by right-clicking on the Zamorakian Mage in the Wilderness and selecting "teleport". Players are advised to have prayer potions, a teleport option, and good armor with them if they plan on entering the Abyss for any reason. Inside the Abyss, the player is skulled and all their prayer points are drained to zero automatically. The abyss consists of two rings. It is worth noting that the Abyss is not part of the Wilderness and pking is not possible inside it. Once at the alter, a player cannot return through the Abyss, and so teleport methods are advised, especially a teleport that will get the player back to Edgeville such as an Amulet of Glory or Ancient Magicks.

Abyssal Inner Ring


In the inner ring are the portals to all the runecrafting alters, including entrances for the not yet existing blood and soul alters (these cannot be entered). The portals are labelled by a sign on them but it is better to hover the mouse over them and see which one it is because some of the icons are very similar. No talismans or tiaras are needed to enter the portals. In the center of this ring is the Dark Mage who will repair broken pouches.

Abyssal Outer Ring


This is the danger factor. It is filled with three kinds of very aggressive creatures all of which will attack players as soon as they enter. It is also a multi-combat area. Prayer potions are advised so a player can restore their drained prayer points and use the "protect from melee" prayer to keep themselves safe. The monsters are level 41, 59, and 81 and they all drop rune essence, binding necklaces, ashes, elemental talismans (access to air, water, earth, and fire alters, cannot be made into a tiara), and pouches. It is advised to kill the level 41 monsters to obtain the last three pouches and leave the others well alone as there's no real need to fight them. When killing Abyssal monsters, only 1/4 of the normal skill experience is received to the combat skill the player is using. To get from the outer ring to the inner, players can use one of 11 entrances. One of these can just be walked through without problems, the others pose more of a challenge. The options for the other 10 are: squeeze gap (uses agility), distract eyes (uses thieving), burn boil (tinderbox needed, uses firemaking), chop tendrils (woodcutting axe needed, uses woodcutting), and mine rock (pickaxe needed, uses mining). Players can bring pickaxes, tinderboxes, and woodcutting axes to use the last three types of entrances. The entrances rotate around so players may have to use any one of them to get to the inner ring quickly.

Strategy For Abyss Crafters


For most crafters the following setup would be wise. You can modify as you see fit.
1. The best magic defence you can get, dragonhide would be good.
2. Any pickaxe for mining through rocks.
3. Boots of lightness.
4. A one click teleport (for escaping pkers), ectophial or elf crystal.
5. A charged glory ammy.
6. All the pouches that you are capable of using.
7. Some food if lower than about 95 combat (1 lobster would do).
8. Fill the rest with rune essence.

Start at the Edgeville bank. Run north to the Zamarok mage and use the "teleport" option. When you're in the abyss, use the nearest available way to get into the inner ring that you can use. Exit through whichever rift you want to craft in (I wouldn't suggest anything lower than chaos). Craft your runes and teleport back to Edgeville. Rinse and repeat. If your pouches go black speak to the Zamarok mage to get them fixed. It helps to have multiple (3 and upwards) glory ammys to save time recharging.


Hacking in RuneScape involves a player gaining access another player's account. This usually happens when the player has visited a site with a keylogger or they had given out their password. This is an unfortunately common event, however, this can be avoided. There are easy steps that can be taken to keep a player's account safe from being hacked.

How to Get Hacked


Players can only be hacked when they are not playing their character.



Some websites are not safe for players. While some sites may look secure, many are not.

RuneScape Wannabes


Some websites may claim that they are RuneScape and look very similar to the site. However, if the player looks at the address bar, they will probably see something wrong with it, such as instead of saying https://www.runescape.com/, it might have more words or letters.

Fan Sites


Some fan sites are not safe as well. There have been security issues with some fan sites, where players have been able to hack these websites and put viruses or keyloggers on them. It is best to run a virus scan or adware/spyware scan after visiting a fan site.


Players should never follow a link that directs to RuneScape. They should only bookmark the site on their own, not use another site's link to RuneScape. Clicking on another site's RuneScape link may contain a keylogger. Keyloggers are viruses that go into the player's computer and will record everything they type. The information is then sent to the creator of the keylogger. If the player types in their account name and password on RuneScape's official site, the keylogger will log it and send it to it's creator. The keylogger's creator will then go to RuneScape, enter the player's account name and password, and go on their account, stealing all their belongings.

If the player is using a fan site forum, they should not use their RuneScape username or password on that site. Players should use a different account name and password whenever possible.

Giving Out Passwords


Players must never give out their password. They must keep their password safe. They should not tell it to family, friends, or anyone else.

An friend or a family member may accidently disclose the password, or may use the password on the player's account and steal all their belongings if they are untrustworthy.

Remember, never give out a password. A password is meant to keep something safe. It should not be told to people.

It is also a good idea for players to check behind them if they are in a public place to make sure that nobody is looking at their computer. People have been known to lose their accounts because someone saw them type in their password.

Auto Programs


Many players cheat on RuneScape and use a program that does the work for them. This is against RuneScape's Rule #13.

Some sites allow players to download and use auto programs. These sites sometimes have keyloggers. The programs also sometimes have keyloggers.

Players must exercise caution when visiting these auto program sites.

JAGeX Staff Claims


JAGeX is the company that makes RuneScape. Some players will claim that they are JAGeX staff or that they know people who work for JAGeX.

JAGeX staff will never contact a player through email or in-game. The only time a staff member will contact a player is through the message center, where they send messages to players.

If a player receives an e-mail 'from JAGeX', they must delete it right away. JAGeX themselves will never send players e-mails.

Also, in-game, JAGeX staff members have a gold crown beside their name that appears in the chat box. If this gold crown is not beside the player's name, then they are not JAGeX staff. Also, almost all the staff have the word Mod before their names.



Players will never receive an email from JAGeX.

JAGeX will never send players an email. This is said all over RuneScape's website so that all players will know.

If a player does receive an email from JAGeX, it is a player trying to hack accounts and must be deleted right away. All of these emails have keyloggers and will steal the player's password.

JAGeX will only send players messages through the message center, which is located on RuneScape's website.

Preventing Hacking


There are very simple rules that can be followed to protect a player's RuneScape account as well a their computer from keyloggers and other players.

  • Players must never give out their password. If a player does this, then they are only asking to be hacked.
  • Make a hard to guess password. Try making the password contain letters, numbers, and symbols, such as abc123?!?. A password with letters, numbers, and symbols is much, much harder to guess with a program than a password with only letters.
  • Players should change their password often. Once a month is recommended. However, players should not change their password on a non-secured public wireless connection. Doing so can get the player's RuneScape password hacked. So if the player is using an unsecure public wireless connection, they should not change their password until they use their own internet connection.
  • Players should try to not use their password on other sites. Try making many different passwords and keeping them somewhere safe in case the player forgets them.
  • Players should run a virus scan or a adware/spyware scan on their computer once a week. This is the easiest way to not get hacked. An excellent program for this is Hitman Pro, which not only checks for spyware but for all kinds of invasive programs.
  • Some sites are unsafe. Some fan sites and pornographic sites contain keyloggers, so if a player visits them, they should run a virus scan or adware/spyware scan after visiting these sites.
  • Players are strongly recommended that they set recovery questions. These can be accessed on RuneScape's main website. Players enter 5 questions about them that only they would know. It is best if you make questions that only you can answer, not your friends, family, etc.
  • Players must never download auto programs. These programs as well as the sites always have keyloggers.
  • For a web browser, use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome instead of Internet Explorer.
  • Players are strongly recommended that they set a bank PIN. This personal identification number can be made when they go to a bank. The player has to talk to the banker and ask about a PIN number. The player can then make a four number password for their bank. This PIN can be hacked from keyloggers that make Screen shots in the right time, but it's safer then without. It is almost impossible to be hacked if a player uses a PIN.

What to do When Hacked


JAGeX will not give players back the items they lost. Many players turn to JAGeX when they get hacked. However, they do not give items back because people could potentially take advantage of getting free items.

If a player is hacked, they could raise their skills and sell the produce. In time, the player will be able to afford new items.

The Difference Between Hacking and Scamming


There is a large difference between scamming and hacking.

Scamming is when a a player cheats another player. Here is an example.

A player is buying a rune platebody. Another player trades them and puts up a rune platebody in the trade window. The player buying then puts up 80,000 gp. Both players hits accept, but the player buying doesn't look at the second trade window. They hit accept immediately, and then complete their trading. The player that bought the plate looks in his inventory only to see an adamant platebody. They were just scammed.

Hacking is completely different from scamming. Hacking involves a player's account being stolen, not a player cheating another player.




Scamming in RuneScape involves a player cheating another player. This is a very common thing that happens everyday. However, scamming can be easily avoided.

Common Scams


There are many different kinds of scams in RuneScape. Many players fall for these scams, though they can easily be avoided.

Armour Trimming


Some players may see other players saying that they can trim armour. These players are most commonly found in Varrock and Falador, a majority of them on free worlds. However, trimming armour is a scam.

It is impossible for a player to trim another player's armour. Some players say that they can trim armour because they are a member. However, this is also not true.

Trimmed armour can only be gained from doing treasure trails, a mini-game that members can do. When the member has complete the treasure trail, they will then receive a random reward. The reward will sometimes be trimmed armour.

This is a scam and can be reported using the "report abuse" button. The "report abuse" button is located beneath the chatbox. When a player sees another player saying that they can trim armour, they are recommended that they use the "report abuse" button and report the player for breaking Rule #2

Password Blocking


Some players will say that JAGeX has made an update that allows players to not say their password or that the censor blocks player's passwords. However, this is a scam.

The player may say, "Jagex blocks your pass! ******* see?" This is not true. A player's password can only be censored if it is a swear. Also, players must never give out their password. If a player does tell their password, then they are only asking to be hacked.

Players doing this scam can be reported. A player simply has to click on the "report abuse" button and report the rule breaker for breaking Rule #3.

Trade Scams


A player is buying a rune platebody. Another player trades them and puts up a rune platebody in the trade window. The player buying then puts up 80,000 gp. Both players hits accept, but the player buying doesn't look at the second trade window. They hit accept immediately, and then complete their trading. The player that bought the plate looks in his inventory only to see an adamant platebody. They were just scammed.

This is the most common scam in all of RuneScape. However, players can easily avoid this simply by being patient and observing the trade window.

When a player trades another player, a trade window will appear. In this window, players can put up their items that they will want to trade. Both players can see what items are being traded. When both players click the accept button, a second trade window appears. In this window, players can see what they are trading in words. This is where players can check to see if they are being scammed.

In the second trade window, players must read carefully what they are trading. All a player has to do is be patient and read the second trade window to make sure they are not being scammed.

If a player is scammed by this, they simply have to use the "report abuse" button and report the player for breaking Rule #2.

Gem Cutting


Some players may say that they will cut other player's gems for free. While some honest players may cut gems for free, many players will be greedy and steal the gems they receive.

Players are recommended that they raise their crafting level up to cut their own gems so that they won't be scammed.

If this scam happens, players can use the "report abuse" button and report the player for breaking Rule #2.

JAGeX Impersonators


JAGeX is the company that makes RuneScape. Some players will claim that they are JAGeX staff or that they know people who work for JAGeX and that they can give players free items or free membership. However, this is always a scam.

JAGeX staff will never contact players in the game. They will only contact players using the message center. Also, JAGeX staff members always have a gold crown beside their name and most of them have the word Mod before their name.

If a player sees another player doing this, the player can be reported for breaking Rule #5.

Edgeville Scam


Players may private message other players saying that they are selling something rare at a incredibly low price. The player selling will want the player buying to come to Edgeville's wilderness. When the buyer gets there, they will enter the wilderness with all their money and trade the seller. The seller will then get a friend to kill the buyer, or kill the buyer themselves if the buyer's level is close enough to theirs.

It is very simple to avoid this scam. Do not trade in or around the wilderness or near Edgeville.

Buying Items at High Prices


A player be buying rune essence for 800 gp each rather then the common 30 gp each. A player will notice this great deal and trade the buyer. The player selling the ess will put up 1,000, and the buyer will put up 800,000 gp. The two players click on the accept button on both trade windows and complete the trade. However, when the buyer looks at the 800,000 gp they made, they notice that they only received 80,000 gp.

This is a very serious scam, but can be easily avoided. Players must carefully watch the trade windows to make sure they are receiving the correct amount of money or item.

Players who are buying items at high prices are usually scammers. If they are scamming players, they can be reported for breaking Rule #2.

Two person trade scam


A buyer is offering way over the odds for an item which is not incredibly rare.

A seller not too far away is offering the item at a lower price, but still considerably higher than the going rate.

They are in league and you will be left with an unwanted item at an excessive price. The way to avoid this scam is to know the prices, and never buy in an overpriced item, as even if the trade did turn out to be legitimate, you could be beaten to it.

Selling Rare Items


A player may be selling an item that they are saying rare. However, they may be lying. Rare items are covered in the Rare Items Guide.

Free Membership


Some players may say that they can offer free membership. However, this is a scam.

No player can give free membership. Player mods also cannot give membership or receive free membership.

Avoiding Scamming


Players can easily avoid being scammed by following these points.

  • Take time trading. Observe the items the other player is putting up.
  • Never fall for the "trimming armour" scam.
  • Be wary of trades near Edgeville or the Wilderness.
  • Be wary of trades with people offering very high prices.
  • Know the items involved in your trade.
  • Always look at the second trade screen.

What to do When Scammed


If a player is scammed, the only thing they can do is work to get the items they lost back.

JAGeX will not give players back the items they lost. Many players turn to JAGeX when they get scammed. However, JAGeX will only say that there is nothing they can do. They do not give items back because people would take advantage of getting free items.

If a player is scammed, they should raise their skills to get money or merchant some items. In time, the player will be able to get back their items.

The Difference Between Hacking and Scamming


There is a large difference between scamming and hacking.

Scamming is when a a player cheats another player. Here is an example.

A player is buying a rune platebody. Another player trades them and puts up a rune platebody in the trade window. The player buying then puts up 80,000 gp. Both players hits accept, but the player buying doesn't look at the second trade window. They hit accept immediately, and then complete their trading. The player that bought the plate looks in his inventory only to see an adamancy platebody. They were just scammed.

Hacking is completely different from scamming. Hacking involves a player's account being stolen, not a player cheating another player.

Guides/Castle Wars

Castle Wars is a Runescape minigame for members only. It is like Capture the Flag, but with fighting. To access this minigame players must head southeast of the Tree Gnome Village (Since this minigame is members only, it is located in a members only area).

To start off with the minigame, players need to pick a team. Each team is based on the 3 Runescape gods: Saradomin (good), Guthix (neutral), and Zamorak (evil). If players are loyal to Saradomin, they can step into the blue portal. If they are loyal to Zamorak, they can step into the red portal. If they are loyal to Guthix, however, they will be put into the team that has less players when they step into the green portal.

Players should bring what they need, but they can't bring a cape or helmet, as they will be supplied with a hood and cape of their god's color. Players don't need to worry about dying as they won't lose items if they die. They will be sent back to their team spawn room instead of Lumbridge.

After the time is up for entering players, the game starts and players enter the respawn room of their team's castle. Players have 20 minutes to capture their enemy's flag as many times as possible. Players can do whatever is necessary to get the opposing team's flag and keep their own.

The arena consists of two castles with an accessible castle wall. A river separates the two castles. There is a bridge that players can cross of course. There is also a tunnel beneath the arena that players can use to sneak between the castles. However they are caved in and a pickaxe is needed to clear the rocks, players can grab a bronze pickaxe in the respawn room.

First Floor/Spawn Room


There will be a table with bandages which heal 6 hp. Players should grab a few but save some space as there are other tools essential to their war. Players can use the bandages to heal themselves or teammates. Of course enemies can't get in the room, but players can only stay inside for two minutes. Players can leave and go back in the spawn room to obtain more bandages if they are damaged.

Second Floor


If players go up the stairs outside or climb the ladder up they will find themselves on the second floor. There isn't much here except the stairs to the team's flag.

Top Floor


The top floor is where the flag is located. Some enemies will camp out here and wait until the flag appears at the flag holder. If players can't capture the flag, they can wait here and kill enemies attempting to capture their flag.

Ground Floor


The bottom of the arena (besides the tunnels underground). This is where enemies can charge the castles. This is also where the tables of equipment are.



Here's a list of equipment available to players during the minigame, it can be found on the ground floors of the castles.

Tool kits


The tool kits are little gray boxes. They fix things that can be broken by enemies like the castle gates and catapult.



The barricades are pieces of wood on the table next to the tool kits. They can be placed anywhere and they block anyone. Of course they're destroyable by attacking them or using special explosive potions.



Buckets are on the floor next to some crates. There's a sink that players can use to fill them up. If the catapult or a barricade is on fire from an explosive potion, players can use the bucket of water to put it out.

Explosive potions


Explosive potions have orange liquid in the vials. They can be used on barricades or a catapult to destroy to them. Also they can be used to cause a cave-in and prevent movement between castles underground in the tunnels. Players can dig and remove the rocks though. WARNING:Do not drop these, they will cause 15 damage when dropped.



On the table next to the explosive potions, there are ropes. If players use them on a castle wall, they can scale the wall without having to get through the castle gates. Ropes won't disappear after players scale the wall, they will stay there for the remainder of the game. Players can use these to an advantage by setting as many ropes as they can on the enemy's castle wall.



Rocks are used to bombard a small area around the castles with a catapult. They are good for slightly longer distance ranging assistance but they are not as effective as ranging with a bow.

Bronze pickaxes


If players are going underground, they're going to need one to dig their way through cave-ins.



If players going to destroy the catapult, they might as well set fire to it, right? That's what a tinderbox is for. It slows down the repair of the catapult and players can use that time to attack the enemy fixing it. However, water can put out fire, making it easier to use an Explosive Potion to destroy the enemy fixtures.

Tactics for Playing the Game


There are multiple ways for players to make themselves useful in the minigame, these are some of the options available.



Holds the team's flag if obtained, or steals the enemy's flag to score. This player should be one of a relatively high combat level (at least 90+) in order to prevent an easy kill if the opponents swarm the single player. Advantages of such a player would be to have access to multi-target Ancient Magicks (Ice Burst and Ice Barrage) to enable the immobilizing of any pursuing enemy.

The flagbearer holding his/her own team's flag usually hides along their teams outer walls, or upon their own castle wall (use a rope on the wall to climb up, as entering the castle will cause the flag to be 'Safe' - returned to it's original position, thus an opponent will be able to obtain it with less fighting involved ). They are generally surrounded by many people to help defend that player, or as medics to heal him/her when low on hitpoints. One tactic some players use is to use emotes (other than 'Yes' and 'No') to 'hide' the flag, and thus preventing passing enemies from seeing it. To cause further confusion, other allies standing nearby could also dance so an opponent would find it even harder to find the flag. Another strategy is that players stand on the same spot as the flagbearer, to hide him/her from view.

Ideal items for the flagbearer to bring would be runes (if using Ancient Magicks), a number of Explosive Potions (if attempting to steal the enemy flag) and many bandages. Also, barricades can be used in some places to block pursuing opponents. Ideal armour would be Barrows armour, Dragonhide or Dragon/Rune armour to have a chance to withstand attacking opponents.



A medic heals teammates that are essential to important jobs such as flagbearer capturing the flag. Usually these players have a combat level under 50 and are therefore less able to withstand other player's attacks. Medics should have a lot of bandages and a few barricades if necessary.



Mages usually stand along the outer wall of their own castle using spells on those who run by. They usually wear mage robes and have necessary runes in their inventory.

Ancient Mages, however, can gain much more experience by going to the enemy's spawn room level and casting multi-player Ancient Magick (normally Ice Barrage or Ice Burst) to gain decent amounts of experience, or often by locating a flag carrier, as they often have many people swarming about them. In crowded areas, ice barrages and ice bursts often give great mage experience and hinder movement. A possible use of Ancient Magicks is to attack multiple barricades, as this offers relatively good experience and helps the team.

Rangers and Meleers


Usually consists of those who do not fall under the above categories. These players are normal "soldiers" who fight random opponents, whether tactically or randomly. Normally attacking an opponent with a flag is strategic unless outnumbered severely. These players should travel in groups to achieve maximum effectiveness, enabling them to kill solitary opponents quickly, thus reducing damage done to themselves. These players play a crucial role in Castle Wars, and the rangers usually "snipe" opponents from the top of the castle (just as medieval archers did to protect their castle).

If players are training to become a ranger, and cannot afford arrows or simply do not have the time to make them, they can go to Castle Wars on a populated world and stand below the archers. They generally do not have time to go down and pick up their arrows, and someone else can easily pick them up and gain hundreds, though some rangers may frown upon that and consider it a form of stealing.


The Essence of Clans


The general meaning of the word Clan in runescape tends to be one of a group of players united in a common goal or bond that serves to see them unite to achieve anything typically for enjoyment. There are various types of clans from small to large and many people have different opinions on what consists of a clan.

Typically the most accepted terminology of a clan is that it is one of more than three players operating under a common goal. Typically the bigger the clan the more likely it is to be accepted that they are indeed a full-fledged clan and not just a "group of buddies" hanging out together. Many clans tend to start off just as a group of friends working with each other for enjoyment, company or any other reason that will officially become a clan when more and more people unite typically under one of the persons in the group.

Some clans form "Alliances", these alliances consists of different types of clans. Runescape's oldest and biggest alliance called "The Chaos Alliance" has over 9000 members and not only has clans in it, but teams, clubs, companies, cults, legions and armies, it is led by Red Echidna0. Others have made similar alliances, mainly those who believe in strength in numbers.

It is not far-fetched to say that some clans end up forming very much like in fictional stories where people are drawn to others and soon unite to work under one banner. Of course, there are various other ways clans can start up. One prominent way is through internet forums and communities, many people who post on message boards may start up a rapport socially with other members and soon find that they have many things in common.

It could be said then that the essence of a clan is that its members should ideally have something in common else, it is likely to stumble at the first step.

Of the types of clans out there, the list would be innumerable, however you could broadly place them into two separate categories:

Player Killing Clans


Player Killing clans are typically members (pure or impure) who unite together with the common goal of wrecking plenty of havoc in the wilderness where player-killing is quite welcome! Members of raider clans tend to be very similar in levels but have a wide range of combat abilities available to them allowing them to adjust to any combat situation in the wild.

Wars are a common eruption in the wilderness, clans can quite easily fall out of favor with one another resulting in a pitched battle in the wild, usually under an agreed set of rules prior to the date of the "war". No mercy tends to be shown by pking clans regardless of your relationship with them, although there are some who adhere to a set of rules almost akin to a "honor code" which, if broken results in severe repercussions.

The most common rule of this "honor" code tends to be one of not interrupting other wars, or even calling alliances into effect during a war when it had been agreed that no allies would be brought to the battlefield. Indeed many clans have a reputation for breaking the "unspoken" rules so to say although this isn't always detrimental to the clan itself.

Players joining a pking clan are well advised to do their research on the clan itself before even considering joining. An unorganized pking clan is bound to cost it's members more money in the long term that it's worth, while an organized one can be quite an enjoyable experience. Watch the member count as well, high amounts of members in a clan may mean your needs will be ignored as the more "loyal" members of the clan are attended to first. It may be better to join a small close-knitted clan where you can get all the help you need without the feeling of being shuffled to one side as cannon-fodder or indeed without feeling like a burden on the more elite members.

Non-player killing Clans


Non-player killing clans are extremely rare and are incredibly difficult to establish and work efficiently. This could be attributed to lack of enjoyment indeed the lack of combat probably does in fact bother some players but it would be more realistic to say that NPK clans tend not to succeed as much as usual because there's practically no money gain in the short term.

NPK clans tend to operate under a co-operative skill leveling structure. This means some people will work on a supply skill while others will work on a production skill (i.e. woodcutting/fletching) with the supplier giving away everything he gains to the producer who then levels his production skill and either sells his product and gives the money back to the clan or gives all the product back to the clan's banker.

Since in the long term it's more worthwhile to actually stockpile your supplies while training a supply skill and then using it yourself to level up a production skill it is quite easy to see why many people are put off by the idea of an NPK Clan. However you can and do see this method of working-relationship happen every day in Runescape but not under a clan. Rather you will find this happening a lot between friends who may be helping each other out or working on leveling their respective skills so they can pool the cash and buy some valuable item for the two of them to either share or in fact to buy TWO valuable items.

There is another aspect of the NPK clan, which is also quite rare but has much more chance of succeeding than a skill-based clan. Community clans are where groups of people band together to relish in each other's company either in game or on the forums, sharing advice and stories and showing their progress. Community clans tend to be extremely closed knitted and very friendly with members who are extremely willing to help out when they can and as such are very vocal in their support of each other.

Many community clans however don't really broadcast the fact they are a clan rather preferring to remain hidden which may be a reason why very few exist. It is possible this is because they'd rather not have random applicants knocking on the membership door. Of the community clans in Runescape many tend to be "invitation-only" types of clans that require verification and a two-vote policy to even get in. The policies are there apparently to keep the community just as it is, some things after all are considered best left alone and disruptive newcomers aren't always a welcome sight!

Mixed Clans


There are of course, mixed clans who mix up a bit of skill-building and community with Player-killing. These tend to be the most common clans around and typically like pking clans tend to require certain levels before you can be admitted.

However, most groups of people who join together either choose between what they want their group to be before even recruiting. Here are some types of groups

Clans: Group of people who unite with one another to complete quests, survive and kill in the Wilderness, or specialize in training particular skills. A clan is family in a sense.

Teams: Teams consist of people who follow one particular event, such as

  • Kalphite Queen Trips
  • King Black Dragon Trips
  • Chaos Elemental Trips
  • Waterbirth Island Trips
  • TzHaar Fight Pit Trips
  • and much much more...

Cults: Usually people who dedicate their Runescape life to following a certain person, creature or God, you get a glimpse of a NPC Cult in the Hazeel's Cult Quest.

Tribes: Usually communities set up by one person who camp in a certain location.

Companies and clubs: Companies are usually formed to make money, as in the real world, however some non-profit organizations exist. They vary from guides who help players around the world of Runescape, to hunters who track and kill players down for a price.

Armies and Empires: These are made for wars, very few are player made, they have similar clan events but mainly focus on training for combat.

Alliances: The above groups have allies, an alliance ,however, is an organization of allied clans, teams, cults, tribes, companies, armies, empires or clubs, sometimes its a mix of all. Runescape's biggest and most powerful alliance is called "The Chaos Alliance", it has over 9000 members and are undefeated since they started, their leader is called Red Echidna0.

Clan Structures


Clan structures vary throughout the game depending on the founding of the clan. There are "dictatorship" clans led entirely by one person with his close friends as his able generals enforcing the rules and making sure the clan is generally a good/bad place to be! There are some run completely by a democratic voting system which takes place every 6 months electing a new leader to keep things fresh and some that are run by a "council" of prestigious members who dictate where the clan shall go.

Clan structuring is one of the most difficult things to get right and is typically the reason why clans fail at the first hurdle. The difficulty in balancing tyranny with benevolence if you would like, is one that requires trial and error. You CAN be too harsh, too lenient, too easy going, too formal and so on. Also it is quite easy for the leadership and the clan members to have different viewpoints on where the clan should be going, many people allow success to get to their heads, many feel disillusioned either because they're being ignored or because they disagree with events that have been occurring.

There is no right or wrong way to create or structure a clan, however the best advice that could be given is to actually get to know every single person you admit to the clan. There's no point accepting everyone and anyone because chances are they'll all eventually have different goals and ideals and this can split a clan apart. There have been many incidents where high and low profile clans have suddenly found a core group of members splitting away and forming their own clans. Others can simply just "stop" working, be it time constraints or weak leadership or even weak membership. People can drift away and the ideals of the clan long forgotten.

Either way, becoming a member of a clan can be either an enjoyable experience or a downright horrible one. Everyone is advised to try it out once because you simply cannot really be told how a clan is until you actually try several and see if the "clan-life" suits you or not.




Welcome to the Introduction Guide! This guide can be very useful to new players of the massive online adventure game. First off, a little history lesson about the company that makes RuneScape and the game itself





Jagex Limted is a company based in the United Kingdom. One of it's creators, Andrew Gower, says that Jagex stands for Java Gaming Experts.

Jagex Limited was created by three people. Andrew Gower, Paul Gower, and Constant Tedder founded Jagex in December 2001 to run their game RuneScape. Even before 2002, RuneScape already had over 1 million accounts.

Jagex has grown greatly since 2001. They now have two offices, one in Cambridge, and the other in London. Over 100 people are employed as staff. Many servers have been created across the globe and many are still planned.



RuneScape has gone through many stages to come to the great game it is currently.

RuneScape started out as a 2D game known as DeviousMUD. It was not released to the public and very few people saw it. Jagex later came up with what is now known as 'RS Classic' in the December of 2001. Just a few months later, on February 27, 2002, Jagex launched it's members. Before the member launch, RuneScape was a game that players could play for free. When players could become a member, they were able to subscribe and pay about $5US a month. Being a member allowed players more updates and a world at least twice as large as the free worlds.

RuneScape was completely re-written during the latter part of 2003 and early 2004 allowing 'RuneScape 2' to be launched in March 2004. Originally only a beta for members, it was quickly released to free players.

Since the launch of RS2, which is now RuneScape, Jagex has vastly increased the size of RuneScape. Over 150,000 players almost everyday. Over 5 million accounts have been created. Over 100 servers have been placed around the world. RuneScape has become one massive online adventure since it's small start.

Starting Out


RuneScape is a game available to all. However, if a player wants continual updates, then they're recommended to become a member.

To play the game, players have to go to RuneScape's homepage and make a new account. When they've completed making their account, they can then select a world to play on, let RuneScape load, and then play.

When players have logged in to RuneScape, they can then select what they want their character to look like. When they've finished creating their character, they will be given instructions on what to do next.

New players start out on Tutorial Island. On the island are various NPCs that will talk to the player and tell them how to play RuneScape. All the player has to do is follow the tutorial's instructions and they will be finished the tutorial in less than 30 minutes.

RuneScape is played in a client.

Guides/Item Price

Item Price Guide


There are many items in RuneScape. Players pay different prices depending on what the item is and it's status (such as rare or common). This guide shows street prices of various RuneScape items. However, keep in mind that some of these prices change over time, so these prices may become out of date.

Members Items


These items are only available to members.




  • Abyssal whip 2.8-3.1M


  • Granite Maul: 80,000 - 100,000gp
  • Granite shield:100k


  • dragon longsword: 90,000-100,000 gp(can equip only after you have completed the Lost City Quest
  • dragon dagger: 35,000-40,000 gp(can equip only after you completed the Lost City Quest
  • dragon poison dagger: 45,000 gp(same thing for dragon dagger) (ddp)
  • dragon superpoison dagger: 60,000-70,000 gp(same thing for dragon dagger) (dds)
  • dragon battle axe: 150,000- 200,000 gp(can equip only after you have completed the Hero's City Quest
  • dragon mace: 45,000-55,000 gp(can equip only after you completed the Heroes Quest
  • dragon scimitar: 100,000 - 108,000gp(Can Equip only after you have completed the Monkey Madness Quest
  • dragon axe: 2 million - 2.4 million
  • dragon 2h sword 2.6 million - 3 Million


  • Rune claws: 20-30k
  • Rune arrows: 300-500 gp each




  • Dragon legs: 2.3 million - 2.6 million gp
  • Dragon med helm: 800k - 900k
  • Dragon Chainbody: 25 million - 24 million gp
  • Dragon sq shield: 2.5 million
  • dragon sq shield right half: 750k
  • dragon sq shield left half: 4.2-4.6 million gp (Lol cant be that much the shield isn't even worth that much)


  • Gilded legs: 1.3M-1.5M
  • Gilded shield: 1M-1.2M
  • Gilded Plate body:1.8-2.1M
  • Gilded helm:900k-1.1M
  • full set: 4.5M-5M

Armoured gloves


(gloves are non-tradeable and are purchasable during the "recipe for disaster" quest)

  • Bronze gloves: 150 gp
  • Iron gloves: 500 gp
  • Steel gloves: 1,500 gp
  • Mithril gloves: 2,500 gp
  • Adamant gloves: 4,500 gp
  • Rune gloves: 6,500 gp
  • Dragon gloves: 130k
  • Barrows gloves: 130k




  • Black Beret: Approximately 75k
  • White Beret: 100k
  • Blue Beret: 50-70k
  • Red headband: 30-40k
  • Black headband:35-40k
  • Brown headband: 25-35k
  • Highwayman mask: 40-50k
  • Blue headband: 90-100k
  • Tan cavalier hat: 200-300k
  • Dark Cavalier hat: 300-350k
  • Black cavalier hat: 1.1-1.2mil
  • Red boater: 400-450k

Boots and Gloves

  • Coloured Boots: 600 -700gp
  • Desert (white) boots: 20-100gp
  • Coloured Gloves: 600-1000 gp

Full Set of red: 5,000 Full set of blue/ black/ Purple/ green/ Yellow: 10,000 Full set of Grey: 7,000

  • NOTE : Full set includes Boots, bottom and top Robes, gloves and hat.




  • Regular Bones: 3-15gp
  • Monkey Bones: 10-30 gp
  • Big Bones: 100-200gps
  • Dragon Bones: 4-5k

Fletching items



  • Willow: 30-75gp each
  • Maple: 90-100gp each
  • Yew: 250-300gp each
  • Magic: 900-1000gp each

Bow strings: 150-180gp each Flax: 100-120gp each

Ranging Armour


Blue Dragonhide

  • blue d'hide vambraces: 5k
  • blue d'hide chaps: 10k
  • blue d'hide body: 15k
  • full set: 25k

Red Dragonhide

  • red d'hide vambraces: 10k
  • red d'hide chaps: 15k
  • red d'hide body: 20k
  • full set: 35k

Black Dragonhide

  • black d'hide vambraces: 20k
  • black d'hide chaps: 23k
  • black d'hide body: 27k
  • full set: 45k


What are RuneScape Members?


Members are players who pay $5 (US), or the equivalent thereof in their local currency, once every month. It is also known as P2P which is RuneScape slang for "pay to play". There are several methods for paying that are detailed when players click on the "subscribe account" option on the official RuneScape website. Basically the money will be taken automatically once a month until the player cancels their subscription. Once the subscription has been cancelled, the player can check how many more days their previous payment will give them and they still count as members for that time. Once those days run out, they automatically revert to non-member status.

  • Members have special world servers on which they can use members only features, none of these features exist on free worlds and so members have to log in on members servers if they want to use any of the benefits provided for them.

When do Players Become Members?


Usually when they have reached a medium or high level within the game and want to experience something new. Most of the time players will wait until they have level 60 attack and defense as well as a large amount of cash so they can immediately switch to dragon armor and weapons upon gaining member status. Some players prefer to become members as soon as they log in and they will subscribe their account before they ever start playing, this way they won't have to start all over again when they switch to members.

Members Benefits




Agility, Farming, Fletching, Herblore, Slayer, and Thieving are all skills that exist only for members. Non-members cannot train or use these (even if they were members previously). These skills provide great benefits to players who have them and make the game much more fun to experience. Besides these new skills, being a member also expands upon previous skills. For example: non-members have the crafting skill, but only members can use it to blow glass or craft dragonhide armor. Members can also use the runecrafting skill to make cosmic, chaos, nature, law, and death runes whereas non-members can only make elemental, body, and mind runes.



Members can access a ton of new items, both skill and quest related. The most prominent among these are the dragon and barrows armor and weapons as well as the powerful abyssal whip. Another very big item members can use are sharks as a combat food because they heal 6 more health than the best non-member fish. Other items are halberds, new amulets, rings, and necklaces, tons of new and fashionable clothes (such as werewolf or Viking styles), new soul and blood runes, and much more.

  • Because of all of these new items, members get many more spaces in their banks than a nonmember has.



Non-members currently have 18 quests they can complete, members have 80+ quests only for themselves and they can also do all of the non-members quests, leading to a total of 100+ quests members can do. Some of these quests are simply interesting, others, such as the Legends Quest, Recipe for Disaster, or the elf quests are very challenging with great rewards.



The members area of Runescape is about five times larger than the non-members area. It includes the second half of the kingdom of Asgarnia (Taverley, Burthorpe, and White Wolf Mountain), the entire kingdom of Kandarin (Seer's Village, Catherby, Ardougne, Yanille, and Castle Wars), the Gnome stronghold and village, the Elf lands bordering on Kandarin in the west, the Relekka province of the Fremenniks bordering Kandarin in the north, the Kharidian desert lands bordering the city of Al Kharid in the south, Morytania bordering Misthalin in the east, ogre and troll lands, Ape Atoll, and pirate islands in the eastern seas.



Members can post on the official forums, while non-members may read posts on forums they are unable to respond to them. Members can also vote in polls, which are held about once a month to give feedback to Jagex, new updates are made taking information from these polls into account. Weekly game updates will be mostly directed at members, non-members updates are extremely rare. Customer support is also more effective for members.

Guides/Rare Items

Rare items in RuneScape are items that were discontinued or are untradeable. There are tradable discontinued items and untradeable discontinued items. The tradable items are now very few in number and are very expensive, and are mainly to show wealth or fashion.



When RuneScape was not fully 3D (known as RS Classic), JAGeX, the company that makes RuneScape, decided that they would drop items randomly across RuneScape on certain holidays.

On holidays, JAGeX would drop a certain item. For example, in December 2001 during Christmas, JAGeX dropped "Christmas crackers". These Christmas crackers could only be obtained during a certain day during December. On your way around RuneScape, you might have seen Christmas crackers appear out of nowhere. This was how the items were dropped.

Originally dropped for fun, JAGeX kept this going on for a few more years. Usually on Christmas, Halloween, and Easter, an item would be dropped. Unfortunately, as JAGeX's audience grew, people began to notice that these items could not be obtained any more unless they were bought from other players. Seeing this, players began to buy the items low, and then sell them at an incredibly high price. Thus arose RuneScape's greed among it's players.

Not only that, but players were also angry if they missed the drops, as these drops were only during one day. Players would complain to JAGeX demanding that they redo the drop. These players forgot what the drops were really for - fun.

JAGeX, seeing what was going on, decided to stop these drops, as things were getting too out of hand. On December 22, 2003, JAGeX put this announcement on RuneScape's main page:

This is just a quick note to say that there aren't going to be any RuneScape items dropped at Christmas. I really don't like having to say this, but I can't see any sensible alternative.

This is because the last few drops actually caused a lot of upset, and resulted in a *huge* number of complaints from players who didn't manage to get an item (or didn't get as many as their mates). Many players seemed to get really upset about the drop which is of course the exact opposite of the intended effect.

These drops used to be fun, when we started them - because they were a surprise, and nobody took them too seriously. They were just a little bit of extra fun for people who were around at the time. However nowadays many players seem to expect the 'surprise' drop to happen, and so it just doesn't work the same.

Please don't go complaining to customer-support or moaning on the forums about the christmas drop. It won't change anything. Of course I'm expecting we'll get lots of complaints whatever we do :-( Which just goes to prove how horribly wrong the whole holiday-drop thing has become. The more complaints we get the more it proves to me that we really need to just stop the whole holiday-drop thing before the situation gets even worse.[1]

Although the drops were done with, JAGeX still did something fun. They made a task during Christmas, Halloween, or Easter that players had to finish to get an item. From then on, players had to do tasks to get items instead of items being dropped for them. The items that are still tradable are now known as "holiday items", "holiday drops", or "rares".

Now, these "holiday items" that were once dropped for fun, are a symbol of greed and are very expensive. Below is information on each holiday drop as well as the tasks that gave the more recent holiday items.

Tradable Holiday Items


All of these items listed below are tradable and are worth a massive amount of money to players. Also, the street prices may change over time.

It is important to note that if you die with a discontinued item, you will lose it. When you die, you keep your three most valuable items. However, you keep items based on General Store prices. So say you have a Rune Plate Body and a Blue Party. You are in the wilderness with a skull, you get attacked, you die, but you used prayer and kept one item. You look in your inventory to see that you kept the 85k Rune Plate Body instead of the 200 million + Blue Party Hat. This is because when you sell a Rune Plate Body to a General Store, you get around 25k for it, but if you sell a Blue Party Hat to a General Store, you'll only get 1 gp.



Pumpkins were the first items that were dropped. In October 2001 during Halloween, pumpkins were dropped at random places all across RuneScape. They were edible, meaning that you could eat them. They healed 14 hp when eaten.

  • Street Value: 2 million to 3.6 million gp.
  • Examine Info: Happy Halloween.

Christmas Crackers


A very expensive item, these were dropped in December 2001 on Christmas day. They contain a party hat and a random item. To open it, players had to use it with another player. Once opened, one player would get a party hat, and the other player would get an item.

  • Street Value: 150 million to 165 million gp.
  • Examine Info: I need to pull this.

Party Hats


These are the most expensive items in the game. There are six party hats, each with a different color. They came with a Christmas cracker (explained above), and are now very expensive to buy. They can be worn on your head and resemble a crown. They give no stat enhancements. When you examine a hat, they all say the same thing. Also, the prices for these hats are increasing, so these prices may become outdated. The "+" means "and higher".

  • Blue Party Hat Street Value: 210 milion gp +.
  • White Party Hat Street Value: 130 million to 140 million gp.
  • Red Party Hat Street Value: 110 million to 115 million gp.
  • Green Party Hat Street Value: 90 million to 95 million gp.
  • Yellow Party Hat Street Value: 80 million to 85 million gp.
  • Purple Party Hat Street Value: 75 million to 80 million gp.
  • Examine Info: A hat from a christmas cracker.

Easter Eggs


These items were dropped on Easter in 2002. All players can do is eat them. They heal 12 hp.

  • Street Value: 2.7 - 2.9M
  • Examine Info: Happy Easter.

oh, oh, oh

Halloween Masks


These items were dropped on Halloween in 2002. There are three different coloured masks, each at a different value. You wear them on your face. They cover the whole face and look like you have fangs. They give no stat bonuses. All masks say the same thing when you examine them. Also, the street prices are currently going up, so these prices may become outdated.

  • Red Halloween Mask Street Price: 17 million to 18 million gp.
  • Blue Halloween Mask Street Price: 12.5 million to 13.5 million gp.
  • Green Halloween Mask Street Price: 9.5 to 10.5 million gp.
  • Examine Info: Aaaarrrghhh ... I'm a monster.

Santa Hats


These items were dropped on Christmas day in December 2002. You can wear them on your head. They give no stat bonuses. Also, the street price is currently dropping, so the price may become outdated. Also note that while their prices are experiencing a steady drop, during the winter months leading up to Christmas the prices will always go up due to people wanting to have something appropriate for the holidays.

  • Street Value: 6 million to 8 million gp.
  • Examine Info: It's a Santa hat.

Untradeable Holiday Items


After the Santa Hat drop, JAGeX noticed that players were being rude and taking advantage of these rare items, selling them at high prices. Thus, JAGeX decided to make the next holiday drops untradeable. However, on December 22, 2003, JAGeX announced that they would not drop a Christmas item. After this announcement, there was a year long wait until the next holiday drop.

Bunny Ears


These items were dropped on Easter 2003. When these items were dropped, you could only grab one. If you tried to grab another one, you would see the message "You don't need another pair of bunny ears, you only have 1 head." in your chat box. If you lost this item, you could go to the Varrock Clothes Store and ask for another one. You wear the ears on your head. They give no stat bonuses.

  • Examine Info: A rabbit-like adornment.



These items were dropped on Halloween 2003. When these items were dropped, you could only grab one. If you tried to grab another one, you would see the message "You already have a scythe, you don't need another one"." in your chat box. If you lost this item, you could go to the Varrock Clothes Store and ask for another one. You can equip the scythe as a weapon. When equipped, it gave these attack bonuses:

  • +3 Stab
  • +8 Slash
  • +3 Crush
  • Examine Info: It's a Scythe.



Almost a whole year after JAGeX's announcement, a holiday drop finally happened, only modified.

Around Christmas in 2004, an NPC named Santa was put in Varrock, Falador, Ardougne, Catherby, and Yanille. Santa was left in these places for two weeks. If you talked to Santa, he would have given you a yo-yo. You could only get one from him, and if you lost it, you could get it back by talking to Diango in Draynor Village. The yo-yo cannot equipped. If you right click on it, you can "Play Yo-yo", "Loop Yo-yo", "Walk Yo-yo", and "Crazy Yo-yo". Clicking on one if these options would make your character do a move associated with the option.

  • Examine Info: A gift from Santa.
  • Play Yo-yo: Players would let it fall then swing it back into their hands.
  • Loop Yo-yo: Players would spin it around their side twice.
  • Walk Yo-yo: Players would place it in front of them and make the yo-yo look like it's walking. You cannot walk while doing this.
  • Crazy Yo-yo: Players would do a move with the yo-yo.

Rubber Chickens


To get these items, you had to do a task.

On March 23, 2005, JAGeX put an Easter Bunny in RuneScape. If you spoke to this Easter Bunny, she gave you a basket full of eggs (there were about 2 or 3 eggs in the basket). She wanted you to give the eggs to other players under 2 minutes to win something. You had to equip the basket. When you walked somewhere, your player would skip. There was an option on players that said "Give egg". Clicking on this option would give that player an egg. When your eggs were all gone, you could go back to the Easter Bunny and she would give you a rubber chicken.

If you kept the eggs, they disappeared after two weeks, which was how long the bunny was in RuneScape. You could also eat an egg, and when you did, your character would do a chicken dance.

The rubber chicken can be equipped. When equipped, there's an option on players that allows you to hit them, though not damaging them. Also, if you unequipped the chicken, you could right click on it and there was a dance option. Clicking on this option would make your character do a chicken dance. Equipping the chicken gives these attack 'bonuses' as well as a strength bonus:

  • Stab: -100
  • Slash: -100
  • Crush: -50
  • Strength Bonus: -10

Zombie Head


For Halloween 2005 and a whole week after, some zombies were walking around in Lumbridge's swamps. If you went to the swamps, you would see the zombies. If you right clicked on them, you could talk to them or insult them. When you insulted them, their heads would fall off and you had to catch it. When you caught the head, you could then right click on it and do stuff with it, such as "Talk-At Zombie head", "Display Zombie head", and "Question Zombie head". The head is unequipable and is really only used to show off. If you lost the head, you could go back to the swamps and dig with a spade to find another head.

Also during the week were kids "trick or treating" in Lumbridge. With the Zombie Head in your inventory, you could right click on the kids and click on "trick". They would then be scared and drop some candy. You could also right click on the kids and click on "treat", giving them some money. The candy was untradeable and came different colors that were red, blue, green, and purple. When the week was up, if you keep candy, it disappeared, and the kids and zombies were taken out of the game.

  • Examine Info: Alas... I hardly knew him.
  • Talk-At Zombie head: Players would have a weird conversation with the zombie.
  • Display Zombie head: Players would kneel on one knee and hold up the head and say "Alas!".
  • Question Zombie head: Players could ask an odd question to the zombie.

Hats, Scarfs, and Puppets


For two weeks during December around Christmas, JAGeX did another holiday task event. During these two weeks, you could get four different kinds of hats and four matching scarves. You could also get a puppet that can dance, walk, and do some other things. These are untradeable and give no stat bonuses.

To get the hats, players had to go to a underground workshop near Diango in Draynor Village. Players had to then make boxes and put together the arms, legs, bodies, and heads of the same color to make unstrung marionettes, they could then talk to Rosie, the pixie supervisor, and she would put strings on them after which they could be put in boxes. When they were done, they had to bring the boxes to a figure resembling Santa, though wearing robes. Santa was located at the gate that leads to the members' server northwest of Falador. Different hats could be achieved by completing one, two, four, and eight boxes, then giving them to Santa.

To get the scarfs, players had to go to a underground workshop near Diango in Draynor Village. Players had to then make boxes and put painted baubles in the boxes. Each box had to be filled with five differently painted baubles. When they were done, they had to bring the boxes to Rosie, a pixie supervisor inside the workshop. She would then give you a scarf that matched the hats if you brought her one, two, four, and eight boxes.

For the puppet, players had to fill five more boxes with baubles and bring them to the center of Varrock. There, JAGeX had placed a massive tree where the fountain usually is. If you examine the tree, you would see "Carved into the bark it says Ug loves Aga." in your chatbox. Members who had finished the quest Troll Romance knew the meaning . After the five boxes were used on the tree a cut scene would show the camera showing all of the tree. It was decorated with all the baubles. When the cut scene was over, there were presents underneath the tree. When the player picked them up and opened them, they got a puppet. You could only get one present from the tree. Puppets came in the colors blue, green, and red. If a player loses their marionette, near the workshop entrance in Draynor Village is a box that can be searched giving you back a puppet.

  • Woolly Hat Examine Info: A woolly tobogganing hat.
  • Woolly Scarf Examine Info: A woolly tobogganing scarf.
  • Tri-jester Hat Examine Info: A woolly triple bobble jester hat.
  • Tri-jester Scarf Examine Info: A woolly jester scarf.
  • Jester Hat Examine Info: A woolly jester hat.
  • Jester Scarf Examine Info: A woolly jester scarf.
  • Bobble Hat Examine Info: A woolly bobble hat.
  • Bobble Scarf Examine Info: A woolly scarf.

Other Items


These items were once used in RuneScape but after some updates, you could not get them any more. Players would had them in their bank were allowed to keep them. These items are tradable.

Disk of Returning


In RS Classic, when you broke a very serious rule (such as Rule No. 4 - No Macroing), then you were teleported to a black hole in the Dwarven Mines. Once inside the hole, you would be surrounded by black. You have a small space to walk around in. Players could visit these rule-breakers by talking to Thordur, a dwarf near the hole. Talking to him allowed you to buy a "disk of returning". However, the black hole has been taken out, and you cannot buy a disk of returning any more.

  • Street Value: 4 million to 6 million gp.
  • Examine Info: Used to get out of Thordur's blackhole.


There are many ways to move around the world of RuneScape, as described below.

Foot Power




The easiest, and by far most common, method of getting around is simply walking to and from different destinations. Please note that walking to a spot can be achieved by clicking on the ground in the main window or by clicking the place on the minimap in the top right-hand corner of the screen. A fairly slow method of transportation, though, walking is usually used for short hops in between close-together cities or inside larger cities.



By going to the user interface and selecting "run", a player can use "energy" to run faster than he normally walks. A player can also hold the Ctrl (Control) and click to run. Energy, which starts out at 100%, is reduced when a player runs. The speed at which it is reduced is determined by the weight that the player is carrying, which is denoted in that interface. Energy slowly regenerates whenever the user is logged on, though this can be sped up by eating strange fruits (+30% energy) or increasing the agility skill for members (increases regeneration speed). The agility skill is one of the few members skills that is used on both non-member and member worlds, making it a handy plus after someone has stopped their membership.

Automatic Teleports


These can be used by members and nonmembers.

  • By talking to Shantay, south of Al-Kharid, and claiming to be an outlaw, players can also transport to Port Sarim jail.
  • Some random events can also result in a teleport, such as taking the wrong item from the Sandwich lady, which always results in a random teleport. a few other events can result in a teleport if you get them wrong, but the reward for success is better.
  • If you carry no more than 3 items (and are not skulled), dying is a quick way to get to Lumbridge (or Falador, for members who have done the Recruitment Drive quest and chosen to return there).
  • In Al Kharid there is a person with a glider, just south of the toll gate, will transport you to Varrock (for a fee of course) possibly round-trip but at least one-way. (talk to him to find out the price).

Magic Teleports


Using various spells with the Magic skill players can teleport around the world of RuneScape instantly.

Free World


A limited number of teleports are available to non-members:

  • Varrock teleport (level 25)
  • Lumbridge teleport (level 31)
  • Falador teleport (level 37)

Each one requires a law rune, 3 air runes and one other

Members World


All the teleports that work on free worlds also work on member's worlds.

Additional magical teleports that members get are:

  • Camelot teleport (level 45)
  • Ardougne teleport (level 51, Plague City quest required)
  • Watchtower teleport (level 58, Watch Tower quest required)
  • Trollheim teleport (level 61, Eadgar's Ruse quest required)
  • Ape Atoll teleport (level 64, Recipe for Disaster subquest for Awowowei required)

After completion of the Desert Treasure quest members can also use Ancient Magick teleports:

  • Paddewa (level 54): Edgeville Dungeon
  • Sennistan (level 60): Digsite southeast of Varrock
  • Kharyrll (level 66): Canifis pub
  • Lassar (level 72): Top of Ice Mountain north of Falador
  • Dareeyak (level 78): Level 23 Wilderness west of the Bandit Camp
  • Carrallangar (level 84): Level 19 Wilderness at the Graveyard of Shadows
  • Annakarl (level 90): Level 47 Wilderness at the Demonic Ruins
  • Ghorrock (level 96): Level 45 Wilderness at the Ice Plateau

Enchanted Jewelery Teleports


These are only available to members.

  • Games necklace: enchanted sapphire necklace, will teleport the player to the Burthorpe Games Room.
  • Ring of Duelling: enchanted emerald ring, will teleport the player to either the Dueling Arena in Al Kharid or the Castle Wars minigame lobby.
  • Ring of Life: enchanted diamond ring, will teleport the player to their respawn point if their hitpoints fall below 10%.
  • Glory Amulet: enchanted dragonstone amulet, will teleport the player to Edgeville Dungeon, Karamja (next to Lathas's plantation), Al Kharid (the palace), or Draynor Village.

Quest Teleport Items


These are all members only.

  • Camulet: Enakhra's Lament quest required, teleports player to Enakhra's temple, which is close to the Ancient Magick pyramid. Can be recharged by using a bucket of camel dung on it.
  • Ectophial: Ghosts Ahoy quest, teleports player to the Ectofuntus in far northeast Morytania. Can be recharged by using it on the Ectofuntus
  • Elf Crystal: Mourning's End Part1 quest required, teleports player to Lletya in the Elven Lands. Can be recharged for a fee by Elenud.
  • Enchanted Lyre: The Fremennik Trials quest required, teleports player to the entrance of the Fremennik city in Relekka. Can be recharged by offering a shark, sea turtle, or manta ray to the Fossigrimen.
  • Sled: Troll Romance quest required, brings player down a mountain. Chaos runes and additional sleds can be picked up along the way.

Miscellanious Travel Methods


Besides walking and teleporting, there are various other methods of transportation available to RuneScape players.

Magic Carpets


These can be used in the Kharidian Desert outside of the Shantay Pass. They are a handy way for players to avoid desert animals and to get through the desert more quickly without needing so much water. Players are advised to note that carpet rides cost money and to bring around 500-1000 gp into the desert for travelling costs.

Travel Routes (all routes are 2-way):

  • Shantay Pass - North of Pollnivneach
  • Shantay Pass - Ruins of Uzer: requires The Golem quest to use.
  • Shantay Pass - Bedabin Camp: requires The Tourist Trap quest to use.
  • Shantay Pass - Nardah
  • South of Pollnivneach - Menaphos
  • South of Pollnivneach - Sophanem
  • South of Pollnivneach - Nardah



These are members only.

There are four locations on the river Lum where canoe trees can be found, players can chop these trees to make one of four types of canoe. The canoe can then be used to travel to a different station along the river. Only Waka canoes can travel to the Wilderness.


  • Lumbridge
  • Champion's Guild
  • Edgeville
  • Level 35 Wilderness (Waka canoe only, 1-way so no return trip)

Canoe types:

  • Log (level 12 woodcutting, can travel 1 station)
  • Dugout (level 27 woodcutting, can travel 2 stations)
  • Stable Dugout (level 42 woodcutting, can travel 3 stations)
  • Waka (level 57 woodcutting, can travel to the Wilderness)

Boat Rides


The following boat rides are available to free players:

  • Port Sarim - Karamja: 2-way. Costs 30 gp.
  • Port Sarim - Crandor Island: 1-way. Used once during the Dragon Slayer quest, the trip is no longer available after the player has finished the quest.

These boat rides are available to members only:

  • East Ardougne - Brimhaven: 2-way. Costs 30 gp.
  • Port Sarim - Entrana: 2-way. Players cannot bring any armor or weapons to Entrana.
  • Fishing Platform: 2-way. Sea Slug Quest required.
  • Waterbirth Island - Relekka: 2-way. Costs 1000 gp for players who have not done The Fremennik Trials quest.
  • Keldagrim Mines: 2-way ferry. Costs 2 gp.

Magical Portals and Lever


The Magic Guild in Yanille has the following 3 portals:

  • East - Wizard's Tower by Draynor Village
  • South - Dark Wizard's Tower north of the Crafting Guild
  • West - Thormac the Sorcerer's Tower southwest of Seer's Village

In a shack located northwest of King Lathas's castle in East Ardougne, there is a magical lever. This lever is 2-way and goes between the shack and the Deserted Keep in level 55 Wilderness. A knife or a weapon with a slash attack is needed to get out of the Deserted Keep area. Players are strongly advised never to use this lever to get into the Wilderness as it is a pking hotspot.


These are member's only.

  • Gnome Gliders: Unlocked by The Grand Tree quest. Any glider except the one at the Digsite can take players to the Grand Tree location and from there players can travel to all the other locations. Players can go from the Grand Tree to the Digsite but not the other way around. The gliders do not cost any money to use and they are located at:

1. Ta Quir Priw - The Grand Tree

2. Lemantolly Undri - Western Feldip Hills (requires One Small Favour)

3. Gandius - Just South of the Ship Yard on eastern Karamja

4. Kar-Hewo - Al Kharid palace

5. Lemanto Andra - West of the Digsite

6. Sindarpos - White Wolf Mountain

7. Crash Island - Route to Ape Atoll (requires Monkey Madness)

  • Mine Carts: Unlocked by The Giant Dwarf quest. Players can travel from Keldagrim to either White Wolf Mountain (Fishing Contest quest required, costs 100 gp) or the Dwarven Mines under Ice Mountain (costs 150 gp). Either White Wolf or Ice Mountain can take the player back to Keldagrim.
  • Shilo Village Cart: Unlocked by the Shilo Village quest. The cart travels between Brimhaven and Shilo Village. A small fee must be paid, the amount is based on how much money the player is carrying at the moment with the minimum payment being 10 gp.
  • Shilo Village Boat Ride: Unlocked by the Shilo Village quest. For 25 gp, players can travel from Cairn Isle to Port Khazard or Port Sarim. The trip is one way.
  • Fremennik Boat Ride: Unlocked by The Fremennik Trials quest. Players can talk to the sailor on the docks of the Fremennik city in Relekka to travel to the islands of Miscellania and Etceteria.
  • Mort Myre Swamp Boat Ride: Unlocked by the In Search of the Myreque quest. The trip goes from the middle of Mort Myre Swamp to eastern Mort'ton. The trip from the swamp to Mort'ton is free, the return ride costs 10 gp.


Player Killing, or PKing as it is more colloquially known as, is where players kill other players in the Wilderness. It can be highly rewarding, as the items gained from killing other players are usually of decent value. However, it can also be dangerous, because you can lose all your items. Many players make their money through PKing.

The Wilderness


The Wilderness (or Wildy) is a place in RuneScape which can be reached by travelling North of Varrok/Edgeville/Falador. It is a place where players can attack other players.

Bring your best weapon once you get some experience in combat, otherwise you will not get much reward. Remember to bring some good food.

Half of the wilderness is multi-combat, meaning that this is were most clan wars and PKing clans tend to go. The other half is single combat, so random PKers and solo pkers trek to find their kills.

When you attack another player, you will receive a "skull" over your head, which lasts for twenty minutes. (defending yourself from an attack does not give you a skull). Players with skulls lose all of their items if they die, instead of the usual all-but-the-three-most-valuable. Be very careful when making attacks, if possible get the enemy to attack you first to preserve your items. The protect from items prayer will let you keep an additional item.

Wilderness levels


Wilderness Levels determine who you can attack and who can attack you. The skull at the bottom shows your Wilderness level. The higher the Wilderness level, the more players you can attack but you run a higher risk of players attacking you. The level of Wilderness means that players 'level of Wilderness' levels higher or below you can attack you, and you can attack them, for example a level 70 in level 20 wilderness can attack or be attacked by anyone from level 50 (70-20) to level 90 (70+20).

Wilderness locations


There are many places in the Wilderness which many PKers choose to go, as they are considered good locations to PK at.

Ardougne Teleport Level (level 55 Wilderness and a favorite for P2P pkers). This is the place to go for players with a death wish. Pkers hang around here constantly because many players will use the lever thinking it will be safer. It is actually a better idea to walk through the entire Wilderness, the chances of dying are much lower.

Greater Demons (Multi Combat Area, level 46 Wilderness. Level 92 Greater Demons hang around here. Clan wars often occur around this area)

Dark Warrior Castle (Multi Combat Area to some extent, level 12-17 Wilderness. Many free to play PKers hang around here.)

Green Dragons (Several places, PKers like to kill unwary players training on Green Dragons.)

Level 1 Varrok Wild (Very crowded at certain times, multi combat area. Many inexperienced players bring decent gear into here believing that they can run easily, but die.A favorite spot for P2P and F2P alike, as there are many characters with ranging levels)

Giants (Level 18 Wild, Multi Combat Area. Favorite among many Free to Play PKers.)

Level 9 Hill (Used by PKers in Free to Play, Multi Combat. The hill is a good spot to Player Kill as players running up towards the hill are unable to see who is on the hill until they are actually on the hill, by then it is usually too late.)

Mage Bank (Level 54 Wilderness, Pay to Play PKers sometimes hang around here. Players who are PKed here are generally teleblocked to prevent them from entering the Mage Bank.)

Axe Hut (Level 54 Wilderness, Pay to Play Players who train on Axes make good targets for PKers.)



There are many things to watch out for in the wilderness... As there are special characters that are created for the wilderness called pures.

A common pure is the iron pure- with only 1 defense, medium/high attack, and very high strength.

Other pures include range/mage pures- who don’t train any stat but hp, prayer, defense and range/mage.

These pures will be hit often, but have the advantage of hitting you often and hitting higher.

Guides/Pest Control

Pest Control


Pest Control is a minigame, and was released on 18th April 2006. It is classified as a Safe Minigame which means that if you die in the minigame you will not lose any of your items. It is a co-operative player vs. NPC minigame with rewards for combat experience and gp. It is member's only.

Getting There


To get to the minigame head to the docks at Port Sarim. At the southernmost dock you'll see a Squire. Talk to him to learn a bit about the Void Knights and the outpost. Speak to him to travel to the outpost. The outpost is located south of Ape Atoll.

The Outpost


At the Void Knights outpost there is an archery store, a rune store, a general store, a smithy (the NPC inside will repair Barrows armour). There is also a bank. To start the game get any weapons or equipment you want and head to the south dock. Board the lander there.

The Game


You need to be at least lvl 40 combat to play the game. When you board the lander the game will begin once there are 25 people in the lander or after 5 minutes if there are less people. The lander will land on an island and the game begins. The objective of the game is to keep the Void Knight (located in the middle of the island) alive for 20 minutes by destroying portals or defending him from the different monsters.

The game can be won in two ways:
1. By keeping the void knight alive for 20 minutes.
2. By destroying all four portals.

The four portals are located all around the island. They produce/spawn different monsters of varying combat levels and with different purposes.

The Monsters

Monster Potential Levels Information
Brawler 50, 75, 100, 128, 157 These big beasties will try and defend the portals. They attack with melee. You cannot walk through them. No real threat to Void Knight.
Ravager 35, 52, 70, 88, 105 The ravager will roam around smashing at gates and barricades with its claws. It can easily plow through gates and barricades. Beware if you see one of these near a gate. Melee attack.
Defiler 41, 62, 83, 104, 125 Watch out for these guys. They have a very long range, ranged attack, and so can attack the void knight or you from behind barriers and barricades. You cannot walk through them.
Shifter 37, 56, 75, 94, 113 These guys have a dangerous melee attack, and can teleport around, which allows them to get past barricades and walls. They primarily focus on players though. You cannot walk through them.
Spinner 37, 55, 74, 87, 92 If you're attacking the portals these guys should be your primary concern. They can repair portals very quickly, so it's practically useless attacking a portal if one of these is healing it. Attack them until they start attacking you. You don't have to kill them.
Splatter 21, 32, 43, 54, 64 These blobs just bounce around, exploding at random and damaging everything nearby. They can be ignored, but are used by people using Dharok's to get their hp down quickly.
Torcher 41, 62, 83, 104, 125 These use a magic based fire attack. They don't seem to attack the Void Knight from behind barricades but keep an eye on the high level ones as their magic attack is strong. You cannot walk through them.
Portals N/A These are what most players should attack as a priority. They don't attack back but have a very high defense. Each one destroyed will heal the Void Knight 20 hitpoints.





This is what most players should do. Attacking involves heading to each portal, and attacking it until it is destroyed. It is best done in groups to maximize the speed. Most players will head to either the west or east portal and work round from there. Don't bother attacking and other monsters except the Spinners, which should be a priority. The monsters mentioned above that you can't walk though will often block your movements. Walk round them.



Not many people are needed here but it might be worth having a few. This involves killing any monsters that attack the Void Knight. Watch out for Defilers that will be ranging the Void Knight. It might be wise to bring an axe and hammer to repair the gates. However, if there is a low level shifter attacking the Void Knight but blocking a long line of other monsters from getting to him do not kill the shifter. It won't be doing him much damage and is protecting him from many more monsters.

Once all four portals are dead or the Void Knight has been kept alive for 20 minutes the game will be won. If the Void Knight dies the game ends but you've lost.



There are two different award schemes in this minigame. Note: To claim any reward you need to have done at least 50 points of damage on any monster or portal (can be split across multiple monsters). You can also earn points for repairing barriers.

If the Void Knight survives for 20 minutes you are awarded one Void Knight Commendation Point. You can have up to a maximum of 15 points saved. If you speak to any of the void knights at the outpost you can cash in your points. They allow you free experience in any combat skill of your choice (attack, strength, defense, prayer, ranged, hitpoints and magic). The formula for working out how much experience you get for each skill is as follows: your level in that skill squared and then divided by 6. If you chose Prayer, it is divided by 12. For example if you had 70 attack it would be   . You need at least a level of 25 before you can use your points on that skill.

If you destroy all four portals you are awarded one commendation point and coins based on your combat level (combat level x 10).



Pest control is a fun safe minigame that anyone above lvl 40 can do. It's a good way to have fun with other players and offers a new way to earn experience in combat skills. If you have a good team you can win quickly and earn normally hard earnt experience in skills like hitpoints and prayer fairly quickly.


In RuneScape, cooking a skill used to make food which players can eat food to heal their hitpoints when they are fighting. There are many different types of food in RuneScape, each healing a different amount of HP. However, cooking levels are needed to make the many different kinds of food.

Cooking is also a very popular skill to raise as not only do many players cook food to heal their HP, but they also sell the food they cooked to make a great profit, since almost all players need food.

How To Cook


Players can cook in two different ways. They can cook their food on a fire or they can cook their food on a range. Ranges are labelled on the mini-map as a cooking pan. It is also important to note that only meat, fish, vegetables, and tea can be cooked on a fire.

To cook, players have to use the food with a range or fire. If they have more than one same kind of food in their inventory, then a menu will appear in the chatbox which will ask them how much of the food they want to cook, whether it be one, five, or all.

At a low cooking level, players will burn their food. But as they raise their cooking level, they will burn less often and eventually they will never burn the food again.

Items Needed For Cooking


There are many items that players need to cook, such as water or flour.



Flour is used to make dough which can then be made to bake pies or bread. However, the process of making flour is fairly long.

  • First of all, grain is needed. Grain fields are around Lumbridge, Varrock, and Draynor Village.
  • Next, a pot is needed. Pots can be bought from all general stores for about 1 gp. Players can also craft pots.
  • Next, the player has to go to a windmill. A windmill is between Lumbridge and Draynor Village and another one is inside the cooking guild. When the player is inside the windmill, they then have to go to the very top floor and put the grain in the hopper. They must then operate the hopper so that the grain slides down the chute. When the player has done this, they have to go down to the first floor and use their pot with the flour they just made.



Water is fairly easy to get.

  • First, either a jug or a bucket is need. Both of these items can be bought from general stores for about 2 gp.
  • Next, a player has to find a sink or a fountain. Places that contain water are labelled on the mini-map as a rain drop. The player then has to use the jug or bucket with the sink or fountain. A bucket can also be used with a well.



The containers in RuneScape are pots, bowls, pie dishes, and cake tins. All of these items can be crafted, bought from a general store, or obtained from the cooking guild.

Vegetables, Meats, And Fruits


Some vegetables, meats, and fruits are needed in recipes. For example, players will need apples to make an apple pie and meat to make a meat pie.



Meat is can be cooked by using it with a range or fire. Meat is great to cook at a low cooking level. Chickens, cows, rats, and bears all drop meat when they are defeated.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Heals Notes
Meat 1 30 3 Meat includes the meat from cows, rats, and bears as they are all the same.
Chicken 1 30 3 Obtained by killing chickens.



Fish are what almost all players of RuneScape cook. They heal a great amount of HP, so are the recommended food to eat when fighting. All a player has to do is fish and then cook what they catch on either a fire or a range.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Heals Notes
Shrimp 1 30 3 Shrimp can be caught by fishing at a sea.
Karambwanji 1 10 3 Karambwanji is members only. Karambwanji can be caught by fishing in the Karmaja jungle.
Sardine 1 40 3 Sardine can be caught by fishing at a sea.
Anchovy 1 30 1 Anchovy can be caught by fishing at a sea.
Karambwan 1 80 18 Karambwan is members only. Karambwan can be caught by fishing in the Karmaja jungle.
Herring 5 50 5 Herring can be caught by fishing at a sea.
Mackerel 10 60 6 Mackerel is members only. Mackerel can be caught by fishing at Catherby, Rellekka, or at the fishing guild.
Trout 15 70 7 Trout can be caught by fishing at a river.
Cod 18 75 7 Cod is members only. Cod can be caught by fishing at Catherby, Rellekka, or at the fishing guild.
Pike 20 80 8 Pike can be caught by fishing at a river.
Salmon 25 90 9 Salmon can be caught by fishing at a river.
Tuna 30 100 10 Tuna can be caught by fishing at Karamja, the fishing guild, Catherby, or at Rellekka.
Lobster 40 120 12 Lobster can be caught by fishing at Karamja, the fishing guild, Catherby, or at Rellekka.
Bass 43 130 13 Bass is members only. Cod can be caught by fishing at Catherby, Rellekka, or at the fishing guild.
Swordfish 45 140 14 Swordfish can be caught by fishing at Karamja, the fishing guild, Catherby, or at Rellekka.
Shark 80 210 20 Sharks are members only. Shark can be caught by fishing at Catherby, Rellekka, or at the fishing guild
Sea Turtle 82 212 21 Sea turtles are members only. They can be caught by fishing north of Yanille.
Manta Ray 91 216 22 Manta rays are members only. They can be caught by fishing north of Yanille.



To make bread, players need to first make flour, which is explained above. When they've made flour, they must then use it with a jug of water or a bucket of water. When they use water with flour, they will make the dough. The dough can only be cooked on a range, not on a fire. When the dough is done being baked, it will become bread.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Heals Notes
Bread 1 40 5
Pitta Bread 58 40 Cannot be eaten This dough is members only. It is used to make kebabs.

Pies require two bites to be fully eaten, thus giving players a bit more health than other foods. For example, when a player eats a redberry pie, they will only eat one half of it. The other half will stay in the dish which can be eaten later. To make pie, players need to mix flour and water together and then make some pastry dough. Players then need to use the dough with a pie dish. Then, the player can put in extra ingredients to make them heal more, such as meat to make a meat pie. When they are finished putting in the ingredients, the pie can then be baked.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Healing from eating both halves Notes
Redberry Pie 10 78 10 Redberries are needed to make this pie. Redberries can be bought from Port Sarim's food store, or they can be picked up from their respawns south of Varrock.
Meat Pie 20 110 12 Cooked meat is needed to make this pie. Meat is dropped by killing bears, cows, and giant rats.
Mud Pie 29 128 Cannot be eaten This pie is members only. Compost, water, and clay are needed to make this pie. It can be tossed at opponents when it is cooked.
Apple Pie 30 130 14 Apples are needed to make this pie. Free players can only get apples from the cooking guild, while members can buy apples from Frenita's Cookery Shop in Yanille, grow their own apples, or buy some from the farming shop north of Ardougne.
Garden Pie 34 128 12 This pie is members only. Tomatoes, onions, and cabbage are needed to make this pie. These items can be grown by players, or picked from farms around Lumbridge and Draynor Village.
Fish Pie 47 164 12 This pie is members only. Trout, cod, and potatoes are needed to make this pie. The fish can be fished and the potatoes can be grown or picked from farms around Lumbridge and Draynor Village.
Admiral Pie 70 210 16 This pie is members only. Salmon, tuna, and potatoes are needed to make this pie. The fish can be fished and the potatoes can be grown or picked from farms around Lumbridge and Draynor Village.
Wild Pie 85 240 22 This pie is members only. Raw bear meat, raw chompy meat, and raw rabbit meat is needed to make this pie. Raw bear meat can be obtained by killing bears, raw chompy meat can be obtained by killing a chompy (see the Big Chompy Bird Hunting quest), and raw rabbit meat can be obtained by killing rabbits.
Summer Pie 95 260 22 This pie is members only. Strawberries, watermelons, and apples are needed to make this pie. All of these items can be grown by players. Apples can also be taken from the cooking guild.



To make stew, players need a bowl and some cooked meat. Next, the bowl has to be filled with water. Potatoes are needed next. They can be found around the farms near Draynor Village and Lumbridge or members can grow potatoes themselves. Members can also buy potatoes from Hudo's Grand Tree Groceries in the Grand Tree or from Frenita's Cookery Shop in Yanille. Players then have to add the cooked meat and potatoes to the bowl of water and then cook the bowl to make stew.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Heals Notes
Stew 25 117 11
Spicey Stew 25 117 11 This stew is members only. However, players need to complete Evil Dave's part of the Recipe for Disaster quest. To make this stew, players need to add several spices to the stew before they cook it. Various combinations will raise skills for a few minutes. However, the skills that will be raised are random, so it will be different every time.
Curry 60 280 19 This stew is members only. To make curry, players need to use a spice before cooking the stew. Spices can be bought or stolen in Ardougne's market.



Many players like to use pizzas to heal themselves as they can heal quite a lot of HP. Also, like pizzas, they can require players to take two bites, allowing them to eat one half and save the other half for when it's needed. To make a pizza, mix flour with water and make a pizza base. Players then need to add a tomato and a slice of cheese on the base. Both a tomato and a slice of cheese can be taken from their respawn in Draynor Village, north of the bank. They can also be bought from the food store in Port Sarim. When the tomato and slice of cheese is added to the pizza base, the pizza can then be baked. Players can also add things on their pizza after they have finished baking it.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Healing from eating both halves Notes
Plain Pizza 35 143 14 This is a pizza with only tomatoes and cheese.
Meat Pizza 45 169 16 This is a pizza with meat added on it. To make a meat pizza, players need to kill a bear, cow, or giant rat, cook the meat they drop, then use it on the pizza.
Anchovy Pizza 55 182 18 This is a pizza with anchovies added on it. To make an anchovy pizza, players need to fish some anchovies, cook them, and then add them to the pizza. Meat includes the meat from cows, rats, and bears as they are all the same.
Pineapple Pizza 65 195 22 This pizza is members only. To make a pineapple pizza, players need a pineapple, which can be obtained by killing the monsters on Karmaja or by being bought from Hudo's Grand Tree Groceries and Funch's Fine Groceries.



Cakes require three bites to be fully eaten, so if a player clicks on a cake, they will still have two other pieces left. To make a cake, players need flour, an egg, milk, and a cake tin. Eggs are near the chicken coops around Lumbridge, while milk can be obtained by milking dairy cows with a bucket. Dairy cows are around Lumbridge near the level 2 cows. When all of these items are placed in the cake tin, the cake can then be cooked on a range.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Healing from eating all three pieces Notes
Fish Cake 31 100 11 This cake is members only. To make it, players have to complete the Recipe for Disaster quest. The ingredients needed to make this cake are: ground cod, ground kelp, ground giant crab, and breadcrumbs. To make these items ground, use them with a pestle and mortar.
Cake 40 180 12
Chocolate Cake 50 210 15 To make this cake, a chocolate bar has to be added. Chocolate bars can be taken from their respawn in the cooking guild or bought from Port Sarim's food store.



To make wine, a jug of water and grapes are needed. Grapes can be found in the cooking guild. Use the grapes with the jug of water to make unfermented wine. About 10 seconds later, the wine will ferment and be drinkable.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Heals Notes
Wine 35 110 11

Hot Drinks


The only hot drink is nettle tea, which is members only. To make nettle tea, players need fist a bowl of water. Next, nettles are needed. Nettles are located southeast of the slayer master in Canifis. It is important to note that nettles will hurt players when they pick them up, so they have to wear gloves. The nettles have to be used with the bowl of water to make nettle-water. The nettle-water next has to be boiled on a range to turn it into nettle tea. The tea can then be placed into an empty cup. Empty cups can be bought or stolen from the tea stall in Varrock or by speaking to Brother Galahad, located east of the coal trucks. Also, if a player wants to add milk to their tea, they can obtain some milk in a bucket and use it with the tea. Adding milk is optional.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Heals Notes
Nettle Tea 20 52 3 This tea is members only.




  • Two buckets of water
  • Two Barley Malt
  • Main ingredient (Varies depending on the type of ale you want from; Apple mush, Hammerstone hops, Asgarnian hops, harralander and so on. Quality also varies.)
  • Pot of Yale Yeast.

You need to put the buckets of water in an empty VAT followed by the barley malt and then the main ingredient and finally the yeast which has to be bought from local brewers.

Note: The process of fermenting can take up to a full day so if you plan to brew ales be prepared by having something else to do while you wait or just come back in a few days time.



Vegetables basically consist of a baked potato with a topping of some kind. The toppings must be made separately and then added to the potato. The better toppings require high farming levels or lots of money to obtain.

Potato: grow using the farming skill or pick on any NPC farm and bake on a range (NOT a fire).


  • These count as foods on their own but it is better to add them to baked potatoes for better healing.
  • Always add butter first and then add whatever topping you wish to use.
  • Dairy products: Milk a diary cow and use the bucket of milk on a churn, these can be found at most of the RuneScape farms. Milk can be churned into cream, butter, or cheese. Cream can be churned into butter or cheese and butter can be churned into cheese if you make a mistake with selecting what you want.
  • Tomato and Scrambled Eggs: Add an egg to a bowl with a knife in your inventory, then cook the bowl of eggs on a range/fire. Add a tomato to a bowl with a knife in your inventory. Use the bowl of tomatoes with the bowl of scrambled eggs.
  • Mushroom and Onions: Add an onion to one bowl and a bittercap mushroom to another while having a knife in your inventory. Cook both of the bowls on a range/fire. Use the bowl of onions on the bowl of mushrooms.
  • Tuna and Sweetcown: Add a cooked tuna to a bowl, then add cooked sweetcorn.

Required Levels



Item Level Healing Directions
Apple Cider 14 n/a [1] Put 4 apples into a cider-press. [2] Fill a bucket with the apple-mush. [3] Pour 4 buckets of apple-mush into an empty vat. [4] Add a pot of ale yeast.
Dwarven Stout 19 n/a [1] Add 2 buckets of water to an empty vat. [2] Add 2 handfuls of barley malt. [3] Add 4 Hammerstone Hops. [4] Add a pot of ale yeast.
Asgarian Ale 24 n/a [1] Add 2 buckets of water to an empty vat. [2] Add 2 handfuls of barley malt (barley that has been roasted on a range). [3] Add 4 Asgarian Hops. [4] Add a pot of ale yeast.
Greenman's Ale 29 n/a [1] Add 2 buckets of water to an empty vat. [2] Add 2 handfuls of barley malt (barley that has been roasted on a range). [3] Add 4 Harlander. [4] Add a pot of ale yeast.
Wizard's Mind Bomb 34 n/a [1] Add 2 buckets of water to an empty vat. [2] Add 2 handfuls of barley malt (barley that has been roasted on a range). [3] Add 4 Yanillian Hops [4] Add a pot of ale yeast.
Dragon Bitter 39 n/a [1] Add 2 buckets of water to an empty vat. [2] Add 2 handfuls of barley malt (barley that has been roasted on a range). [3] Add 4 Krandorian Hops [4] Add a pot of ale yeast.

note: beers affect stats rather than healing health



For directions on making, see the "vegetables" section in the Items Necessary category.

Item Level Healing
Baked Potato 7 4 HP
Baked Potato with Butter 39 14 HP
Baked Potato with Cheese 47 16 HP
Tomato and Eggs Potato 51 16 HP
Mushroom and Onion Potato 64 20 HP
Tuna and Corn Potato 68 22 HP

Skills/Experience Table

This table shows players how much experience they need to reach to get to the next level, as well as the experience difference from the last level they were at.

Level Experience needed to reach level Experience difference from last level
1 0 0
2 83 83
3 174 91
4 276 102
5 388 112
6 512 124
7 650 138
8 801 151
9 969 168
10 1,154 185
11 1,358 204
12 1,584 226
13 1,833 249
14 2,107 274
15 2,411 304
16 2,746 335
17 3,115 369
18 3,523 408
19 3,973 450
20 4,470 497
21 5,018 548
22 5,624 606
23 6,291 667
24 7,028 737
25 7,842 814
26 8,740 898
27 9,730 990
28 10,824 1,094
29 12,031 1,207
30 13,363 1,332
31 14,833 1,470
32 16,456 1,623
33 18,247 1,791
34 20,224 1,977
35 22,406 2,182
36 24,815 2,409
37 27,473 2,658
38 30,408 2,935
39 33,648 3,240
40 37,224 3,576
41 41,171 3,947
42 45,529 4,358
43 50,339 4,810
44 55,649 5,310
45 61,512 5,863
46 67,983 6,471
47 75,127 7,144
48 83,014 7,887
49 91,721 8,707
50 101,333 9,612
51 111,945 10,612
52 123,660 11,715
53 136,594 12,934
54 150,872 14,278
55 166,636 15,764
56 184,040 17,404
57 203,254 19,214
58 224,466 21,212
59 247,886 23,420
60 273,742 25,856
61 302,288 28,546
62 333,804 31,516
63 368,599 34,795
64 407,015 38,416
65 449,428 42,413
66 496,254 46,826
67 547,953 51,699
68 605,032 57,079
69 668,051 63,019
70 737,627 69,576
71 814,445 76,818
72 899,257 84,812
73 992,895 93,638
74 1,096,278 103,383
75 1,210,421 114,143
76 1,336,443 126,022
77 1,475,581 139,138
78 1,629,200 153,619
79 1,798,808 169,608
80 1,986,068 187,260
81 2,192,818 206,750
82 2,421,087 228,269
83 2,673,114 252,027
84 2,951,373 278,259
85 3,258,594 307,221
86 3,597,792 339,198
87 3,972,294 374,502
88 4,385,776 413,482
89 4,842,295 456,519
90 5,346,332 504,037
91 5,902,831 556,499
92 6,517,253 614,422
93 7,195,629 678,376
94 7,944,614 748,985
95 8,771,558 826,944
96 9,684,577 913,019
97 10,692,629 1,008,052
98 11,805,606 1,112,977
99 13,034,431 1,228,825


What are RuneScape Members?


Members are players who pay $5 (US), or the equivalent thereof in their local currency, once every month. It is also known as P2P which is RuneScape slang for "pay to play". There are several methods for paying that are detailed when players click on the "subscribe account" option on the official RuneScape website. Basically the money will be taken automatically once a month until the player cancels their subscription. Once the subscription has been cancelled, the player can check how many more days their previous payment will give them and they still count as members for that time. Once those days run out, they automatically revert to non-member status.

  • Members have special world servers on which they can use members only features, none of these features exist on free worlds and so members have to log in on members servers if they want to use any of the benefits provided for them.

When do Players Become Members?


Usually when they have reached a medium or high level within the game and want to experience something new. Most of the time players will wait until they have level 60 attack and defense as well as a large amount of cash so they can immediately switch to dragon armor and weapons upon gaining member status. Some players prefer to become members as soon as they log in and they will subscribe their account before they ever start playing, this way they won't have to start all over again when they switch to members.

Members Benefits




Agility, Farming, Fletching, Herblore, Slayer, and Thieving are all skills that exist only for members. Non-members cannot train or use these (even if they were members previously). These skills provide great benefits to players who have them and make the game much more fun to experience. Besides these new skills, being a member also expands upon previous skills. For example: non-members have the crafting skill, but only members can use it to blow glass or craft dragonhide armor. Members can also use the runecrafting skill to make cosmic, chaos, nature, law, and death runes whereas non-members can only make elemental, body, and mind runes.



Members can access a ton of new items, both skill and quest related. The most prominent among these are the dragon and barrows armor and weapons as well as the powerful abyssal whip. Another very big item members can use are sharks as a combat food because they heal 6 more health than the best non-member fish. Other items are halberds, new amulets, rings, and necklaces, tons of new and fashionable clothes (such as werewolf or Viking styles), new soul and blood runes, and much more.

  • Because of all of these new items, members get many more spaces in their banks than a nonmember has.



Non-members currently have 18 quests they can complete, members have 80+ quests only for themselves and they can also do all of the non-members quests, leading to a total of 100+ quests members can do. Some of these quests are simply interesting, others, such as the Legends Quest, Recipe for Disaster, or the elf quests are very challenging with great rewards.



The members area of Runescape is about five times larger than the non-members area. It includes the second half of the kingdom of Asgarnia (Taverley, Burthorpe, and White Wolf Mountain), the entire kingdom of Kandarin (Seer's Village, Catherby, Ardougne, Yanille, and Castle Wars), the Gnome stronghold and village, the Elf lands bordering on Kandarin in the west, the Relekka province of the Fremenniks bordering Kandarin in the north, the Kharidian desert lands bordering the city of Al Kharid in the south, Morytania bordering Misthalin in the east, ogre and troll lands, Ape Atoll, and pirate islands in the eastern seas.



Members can post on the official forums, while non-members may read posts on forums they are unable to respond to them. Members can also vote in polls, which are held about once a month to give feedback to Jagex, new updates are made taking information from these polls into account. Weekly game updates will be mostly directed at members, non-members updates are extremely rare. Customer support is also more effective for members.

Skills/Combat (melee)

Combat includes four major skills: Attack, Defense, Strength and Hitpoints



Attack increases the chances of you hitting. At level 1 attack, you will most certainly miss most often, while with higher attack, you will miss less and less. Attack also allows you to wield certain weapons if you reach a certain level, for example at level 10 attack, players are able to wield Black weapons, while at level 60 attack, member players are able to wield Dragon weapons. Attack can be temporarily increased by drinking an attack potion or super attack potion, made with the Herblore skill. Prayers also allow an increase in Attack.

Level requirements:

  • 1: Bronze or Iron. Wooden staff, Blurite sword or Silverlight (maybe Darklight)
  • 5: Steel
  • 10: Black
  • 20: Mithril
  • 30: Adamant, Battlestaff
  • 40: Rune
  • 60: Dragon
  • 70: Barrows weapons, Abbysal Whip



Strength increases the range of your attack, meaning you have the ability to hit higher. The higher your strength the higher you will be able to hit. Higher strength also increases the chance of a player hitting higher, for example with 10 strength a player may have the ability to hit '3', but may rarely hit it, but with 13 strength, for example, hitting '3's may be quite common. Strength can be temporarily increased by drinking a strength potion or super strength potion, made with the Herblore skill. Prayers also allow an increase in Strength. Non-members can have a strength potion made by the Apothecary in Varrock, using a limpwurt root, red spider eggs and 5 gp.



Defense decreases the chance of your opponent(s) hitting damage on you. Higher defense means that you have the chance of being hit less often, but it is primarily the player's defense against the opponent's attack which determines how often one hits. At certain defense levels, players are able to wear certain types of armor. For example at level 20 defense a player can wield Mithril armor, while at level 70 defense a player can wear Barrows armor. Defense can be temporarily increased with defense potions or super defense potions, made with the Herblore skill. Prayers also allow an increase in defense.

Level requirements:

  • 1: Bronze, iron, soft leather, common robes
  • 5: Steel
  • 10: Black, hard leather
  • 20: Mithril, Initiate armor, studded leather body (20 range required), Mystic robes
  • 25: Infinity robes
  • 30: Adamant, Splitbark
  • 40: Rune, green dragonhide (40 range required), Blue dragonhide (50 range required), red dragonhide (60 range required), black dragonhide (70 range required)
  • 60: Dragon
  • 70: Barrows armor



Hitpoints determines how long players can stay alive in a fight. When players are hit a certain amount of damage, that amount is removed from their hitpoints. When their hitpoints reach 0, they die and are sent to Lumbridge (or Falador if they have Saradomin's Gaze on) losing all but their 3 most valuable items, or none if the player is skulled (Yet they can keep an extra item with the prayer 'Protect Item'). The higher your hitpoints the longer you stay alive during a fight. Hitpoints can be replenished with food, drinks, by dying or waiting over time (prayer speeds this up). Different food and drink heal different amounts, and some have added effects to them.

Combat style


The combat system of RuneScape gives a character experience when they hit. The experience is divided differently depending on what style of attacking you have chosen.

Accurate attacks are more accurate, meaning you have a better chance of hitting.

Aggressive attacks are stronger, meaning you can hit slightly higher.

Defensive attacks block more, meaning you can receive less damage.

If fighting in Accurate, Aggressive or Defensive modes, 4 experience points are given to the corresponding mode (Accurate gives attack experience, aggressive gives strength experience, defensive gives defense experience). Fighting in controlled means that experience is evenly divided throughout all the three skills, 1.33 being given to each skill per 1 damage dealt.

Hitpoints experience is 1.33 per damage dealt, regardless of the mode chosen.


In RuneScape, cooking a skill used to make food which players can eat food to heal their hitpoints when they are fighting. There are many different types of food in RuneScape, each healing a different amount of HP. However, cooking levels are needed to make the many different kinds of food.

Cooking is also a very popular skill to raise as not only do many players cook food to heal their HP, but they also sell the food they cooked to make a great profit, since almost all players need food.

How To Cook


Players can cook in two different ways. They can cook their food on a fire or they can cook their food on a range. Ranges are labelled on the mini-map as a cooking pan. It is also important to note that only meat, fish, vegetables, and tea can be cooked on a fire.

To cook, players have to use the food with a range or fire. If they have more than one same kind of food in their inventory, then a menu will appear in the chatbox which will ask them how much of the food they want to cook, whether it be one, five, or all.

At a low cooking level, players will burn their food. But as they raise their cooking level, they will burn less often and eventually they will never burn the food again.

Items Needed For Cooking


There are many items that players need to cook, such as water or flour.



Flour is used to make dough which can then be made to bake pies or bread. However, the process of making flour is fairly long.

  • First of all, grain is needed. Grain fields are around Lumbridge, Varrock, and Draynor Village.
  • Next, a pot is needed. Pots can be bought from all general stores for about 1 gp. Players can also craft pots.
  • Next, the player has to go to a windmill. A windmill is between Lumbridge and Draynor Village and another one is inside the cooking guild. When the player is inside the windmill, they then have to go to the very top floor and put the grain in the hopper. They must then operate the hopper so that the grain slides down the chute. When the player has done this, they have to go down to the first floor and use their pot with the flour they just made.



Water is fairly easy to get.

  • First, either a jug or a bucket is need. Both of these items can be bought from general stores for about 2 gp.
  • Next, a player has to find a sink or a fountain. Places that contain water are labelled on the mini-map as a rain drop. The player then has to use the jug or bucket with the sink or fountain. A bucket can also be used with a well.



The containers in RuneScape are pots, bowls, pie dishes, and cake tins. All of these items can be crafted, bought from a general store, or obtained from the cooking guild.

Vegetables, Meats, And Fruits


Some vegetables, meats, and fruits are needed in recipes. For example, players will need apples to make an apple pie and meat to make a meat pie.



Meat is can be cooked by using it with a range or fire. Meat is great to cook at a low cooking level. Chickens, cows, rats, and bears all drop meat when they are defeated.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Heals Notes
Meat 1 30 3 Meat includes the meat from cows, rats, and bears as they are all the same.
Chicken 1 30 3 Obtained by killing chickens.



Fish are what almost all players of RuneScape cook. They heal a great amount of HP, so are the recommended food to eat when fighting. All a player has to do is fish and then cook what they catch on either a fire or a range.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Heals Notes
Shrimp 1 30 3 Shrimp can be caught by fishing at a sea.
Karambwanji 1 10 3 Karambwanji is members only. Karambwanji can be caught by fishing in the Karmaja jungle.
Sardine 1 40 3 Sardine can be caught by fishing at a sea.
Anchovy 1 30 1 Anchovy can be caught by fishing at a sea.
Karambwan 1 80 18 Karambwan is members only. Karambwan can be caught by fishing in the Karmaja jungle.
Herring 5 50 5 Herring can be caught by fishing at a sea.
Mackerel 10 60 6 Mackerel is members only. Mackerel can be caught by fishing at Catherby, Rellekka, or at the fishing guild.
Trout 15 70 7 Trout can be caught by fishing at a river.
Cod 18 75 7 Cod is members only. Cod can be caught by fishing at Catherby, Rellekka, or at the fishing guild.
Pike 20 80 8 Pike can be caught by fishing at a river.
Salmon 25 90 9 Salmon can be caught by fishing at a river.
Tuna 30 100 10 Tuna can be caught by fishing at Karamja, the fishing guild, Catherby, or at Rellekka.
Lobster 40 120 12 Lobster can be caught by fishing at Karamja, the fishing guild, Catherby, or at Rellekka.
Bass 43 130 13 Bass is members only. Cod can be caught by fishing at Catherby, Rellekka, or at the fishing guild.
Swordfish 45 140 14 Swordfish can be caught by fishing at Karamja, the fishing guild, Catherby, or at Rellekka.
Shark 80 210 20 Sharks are members only. Shark can be caught by fishing at Catherby, Rellekka, or at the fishing guild
Sea Turtle 82 212 21 Sea turtles are members only. They can be caught by fishing north of Yanille.
Manta Ray 91 216 22 Manta rays are members only. They can be caught by fishing north of Yanille.



To make bread, players need to first make flour, which is explained above. When they've made flour, they must then use it with a jug of water or a bucket of water. When they use water with flour, they will make the dough. The dough can only be cooked on a range, not on a fire. When the dough is done being baked, it will become bread.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Heals Notes
Bread 1 40 5
Pitta Bread 58 40 Cannot be eaten This dough is members only. It is used to make kebabs.

Pies require two bites to be fully eaten, thus giving players a bit more health than other foods. For example, when a player eats a redberry pie, they will only eat one half of it. The other half will stay in the dish which can be eaten later. To make pie, players need to mix flour and water together and then make some pastry dough. Players then need to use the dough with a pie dish. Then, the player can put in extra ingredients to make them heal more, such as meat to make a meat pie. When they are finished putting in the ingredients, the pie can then be baked.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Healing from eating both halves Notes
Redberry Pie 10 78 10 Redberries are needed to make this pie. Redberries can be bought from Port Sarim's food store, or they can be picked up from their respawns south of Varrock.
Meat Pie 20 110 12 Cooked meat is needed to make this pie. Meat is dropped by killing bears, cows, and giant rats.
Mud Pie 29 128 Cannot be eaten This pie is members only. Compost, water, and clay are needed to make this pie. It can be tossed at opponents when it is cooked.
Apple Pie 30 130 14 Apples are needed to make this pie. Free players can only get apples from the cooking guild, while members can buy apples from Frenita's Cookery Shop in Yanille, grow their own apples, or buy some from the farming shop north of Ardougne.
Garden Pie 34 128 12 This pie is members only. Tomatoes, onions, and cabbage are needed to make this pie. These items can be grown by players, or picked from farms around Lumbridge and Draynor Village.
Fish Pie 47 164 12 This pie is members only. Trout, cod, and potatoes are needed to make this pie. The fish can be fished and the potatoes can be grown or picked from farms around Lumbridge and Draynor Village.
Admiral Pie 70 210 16 This pie is members only. Salmon, tuna, and potatoes are needed to make this pie. The fish can be fished and the potatoes can be grown or picked from farms around Lumbridge and Draynor Village.
Wild Pie 85 240 22 This pie is members only. Raw bear meat, raw chompy meat, and raw rabbit meat is needed to make this pie. Raw bear meat can be obtained by killing bears, raw chompy meat can be obtained by killing a chompy (see the Big Chompy Bird Hunting quest), and raw rabbit meat can be obtained by killing rabbits.
Summer Pie 95 260 22 This pie is members only. Strawberries, watermelons, and apples are needed to make this pie. All of these items can be grown by players. Apples can also be taken from the cooking guild.



To make stew, players need a bowl and some cooked meat. Next, the bowl has to be filled with water. Potatoes are needed next. They can be found around the farms near Draynor Village and Lumbridge or members can grow potatoes themselves. Members can also buy potatoes from Hudo's Grand Tree Groceries in the Grand Tree or from Frenita's Cookery Shop in Yanille. Players then have to add the cooked meat and potatoes to the bowl of water and then cook the bowl to make stew.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Heals Notes
Stew 25 117 11
Spicey Stew 25 117 11 This stew is members only. However, players need to complete Evil Dave's part of the Recipe for Disaster quest. To make this stew, players need to add several spices to the stew before they cook it. Various combinations will raise skills for a few minutes. However, the skills that will be raised are random, so it will be different every time.
Curry 60 280 19 This stew is members only. To make curry, players need to use a spice before cooking the stew. Spices can be bought or stolen in Ardougne's market.



Many players like to use pizzas to heal themselves as they can heal quite a lot of HP. Also, like pizzas, they can require players to take two bites, allowing them to eat one half and save the other half for when it's needed. To make a pizza, mix flour with water and make a pizza base. Players then need to add a tomato and a slice of cheese on the base. Both a tomato and a slice of cheese can be taken from their respawn in Draynor Village, north of the bank. They can also be bought from the food store in Port Sarim. When the tomato and slice of cheese is added to the pizza base, the pizza can then be baked. Players can also add things on their pizza after they have finished baking it.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Healing from eating both halves Notes
Plain Pizza 35 143 14 This is a pizza with only tomatoes and cheese.
Meat Pizza 45 169 16 This is a pizza with meat added on it. To make a meat pizza, players need to kill a bear, cow, or giant rat, cook the meat they drop, then use it on the pizza.
Anchovy Pizza 55 182 18 This is a pizza with anchovies added on it. To make an anchovy pizza, players need to fish some anchovies, cook them, and then add them to the pizza. Meat includes the meat from cows, rats, and bears as they are all the same.
Pineapple Pizza 65 195 22 This pizza is members only. To make a pineapple pizza, players need a pineapple, which can be obtained by killing the monsters on Karmaja or by being bought from Hudo's Grand Tree Groceries and Funch's Fine Groceries.



Cakes require three bites to be fully eaten, so if a player clicks on a cake, they will still have two other pieces left. To make a cake, players need flour, an egg, milk, and a cake tin. Eggs are near the chicken coops around Lumbridge, while milk can be obtained by milking dairy cows with a bucket. Dairy cows are around Lumbridge near the level 2 cows. When all of these items are placed in the cake tin, the cake can then be cooked on a range.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Healing from eating all three pieces Notes
Fish Cake 31 100 11 This cake is members only. To make it, players have to complete the Recipe for Disaster quest. The ingredients needed to make this cake are: ground cod, ground kelp, ground giant crab, and breadcrumbs. To make these items ground, use them with a pestle and mortar.
Cake 40 180 12
Chocolate Cake 50 210 15 To make this cake, a chocolate bar has to be added. Chocolate bars can be taken from their respawn in the cooking guild or bought from Port Sarim's food store.



To make wine, a jug of water and grapes are needed. Grapes can be found in the cooking guild. Use the grapes with the jug of water to make unfermented wine. About 10 seconds later, the wine will ferment and be drinkable.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Heals Notes
Wine 35 110 11

Hot Drinks


The only hot drink is nettle tea, which is members only. To make nettle tea, players need fist a bowl of water. Next, nettles are needed. Nettles are located southeast of the slayer master in Canifis. It is important to note that nettles will hurt players when they pick them up, so they have to wear gloves. The nettles have to be used with the bowl of water to make nettle-water. The nettle-water next has to be boiled on a range to turn it into nettle tea. The tea can then be placed into an empty cup. Empty cups can be bought or stolen from the tea stall in Varrock or by speaking to Brother Galahad, located east of the coal trucks. Also, if a player wants to add milk to their tea, they can obtain some milk in a bucket and use it with the tea. Adding milk is optional.

Name Cooking level needed to cook Experience received from cooking Heals Notes
Nettle Tea 20 52 3 This tea is members only.




  • Two buckets of water
  • Two Barley Malt
  • Main ingredient (Varies depending on the type of ale you want from; Apple mush, Hammerstone hops, Asgarnian hops, harralander and so on. Quality also varies.)
  • Pot of Yale Yeast.

You need to put the buckets of water in an empty VAT followed by the barley malt and then the main ingredient and finally the yeast which has to be bought from local brewers.

Note: The process of fermenting can take up to a full day so if you plan to brew ales be prepared by having something else to do while you wait or just come back in a few days time.



Vegetables basically consist of a baked potato with a topping of some kind. The toppings must be made separately and then added to the potato. The better toppings require high farming levels or lots of money to obtain.

Potato: grow using the farming skill or pick on any NPC farm and bake on a range (NOT a fire).


  • These count as foods on their own but it is better to add them to baked potatoes for better healing.
  • Always add butter first and then add whatever topping you wish to use.
  • Dairy products: Milk a diary cow and use the bucket of milk on a churn, these can be found at most of the RuneScape farms. Milk can be churned into cream, butter, or cheese. Cream can be churned into butter or cheese and butter can be churned into cheese if you make a mistake with selecting what you want.
  • Tomato and Scrambled Eggs: Add an egg to a bowl with a knife in your inventory, then cook the bowl of eggs on a range/fire. Add a tomato to a bowl with a knife in your inventory. Use the bowl of tomatoes with the bowl of scrambled eggs.
  • Mushroom and Onions: Add an onion to one bowl and a bittercap mushroom to another while having a knife in your inventory. Cook both of the bowls on a range/fire. Use the bowl of onions on the bowl of mushrooms.
  • Tuna and Sweetcown: Add a cooked tuna to a bowl, then add cooked sweetcorn.

Required Levels



Item Level Healing Directions
Apple Cider 14 n/a [1] Put 4 apples into a cider-press. [2] Fill a bucket with the apple-mush. [3] Pour 4 buckets of apple-mush into an empty vat. [4] Add a pot of ale yeast.
Dwarven Stout 19 n/a [1] Add 2 buckets of water to an empty vat. [2] Add 2 handfuls of barley malt. [3] Add 4 Hammerstone Hops. [4] Add a pot of ale yeast.
Asgarian Ale 24 n/a [1] Add 2 buckets of water to an empty vat. [2] Add 2 handfuls of barley malt (barley that has been roasted on a range). [3] Add 4 Asgarian Hops. [4] Add a pot of ale yeast.
Greenman's Ale 29 n/a [1] Add 2 buckets of water to an empty vat. [2] Add 2 handfuls of barley malt (barley that has been roasted on a range). [3] Add 4 Harlander. [4] Add a pot of ale yeast.
Wizard's Mind Bomb 34 n/a [1] Add 2 buckets of water to an empty vat. [2] Add 2 handfuls of barley malt (barley that has been roasted on a range). [3] Add 4 Yanillian Hops [4] Add a pot of ale yeast.
Dragon Bitter 39 n/a [1] Add 2 buckets of water to an empty vat. [2] Add 2 handfuls of barley malt (barley that has been roasted on a range). [3] Add 4 Krandorian Hops [4] Add a pot of ale yeast.

note: beers affect stats rather than healing health



For directions on making, see the "vegetables" section in the Items Necessary category.

Item Level Healing
Baked Potato 7 4 HP
Baked Potato with Butter 39 14 HP
Baked Potato with Cheese 47 16 HP
Tomato and Eggs Potato 51 16 HP
Mushroom and Onion Potato 64 20 HP
Tuna and Corn Potato 68 22 HP


Crafting is probably the most diverse skill in Runescape. Using crafting you may make pottery leather items such as coifs and boots, jewelry (which may be enchanted using the magic skill), glass items, and even battle staffs for magic. At time of writing, there are a total of 81 finished items which can be made using the crafting skill.

Crafting is a stat that can come with reward particularly at the higher levels where it can be one of the better money making skills in the game.

The runescape community as a whole is rather divided when it comes to the best way of leveling crafting. Many highly suggest killing cows and using their hides for leather-crafting, whereas some of the more unique players prefer the more processed way of mining clay and making pottery. Both have their pros and cons, leather working uses money but is substation ally quicker while clay working is rather hands-on and free but a longer process which, many players dislike attributing to "boredom".

Silver crafting is typically considered one of the best ways to level up Crafting from the mid-levels onward with a steady experience flow and being one of the easier ores to mine in comparison to gold. Leather-crafting however still remains a good way to level up crafting even when silver becomes accessible especially with money, whereas clay-working is usually pointless at this stage.

Those of good combat level however tend to either kill dragons for their hides or actually buy dragonhides in attempt to continue their experience flow. Glass working on Entrana is another viable option for experience and levels although many consider it rather tedious. Jewelry making is another option although this requires a decent mining level and in most cases access to vast quantities of gold ore typically found in the crafting guild.

It is worth mentioning that low level members will find that a good amount of cash can be made from spinning flax into bowstrings at seer's village. They only require level 10 crafting to make but since they take a long time to accumulate in high numbers most high level fletchers prefer to buy them and they do so for 100-150 gp per bowstring. It is an amazing source of income and 15 experience points are also gained for every string, making it a good source of crafting[[1]] experience for low to mid level crafters.

Level-up rundown


The following is a list of what new items a player can make once s/he reaches a new crafting level.

Level 1: Cut opal*, Leather gloves, Pot, Beer Glass

Level 4: Candle Lantern*

Level 5: Gold ring

Level 6: Gold Necklace

Level 7: Pie Dish, Leather Boots

Level 8: Gold Amulet, Bowl

Level 9: Leather Cowl

Level 10: Bowstrings*

Level 11: Leather Vambraces

Level 12: Oil lamp*

Level 13: Cut jade*

Level 14: Leather body armor

Level 15: Snail Shell Helmet

Level 16: Holy Symbol, Cut red topaz*

Level 17: Unholy symbol*

Level 18: Leather Chaps

Level 19: Plant pot*, Magic String*

Level 20: Cut Sapphire, Sapphire Ring

Level 21: Vegetable Sack*

Level 22: Sapphire Necklace

Level 23: Tiara

Level 24: Sapphire Amulet

Level 25: Pot Lid*

Level 27: Cut Emerald, Emerald Ring

Level 28: Hard leather body armor

Level 29: Emerald Necklace

Level 31: Emerald Amulet

Level 33: Vial*

Level 34: Cut Ruby, Ruby Ring

Level 36: Fruit basket*

Level 38: Leather Coif*

Level 40: Ruby Necklace, Crafting Guild Access (not an item, but still worth mentioning)

Level 41: Studded Leather Body Armor**

Level 42: Fishbowl*

Level 43: Cut Diamond, Diamond Ring

Level 44: Studded Leather Chaps**

Level 45: Snakeskin boots*

Level 46: Staff Orb*

Level 47: Snakeskin Vambraces*

Level 48: Snakeskin Bandana*

Level 49: Lantern Lens*

Level 50: Ruby Amulet

Level 51: Snakeskin Chaps*

Level 53: Snakeskin Body*

Level 54: Water Battlestaff*

Level 55: Cut Dragonstone*, Dragonstone Ring*

Level 56: Diamond Necklace

Level 57: Green Dragonhide Vambraces**

Level 58: Earth Battlestaff*

Level 60: Green Dragonhide Chaps**

Level 62: Fire Battlestaff*

Level 63: Green Dragonhide Body**

Level 66: Air Battlestaff*, Blue Dragonhide Vambraces*

Level 67: Cut Onyx, Onyx Ring

Level 68: Blue Dragonhide Chaps*

Level 70: Diamond Amulet

Level 71: Blue Dragonhide Body*

Level 72: Dragonstone Necklace*

Level 73: Red Dragonhide Vambraces*

Level 75: Red Dragonhide Chaps*

Level 77: Red Dragonhide Body*

Level 79: Black Dragonhide Vambraces*

Level 80: Dragonstone Amulet*

Level 82: Black Dragonhide Chaps*, Onyx Necklace*

Level 84: Black Dragonhide Body*

Level 90: Onyx Amulet*

1 asterisk:members only.

2 asterisks:members only, but may be worn/used by free players


Firemaking is a skill that can be used to light things, whether they be logs or lanterns.

However, firemaking is considered the "worst skill in Runescape". Since there isn't much of a point to firemaking, other than to make fires, players see nothing of value from raising it, thus making many people consider it "the worst skill in Runescape". However, the logs that you can burn give very good exp, thus making it one of the fastest and easiest skills to raise. Most non-members will raise this skill in order to raise their total level or if they have nothing better to do. Members will raise it to level 50 for the famous "Legends Quest" and in order to use bullseye lanterns which are considered the best economic light source in the game.

How to Make Fires


To make a fire, you first of all need a log, which can be done doing the Woodcutting skill. Once you have a log, you need a tinderbox. Tinderboxes can be bought from General Stores scattered across Runescape.

There are two ways of lighting a log. The first way is to click on your tinderbox and use it with the log. Your character will then drop the log and light it. The other method is to drop the log and then right click the log and select the option "light log".

After you light a fire, your character will automatically walk one step to the west if there is room there, otherwise they will step east. It is advised to have a clear path to the west so that you can go on burning logs without having to walk to a different spot all the time.

Log Table


You will need certain levels to burn different types of logs, as explained below.

"Lvl Needed" means level needed to burn logs. "Exp Received" means experience received towards firemaking obtained by successfully lighting those logs.

Tree Lvl Needed Exp Received Notes
Normal Logs 1 40 Normal trees include dead trees and evergreen trees, as they give the same amount of experience.
Oak Logs 15 60
Willow Logs 30 90 Very good exp from these logs, as they are easy to cut.
Teak Logs 35 105 These logs are members only.
Maple Logs 45 135 Although there are no maple trees in free worlds, members can sell maple logs to free players, and free players can light maple logs
Mahogany Logs 50 157.5 These logs are members only.
Yew Logs 60 202.5 These logs are great exp from level 60 to 99.
Magic Logs 75 303.8 These logs are members only.



In members worlds, you can light lanterns to see in the dark. These are used in some dungeons. You also need a level to light certain lanterns.

These items are members only. They are only used to see in dark member dungeons.

  • Level 1 - Torch
  • Level 1 - Candle
  • Level 1 - Black Candle
  • Level 4 - Candle Lantern
  • Level 4 - Black Candle Lantern
  • Level 12 - Oil Lamp
  • Level 26 - Oil Lantern
  • Level 49 - Bullseye Lantern
  • Level 65 - Mining Helmet

Free to Play Training


Here are some ways to raise your firemaking level if you're a free player.

  • Level 1-15 - Burn normal trees. There is a good forest between Lumbridge and Draynor where there are many normal trees.
  • Level 15-30 - Move on to oaks. A good spot is east of Draynor Village's bank.
  • Level 30-60 - Burn willows. These give great exp as they are easy to cut. A good spot is beside Draynor Village's bank, as there are 5 willow trees there. There are also a few trees by Rimmington, this might be a good place since Draynor tends to be very crowded.
  • Level 60-99 - Burn yews. Although you are burning a great source of money, this is the best way to get to 99 firemaking.

Pay to Play Training


Here are some ways to raise your firemaking level if you're a member.

  • Level 1-15 - Burn normal trees. There is a good forest between Lumbridge and Draynor where there are many normal trees.
  • Level 15-30 - Move on to oaks. A good spot is east of Draynor Village's bank.
  • Level 30-60 - Burn willows. These give great exp as they are easy to cut. A good spot is beside Draynor Village's bank, as there are 5 willow trees there.
  • Level 35-60 - Start the Tai Bwo Wannai cleanup minigame, get into the woodcutting area and burn teak and mahogany. These give great firemaking and woodcutting experience and you don't have to worry about wasting fletching materials. They also tend to be deserted as virtually all players see them as useless.
  • 45-60 - Burn maples, go to the far northeast of Seer's Village, just follow the path and you will get to a great spot just before the bridge. This place is nice for burning as there will usually be very few other people so you don't get in anyone's way and the path continues to the west across the bridge for almost 28 paces. This means that you won't have to reset your character every time for a new fire and you can just keep going until your inventory is almost empty.
  • Level 60-99 - Burn yews. Although you are burning a great source of money, this is the best way to get to 99 firemaking.
  • Level 75-99 - Burn magics. However, these logs are hard to get, so it's up to you if you want to burn these logs or yews.


Fishing in RuneScape is a very valuable skill. Players can fish and then cook what they catch for food, or they can sell their fish for a great profit.



Fishing is one of the more popular skills in RuneScape. To fish, players must first find a "fishing spot". These fishing spots are near land and are in the sea and in rivers.

To fish, players must have the right equipment. To purchase equipment, there is a Fishing Store in Port Sarim that sells fishing rods, bait, feathers, fish, harpoons, and lobster cages.



There are many different types of equipment that players must use to fish.



All players start out with nets. There are "small fishing nets" and "large fishing nets". Small fishing nets are for free players while large fishing nets are only members. The difference between the two nets are the large fishing net can catch more than one fish, and it's members only.

A fishing net an only be used on seas. When the player has found a fishing spot, they have to right-click or left-click on the spot. There will be two options: "Net Fishing spot" or "Bait Fishing spot". Since the player has a net, they will want to net fishing spot. When the player uses his net, they will squat down and use their net with the spot. They will do this for a few minutes or until the fishing spot moves.

Catching fish takes time, so the player has to be patient. However, as the player's fishing level rises, they will catch fish more often.

Fish that can be caught using a small fishing net:

  • Shrimp
  • Karambwanji (members only)
  • Anchovy
  • Frog Spawn (members only)

Things that can be caught using a big fishing net (members):

  • Mackerel
  • Oyster
  • Casket
  • Seaweed
  • Cod
  • Bass

Fishing Rods and Bait


To buy a fishing rod, players have to go to Port Sarim, go the Fishing Store, and buy one for about 5 to 10 gp. Players will also need bait, which can also be bought from the Fishing Store. Some monsters also drop bait.

To fish with a fishing rod, players have to find a river with fishing spots or find a fishing spot in the sea. When they've found a spot, they can then click on the fishing spot and begin fishing. If the player cannot fish, then they have to right-click on the spot and select the "Bait Fishing spot" option. When players have started fishing, they will cast out their line and wait for the fish to catch. They will do this for a few minutes or until the fishing spot moves.

There is also an "oily fishing rod" but this is members only and is used to fish Lava Eels.

Catching fish takes time, so the player has to be patient. However, as the player's fishing level rises, they will catch fish more often.

Fish that can be caught using a fishing rod:

  • Sardine
  • Herring
  • Pike
  • Cave Eel (members only)

Fish that can be caught using an oily fishing rod (members only):

  • Lava Eel

Fly Fishing Rods and Feathers


To buy a fly fishing rod, players have to go to Port Sarim, go the Fishing Store, and buy one for about 5 to 10 gp. Players will also need feathers, which can also be bought from the Fishing Store. Chickens also drop feathers every time they are killed.

To fish with a fly fishing rod, players have to find a river with fishing spots. When the player has found a spot, they can then click on the fishing spot and begin fishing. If the player cannot fish, then they have to right-click on the spot and select the "Lure Fishing spot" option. When players have started fishing, they will cast out their line and wait for the fish to catch. They will do this for a few minutes or until the fishing spot moves.

Catching fish takes time, so the player has to be patient. However, as the player's fishing level rises, they will catch fish more often.

Fish that can be caught using a fly fishing rod:

  • Trout
  • Salmon



To buy a harpoon, players have to go to Port Sarim, go the Fishing Store, and buy one for about 20 to 30 gp.

Harpoons can only be used on seas. When players have found a spot, they can then click on the fishing spot and begin fishing. If the player cannot fish, then they have to right-click on the spot and select the "Harpoon Fishing spot" option. When players have started fishing, they will squat down and try to catch some fish. They will do this for a few minutes.

Catching fish takes time, so the player has to be patient. However, as the player's fishing level rises, they will catch fish more often.

Fish that can be caught using a harpoon:

  • Tuna
  • Swordfish
  • Shark (members only)

Lobster Pots


Lobster pots (also known as "lobster cages" or just "cages") can be bought from the Fishing Store in Port Sarim for about 20 to 30 gp.

Lobster pots can only be used on seas. When the players have found a spot, they can then click on the fishing spot and begin fishing. When players have started fishing, they will squat down and try to catch some lobsters. They will do this for a few minutes.

Lobster pots can only catch lobsters and are a great way to train fishing.

Fish that can be caught with a lobster cage:

  • Lobster

Karambwan Vessel


Karambwan Vessels (also know as just "vessels") can be obtained from Lubufu south of Brimhaven (on Karamja) Once the player has started the "Tai Bwo Wannai Trio" quest. Players will also need Karambwanji, which can be caught with a net at a fishing spot on the Holy Lake south of Tai Bwo Wannai Village.

Karambwan Vessels can only be used on the lake that is near Lubufu. When the players have found a spot, they can click on the fishing spot and begin fishing. When players have started fishing, they will squat down and try to catch some Karambwan. They will do this for a few minutes.

Fish that can be caught with a Karambwan Vessel:

  • Karambwan (members only)

Fishing Table


Below is a table with information about fishing.

Name Lvl Needed to Fish Fishing Exp Lvl Needed to Cook Cooking Exp Heals Notes
Shrimp 1 10 1 30 3 Can be fished at seas.
Karambwanji 5 10 1 30 3 Members only. Can be fished in Karmaja's jungle.
Sardine 5 20 1 40 4 Can be fished at seas.
Herring 10 30 5 50 5 Can be fished at seas.
Anchovy 15 40 1 30 1 Can be fished at seas.
Mackerel 16 20 10 60 6 Members only. Can be fished at Catherby, Rellekka, and the Fishing Guild.
Trout 20 50 15 70 7 Can be fished at rivers.
Cod 23 45 18 75 7 Members only. Can be fished at Catherby, Rellekka and the Fishing Guild.
Pike 25 60 20 80 8 Can be fished at rivers.
Slimey Eel 28 65 28 95 6 to 10 Members only. Can be fished at Mort Myre Swamp or Lumbridge swamp caves. Healing varies.
Salmon 30 70 25 90 9 Can be fished at rivers.
Frog Spawn 33 75 - - 3 to 6 Members only. Can be fished at Lumbridge swamp caves. Healing varies.
Tuna 35 80 30 100 10 Can be fished at Karamja, the Fishing Guild, Catherby, and Rellekka.
Cave Eel 36 80 28 115 7 to 11 Members only. Can be fished at Lumbridge swamp caves. Healing varies.
Lobster 40 90 40 120 12 Can be fished at Karamja, the Fishing Guild, Catherby, and Rellekka.
Bass 46 100 43 130 13 Can be fished at Catherby, the Fishing Guild, and at Rellekka.
Swordfish 50 100 45 140 14 Can be fished at Karamja, the Fishing Guild, Catherby, and Rellekka.
Lava Eel 53 30 53 140 14 Members only. Can be fished at the Members' dungeon south of Taverly.
Karambwan 65 105 1 80 18 Members only. Can be fished in Karamja's jungle.
Shark 76 110 80 210 20 Members only. Can be fished at Catherby, the Fishing Guild, and at Rellekka.
Sea Turtle 79 105 82 212 21 Can be fished north of Yanille in the Trawler Mini-Game.
Manta Ray 81 115 91 216 22 Can be fished north of Yanille in the Trawler Mini-Game.

Free to Play Fishing Spots


Net and Bait Spots

  • Draynor Village: To the west of Draynor Village's bank are two fishing spots. Here, players can net and bait fish. It is a great place to start fishing as there is a bank nearby, so players can fill their inventory with fish and then bank them.
  • South of Port Sarim: South of Port Sarim near Thurgo the dwarf's house are some fishing spots, but they're far away from a bank.
  • Karmaja: On Karmaja are some fishing spots. However, these spots also are not near a bank, so if the player wants to deposit your fish, Draynor Village is where they want to be.

Lure and Bait Spots

  • Barbarian Village: Just a little east of Barbarian Village is a river. Here, there are some fishing spots that allow players to either lure fish or bait fish. However, these fishing spots are not very close to a bank, though are the most convenient lure fishing spots for free players.
  • Lumbridge: In Lumbridge is a river that has some lure and bait fishing spots. However, a bank is very far away. Barbarian Village's fishing spots are recommended, as they are closer to a bank, though it too is far away.

Harpoon and Cage Spots

  • Karmaja: Behind Luthas' banana plantation is a small dock that has fishing spots allowing players to harpoon fish or cage lobsters. This is the only spot to fish tuna, swordfish, and lobsters on the free worlds. A bank is very far away and players have to pay 30 gp to go on the island and 30 gp to leave the island.

Pay to Play Fishing Spots

  • Catherby - All types of fishing except for fly fishing, close access to both a range and a bank so players can cook their catch on the way to storing it, useful for all fishing levels. The bank here is also a major location for buying and selling fish. The only problem here is there are so many people that spamming on the chat channels (people saying nonsense things or saying the same thing over and over), verbal fights, and insults are common. It can be very peaceful when public chat is off though, and sometimes intelligent discussions can be held with lots of people participating which can be very interesting.
  • Shilo Village - Fly fishing only, highly efficient for fast levelling since the fishing store buys raw salmon and trout and sells feathers, only a few steps away from a bank and the fishing store, minor inconvenience of not having any way to cook the fish since there are no ranges or trees that can be chopped for fires. People levelling here often take the fishing experience without the cooking and get in trouble later on when they are catching sharks but can't cook them. Another problem is that by the time players are able to do the Shilo Village quest required to enter the village their fishing level will hardly benefit from fly fishing training. The quest is one of the more experienced ones in the game and as such only high level players can do it, most of the high levels around have been smart enough to really work on their fishing skill and as such fly fishing only gives them minimal experience.
  • Fishing Guild - Lobster, tuna, swordfish, and sharks can be caught here. A fishing level of 68 is required but fishing potions and some of the new pies can be used to cheat. The two fishing platforms are extremely close to a bank. Another advantage is that both a lobster cage and a harpoon spawn right behind the entrance door. Like Shilo, there are inconveniences with cooking. There is a range, but it is far away from both the platforms and the bank. Most players fishing here will catch a certain number of fish and then go to catherby and use the range there to cook their catch. The guild is usually preferred to catherby as it is much more quiet.

Free to Play Training


Here are some ways to raise a free player's fishing level.

  • Level 1 to 20: Net fish at the fishing spots in Draynor Village and Al Kahrid. This may seem slow and long, but it is faster than baiting fish, and fish caught may be stored in bank for simple cooking experience.
  • Level 20 to 65: Lure fish at Barbarian Village. Players will need many feathers, but this is a very fast method of raising fishing. Players may also fish lobsters at level 40, though it will be fairly slow until around level 60.
  • Level 65 to 99: Cage lobsters at Karmaja. Lobsters can be obtained very quickly giving good exp, though if a player wants to bank their lobsters, they will have to bring money.
  • Level 65 to 99: Harpoon at Karmaja. Players will catch both tuna and swordfish, though fishing lobsters is faster and gives better exp.

Pay to Play Training


Here are some ways to raise a member's fishing level.

  • Level 1 to 30: Fish at Catherby.
  • Level 30 to 40: Fly fish at Shilo or stay at Catherby. However, to fish at Shilo, players need to have finished the quest Shilo Village.
  • Level 40 to 68: Fish lobsters at Catherby or fly fish at Shilo for slightly faster xp.
  • Level 68 to 76: Fish lobsters at the Fishing Guild.
  • Level 76 to 99: Fish sharks at the Fishing Guild.

Fishing tuna and swordfish is not recommended as they don't give as good exp as lobsters.

With an admiral pie, players can enter the Fishing Guild at level 63 fishing. With a fishing potion, they can enter the Fishing Guild at level 65 fishing.

The Fishing Guild is recommended, though Catherby is also a good spot.

When cooking fish it helps if players have cooking gauntlets from the Family Crest quest, these ensure that the player burns their fish less often.

Making Money


Fishing can be a great skill to make money in.

Every player needs food to heal their HP. Since the higher fish heal a large amount of HP, there is a great market for them. Below is a list with fish prices.

It is recommended that players do not sell their fish to General Stores or Fish Stores, but instead, sell them to other players.

Falador and Edgeville bank are the best places to sell fish. Or for members the Catherby bank is also good. The low level fish (shrimp, sardine, herring, and anchovies) are rarely bought.

Free to Play Fish Prices


These prices are for raw fish.

  • Shrimp: 3 to 5 gp
  • Sardine: 5 gp
  • Herring: 10 gp
  • Anchovies: 20 gp
  • Trout: 30 gp
  • Pike: 40 gp
  • Salmon: 50 gp
  • Tuna: 50 to 75 gp
  • Lobster: 150 to 200 gp
  • Swordfish: 200 to 250 gp

Lobsters are the best fish to sell. You can get even more money if they aren't cooked. Since people use them to get cooking up.

Pay to Play Fish Prices

  • Shrimp-Swordfish: See Free to Play, there really isn't any price difference.
  • Sharks: 800-1000 gp
  • Rich players sometimes buy raw fish at higher prices than cooked ones because they want to train their cooking skill.

Lobsters and sharks are the best to sell for fast money making.


Magic in RuneScape involves attacking opponents with spells as well as using spells to make money. It is one of the three combat skills.

Magic is very similar to ranging as both skills involve attacking from a distance. It's best not to attack your opponents up close with magic, as magic armor is not good against melee. The only type of combat which causes most damage to magic is ranged.

If you only raise magic as your combat stat, then you are called a "mage".



When players mage something, they attack using a spell, usually from a distance.

When using magic, players need runes, which are magic's ammunition. For each spell, there is a certain amount of runes needed. When players cast that spell, those runes are used up. This causes mages to continually buy more runes, making magic a money-consuming skill.



Runes are what are needed to mage. Below is a table with info on the different kinds of runes.

Name Description Notes
Air Rune One of the four elemental runes. A much often used rune. Can be crafted. Required for attack spells.
Water Rune One of the four elemental runes. A much often used rune. Can be crafted. Required for attack spells.
Earth Rune One of the four elemental runes. A much often used rune. Can be crafted. Required for attack spells.
Fire Rune One of the four elemental runes. A much often used rune. Can be crafted. Required for attack spells.
Mind Rune Required for "strike spells". Used for low level attack spells. Can be crafted.
Body Rune Required for "curse spells". Used to lower opponents attack, strength, or defense slightly. Can be crafted.
Cosmic Rune Required for enchanting jewelry. Only used to enchant jewelry. Can be crafted by members.
Nature Rune Required for "alchemy spells". A much often used rune, useful to make money. Can be crafted by members.
Chaos Rune Required for "bolt spells". Used for medium level attack spells. Can be crafted by members.
Law Rune Required for "teleport spells". Used for teleporting and grabbing things from a distance. Can be crafted by members.
Death Rune Required for "blast spells". Used for high level attack spells. Can be crafted by members.
Blood Rune Required for "wave spells". Used for very high level attack spells. This rune can only be used by members.
Soul Rune Required for "curse spells" and "teleother spells". Used to curse opponents and teleport other players. This rune can only be used by members.



Below is a table of all the normal spells castable. Members only spells are in bold.

Level Spell Runes Needed Base Exp. Per Cast
1 Wind Strike 1 Air, 1 Mind 5.5
3 Confuse 3 Water, 2 Earth, 1 Body 13
5 Water Strike 1 Water, 1 Air, 1 Mind 7.5
7 Enchant lvl 1 Jewelry 1 Water, 1 Cosmic 17.5
9 Earth Strike 2 Earth, 1 Air, 1 Mind 9.5
11 Weaken 3 Water, 2 Earth, 1 Body 20.5
13 Fire Strike 2 Air, 3 Fire, 1 Mind 11.5
15 Bones to Bananas 2 Earth, 2 Water, 1 Nature 25
17 Wind Bolt 2 Air, 1 Chaos 13.5
19 Curse 2 Water, 3 Earth, 1 Body 29
20 Bind 3 Earth, 3 Water, 2 Nature 30
21 Low Level Alchemy 3 Fire, 1 Nature 31
23 Water Bolt 2 Air, 2 Water, 1 Chaos 16.5
25 Varrock Teleport 3 Air, 1 Fire, 1 Law 35
27 Enchant lvl 2 Jewelry 3 Air, 1 Cosmic 37
29 Earth Bolt 2 Air, 3 Earth, 1 Chaos 19.5
31 Lumbridge Teleport 3 Air, 1 Earth, 1 Law 41
33 Telekinetic Grab 1 Air, 1 Law 43
35 Fire Bolt 3 Air, 4 Fire, 1 Chaos 22.5
37 Falador Teleport 3 Air, 1 Water, 1 Law 48
39 Crumble Undead 2 Air, 2 Earth, 1 Chaos 24.5
41 Wind Blast 3 Air, 1 Death 25.5
43 Superheat Item 4 Fire, 1 Nature 53
45 Camelot Teleport 5 Air, 1 Law 55.5
47 Water Blast 3 Air, 3 Water, 1 Death 28.5
49 Enchant lvl 3 Jewelry 5 Fire, 1 Cosmic 59
50 Iban Blast 5 fire, 1 Death, Iban staff 42.5
50 Snare 4 Earth, 4 Water, 3 Nature 60.5
50 Magic Dart 1 Death, 4 Mind, Slayer staff 30
51 Ardougne Teleport 2 Water, 2 Law 61
53 Earth Blast 3 Air, 4 Earth, 1 Death 31.5
55 High Level Alchemy 5 Fire, 1 Nature 65
56 Charge Water Orb 30 water, 3 cosmic, 1 Glass Orb 56
57 Enchant lvl 4 Jewelry 10 Earth, 1 Cosmic 67
58 Watchtower Teleport 3 earth, 2 law 68
59 Fire Blast 4 Air, 5 Fire, 1 Death 34.5
60 Charge Earth Orb 30 Earth, 3 Cosmic, 1 Glass Orb 70
60 Claws of Guthix 4 Air, 1 Fire, 2 Blood, staff of Guthix 35
60 Flames of Zamorak 1 Air, 4 Fire, 2 Blood, staff of Zamorak 35
60 Saradomin Strike 4 Air, 2 Fire, 2 Blood, staff of Saradomin 35
61 Trollheim Teleport 2 Fire, 2 Law 68
62 Wind Wave 5 Air, 1 Blood 36
63 Charge Fire Orb 30 Fire, 3 Cosmic, 1 Glass Orb 73
64 Ape Atoll Teleport 2 Law, 2 Water, 2 Fire, 1 Banana 74
65 Water Wave 7 Water, 5 Air, 1 Blood 37.5
66 Charge Air Orb 30 Air, 3 Cosmic, 1 Glass Orb 76
66 Vulnerability 5 Earth, 5 Water, 1 Soul 76
68 Enchant lvl 5 Jewelry 15 Earth, 15 Water, 1 Cosmic 78
70 Earth Wave 7 Earth, 5 Air, 1 Blood 40
73 Enfeeble 8 Earth, 8 Water, 1 Soul 83
74 Teleother Lumbridge 1 Soul, 1 Law, 1 Earth 84
75 Fire Wave 7 Fire, 5 Air, 1 Blood 42.5
79 Entangle 5 Earth, 5 Water, 4 Nature 91
80 Stun 12 Earth, 12 Water, 1 Soul 90
80 Charge 3 Air, 3 Fire, 3 Blood 180
82 Teleother Falador 1 Soul, 1 Law, 1 Water 92
85 Tele Block 1 Law, 1 Chaos, 1 Death 95
87 Enchant lvl 6 Jewelry 20 Fire, 20 Earth, 1 Cosmic 97
90 Teleother Camelot 2 Soul, 1 Law 100

Ancient Magick


This is a reward from the Desert Treasure quest. The common slang used for it is "Ancients" and players using it are called "Ancienters". The four elements are ice, shadow, smoke, and blood, each with their own respective abilities. The Ancient Magicks are more powerful than normal magic and allow players to poison, freeze, drain, and lower their enemies' attack as well as hit multiple enemies at the same time. Players with Ancient Magick can also teleport to different locations, including several places in the Wilderness. If Ancients are activated the player using them cannot use any normal spells so even players who can use Ancients will often have normal magic activated for alchemy and teleport reasons. Players can switch between the two types by praying at an alter in a pyramid accessed during the quest (praying here reduces the player's prayer points to 0). Ancient Magicks consume more runes than normal spells and often use high level runes.


Mining is a skill that allows players to obtain ores from rocks and then smith the ores into bars or sell the ores. Selling the ores can give players a great profit, which is one of the reasons why mining is one of the most popular skills in the game.

Way to use mine shifts

To mine, a player will first need a pickaxe. These are sold by Nurmof in the dwarven mines, but every new player has one. Next, the player has to find a mining area. When these two tasks are complete, the player can then find a rock in the mine and click on it, making their character mine the rocks.

Unfortunately, mining can be very boring, as it is very repetitive, though selling the ores obtained from the rocks can give players a good profit. Also, mining is a skill largely based on a player's luck, which is totally random in RuneScape. Luck affects mining like this: the player will mine the rock, but when they hit the rock, it might take eight to twenty hits to get an ore. Another player may mine the same rock and get an ore in just one hit. There is no way to increase the chances of mining a rock in one hit.



Pickaxes, or 'picks', are needed to mine rocks. They can be equipped as a weapon, giving players some more space in their inventory. However, pickaxes cannot be smithed. Pickaxes can either be bought from Nurmof in the Dwarven Mines or from other players. Nurmof's shop is labelled on the mini-map as a gold pickaxe.

Pickaxe Table


Below is a table with information about pickaxes. The higher a level needed to use a pickaxe, the better it is than the ones below it. For example, a rune pick will mine rocks faster than an adamanite pick.

It is important to note that there is no 'black pickaxe' or 'dragon pickaxe'.

This table lists the prices for the pickaxes when only one pickaxe is in the store. Prices may differ slightly with other amounts of stock.

Pick Mining level needed to use Cost to buy from Nurmof
Bronze 1 1 gp
Iron 1 137 gp
Steel 6 500 gp
Mithril 21 1,300 gp
Adamant 31 3,200 gp
Rune 41 32,000 gp

Ores And Rocks


Ores are obtained from the different types of rocks. These rocks can be found in mines. On the mini-map, mines are labelled as a gray pickaxe. The color of a rock and it's name correspond to the ore found in it, so mining a copper rock will yield a copper ore, while mining a coal rock will yield a coal ore.

When players click on a rock, they will hit it with their pickaxe and try to get the ore out. The higher level rocks, such as mithril and adamant, take longer for players to mine an ore out of them, so patience is needed when mining these rocks. Players receive experience when they get ore from rocks.

After the ore has been mined, the rock will turn gray for a while. Eventually another ore will respawn and the rock will regain its color. Players can only mine a rock when ore is available. Ore respawn times differ with the difficulty of the rock, runite respawns the slowest and clay the fastest. The respawn time is increased slightly on world servers with more players on them.

Ore Table

Rock Mining level needed to mine Experience received Notes
Rune Essence 1 5 To mine these rocks, players will need to complete the Rune Mysteries Quest. To learn more about rune essence, see the runecrafting skill guide. Rune essence does not have a respawn time, players only need to click once on the rock and they will mine until their inventory is full.
Clay 1 5 Clay is used in crafting to make small items such as pots.
Copper 1 17.5 Players can smelt a copper ore with a tin ore to make a bronze bar.
Tin 1 17.5 Players can smelt a copper ore with a tin ore to make a bronze bar.
Limestone 1 26.5 Limestone is needed in the members quest Shades of Mort'ton.
Blurite 10 17.5 Blurite is needed in the quest The Knight's Sword.
Iron 15 35 Players can smelt an iron ore to make an iron bar.
Silver 20 40 Silver is used to craft items, such as tiaras.
Coal 30 50 Coal can be smelted with iron ores, mithril ores, adamant ores, and runite ores to make steel, mithril, adamant, and rune bars.
Pure Essence 30 5 Pure Essence is used to craft runes of greater power.
Gold 40 65 Gold is used to craft items, such as jewelry.
Gem 40 65 Gem rocks are only available to members who have completed the Shilo Village quest. Mining a gem rock gives a player a gem ranging from sapphire to diamond, which can be used for crafting.
Mithril 55 80 Mithril ores can be smelted with four coal ores to make a mithril bar.
Adamant 70 95 Adamant ores can be smelted with six coal ores to make an adamant bar.
Rune 85 125 Rune ores can be smelted with eight coal ores to make a rune bar.

Making Money


Mining can be a very good skill to get money in for players who have patience. It might take a long time to get ores, but players can sell them for good prices. Players should sell their ores to other players, not to General Stores or the dwarf who owns the ore store in the Dwarven Mines. Iron and coal are the best ores to sell as many people want them to make steel bars. Listed below are street prices for ores.

Please note that these are rough prices and are not exact. Prices may change over time.

  • Clay Ore: 1 to 5 gp
  • Copper/Tin Ore: 5 to 10 gp
  • Iron Ore: 50 to 100 gp
  • Silver Ore: 100 to 200 gp
  • Coal Ore: 120 to 200 gp
  • Gold Ore: 120 to 200 gp
  • Mithril Ore: 300 to 500 gp
  • Adamant Ore: 700 to 1,000 gp
  • Rune Ore: 10,000 to 12,000 gp

So if a player has 1,000 coal ores and sells them all at 200 each, they've just made 200k. However, it takes time to mine coal, so it will take a long time to get rich off it. Also, please note one thing: you might be better off buying iron in the Dwarven Mine store, as they often sell it for 1gp each.



There are many mines in RuneScape. However, they have their pros and cons. For example, some mines have many rocks but many enemies as well, while other mines have few rocks but no enemies.

To mine, all players have to do is click on a rock. Rocks are located across RuneScape and are shown on the mini-map with a pickaxe icon. When players have found a rock, they can then prospect it to see what ore that rock contains or just mine it right away. However, different mining levels are needed to mine different rocks. Also, rocks are color coded, meaning each rock has a different rock color, depending on what the ore is inside the rock.

Free to Play Mines


Here are some mines available for free players.

  • Rimmington Mine: Located northeast of Rimmington, this is a mine mostly used to by low level miners. The mine contains 5 copper rocks, 6 iron rocks, 2 gold rocks, 2 tin rocks, and 2 clay rocks. There are no monsters around and the mine is a good spot if players want to level up mining. However, a bank is very far away, so if a player wants to deposit their rocks, it's best they use another mine closest to a bank.
  • Dwarven Mine: Located north of Falador and underneath Ice Mountain, the Dwarven Mine is an underground mine. The mine contains 3 clay rocks, 10 tin rocks, 11 copper rocks, 9 iron rocks, 11 coal rocks, 2 gold rocks, 2 mithril rocks, and 3 adamant rocks. It is a very good mine to deposit rocks at a bank, as there's some stairs near the southeastern part of the mine that lead outside near Falador's west bank. However, this mine is always crowded, so players mining here will probably be there for awhile. All over the mine are level 10 dwarves and level 14 scorpions and level 32 king scorpions walking around the southeastern part of the mine, which is where all the iron, coal, mith, and addy rocks are, so players with low combat levels are best to stay away from that part of the mine. There is also a General Store in the western part of the mine, as well as a store where you can buy pickaxes. Also, if players go down the ladder near Ice Mountain to enter the mine rather than the stairs east of Falador's west bank, to the east is a store that sells hammers, bronze pickaxes, copper ore, tin ore, iron ore, coal ore, copper bars, iron bars, and gold bars. However, the shop is only restocked when players sell their ores to the store. This mine is one of the best places for (free)players to level up their mining skill, as if iron is mined near the shop then it can be quickly sold rather than dropped for quick experience.
  • Mining Guild: Located in the South of the Dwarven Mines, contains many coal and a few mithril rocks. It requires mining level 60 to enter. There are no monsters and it is very close to a bank making it the best place to mine coal in the game, the obvious con however is that achieving level 60 can be time consuming.
  • Lumbridge Swamp Mine: Located south of Lumbridge in the swamp behind the castle, this mine contains 2 adamant rocks, 5 mithril rocks, and 7 coal rocks. There are no monsters roaming about, however, there is a con. A bank is very far away, so if a player wants to deposit their rocks, it's best they use anther mine closest to a bank.
  • Crafting Guild Mine: Located southwest of Falador, it contains 6 clay rocks, 6 silver rocks, and 7 gold rocks. This is the best place to mine silver for all players and also the best place to mine gold for free players. However, to enter the guild, a brown apron and a crafting level of 40 are required. Also, because of all the gold an silver rocks, the guild can become crowded at peak times when more than 150,000 players are playing. Also even at 'off-peak' times it can be difficult to mine owing to a few (very) high level miners dominating this small mine
  • Karmaja Volcano Mine: Located inside the volcano on Karmaja, this mine contains 4 gold rocks. However, a bank is very far away and there are level 25 skeletons walking around as well as level 31 deadly red spiders. For members, there is a bank relatively close in the TzHaar mines. If players have a low combat level, it's best if they stay away from this mine.

There are also some mines southeast and southwest of Varrock The one in the southwest has 2 silver rocks as well as some tin, clay, and iron. The mine in the southeast has 3 iron rocks as well as a lot of tin and copper rocks, most low level players start mining here.

Pay to Play Mines


Here are some mines available for members.

  • Arzinian mines: the dream of every gold hunter. The Between a Rock... quest is needed to access them, players find out during the quest how to enter the mines. All players have to do after finishing is talk to the dwarf again while wearing the gold helmet to get to the mines. They are filled with both gold veins and rocks. There are 146 rocks in total. Players can mine 27 gold and then remove the helmet to leave. As they walk back to the ferry, they may notice that the dwarven boatman has shifted places. He will now take gold ores to the bank in return for a small part of the ores. While wearing the ring of charos (U) from the Garden of Tranquility quest, this amount is halved and players also won't have to pay for the ferry. These mines are usually empty but if there are lots of people it shouldn't be a problem, there's too much gold to cause any arguments.
  • Yanille mines: these are sometimes called the Khazard mines as they are found next to Port Khazard. They are a favorite for iron mining as they are usually empty and close to the Yanille bank, they also have two mithril rocks right next to the iron spot.
  • Dorgeshuun mines: accessible after The Lost Tribe quest these mines provide both iron and silver. They are great for powermining iron because one of the cave goblins will buy iron or silver from players, letting them powermine and still gain some money.
  • Coal Trucks: found just north of where the Dwarf Cannon quest is started, this is a great location for coal mining if a player cannot enter the mining guild. A combat level of above 50 is advised because the giant bats hanging around the coal rocks will attack any player below this level. The best way to effectively use the trucks is through a log balance shortcut that allows easy access to the Seer's Village bank. The log is west of McGrubber's woods and requires level 20 agility. After a short chat with the local dwarf, players can mine coal from 18 available rocks (3 or 4 people can use it without getting in each other's way). The trucks that run alongside the rocks can be filled with up to 120 coal, after which the player must go to Seer's to pick it up and bank it. The coal cannot be stolen by anyone, the trucks are like personal coal banks. The pick-up spot is northwest of Seer's bank, just past the house with the anvil and the willow trees.



It's up to you if you want to either deposit the ores after mining a whole inventory or drop the ores when you've mined them. Dropping the ores will be much faster than depositing the ores.

  • Level 1 to 15: Mine copper and tin rocks.
  • Level 15 to 60: Mine iron rocks.
  • Level 60 to 85: Mine coal rocks in the Mining Guild.
  • Level 85 to 99: Mine rune rocks in the Wilderness.

Mining is a very slow skill to raise, so raising it will probably be very boring. You can either continually mine or take breaks, do another skill, and then come back to mining.


Prayer is a skill which allows players to bury bones dropped by monsters. It is a very slow skill to raise, as bones do not give high exp, but can be very beneficial against monsters and other players.



If you want to use a prayer spell, click on the prayer menu, which is to the right of the equipment menu. This menu show you what prayers you can use. Prayers available for use are highlighted, while prayers you cannot use are dark. When you click on a prayer, a circle will appear around it, showing you that you are using it. However, using prayer lowers your prayer level. So say your prayer level is 5. You select "Thick Skin" in the prayer menu. If you watch your prayer level in the skill menu, you will see it slowly drop down.

You need certain levels to use different prayer spells. Prayer can be used to help you. It can give you a great advantage over monsters and players in the wilderness, however using prayer on other players many consider "noobish", or stupid. Many players insult players using prayer because they see it as cheating or giving you an advantage over them, even though the entire skill was designed to provide an advantage for people using it.

Prayer Bonus


If you click on the menu to the right of the inventory menu, you'll see what you have equipped. If you look at the bottom of this menu, there will a small black box with the words "Attack Bonus" and "Defense Bonus" in yellow, and more words in gray underneath with plus signs and negatives. These are known as "bonuses" and help you fight.

In prayer, there is only one bonus, a "prayer bonus". A prayer bonus affects the rate your prayer level drops, because when you use a prayer spell, your prayer level will drop. Having a high prayer bonus makes your prayer level drop slower, which is very good if you want to use prayer for a long time.

Prayer Spells


Below is a table with info about prayer spells. "Lvl Needed" means what prayer you need to use that spell.

Name Lvl Needed Advantage Notes
Thick Skin 1 Increases your defense by 5%. Makes your opponent hit less often on you.
Burst of Strength 4 Increases your strength by 5%. Makes you hit harder by 5%.
Clarity of Thought 7 Increases your attack by 5%. Makes you hit more often by 5%.
Rock Skin 10 Increases your defense by 10%. Makes your opponent hit less often on you.
Superhuman Strength 13 Increases your strength by 10%. Makes you hit harder by 10%.
Improved Reflexes 16 Increases your attack by 10%. Makes you hit more often by 10%.
Rapid Restore 19 2x restore rate for all stats except hitpoints and prayer. If one or more of your stats are lowered (for example, if your attack level is 59/60), then using this prayer spell will make that/those stat(s) recharge twice as fast than the normal restore rate.
Rapid Heal 22 2x restore rate for hitpoints stat. If your hitpoints is lowered (for example, if your hitpoints is 59/60), then using this prayer spell will make it recharge twice as fast than the normal restore rate.
Protect Items 25 Keep 1 extra item if you die. When you die, you only keep 3 of the most valuable items in your inventory. However, using this prayer spell will allow you to keep 1 more item, allowing you to keep 4 of the most valuable items in your inventory. However, if you have a skull on you from attacking another player in the wilderness, you will lose all your items except the most valuable.
Steel Skin 28 Increases your defense by 15%. Makes your opponent hit less often on you.
Ultimate Strength 31 Increases your strength by 15%. Makes you hit harder by 15%.
Incredible Reflexes 34 Increases your attack by 15%. Makes you hit more often by 15%.
Protect from Magic 37 Protection from magical attacks. Using this prayer will make you invincible against magic. Against other players, they will only do about 40% less damage than normal.
Protect from Missiles 40 Protection from ranged attacks. Using this prayer will make you invincible against range. Against other players, they will only do about 40% less damage than normal.
Protect from Melee 43 Protection from close attacks. Using this prayer will make you invincible against melee. Against other players, they will only do about 40% less damage than normal.
Retribution 46 Inflicts damage to nearby targets if you die. Members only.
Redemption 49 Heals you if your health falls below 10%. Members only.
Smite 52 1/4 of damage dealt is also removed from opponent's prayer. Members only.

It is important to note that if you are using Protect Items, you will only keep the items that can be sold for the most amount of gp at general stores, not street prices. So say you have a Blue Party Hat and a Rune Plate Body, you have a skull, and you die. Even though the party hat is worth over 200 million gp and the plate only worth about 85k, you will only keep the Rune Plate Body, as if you try to sell it to a General Store, you will get around 20k for it, but if you try to sell a Blue Party Hat to a General Store, you will only get around 1 gp.

Also, the Protect spells will only reduce damage by other players by half. But if you are fighting monsters, they will not even hurt you. However, some high levelled monsters and quest monsters are resistant to prayer and will still hurt you with it on.

Bone Table


Below is a table with information about burying bones.

Name Exp Gained from Burying Dropped By Notes
Bones 4.5 Almost every NPC. These bones look very small and about 80% of all monsters drop them. Random events also drop them.
Burnt Bones 4.5 Not dropped. These bones are located in the wilderness in the northeast near the Greater Demons. They are not rare and give the same exp as regular bones.
Monkey Bones 5 Monkeys. These bones are dropped by monkeys on Karmaja around the volcano.
Bat Bones 5.33 Giant Bats. Members only.
Big Bones 15 All giants. Highest bone that free players can bury.
Jogre Bones 15 Jogres. Members only. Give same exp as big bones.
Baby Dragon Bones 30 Red and Blue Baby Dragons. Members only.
Skeletal Wyvern Bones 50 Skeletal Wyverns. Members only.
Dragon Bones 72 All dragons. Members only.
Dagganoth Bones 125 Dagannoth Kings. Members only.



Members can worship the Ectofuntus to gain 4x the experience they would get from just burying a bone. It is located in far northeast Morytania just north of Port Phasmatys. The process of worshipping is much more efficient if the Ghosts Ahoy quest has been completed. Players can go down a trapdoor and several flights of stairs (at 58 agility several shortcuts can be used) to reach a giant pool of ectoslime. Buckets can be used on the pool to collect the slime, one bucket of slime is needed for every worship done. Besides the bucket, the player also has to go upstairs to the "bone grinder" and put their collected bones in there. Several clicks on the machine are needed to process the bones, after which players can collect the bone dust with a pot. Players may worship the ectofuntus using one pot of ground bones and one bucket of slime, after which they can talk to the local ghost disciplines (ghostspeak amulet necessary), to gain ectotokens. Because it is such a tedious process, the Ectofuntus is generally used for high level bones such as dragon or baby dragon bones in which case there is a substantial increase in experience gain.



Some things that you can wear give a prayer bonus, thus they can be called "armor".

Free Players' Armor


Below is a table which contains information about the armor free players can wear.

Name Prayer Bonus Notes
Priest Gown (top) +3 Can be purchased in Varrock's Clothing Store.
Priest Gown (bottom) +3 Can be purchased in Varrock's Clothing Store.
Shade Robe (top) +5 Dropped by Shade, a random event.
Shade Robe (bottom) +4 Dropped by Shade, a random event.
Monk's (top) +6 Can be obtained in the Monastery's second floor (31 prayer needed).
Monk's Robe (bottom) +5 Can be obtained in the Monastery's second floor (31 prayer needed).

Members' Armor


Below is a table which contains information about the armor members can wear.

Name Prayer Bonus Notes
Zamorak Robe (top) +3 Dropped by Iban Disciples.
Zamorak Robe (bottom) +3 Dropped by Necromancer and Iban Disciples.
Druid Robe (top) +4 Dropped by Druids.
Druid Robe (bottom) +4 Dropped by Druids.
Initiate Full Helmet +3 Recruitment Drive quest reward or bought from Sir Tiffy Cashien (in Falador park sitting on a bench) after finished Recruitment Drive.
Initiate Plate Body +6 Can be bought from Sir Tiffy Cashien (in Falador park sitting on a bench) after finishing the quest Recruitment Drive.
Initiate Plate Legs +5 Can be bought from Sir Tiffy Cashien (in Falador park sitting on a bench) after finishing the quest Recruitment Drive.
White Knight Armour +1 Every piece gives a +1 bonus to prayer. It can be worn after completing the quest Wanted! by killing black knights and rising in the White Knights' ranks.
Verac the Defiled's Armor +12 One of the Barrows armor sets, it also has a special that allows the player to ignore their opponent's armor stats when hitting them (this only works if the player is wielding the full set).



There are 3 necklaces that give prayer bonuses, listed below.

Name Prayer Bonus Notes
Blessed Holy Symbol +8
Unholy Symbol of Zamorak +8 Members only.
Amulet of Glory +3 Members only.
Amulet of Fury +5 Members only.



Maces give a prayer bonus. So if you want to attack or use prayer longer, why not use a mace? Below is a table with info about maces.

Name Prayer Bonus Notes
Bronze Mace +1 Can be bought in the Mace Shop in Falador.
Iron Mace +1 Can be bought in the Mace Shop in Falador.
Steel Mace +2 Can be bought in the Mace Shop in Falador.
Black Mace +2 Dropped by Dark Warriors in level 13 wilderness.
Mithril Mace +3 Can be bought in the Mace Shop in Falador.
Adamant Mace +3 Can be bought in the Mace Shop in Falador.
Rune Mace +4 Can be bought from the Champion's Guild.
Dragon Mace +5 Can be bought from the Hero's Guild. The Kalphite Queen also drops it.
Obsidian Staff +5 Bought from the weapons store in TzHaar for 52,500 Tokkul. Can be used to autocast spells.
Verac's Flail +6 One of the Barrows weapons, must be worn with full Verac's Armor for the set effect to take place where the player can ignore their opponent's armor stats when hitting.



There are a number of things that can be used to recharge your prayer if it depletes to 0. One way is to pray at altars.

Altars are all over RuneScape. There are even some in the wilderness. Altars are used to recharge your prayer level. Altars can be found in churches all across RuneScape. In the Monastery, on the second floor, is an altar that will recharge your prayer points plus add another 2 on. The altar in the member quest Nature Spirit also does this.

Prayer potions (also known as "prayer pots" or "pray pots") can also be used if you're a member. They restore just under 40% of your prayer level. If your herblore level is 38, then you can make prayer pots provided you have the materials needed. Super restore potions also restore some prayer besides normal stats.

Free players can only use altars to recharge their prayer level.

Prayer Books


Members can get Prayer books by completing the quest Horror from the Deep. You can wield them, and they will take up your shield slot. There are 3 prayer books, each based on the RuneScape gods. Each prayer book gives a +5 prayer bonus, as well as other bonuses.

The 3 books are:

  • Book of Balance (Guthix)
  • Holy Book (Saradomin)
  • Unholy Book (Zamorak)

When you first buy them, they will be called a "damaged book". Each book has four pages. The pages can only be obtained from Treasure Trails or purchased from other players. Red pages are Zamorak (250k-300k market value), green pages are Guthix (around 80k market value), and white pages are Saradomin (150k-200k market value). When you've gotten all four pages, use them with the damaged book and they will become a prayer book. You can some things with them, such as say a prayer or bless symbols (you need a prayer level of 50 to do this though). Below is a table with each book's info.

Name Stats
Book of Balance (Guthix) +4 Slash Attack, +4 Stab Attack, +4 Crush Attack, +4 Magic Attack, +4 Range Attack, +4 Slash Defense, +4 Stab Defense, +4 Crush Defense, +4 Magic Defense, +4 Range Defense, +5 Prayer
Holy Book (Saradomin) +8 Slash Defense, +8 Stab Defense, +8 Crush Defense, +8 Magic Defense, +8 Range Defense, +5 Prayer
Unholy Book (Zamorak) +8 Slash Attack, +8 Stab Attack, +8 Crush Attack, +8 Magic Attack, +8 Range Attack, +5 Prayer


Ranged is one of RuneScape's three combat skills. Ranging involves attacking an enemy from a distance using certain objects, such as a bow and arrows.

If you only raise range as your combat stat, then you are called a "ranger". As a ranger, you hide behind objects to avoid damage, which is how the skill got it's name.

When you range something, you will throw items at them. However, only sometimes you will get them back. Your weapons will fall underneath the enemy when you've hit them. When the enemy is dead, grab your items. You'll notice that you'll have fewer weapons. This is because only sometimes you get back your items. This causes range to become an expensive skill, as you always have to buy more ammunition.



A bow and arrows is the recommended set for ranging, as they are fast and give good range bonuses. With your bow equipped, click on the icon with the two swords crossing each other. Clicking on this will show that you can attack accurately, rapidly, or long-range.

If you use the accurate or rapid attack styles, receive four ranged exp and 1.33 hit points exp. So say you hit a 10 on your enemy. You will be given 40 ranged exp and about 5 hit points exp. If you use the long-range attack style, you will receive two ranged exp, two defense exp points and 1.33 hit points exp.

Many people consider the rapid attack style to be best for training, as using it allows you to shoot fast, thus giving you fast exp.

Also, there are "short bows" and "long bows". Long bows allow you to hit farther and harder, but you shoot arrows slow. Short bows allow you to shoot fast, but not hit as hard nor as far as long bows.

If you want to see your ranged defense and ranged attack, click on the icon with the man standing with his arms outstretched. When you've clicked on this icon, look down and you should see a small black window which you can scroll down on. If you scroll down, you can see your ranged attack and ranged defense.

The higher the ranged attack, the more often you will hit. The higher the ranged defense, the less you will be damaged. To increase these two stats, you need to wield a better bow or armor than you currently have wielded. However, you also need certain ranged levels to wield different bows and armor.

Range Bonus


If you click on the menu to the right of the inventory menu, you'll see what you have equipped. If you look at the bottom of this menu, there will a small black box with the words "Attack Bonus" and "Defense Bonus" in yellow, and more words in gray underneath with plus signs and negatives. These are known as "bonuses" and help you fight.

There are two range bonuses, a "range attack bonus" and a "range defense bonus". A range attack bonus affects how often you hit, not how hard you hit. The higher the ranged attack bonus, the more often you'll hit. A range defense bonus affects how often you get hurt. The higher the ranged defense bonus, the less often your opponent will hurt you.



Below is a table with info about bows. "Lvl Needed" means ranged level needed to wield that bow. "Att Value" means how much that bow adds to your ranged attack.

Bow Lvl Needed Att Bonus Notes
Short Bow 1 +8 Can be bought from Lowe's Archery Store in Varrock or from the archer in Rimmington, southwest of Falador.
Long Bow 1 +8 Can be bought from Lowe's Archery Store in Varrock or from the archer in Rimmington, southwest of Falador.
Oak Short Bow 5 +14 Can be bought from Lowe's Archery Store in Varrock or from the archer in Rimmington, southwest of Falador.
Oak Long Bow 5 +14 Can be bought from Lowe's Archery Store in Varrock or from the archer in Rimmington, southwest of Falador.
Willow Short Bow 20 +20 Can be bought from Lowe's Archery Store in Varrock or from the archer in Rimmington, southwest of Falador.
Willow Long Bow 20 +20 Can be bought from Lowe's Archery Store in Varrock or from the archer in Rimmington, southwest of Falador.
Maple Short Bow 30 +29 Can be bought from Lowe's Archery Store in Varrock or from the archer in Rimmington, southwest of Falador. This is the highest bow a free person can wield.
Maple Long Bow 30 +29 Can be bought from Lowe's Archery Store in Varrock or from the archer in Rimmington, southwest of Falador. This is the highest bow a free person can wield.
Yew Short Bow 40 +47 Members only. Can only be bought from other players.
Yew Long Bow 40 +47 Members only. Can only be bought from other players.
Magic Short Bow 50 +69 Members only. Can only be bought from other players. This bow has a "special", which allows you to do something special a certain number of times.
Magic Long Bow 50 +69 Members only. Can only be bought from other players. This bow has a "special", which allows you to do something special a certain number of times.



The magic short bow (commonly referred to as the MSB) and the magic long bow (also known as the MLB) both have specials.

When you equip one of these bows, if you click on the icon with the two swords crossing eachother, and look at the bottom, you will see a bar and the word "special". When you are about to fire, you click on the "special bar". When you've clicked on it, the word "special" will highlight, and when you shoot your next arrow, you will do the special.

Each special also has a drain rate. A 50% drain rate means if you use the special once, your special bar will go down 50%. The special bar takes time to recharge.

The magic long bow's special allows you to shoots an arrow with a chance to hit higher than normal. Using the special reduces your special bar by 35%, so you can use it twice in a row, and then let the bar recharge.

The magic short bow's special allows you to shoot two arrows at once. Using the special reduces your special bar by 55%, making you wait a few seconds to let it recharge to use it again.

Many people prefer the MSB over the MLB as the MSB allows you to shoot faster and has a very good special.



Arrows are used with your bow as weapons, or ammunition (ammo). The better the arrow, the higher you can hit, but you'll need a better bow to fire the better arrows. Free players can use all arrows except rune.

"Bow Required" means the minimum bow you need to use those arrows. The price of the arrows are store prices and not street prices.

Name Bow Required Location
Bronze Arrows Any Can be bought from Lowe's Archery Store in Varrock or from the archer in Rimmington, southwest of Falador.
Iron Arrows Any Can be bought from Lowe's Archery Store in Varrock or from the archer in Rimmington, southwest of Falador.
Steel Arrows Oak Can be bought from Lowe's Archery Store in Varrock or from the archer in Rimmington, southwest of Falador.
Mithril Arrows Willow Can be bought from Lowe's Archery Store in Varrock or from the archer in Rimmington, southwest of Falador.
Adamant Arrows Maple Can be bought from Lowe's Archery Store in Varrock or from the archer in Rimmington, southwest of Falador.
Rune Arrows Yew Members only. Can be bought from the Ranged Guild.

Crossbows and Bolts


A crossbow is similar to a bow, but instead you hold it with one hand, thus allowing you to wield a shield. However, crossbows only give +6 ranged attack value.

Crossbows are seldom used now, as they are slower than bows and their bolts take time to get. Bows are recommended over crossbows.

Below is a table with info about crossbows and bolts.

Name Notes
Crossbow Level 1 ranged required to use. Can be bought from Lowe's Archery Store in Varrock. It also respawns in the wilderness. +6 ranged bonus.
Phoenix Crossbow Level 1 ranged required to use. This is obtained during the Shield of Arrav quest. +6 ranged bonus, rumoured to hit harder than crossbow, though unconfirmed.
Bolts similar to iron arrows. Can be bought from Lowe's Archery Store in Varrock. It also respawns in the wilderness.
Pearl Tipped Bolts Members only. Similar to steel arrows.
Opal Tipped Bolts Members only. Similar to mithril arrows.
Barbed Tipped Bolts Members only. Similar to adamant arrows. Made by attaching barb tips on normal bolts. Barb tips are found in the Ranged guild.

Members Weapons


Members have many different kinds of weapons they could use while ranging. These weapons include darts, throwing knives, javelins, and throwing axes. Members who have completed the Roving Elves quest can also use the famous Crystal Bow.



Darts can only be made after you have completed The Tourist Trap. To make them, see the fletching guide. Darts are very fast, thus giving good exp, though take time to make. There are 6 different kinds of darts, listed below.

  • Bronze Darts
  • Iron Darts
  • Steel Darts
  • Mithril Darts
  • Adamant Darts
  • Rune Darts

Throwing Knives


Throwing knives can be smithed. Throwing knives are very fast and are easy to make. They are good for gaining exp. There are 6 different kinds of throwing knives, listed below.

  • Bronze Throwing Knives
  • Iron Throwing Knives
  • Steel Throwing Knives
  • Mithril Throwing Knives
  • Adamant Throwing Knives
  • Rune Throwing Knives



Javelins are a monster drop and can be bought from the Ranged Guild. They are slow, but hit good. They are not recommended for gaining exp, as they're just too slow compared to shooting arrows with a bow. There are 6 different kinds of javelins, listed below. You can wield a shield with javelins.

Name Ranged Attack Bonus
Bronze Javelins +5
Iron Javelins +8
Steel Javelins +12
Mithril Javelins +17
Adamant Javelins +24
Rune Javelins +38

Throwing Axes


Throwing axes can be bought from the Ranged Guild. They are very slow, but powerful. However, they are not recommended for gaining exp, as they're just too slow compared to shooting arrows with a bow. There are 6 different kinds of throwing axes, listed below. You can wield a shield with throwing axes.

Name Ranged Attack Bonus
Bronze Throwing Axes +4
Iron Throwing Axes +5
Steel Throwing Axes +8
Mithril Throwing Axes +12
Adamant Throwing Axes +17
Rune Throwing Axes +26

Crystal Bow


After completing the Roving Elves quest members can buy and use these. It is amazing as it does not require ammunition of any kind, say goodbye to arrows! However, like the Crystal Shield, it has the bad habit of decaying over time until it goes back into its seed state at which point it can be recharged. It decays 10 times every 2500 shots, once it has decayed 6 times it is equal to the magic shortbow and as such becomes almost useless. One way players can get around this is by buying two bows, use one bow until it almost decays and switch to the other which will then decay instead (this works as the rate of decay is tied to the player, Jagex has threatened to change this system), this way the player can use a fully charged bow half of the time. But most players still prefer non-decaying equipment and will stick to magic shortbows.

Leather Armor


Leather armor is the ranger's armour. If you want to make leather yourself, see the crafting guide.

Leather armor gives good defense against mages, so if you want to fight mages, wear leather armor. However, warriors have an advantage over leather armor, so if you want to fight warriors, do not wear leather armor. Below is a table with info about leather armor.

Name Attack Bonus Defense Bonus Notes
Cow +1 range +2 stab, +3 slash, +4 crush, +2 magic, +3 range
Calf -1 magic, +2 range +4 stab, +6 slash, +8 crush, +4 magic, +4 range Can be made by members, see crafting guide how. Level 20 range required to wear.
Leather Body -2 magic, +2 range +8 stab, +9 slash, +10 crush, +4 magic, +9 range
Hard Leather Body -4 magic, +8 range +12 stab, +15 slash, +18 crush, +6 magic, +15 range Level 10 defense required to wear.
Studded Leather Body -4 magic, +8 range +18 stab +25 slash, +22 crush, +8 magic, +25 range Can be made by members, see crafting guide how. Level 20 defense and level 20 range required to wear.
Leather Chaps +4 range +2 stab +3 slash, +1 crush
Studded Leather Chaps -5 magic, +6 range +15 stab, +16 slash, +17 crush, +6 magic, +16 range Can be made by members, see crafting guide how. Level 20 range required to wear
Vambraces +4 range +2 stab, +2 slash, +1 crush



If you are a member and your crafting level is high enough, you can make snakeskin, or buy it from fellow players. It has better stats than leather, but requires a range and defense level of 30 to wear it. You also need 46 snakeskins for the full set since snakes are very small and don't have much skin on them. Snake skins can be obtained by killing bush snakes in the Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup minigame.

Name Attack Bonus Defense Bonus Notes
Snakeskin Body -5 magic, +12 range +25 stab, +28 slash, +32 crush, +15 magic, +35 range Members only. Can be made by members, see crafting guide how.
Snakeskin Chaps -5 magic, +6 range +8 stab, +8 slash, +10 crush, +4 magic, +10 range Members only. Can be made by members, see crafting guide how.
Snakeskin Vambraces -5 magic, +6 range +2 stab, +2 slash, +2 crush, +1 magic Members only. Can be made by members, see crafting guide how.
Snakeskin Bandana -5 magic, +4 range +2 stab, +4 slash, +4 crush, +2 magic, +2 range Members only. Can be made by members, see crafting guide how.
Snakeskin Boots -10 magic, +3 range +1 stab, +1 slash, +2 crush, +1 magic Members only. Can be made by members, see crafting guide how.



Dragonhide is no doubt the best of all the armour rangers can wear. Members can make dragonhide, see the crafting guide how.

There are four types of dragonhide. There's green dragonhide, blue dragonhide, red dragonhide, and black dragonhide. Free players can only wear green dragonhide. Green dragonhide bodies can be bought from Oziach after finishing Dragon Slayer, and green dragonhide chaps and vambraces can be bought from the Champion's Guild. The other kinds of dragonhide cannot be bought in stores and must be bought from fellow players.

These are the much preferred armors when fighting player mages or NPCs that use magic in some form. Due to its extensive melee bonuses, black dragonhide is often worn by melee fighters since it weighs a lot less than metal armor and provides some defense if the opponent can also use some kind of magic or ranged attack.

Green Dragonhide

Name Attack Bonus Defense Bonus Notes
Green D'hide Vambraces -10 magic, +8 range +3 stab, +2 slash, +4 crush, +2 magic Level 40 ranged required to wear. Can be bought in Champion's guild. Highest leather free players can wear. Members can also craft this.
Green D'hide Chaps -10 magic, +8 range +22 stab, +16 slash, +24 crush, +8 magic, +22 range Level 40 ranged required to wear. Can be bought in Champion's guild. Highest leather free players can wear. Members can also craft this.
Green D'hide Body -15 magic, +15 range +40 stab, +32 slash, +45 crush, +20 magic, +40 range Level 40 ranged and defence required to wear. Can be bought in Champion's guild. Highest leather free players can wear. Members can also craft this.

Blue Dragonhide

Name Attack Bonus Defense Bonus Notes
Blue D'hide Vambraces -10 magic, +9 range +4 stab, +3 slash, +5 crush, +4 magic Members only. Level 50 ranged required to wear. Can only be bought from fellow players or crafted.
Blue D'hide Chaps -10 magic, +11 range +25 stab, +19 slash, +27 crush, +14 magic, +25 range Members only. Level 50 ranged required to wear. Can only be bought from fellow players or crafted..
Blue D'hide Body -15 magic, +20 range +45 stab, +37 slash, +50 crush, +30 magic, +45 range Members only. Level 50 ranged and level 40 defense required to wear. Can only be bought from fellow players or crafted.

Red Dragonhide

Name Attack Bonus Defence Bonus Notes
Red D'hide Vambraces -10 magic, +10 range +5 stab, +4 slash, +6 crush, +6 magic Members only. Level 60 ranged required to wear. Can only be bought from fellow players or crafted.
Red D'hide Chaps -10 magic, +14 range +28 stab, +22 slash, +30 crush, +20 magic, +28 range Members only. Level 60 ranged required to wear. Can only be bought from fellow players or crafted..
Red D'hide Body -15 magic, +25 range +50 stab, +42 slash, +55 crush, +40 magic, +50 range Members only. Level 60 ranged and level 40 defense required to wear. Can only be bought from fellow players or crafted.

Black Dragonhide

Name Attack Bonus Defense Bonus Notes
Black D'hide Vambraces -10 magic, +11 range +6 stab, +5 slash, +7 crush, +8 magic Members only. Level 70 ranged required to wear. Can only be bought from fellow players or crafted.
Black D'hide Chaps -10 magic, +17 range +31 stab, +25 slash, +33 crush, +26 magic, +31 range Members only. Level 70 ranged required to wear. Can only be bought from fellow players or crafted..
Black D'hide Body -15 magic, +30 range +55 stab, +47 slash, +60 crush, +50 magic, +55 range Members only. Level 70 ranged and level 40 defense required to wear. Can only be bought from fellow players or crafted.



PKing means "Player Killing", which is what the wilderness (also known as the wildy) is for. In the wilderness, there are "levels". For example, in wilderness level 1, you can only attack people who are either 1 level above or below your level, or have the same level as you.

In the wilderness, rangers have the advantage over mages (people who raise magic). Their arrows do good damage against them, as their range defense bonus is weak, and since your leather or dragonhide has good magic defense bonus, they won't hurt you much. However, warriors can do good damage against you, as leather and dragonhide has weak melee defense stats (stab, slash, and crush).

In the wilderness, here are some good tactics.

  • Bring a longbow and a shortbow. When fighting a person up close, use the short bow to hit fast. If they run, use a long bow to hit far.
  • Use obstacles to your advantage. For example, if there is a rock nearby, try to have you on side of it and the opponent on the other side.
  • Bring lots of good food to survive longer.
  • If you've raised your combat stats, magic, and range, then you can be quite a formidable opponent in the wilderness. Up close, use melee, or a short bow. When they run, snare them (members only, level 50 magic required) or, if your magic level is high enough and you've completed the quest Desert Treasure, then use Ancient Magicks (see magic guide) and freeze them and hit them hard. Using all three combat styles will make you a very hard opponent.

Free to Play Training


If you are a free player, then here are some good places to raise your range level.

  • Level 1 to 30 - Range chickens. Lumbridge has two good spots, as well as the farm north of Port Sarim. This is a very good way to train range to level 30.
  • Level 30 to 60 - Range the guards in and outside Varrock Castle.
  • Level 50 to 60 - Range the hobgoblins near the Crafting Guild. You can range across the water from where the cows are, but you'll lose arrows this way as it takes awhile to run on the other side.
  • Level 50 to 60 - Range the White Knights in White Knights' Castle.
  • Level 50 to 99 - Range Moss Giants in Varrock's sewers or on Crandor. In the sewers, you can hide behind the rocks. There are also spots you can hide behind on Crandor. However, often crowded at peak times, when more than 150,000 people are on.
  • Level 60 to 99 - Range Lesser Demons inside Karmaja's volcano. You can also range the ones on Crandor, there are many hiding spots you can use both inside and outside. However, often crowded at peak times, when more than 150,000 people are on.
  • Level 60 to 99 - Range Ice Giants in the dungeon underneath Thurgo's house, south of Port Sarim. You can hide behind the stalactites and range them. However, often crowded at peak times, when more than 150,000 people are on.
  • Level 60 to 99 - Range Black Knights in Black Knights' Fortress.

Members Training

  • Level 1 to 30 - Gnomes at the Khazard Battlefield. There are plenty of gnomes to range and plenty of places to do it from. You can pick up your arrows as well. However the gnomes can be spread out in places.
  • Level 30 to 50 - Mountain Dwarves under White Wolf Mountain. Lots of dwarves here and it's easy to take cover behind the tables.
  • Level 50 to 70 - Ogres in The King Lathas training ground. There are several caged ogres here, and there's a door if you want to pick up your arrows. There is a ranged shop in the training ground as well that sells bronze arrows. Can get crowded at times. You have to complete the Biohazard before you can access it.
  • Level 60 to 99 - Fire giants in the Waterfall. You need to complete the Waterfall quest in order to gain access. Don't forget your Glarial's Amulet and some rope. Plenty of spots for cover, and great drops but can get very crowded. Fire giants are aggressive for a while.
  • Level 60 - 99 - Blue Dragons in Taverly dungeon. A few safespots, popular for their drops of dragon bones and blue dragon hides. Can get crowded, and recovering your loot can be hairy when there are multiple dragons around. Bring a dusty key to gain access or you'll need 70 agility to take the pipe shortcut.
  • Level 70 to 99 - Greater Demons in the Ogre Enclave. Four caged demons to shoot at. They drop rune larges and clues so bring telegrab runes. You need to start the Watchtower quest to gain access to this place. You cannot recover your arrows.


Runecrafting is a skill that involves players making runes which are used for magic spells. However, to runecraft, players must first finish the Rune Mysteries Quest.

Rune Essence


To craft runes, players first need rune essence, commonly referred to as 'ess'. Since rune essence is in rocks, players will need a pick axe to mine the essence out of the rocks.

There are two kinds of ess, normal and pure. The normal ess can be used to make the six basic runes: air, earth, water, fire, mind, and body. For any other rune players will need pure essence which can only be mined on members servers. Pure essence can also be used to make one of the basic runes if that is the one the player wants to craft. If a player mines a rune essence rock on a members server, they will always receive pure essence if their Mining level is 30 or above, otherwise they will receive normal essence.

Essence is located in massive underground mines. To access these mines, players need to talk to certain NPCs who can teleport them to the mines. A play can either right-click on the NPC and select the 'teleport' option, or they can talk to them and ask to be teleported. The right-click option is faster than talking. There are five NPCs that can teleport players to the ess mines, however, only two of them are available for free players.

  • Aubury - This NPC is located in Varrock's rune shop, south of Varrock's east bank. This is the NPC that almost all players use, as he is a short walk away from a bank, so a player can quickly deposit their essence and go back to Aubury to mine more quickly. This is the recommended person players use to teleport them.
  • Wizard Cromperty - This wizard is located in East Ardougne, northeast of the marketplace. Only members can talk to this NPC, as he is only on the member servers.
  • Wizard Distentor - This wizard is located in the Magic Guild in Yanille. A magic level of 66 is required to enter the guild, though with a Wizard's Mind Bomb, a player can enter the guild at level 65. Many members use this NPC as he is close to a bank like Aubury.
  • Wizard Sedridor - This wizard is located in the basement of the Wizards' Tower, south of Draynor Village. He is very far away from a bank. Players are recommended to use Aubury instead.
  • Brimstail - This gnome wizard is located in a cave west of the bridge in the Tree Gnome Stronghold. He is very far from a bank and almost nobody uses him to get to the mines.
  • Level 23 Banshees - These monsters are useful for runecrafting because they sometimes drop 13 noted rune essence when they are defeated, removing the need for mining essence. However, banshees are only available to members and a slayer level of 15 is required to fight them. Players also have to wear earmuffs when fighting them.

It is recommended that players mine a large amount of essence and then craft their runes. For example, a player should mine 28 essence, then bank them, and then go back to the mines and repeat. When they've gotten about 500 essence, then they can make some runes. This method is faster than mining 28 essence and then crafting the runes.



Talismans are important as they are needed to make runes. To obtain talismans, players will have to kill monsters or buy them from other players. However, talismans are not a common drop from monsters, so obtaining one may take some time.

Each talisman has a name that indicates what runes it players can make with it. For example, to make air runes, a player needs to find an air talisman. However, free players can only make air, mind, water, earth, fire, and body runes. Members can make cosmic, chaos, nature, law, and death runes.

Talisman Table

Talisman Dropped by/Obtained by
Air talisman Dropped by level 2 goblins and wizards. One is given to players during the Rune Mysteries Quest.
Mind talisman Dropped by imps, wizards, and dark wizards.
Water talisman Dropped by wizards and dark wizards.
Earth talisman Dropped by men, women, wizards, dark wizards, and Al Kharid warriors.
Fire talisman Dropped by guards, wizards, skeletons without weapons, and dark wizards.
Body talisman Dropped by guards, wizards, and dark wizards.
Cosmic talisman Rare reward from a Mysterious Man and is a very rare drop from the higher levelled monsters in the member servers.
Chaos talisman Dropped by hobgoblins, skeletons, ice warriors, shadow warriors, lesser demons, hill giants, and fire giants.
Nature talisman Dropped by hobgoblins, jogres, moss giants, and green dragons.
Law talisman Reward for finishing the quest Troll Stronghold.
Death talisman Dropped by dark beasts and is a reward for finishing the quest Mourning's End Part 2



Talismans take up a space in a player's inventory, allowing them to only hold 27 ess in their inventory. However, a tiara can fix this. A player can combine a talisman and a tiara together, allowing the player to wear the tiara on their head while still being able to craft runes. With the talisman inside the tiara, players can hold 28 ess.

If a player has a grey tiara with no markings on it, then it is un-enchanted. To enchant a tiara, the player needs to bring the talisman to an altar (altars are explained in the next section). For example, if a player wants to make air runes wearing a tiara, then they will have to bring their air talisman to the air altar and combine the talisman and the tiara.

Players can also earn some xp from making a tiara, shown in the table below.

Tiara Table

Tiara Experience received from making tiara
Air tiara 25
Mind tiara 27.5
Water tiara 30
Earth tiara 32.5
Fire tiara 35
Body tiara 37.5
Cosmic tiara 40
Chaos tiara 42.5
Nature tiara 45
Law tiara 47.5
Death tiara 50



Altars are where players make their runes. Tiaras or talismans are needed to enter these altars. Altars are labelled on a player's mini-map as a small circle with a jagged line through it. Players can find altars by finding them on their own, using a talisman, or by asking other players.

Altars are hidden inside 'mysterious ruins'. To find an altar using a talisman, players can right-click on the talisman and click on the 'locate' option. In the chatbox, the player will notice a message that will tell them the direction they need to go in, whether it be northwest or southeast.

When a player has found the mysterious ruins, they then need to enter the ruins. The player can enter by using their talisman with the ruins. If they are wearing a talisman, all they have to do is click on the ruins.

When the player is inside the ruins, they are now in the altar. They can then use their ess with the altar to craft runes. If a player wants to make a tiara, then they have to have an un-enchanted tiara in their inventory and use it on the altar.

Altar Locations


This table tells where the altars are hidden.

Altar Location
Air Northeast of the Crafting Guild and south of Falador.
Mind Between Ice Mountain and Goblin Village.
Water South of Lumbridge in the swamps and southeast of Draynor Village.
Earth Northeast of Varrock.
Fire Northeast of Al Kharid.
Body Between Ice Mountain and Barbarian Village, as well as south of the Monastery.
Cosmic The southern part of the Lost City.
Chaos Wilderness level 9, northwest of Edgeville.
Nature North of Shilo Village.
Law Northern part of Entrana.
Death Mourning's End Part 2 temple, bottom floor.

Crafting Runes


When a player has entered the ruins, they then have to walk towards the altar and then click on it. The player will then craft their rune ess into runes.

Rune Experience Table

Rune Name Minimum essence required Level needed to make Experience receive from making one rune
Air Normal 1 5
Mind Normal 2 5.5
Water Normal 5 6
Earth Normal 9 6.5
Fire Normal 14 7
Body Normal 20 7.5
Cosmic Pure 27 8
Chaos Pure 35 8.5
Nature Pure 44 9
Law Pure 54 9.5
Death Pure 65 10

Multiple Runes


As a player's runecrafting level increases, they can make more runes. However, they only earn experience from how the amount of ess they have. For example, a player may have only 1 ess in their inventory, but can make 2 air runes. They will only receive 5 experience, as they only used one ess.

Multiple Rune Table

Rune Type Runecrafting level needed for two times the runes Runecrafting level needed for three times the runes Runecrafting level needed for four times the runes Runecrafting level needed for five times the runes Runecrafting level needed for six times the runes Runecrafting level needed for seven times the runes Runecrafting level needed for eight times the runes Runecrafting level needed for nine times the runes Runecrafting level needed for ten times the runes
Air 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99
Mind 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 - -
Water 19 38 57 76 95 - - - -
Earth 26 52 78 - - - - - -
Fire 35 70 - - - - - - -
Body 46 92 - - - - - - -
Cosmic 59 - - - - - - - -
Chaos 74 - - - - - - - -
Nature 91 - - - - - - - -
Law - - - - - - - - -
Death - - - - - - - - -

Essence Running


Due to the difficulty of training runecrafting, players figured out a way to earn experience faster - use other players.

Players runecrafting often use other players to give them ess and in turn pay them with gp or runes. The players who bring the ess to the runecrafter are known as 'ess runners' or 'runners'. For example, a runecrafter is at the air altar with noted ess. A runner comes into the altar and trades with the runecrafter. The runecrafter gives the runner 26 noted ess, the runner goes to a bank and deposits the notes then withdraws them as items, goes back to the runecrafter, and gives them 26 ess. The runecrafter then uses the ess on the altar, creating air runes. The runner is then given payment, whether it be some gp or runes.

Ess running is common on member servers, though some people also do it on free servers. Runecrafters prefer to use runners when they make nature runes and law runes, as banks are far away from these altars.

Runners can also earn a great amount of money. If the runecrafter is wealthy, then the runner may receive over 500 gp each run, or if the runecrafter is making laws just for experience, then the runner may even receive some laws every run.

The Law Company


The 'Law Company' is runecrafters hiring many runners and giving them law runes as rewards. The Law Company usually operates on world 66, or if that world is is full, then it's usually on world 99. This company is limited to members, as only they can craft law runes. However, the runners can receive many laws in less than an hour, sometimes up to 1,000, while the runecrafter earns a large amount of experience from so many runners.



Players are recommended to craft the highest rune they can make until they are level 99.


These links are related in some way to runecrafting.







These quests give runecrafting xp upon completion.


Smithing is a skill where players can make armor and weapons themselves instead of buying them. Smithing is considered one of the most profitable skills in RuneScape as players can make excellent profits from selling their bars. Because of this, smithing is also one of the more popular skills.

Smithing involves two things. First, players have to smelt the ores they receive from mining. Second, players can then use the bars they receive from smelting on some anvils to make items.



Smelting in RuneScape is when a player puts ores in a furnace and produces a bar. This bar can then be smithed into an item.

In order to smelt, players first of all need ores. Ores can be obtained from mining rocks. Once a player has the amount of ores the want, they can then smelt them.

To smelt an ore, players need to find a furnace. When they've found a furnace, a player can then smelt in two different ways. One way is to use their ores on the furnace and produce one bar at a time slowly. The other way, and much faster way, is to click on the furnace, right-click on the ore they want to smelt, click on 'Smelt X', and then type in how many they want.

Free To Play Furnaces


Below is some information about furnaces available in the free worlds. There are only four furnaces on free servers. Of these furnaces, the Al-Kharid furnace and the Falador furnace are recommended.

Furnace location Notes
Al-Kharid This furnace is located just a little north of the bank. It is very close to a bank and is excellent for players with many ores in their bank. This is the recommended furnace to use.
Falador This furnace is located south of the center. It is very close to both the east bank and the west bank. This is also a recommended furnace, though Al-Khaird's furnace is slightly closer to a bank.
Lumbridge This furnace is located north of Lumbridge castle. It is very far from a bank, so if a player wants to smelt fast, this furnace is not recommended to use.
Wilderness, Level 28 Located in the wilderness at level 28, it is only used for the mines in the wilderness. Players using this furnace can also be killed by other players.

Pay To Play Furnaces


Below is some information about furnaces available in the member worlds. Members can use the four furnaces on the free servers or use the other seven furnaces in the member parts of RuneScape.

Furnace location Notes
East Ardougne This furnace is very close to a bank and is great if a player has many ores in their bank.
Entrana This furnace is mainly only used to make glass as all the materials are on the island, plus a bank is a far away.
Keldagrim The Giant Dwarf quest is needed to have been started or completed to enter this underground dwarf city. The furnace is a long walk away, plus players have to pay 100 gp to use it.
Lost City The Lost City quest has to be completed to enter this fairy city. A bank is not very close.
Port Phasmatys This furnace is the closest to a bank in all of RuneScape. Wearing a Ghostspeak amulet speeds up banking but is not required. If a player is finished the Ghosts Ahoy quest, then they can use the ectophial to transport quickly but is not required. If a player is not done the quest, then two ecto-tokens are required to enter the port.
Rellekka Usable after completing the quest The Fremennik Trials. A bank is a long walk away.
Shilo Village The Shilo Village quest is required to enter the village. Very close to a bank but players must pay 20 gp every time they want to use it.
Tyras Camp A very long walk away from a bank. This furnace is the worst furnace in the game and should not be used.

Smelting Table


When a player has found a good furnace, they can then smelt their ores. However, players need certain levels smithing levels to smelt ores into bars.

Ore(s) Smithing level needed to smelt Produces Experience received from making bar Notes
1 copper ore and 1 tin ore 1 1 bronze bar 6.5
1 iron ore 15 1 iron bar 12.5 Smelting iron ores has a 50% chance of success. For example, if a player has 28 iron ores, about 14 will be smelted into bars. However, if a player has a Ring of Forging (members only), then they have a 100% chance of success for a short while.
1 elemental ore and 4 coal ores 20 1 elemental bar 18 Useful for crafting elemental shields (members only) after completing the quest Elemental Workshop.
1 silver ore 20 1 silver bar 13.5 Used to craft silver items.
1 iron ore and 2 coal ores 30 1 steel bar 17.5 These bars are the most used bars in the game.
1 gold ore 40 1 gold bar 22.5 Used craft gold items. If a player has the Goldsmithing gauntlets from the quest Family Crest, you they then receive 56.5 xp for each bar they make.
1 mithril ore and 4 coal ores 50 1 mith bar 30
1 adamant ore and 6 coal ores 70 1 adamant bar 37.5
1 rune ore and 8 coal ores 85 1 rune bar 50



Smithing is where the player uses their bars they received from smelting their ores and smith them into items, usually armor or weapons.

To smith, players need to find anvils. Anvils are labeled on a player's mini-map, which is in the top right corner of the game's window. An anvil is shown on the mini-map as a small anvil with a circle around it. It is recommended that players smith their bars by having many bars in their bank. Doing this allows players to get faster xp then mining ores, smelting the ores, and then hammering the bars.

It is recommended that both free players and members use the anvils south of Varrock's west bank.

To smith a bar, players have to use the bar with the anvil. A menu will then pop up and ask them what they want to make. If a player right-click's on the picture of what they want to make, they can select how much of the item they want to make. Different smithing levels are required to make different items.

Below are tables with information about smithing and what players can create. It is important to note that black armor and weapons cannot be smithed.

Bronze Smithing Table

Item Smithing level needed to create Experience received from smithing Notes
Dagger 1 12.5
Axe 1 12.5
Mace 2 12.5
Medium Helmet 3 12.5
Sword 4 12.5
Bronze Wire 4 12.5 Members only.
Dart Tips 4 12.5 Members only. 1 bar makes 10.
Nails 4 12.5 1 bar makes 15.
Arrow Heads 5 12.5 Members only. 1 bar makes 15.
Scimitar 5 25
Long Sword 6 25
Full Helmet 7 25
Throwing Knives 7 12.5 Members only. 1 bar makes 5.
Square Shield 8 25
Warhammer 9 37.5
Battle Axe 10 37.5
Chain Body 11 37.5
Kite Shield 12 37.5
Claws 13 25 Members Only.
2 Handed Sword 14 37.5
Plate Legs 16 37.5
Plate Skirt 16 37.5
Plate Body 18 62.5

Iron Smithing Table

Item Smithing level needed to create Experience received from smithing Notes
Dagger 15 25
Axe 16 25
Mace 17 25
Medium Helmet 18 25
Sword 19 25
Dart Tips 19 25 Members only. 1 bar makes 10.
Nails 19 25 1 bar makes 15.
Arrow Heads 20 25 Members only. 1 bar makes 15.
Scimitar 20 50
Long Sword 21 50
Full Helmet 22 50
Throwing Knives 22 25 Members only. 1 bar makes 5.
Square Shield 23 50
Warhammer 24 75
Battle Axe 25 75
Oil Lantern Frame 26 25 Members only. Used to see in dungeons.
Chain Body 26 75
Kite Shield 27 75
Claws 28 50 Members Only.
2 Handed Sword 29 75
Plate Legs 31 75
Plate Skirt 31 75
Plate Body 33 125

Steel Smithing Table

Item Smithing level needed to create Experience received from smithing Notes
Dagger 30 37.5
Axe 31 37.5
Mace 32 37.5
Medium Helmet 33 37.5
Sword 34 37.5
Dart Tips 34 37.5 Members only. 1 bar makes 10.
Nails 34 37.5 1 bar makes 15.
Arrow Heads 35 37.5 Members only. 1 bar makes 15.
Cannon Balls 35 25.5 Members only. 1 bar makes 4.
Scimitar 35 75
Long Sword 36 75
Studs 36 37.5 Members only. Used for crafting studded leather.
Full Helmet 37 75
Throwing Knives 37 37.5 Members only. 1 bar makes 5.
Square Shield 38 75
Warhammer 39 112.5
Battle Axe 40 112.5
Chain Body 41 112.5
Kite Shield 42 112.5
Claws 43 75 Members Only.
2 Handed Sword 44 112.5
Plate Legs 46 112.5
Plate Skirt 46 112.5
Plate Body 48 187.5
Bullseye Lantern 49 37.5 Members only. Used to see in dungeons.

Mithril Smithing Table

Item Smithing level needed to create Experience received from smithing Notes
Dagger 50 50
Axe 51 50
Mace 52 50
Medium Helmet 53 50
Sword 54 50
Dart Tips 54 50 Members only. 1 bar makes 10.
Nails 54 50 1 bar makes 15.
Arrow Heads 55 50 Members only. 1 bar makes 15.
Scimitar 55 100
Long Sword 56 100
Full Helmet 57 100
Throwing Knives 57 50 Members only. 1 bar makes 5.
Square Shield 58 100
Warhammer 59 150
Battle Axe 60 150
Chain Body 61 150
Kite Shield 62 150
Claws 63 100 Members Only.
2 Handed Sword 64 150
Plate Legs 66 150
Plate Skirt 66 150
Plate Body 68 250

Adamant Smithing Table

Item Smithing level needed to create Experience received from smithing Notes
Dagger 70 62.5
Axe 71 62.5
Mace 72 62.5
Medium Helmet 73 62.5
Sword 74 62.5
Dart Tips 74 62.5 Members only. 1 bar makes 10.
Nails 74 62.5 1 bar makes 15.
Arrow Heads 75 62.5 Members only. 1 bar makes 15.
Scimitar 75 125
Long Sword 76 125
Full Helmet 77 125
Throwing Knives 77 125 Members only. 1 bar makes 5.
Square Shield 78 125
Warhammer 79 187.5
Battle Axe 80 187.5
Chain Body 81 187.5
Kite Shield 82 187.5
Claws 83 125 Members Only.
2 Handed Sword 84 187.5
Plate Legs 86 187.5
Plate Skirt 86 187.5
Plate Body 88 312.5

Rune Smithing Table

Item Smithing level needed to create Experience received from smithing Notes
Dagger 85 75
Axe 86 75
Mace 87 75
Medium Helmet 88 75
Sword 89 75
Dart Tips 89 75 Members only. 1 bar makes 10.
Nails 89 75 1 bar makes 15.
Arrow Heads 90 75 Members only. 1 bar makes 15.
Scimitar 90 150
Long Sword 91 150
Full Helmet 92 150
Throwing Knives 92 75 Members only. 1 bar makes 5.
Square Shield 93 150
Warhammer 94 225
Battle Axe 95 225
Chain Body 96 225
Kite Shield 97 225
Claws 98 150 Members Only.
2 Handed Sword 99 225
Plate Legs 99 225
Plate Skirt 99 225
Plate Body 99 375


  • Players should always use a furnace that is close to a bank. For free players, they should use Al-Kharid's furnace or Falador's furnace. For members, they should use Port Phasmatys' furnace if they are done the Ghosts Ahoy quest. If they are not, then they should use East Ardougne's furnace, Falador's furnace, or Al-Kharid's furnace.
  • For smelting, it is recommended that players mine as many ores as they want and bank them all, not mine 28 ores, smelt them, and then smith them. This way, a player can go from a bank to a furnace, smelt their ores, and then go back to the bank and repeat. This is much faster than mining and smelting then banking.
  • For smithing, it is recommended that players smelt all of their ores and then smith their bars. This is much faster than smelting 28 ores and then smithing 28 ores.
  • For anvils, both free players and members are recommended to use the anvils south of Varrock's west bank. These anvils are right beside the bank, and smithing bars and be very fast if a player goes from the bank to the anvils, smiths their bars, goes back to the bank, and repeats.

Making Money


If a player's magic level is 55 and their smithing level is 48, then they can make a great amount of money.

Using the spell 'high level alchemy', a player can make a great profit from using the spell (using the spell is also known as 'high alcing', pronouncing the 'c' as a 'k') on steel plates. When a player high alcs a steel platebody, they receive 1,200 gp. So if a player has 100 steel plates, and they have enough runes to high alc the plates, then they've just made 120,000 gp. The only con is that high alcing can be slow and boring, and the player has to have enough runes to cast the spell.

It is not recommended players sell what they made to general stores, as these stores give players cheap prices. Instead, they should high alc them. If their magic level is not high enough, then players should sell what they made to other players. Players are strongly recommended that they dlo not use the weaker alchemy spell, 'low level alchemy', as this spell gives players a very small amount of gp than they would receive from high alcing[check spelling].

Selling Bars And Ores


If a player just wants to sell their bars or ores they get from mining, then these prices are what they should follow. However, players must remember that these prices can change over time.

Steel bars are the recommended bars to sell, as many players make steel plates to level up their smithing level, so there is a large demand for these bars. The best places to sell or buy bars is in Falador and Varrock.

Ore Prices

  • Clay Ore: 1 to 5 gp
  • Copper/Tin Ore: 5 to 10 gp
  • Iron Ore: 50 to 100 gp
  • Silver Ore: 200 to 400 gp
  • Coal Ore: 120 to 200 gp
  • Gold Ore: 120 to 200 gp
  • Mithril Ore: 300 to 500 gp
  • Adamant Ore: 700 to 1,000 gp
  • Rune Ore: 10,000 to 12,000 gp

Bar Prices

  • Bronze Bar: 20 gp
  • Silver Bar: 150 to 300 gp
  • Iron Bar: 150 to 200 gp
  • Steel Bar: 400 to 600 gp
  • Gold Bar: 150 to 250 gp
  • Mithril Bar: 700 to 1,000 gp
  • Adamant Bar: 1,500 to 2,000 gp
  • Rune Bar: 10,000 to 15,000

Free To Play Training


Here is a way a free player can raise their smithing level.

  • Level 1 to 18 - Smelt and smith bronze.
  • Level 18 to 48 - Smelt and smith iron. However, this will be very slow.
  • Level 30 to 48 - Smelt and smith steel.
  • Level 48 to 99 - Smelt and smith steel. Players are recommended that they smith steel plates and then high level alchemy them for a great profit.
  • Level 48 to 68 - Smelt and smith steel.
  • Level 68 to 99 - Smelt and smith mithril. This will be very long and boring, though mithril plates give great xp as well as a great amount of gp from high alcing the plates.

Many players prefer to make steel plates to level up their smithing level. This is great as the ores to make steel are easy to obtain, plus the smithing experience from the plates is great.


These links are related in some way to smithing.





These quests give smithing xp upon completion.


Woodcutting is a skill that involves players cutting down different types of trees spread throughout Runescape. For each tree, a woodcutting level is required as well as an axe that can cut trees.

As a player cuts a tree, logs will appear in their inventory. The player can then light the logs with a tinderbox to raise firemaking, fletch them if they are a member, or sell them to players.

Woodcutting is also a very popular skill, as selling the logs given by the higher level trees to other players can give players a great amount of money.

How To Cut Trees


In order to cut a tree, a player will need to have an axe. Axes are also known as 'hatchets' or 'woodcutting axes'. Axes are not to be confused with battleaxes, as battleaxes cannot cut down trees and are only used for combat and not woodcutting.

Axes can be bought from Bob's Axes (located in Lumbridge) or smithed by players using the smithing skill. However, Bob only sells bronze, iron, and steel axes. So players will have to buy the higher level axes from other players or smith the axes themselves.

To cut a tree, players will need certain woodcutting levels. For example, a player will need a woodcutting level of 75 to cut a magic tree. A certain woodcutting level is also required to use a axe. For example, a player will need a woodcutting level of 41 to use a rune axe. Also, if a player wants to wield an axe, then an attack level is required. For example, a player will need an attack level of 40 to wield a rune axe. Players are recommended that they wield their axe so that they have more space in their inventory, allowing them to carry more logs.

To cut a tree, players have to find one and then click on it. Trees are really easy to find, as they are located all over RuneScape. When a player has found a tree, they can then click on it to chop it. A player's woodcutting level affects how fast they will get logs. If a player has a low woodcutting level, then they will get logs at a slow rate. But if a player has a high woodcutting level, then they will get logs at a fast rate. When the player is done cutting, they can then light the logs on fire with a tinderbox to obtain some firemaking experience, fletch them if they are a member, or sell them to other players.

Free players can only cut regular trees, oak trees, willow trees, and yew trees. However, even though there are no maple trees in the free world, members can bring maple logs to free worlds and both free players as well as members can trade them and burn them. These different types of trees are listed below.

Woodcutting Table

Tree type Woodcutting level needed to cut Experience received from cutting tree Notes
Normal 1 25 Normal trees include dead trees and evergreen trees, as they give the same amount of experience. These trees are the most common in RuneScape, as they can be found almost everywhere.
Achey 1 25 These trees are used for the member's only quest Big Chompy Bird Hunting and to make Ogre bows.
Oak 15 37.5 These trees are fairly easy to find. They are nearby many cities, allowing quick access to a bank.
Willow 30 67.5 These trees are found near water.
Teak 35 85 These trees can be found in Tai Bwo Wannai, a village on member servers. Players must pay 100 trading sticks, the currency in Tai Bwo Wannai each time they enter the fenced in area where the trees are.
Maple 45 100 Maple trees can only be found in member servers. However, the logs can be traded in and burned in free worlds by free players and members.
Hollow 45 100 These are found west of Canifis, a village on member servers.
Mahogany 50 125 These can be found in Tai Bwo Wannai, a village on member servers. Players must pay 100 trading sticks, the currency in Tai Bwo Wannai each time they enter the fenced in area where the trees are.
Yew 60 175 These trees give the best experience for free players.
Magic 75 250 These trees are members only. Cutting these trees take time as they give logs at a very slow rate.

Axe Table

Axe type Woodcutting level needed to use Attack level needed to wield Notes
Bronze 1 1 New players receive this axe when they start out. Bronze axes can can be bought from Bob's Axes in Lumbridge. They can also be smithed.
Iron 1 1 Iron axes can be bought from Bob's Axes in Lumbridge. They can also be smithed. Iron axes are better than bronze axes.
Steel 6 5 Steel axes can be bought from Bob's Axes in Lumbridge. They can also be smithed. Steel axes are better than iron axes.
Black 11 10 Black axes cannot be smithed, but are not rare and can be bought from players. Black axes respawn in Ardougne Castle on members servers, though a thieving level of 62 is required to obtain one.
Mithril 21 20 Mithril axes can be bought from players or smithed. Mithril axes are better than black axes.
Adamant 31 30 Adamant axes can be bought from players or smithed. Adamant axes are better than mithril axes.
Rune 41 40 Rune axes can be bought from players or smithed. Rune axes are better than adamant axes.
Dragon 41 60 Dragon axes can be bought from players or obtained by killing Daggonoth Kings, level 302 monsters. These axes are members only. Their street value is 2,500,000 to 3,000,000 gp. The dragon axe is no better than the rune axe as it chops at exactly the same speed, which has been confirmed by Jagex.

Jungles And Machetes


Members don't have to just cut trees. They can also cut small jungles in and around the small village Tai Bwo Wannai. Cutting down jungles is also part of the mini-game Tai Bwo Wannai Clean Up.



To cut a jungle, players cannot use an axe. Instead, they need a machete. However, in Tai Bwo Wannai, the currency is not gp, but instead 'trading sicks'. These sticks can be obtained by killing the monsters on Karmaja or by doing favors for the villagers.

To buy a machete, players will need trading sticks. There are 4 different machetes, each one having a different price. The normal machete can be bought from the general store in the village, while the other 3 have to be bought from the NPC named Gabooty. A player can trade with him to see his store. He is usually located in the center of the village. Machetes can also be wielded at any level, and a woodcutting level is not needed to use them.

Machete Table

Machete name Price in store Notes
Machete 60 gp This is the 'worst' machete as it is the slowest of the four machetes. It can be bought from Tai Bwo Wannai's general store.
Opal machete 600 trading sticks This is an average speed machete. It can be bought from Gabooty's Jungle Store.
Jade machete 1200 trading sticks This is an average speed machete. It can be bought from Gabooty's Jungle Store.
Red topaz machete 2400 trading sticks This is the 'best' machete as players cut jungles fast with this machete. It can also be bought from Gabooty's Jungle Store.



There are three different kinds of jungles. There are light jungles, medium jungles, and dense jungles. When players cut a jungle, they receive no logs, unlike cutting trees. However, cutting jungles for long periods of time will be boring, but players can receive better experience from cutting jungles for an hour than cutting a yew tree for an hour.

Jungle Table

Jungle type Woodcutting level needed to cut jungle Experience received from cutting jungle
Light 10 32
Medium 20 55
Dense 35 80



Members can also make canoes. Canoes can be used as a faster method of transportation. Canoes can be used to travel on the River Lum, which goes from Lumbridge all the way to level 35 Wilderness. However, a certain woodcutting level is needed to cut the trees that make the canoes.

How To Make Canoes


To make a canoe, members have to find a canoe tree. These trees can be found at canoe stations. These stations are located in the following places.

  • Lumbridge: On the east side of the river a bit south of the house where Goblins respawn.
  • Champions Guild: On the east side of the river west of the wheat field.
  • Barbarian Village: South of the eastern bridge on the east side of the river.
  • Edgeville: On the east side of the river near the guard post.
  • Level 35 Wilderness: At the lake south of where the Moss Giants. Players cannot go south from this station.

When the player has found a canoe tree at one of these stations they must then cut the tree down. The player then has to click on the fallen tree and select what type of canoe they want to make. When they've made the canoe they want, they then can click on the canoe to push it in the river. When in the river, the player can then click on the canoe and select where they want to go.

Canoes can only go to a certain number of stations away. Higher level canoes can go farther than the lower level canoes. It's recommended that players make the highest canoe they can make.

Canoe Table

Canoe type Woodcutting level needed to make Experience received from making canoe Notes
Log 12 30 Can travel to one station away from where the player made it. Cannot enter the wilderness.
Dugout 27 60 Can travel to one station away from where the player made it. Cannot enter the wilderness.
Stable dugout 42 90 Can travel to one station away from where the player made it. Cannot enter the wilderness.
Waka 57 150 Can travel to any station

Random Events


Random events are events that happen at random times. They were introduced to stop autoers, or people who use a program to do their work. Some random events include NPCs wanting players to do a task for them and rewarding them if they are successful or a monster that will attack the player. In woodcutting, there quite a few of random events.

  • Tree Spirits: While cutting trees, a Tree Spirit may appear and will begin attacking a player. The combat level of the spirit depends on your level, but it will always be higher then the player's combat level. The Tree Spirit's combat level varies from level 14 to 170. The player can either kill it or run away from it. If a player kills a Tree Spirit, it can drop some axes, seeds for members, bananas, runes or nothing.
  • Axe Splitting: While cutting trees, the player's axe might split, causing the axe head to fly off. The head will land somewhere nearby, usually 3 to 10 squares away. When this happens, the player has to find the axe head quickly before someone else sees it and grabs it. When the player has found the axe head, they can use it with their handle to put the axe back together.
  • Nests: If the player is a member, a nest may fall out of the tree they are cutting. They can either pick up the nest and search it or just leave it on the ground, though it is recommended that the player search it. When the player searches it, they will be given a random item, such as a gem, jewelry, some gp, or even a tree seed that can be used for farming. If the player's herblore level is 81, they can use the nest with a pestle and mortar to crush it and make a Saradomin Brew. If their herblore level is not 81, then the player can either put the nest in their bank or drop it.
  • Ents: A tree can also turn into an ent. Players can notice this if the tree they are cutting starts shaking and has an angry face somewhere on it's trunk. As soon the tree starts shaking, players must walk away and wait for the tree to transform back into it's original state. If the player keeps cutting the tree, the ent will break the axe. To fix it, players will have to take the axe back to Bob, the owner of Bob's Axes, located in Lumbridge, to get it fixed for a price. Axe fixing costs:
  • Bronze: Free
  • Iron: Free
  • Steel: Free
  • Black: 10 gp
  • Mithril: 18 gp
  • Adamant: 43 gp
  • Rune: 427 gp
  • Dragon: 1,800 gp

Making Money


Woodcutting may seem like a very boring skill, but it is also a very profitable skill. Selling logs to players is a great way to make excellent money.

If players wish to sell their logs instead of burning them, it is recommended that they sell willow logs and up. Normal logs and oak logs are not bought often and are not worth much money. However, selling logs to a general store is not recommended, as general stores give you small prices. Players should sell their logs to other players, especially members.

All Logs have a 'street price'. A street price in RuneScape is the price which players buy items for. Log street prices are listed below. The logs that are not in this list are not worth selling or buying.

  • Willow logs: 30 gp each.
  • Maple logs: 100 to 200 gp each.
  • Yew logs: 250 to 300 gp each.
  • Magic logs: 800 to 1000 gp each.

It is important to remember that magic logs are members only. It is also important to note that prices change over time.

Maple trees can only be found in member areas but the logs can be bought and sold in free servers

The best logs to sell are yews logs as there is a large demand for these logs and they can be sold for an excellent profit. However, it is recommended that players cut yews at level 76 woodcutting, because at this level players obtain yews faster. Magic logs are not recommended to sell as they take to long to cut. Willow logs are also good logs to sell.

The best place to sell or buy logs is in or around Draynor Village's bank. Falador's banks and Varrock's banks as well as the center are also good places for buying or selling logs. Members can also find good deals in and around the Seer's bank.

Free To Play Training


Here are some ways to raise a player's woodcutting level if they are a free player.

  • Level 1 to 15 - Cut normal trees. There is a great forest between Lumbridge and Draynor where there are many normal trees. This is an excellent spot to get to level 15. Another good spot is South of Varrock where there are also many normal trees.
  • Level 15 to 30 - Move on to oak trees. A good spot is east of Draynor Village's bank.
  • Level 30 to 76 - Cut willow trees. While it is a long time until players start cutting yews, it is recommended they stay with willows as the logs are given at a quick rate. A good spot is beside Draynor Village's bank, as there are 5 willow trees there, though it is often crowded.
  • Level 60 to 99 - Cut yew trees. A good spot is behind Varrock castle, where there are 3 yew trees. However, this will be slow and players might become bored very quickly. Cutting willow trees at this level is recommended as players get better experience from them.
  • Level 76 to 99 - Cut yew trees. A good spot is behind Varrock castle, where there are 3 yew trees. However, cutting willow trees give players slightly better experience, so it's up to the player what they want to cut.

Pay To Play Training


Here are some ways to raise a player's woodcutting level if they are a member.

  • Level 1 to 15 - Cut normal trees. There is a great forest between Lumbridge and Draynor where there are many normal trees. This is an excellent spot to get to level 15. Another good spot is South of Varrock where there are also many normal trees.
  • Level 15 to 30 - Move on to oak trees. A good spot is east of Draynor Village's bank.
  • Level 30 to 76 - Cut willow trees. While it is a long time until players start cutting yews, it is recommended they stay with willows as the logs are given at a quick rate. A good spot is beside Draynor Village's bank, as there are 5 willow trees there, though it is often crowded. Another good spot is northwest of Seer's Village where there are 6 willow trees.
  • Level 60 to 76 - Cut maple trees. There are 4 just north of Seer Village's bank and even more along the road to Relekka. These are great spots to get to level 76.
  • Level 76 to 99 - Cut yew trees. A good place is south of the flax field south of Seer's Village. Another good spot is behind Varrock Castle.
  • Level 85 to 99 - Cut magic trees. A good place is northwest of the Legend's Guild at the Sorcerer's Tower. There are also a few near the Mage Training Arena and in the elven lands by Lletya. However, since it takes a long time to get logs from these trees, it is recommended that players cut yew trees until level 99.

These links are related in some way to woodcutting.





These quests give woodcutting xp upon completion.

  • Recipe for Disaster - 20,000 xp, plus 1,500 xp if the player had done a side quest, involving them saving Skrach Uglogwee.


What are RuneScape Members?


Members are players who pay $5 (US), or the equivalent thereof in their local currency, once every month. It is also known as P2P which is RuneScape slang for "pay to play". There are several methods for paying that are detailed when players click on the "subscribe account" option on the official RuneScape website. Basically the money will be taken automatically once a month until the player cancels their subscription. Once the subscription has been cancelled, the player can check how many more days their previous payment will give them and they still count as members for that time. Once those days run out, they automatically revert to non-member status.

  • Members have special world servers on which they can use members only features, none of these features exist on free worlds and so members have to log in on members servers if they want to use any of the benefits provided for them.

When do Players Become Members?


Usually when they have reached a medium or high level within the game and want to experience something new. Most of the time players will wait until they have level 60 attack and defense as well as a large amount of cash so they can immediately switch to dragon armor and weapons upon gaining member status. Some players prefer to become members as soon as they log in and they will subscribe their account before they ever start playing, this way they won't have to start all over again when they switch to members.

Members Benefits




Agility, Farming, Fletching, Herblore, Slayer, and Thieving are all skills that exist only for members. Non-members cannot train or use these (even if they were members previously). These skills provide great benefits to players who have them and make the game much more fun to experience. Besides these new skills, being a member also expands upon previous skills. For example: non-members have the crafting skill, but only members can use it to blow glass or craft dragonhide armor. Members can also use the runecrafting skill to make cosmic, chaos, nature, law, and death runes whereas non-members can only make elemental, body, and mind runes.



Members can access a ton of new items, both skill and quest related. The most prominent among these are the dragon and barrows armor and weapons as well as the powerful abyssal whip. Another very big item members can use are sharks as a combat food because they heal 6 more health than the best non-member fish. Other items are halberds, new amulets, rings, and necklaces, tons of new and fashionable clothes (such as werewolf or Viking styles), new soul and blood runes, and much more.

  • Because of all of these new items, members get many more spaces in their banks than a nonmember has.



Non-members currently have 18 quests they can complete, members have 80+ quests only for themselves and they can also do all of the non-members quests, leading to a total of 100+ quests members can do. Some of these quests are simply interesting, others, such as the Legends Quest, Recipe for Disaster, or the elf quests are very challenging with great rewards.



The members area of Runescape is about five times larger than the non-members area. It includes the second half of the kingdom of Asgarnia (Taverley, Burthorpe, and White Wolf Mountain), the entire kingdom of Kandarin (Seer's Village, Catherby, Ardougne, Yanille, and Castle Wars), the Gnome stronghold and village, the Elf lands bordering on Kandarin in the west, the Relekka province of the Fremenniks bordering Kandarin in the north, the Kharidian desert lands bordering the city of Al Kharid in the south, Morytania bordering Misthalin in the east, ogre and troll lands, Ape Atoll, and pirate islands in the eastern seas.



Members can post on the official forums, while non-members may read posts on forums they are unable to respond to them. Members can also vote in polls, which are held about once a month to give feedback to Jagex, new updates are made taking information from these polls into account. Weekly game updates will be mostly directed at members, non-members updates are extremely rare. Customer support is also more effective for members.


Agility is a skill that allows players to balance on logs, climb walls, swing over ropes, and much more. Sometimes there are areas that are only accessible by some agility obstacles, for example, a log bridge. In addition, it comes in handy when recovering energy after running (note that running is available in RuneScape 2 only). The higher a player's level in agility, the faster they will recover energy.
To train this skill, there are multiple agility obstacle courses throughout the Runescape world. Each obstacle gives a certain amount of experience points; however if a player completes a full lap of the course, they will earn bonus experience. In order for a lap to count as complete, any obstacles that are failed need to be attempted again until they are passed safely.

Gnome's Course

This course is located in the south-east area of the Gnome's Stronghold, north of West Ardougne. This course is the only course accessible at level 1, and the next course starts at level 35.
Correct order of obstacles: Experience:
1. Walk across the log 7.5
2. Climb the netting 7.5
3. Climb the tree branch5
4. Walk across the tight rope7.5
5. Climb down the other tree5
6. Climb over the net wall7.5
7. Crawl through the tube7.5
Completing the lap86

Agility Pyramid


This arena requires a level of 30 agility to access but most players below level 40 experience a lot of trouble in completing it. It is located in the Kharidian Desert between Nardah and Sophamen, players need to talk to Simon Templeton (NPC) before starting. As it is a desert location, players are advised to bring desert robes and filled waterskins as well as food to avoid dying of heat. It is also advised for players to complete the Spirits of the Elid quest as this will allow them to use a bowl on the fountain in nardah to refill their waterskins. The course is set up like a pyramid, players run around in squares until they come to the stairs leading to the next level. Obstacles may be failed, after which the player falls down to the previous level of the pyramid, doing an obstacle backwards automatically results in failing. Upon reaching the top, players can climb handholds to receive a gold pyramid which can be sold to Simon at the base for 1000 gp, this is the only course that gives cash as a reward.

Obstacle: Experience
low wall (+) 8
stone block (+) 12
ledge (+) 20
gap (sliding/jumping) (+) 22
ledge (+) 20/50
plank (+) 56.4
floor 1 116
floor 2 128
floor 3 72
floor 4 64
floor 5 34
exit stairs 700 bonus
total pyramid (no fails) 1014 and 1000 gp
  • (+) - These make up the five floors, they are not separate obstacles, if players do not complete an entire floor this is the experience they will get for the individual obstacles they did complete.

Barbarian Outpost

The Barbarian Outpost is located past Baxtorian Falls, north of East Arduogne. To enter the course, players must have first completed the Alfred Grimhand Barcrawl to show that they are a barbarian. Players must squeeze through a pipe that requires level 35 agility to access the course. This is the first course with potential for injury. If players fail at an obstacle, they will lose a portion of their health. The amount of damage is proportional to their maximum hits, so it is very hard to get killed, but bringing food is still advisable.
Correct order of obstacles: Experience:
1. Swing across spikes on rope 20
2. Walk across log 12.5
3. Climb up net 7.5
4. Walk across ledge 20
5. Climb three crumbling walls 12.5 each
Completing the lap 139.5

Ape Atoll Course


To enter this course, players must have 48 agility and they must have completed enough of the Recipe for Disaster quest that they have saved Awowogei. The course must be used in ninja monkey form.

Obstacle: Experience:
Stepping Stone 40
Climbing Tree 40
Monkey Bars 40
Cliff Climb 60
Rope Swing 100
Zip Vine 300
Total 580

Wilderness Course

The course is located in level 52 Wilderness. To enter, players must first walk up an initial ridge, which requires level 52 agility to cross. A major problem with training here are player killers who like to randomly attack other players, but the experience rewards here are much greater than the Barbarian Course.
Correct order of obstacles: Experience:
1. Crawl through pipe 12.5
2. Swing across spikes on rope 20
3. Cross lava on stepping stones 20
4. Walk across log over spike pit 20
Completing the lap 571.5

Werewolves' Course

The entrance to this course is located in the woods west of Canafis. In order to enter the course, players must be wearing the Ring of Charos, which they can get by completing the Creature of Fenkenstrain quest. Once you climb down the ladder, there are two options.
  • If players go to the right, there is the skullball course in which they kick a skull through a hanging skeletons legs. This requires level 25 agility to play. Players go around the course in a clockwise path. The faster they complete it, the more xp they will get. The maximum xp is 750 xp per lap and it can easily be completed it in about 2:30 mins.
  • If players go to the left they can start the Werewolves' Agility Course. This requires level 60 agility to start. When the player starts a lap, the wolf trainer will toss a stick for them to fetch on the other side of the pipes. The player will need to pick it up and bring it back to the wolf at the end of the course. Players should be careful on the death slide as they can fall off and get hurt for up to 30 damage, and it can kill them. The more weight they have have, the more likely they are to fall off.
Correct order of obstacles: Experience:
1. Stepping stones 10 (x5)
2. Hurdle 20 (x3)
3. Pipe 15
4. Wall 25
5. Death Slide 200
Completing the lap 540

Brimhaven Agility Arena


Players can access this arena by talking to Cap'n Izzy No-Beard in the hut in the north east of Brimhaven, right next to the gate. Here they can race against the clock to collect tickets. The aim is to make their way between the 25 platforms to the one with the arrow above it and tag the ticket dispenser. Each minute the arrow changes to a different platform. For each one they consecutively, they get one ticket, which can be redeemed afterward for prizes and xp. It is recommended that players come here after lvl 40 xp, even though it is possible to enter with any level. Each obstacle gives different xp. When crossing the planks, only one will get players across. Look for the one that isn't crooked. The darts are also poisoned and will bring the player's agility level down temporarily when failed.

Obstacles in:

  • Normal text require no agility lvl.
  • Italic text require lvl. 20 agility.
  • Bold text require lvl. 40 agility.
Obstacle Experience
Blade 0
Planks 6
Low wall 8
Rope Walk 10
Log Balance 12
Monkey Bars 14
Ledge 16
Pillars 18
Rope Swing 20
Hand holds 22
Floor Spikes 24
Pressure pads 26
Spinning Blades 28
Darts 30

Players can collect the tickets that they receive from the machines and redeem the with Pirate Jack the Fruity, who is in the entrance hut.

No. of tickets Reward
1 240 xp
10 2480 xp (248-each)
25 6500 xp (260-each)
100 28,000 xp (280-each)
1000 320,000 xp (320-each)
3 Toadflax (herb)
10 Snapdragon (herb)

Agility Dungeon


Located in Yanille, this is not a training arena though player's agility skills are put to use. Players need Level 40 agility to enter the first obstacle.



Scattered through the world are other little places where agility can help players to overcome obstacles to take time saving shortcuts.

Level Name Information
5 Falador Agility Shortcut Allows passage from Falador to Taverly. Handy for Taverly dungeon.
16 Yanille Agility Shortcut Allows access to a small island with moss giants on.
20 Coal Truck Log Balance Allows access from the Seers area to the coal trucks
21 Varrock Agility Shortcut Pipe linking Varrock palace to the forest north of Varrock.
26 Falador Agility Shortcut Tunnel crossing the southern wall into Falador. Allows quicker access to the crafting guild.
29 Lumbridge Fence Squeeze To Swamp Quick access to Lumbridge swamp from the cemetery in Lumbridge church. Useful for getting to the Lost City.
31 Draynor Manor Log Balance To Champions Guild Stepping stones allowing a quick crossing from Draynor village to the Champions Guild
33 Ardougne Log Balance Shortcut Cross the river near Ardougne's north bank.
37 Gnome Stronghold Shortcut between the Barbarian outpost and Grand Tree area.
38 Al Kharid Mining Pit Cliffside Scramble Allows quick route out of the mine.
41 Trollheim - Easy Cliffside Scramble Shortcut in Trollheim.
42 Dwarven Mine - Narrow Crevice Links one side of the mine to the other.
43 Trollheim - Medium Cliffside Scramble Shortcut in Trollheim.
44 Trollheim - Advanced Cliffside Scramble Shortcut in Trollheim,
46 Trollheim - Advanced Cliffside Scramble Makes runecrafting cosmic runes from the Lost City faster.
47 Trollheim - Hard Cliffside Scramble Shortcut in Trollheim.
48 Log balance To Fremmenick Province Behind the Sinclair Mansion. Allows quick access to the Slayer Dungeon.
51 Pipe From Edgeville Dungeon To Varrock Sewers Links west Edgeville sewers to north-east Varrock sewers.
58 Port Phasmatys - Ectopool Shortcut A handy shortcut that makes filling buckets with slime a lot quicker.
59 Elven Lands - Arandar Overpass Cuts off long bend in the path to the elf land.
61 Slayer Tower - Medium Spiked Chain Climb Ground floor to first floor.
62 Slayer Dungeon - Narrow Crevice Access from basilisks to turoths.
64 Trollheim Wilderness Routes Allows a shortcut from Trollheim into the wilderness. One way only.
65 Temple on the Salve to Morytania shortcut Allows quick access to Morytania without going through the dungeon. Must have completed Priest In Peril quest.
66 Cosmic Temple - Advanced Narrow Walkway Even faster access for cosmic rune crafters.
68 Elven Overpass, medium cliffside scramble Cut out another large bend on the path to the elf land.
70 Taverley Dungeon Pipe Squeeze To Blue Dragon Lair One of the handiest shortcuts, allows very quick access from near the Taverly dungeon entrance to the blue dragon layer.
71 Slayer Tower - Advanced Spiked Chain Climb First floor to second floor in the slayer tower.
80 Taverley Dungeon Spiked Blades Jump Quick access to the east side of the dungeon (near the poison spiders) from near the entrance.
81 Slayer Dungeon Spiked Blades Jump Access from very near the entrance to the pyrefiends.
85 Elven Overpass, advanced cliffside scramble Cuts out another bend in the path to the elf land.


Farming is most hated skill from players. But it doesn't mean that you will hate it. Farming is taking seeds and growing them in specific plants. There are herb plants, trees, bushes, flower, wines, and others. This skill is needed for now only for few quests. This skill is hard to train. And it is not that much useful, because it takes so long.

Seeds can be obtained as monster drops or by stealing from either seed stalls in Draynor or master farmers (found in Draynor and north of Ardougne). Only master farmers give high level seeds and herb seeds. Tree seeds and fruit tree seeds need to be taken out of bird's nests which are a random event while woodcutting.


Fletching allows players to make items related to Ranged arrows, bolts, bows and darts(after completing The Tourist Trap quest) . This skill is best used with Woodcutting as players will need logs to create almost everything they can make with fletching. Flething is a great skill that goes with Ranged because players can make all of their ammo and bows without having to spend money on these items. It is also one for magic as many players high-alch the bows they make.

Seer's village is a firm favorite among fletchers. It has all the different types of trees within bank reach except teak and mahogany as well as being very close to a large grove of the rare magic trees. However, when cutting the yew trees below the flax fields, most players prefer to use the bank in catherby as it is slightly closer. It also has flax and spinning wheels for making bowstrings and often low level players will be selling bowstrings in the bank.

Necessary Items

  • A Knife. These can be found South of Lumbridge Castle and also in a house in Seer's village.
  • Logs. These are used for making bows and arrows. See Woodcutting for more details on how to get the necessary logs.
  • Bolts. These are only used for making higher level bolts to go with crossbows.
  • Barbed tips, Opal tips or Pearl tips. These are used to make higher level bolts. Players get the barbed tips by playing the ranging mini-game at the ranging guild. Opal tips can be acquired by using a chisel with an opal. And for pearl tips players use a chisel on a pearl.
  • Arrow Heads. Players can make these in Smithing
  • A Bowstring. Used for making strung bows. Spin Flax on a spinning wheel to get a Bowstring


Herblore is a members-only skill in RuneScape which allows players to make various potions. It is considered one of the harder skills in the game, as it is quite expensive to level up, and herbs (if gained through combat) are relatively hard to come by. Herblore is not a great skill to make money with, if herbs are bought, as most potions cost little more than the herb required to make it.

For players to actually start herblore, they must do the Druidic Ritual Quest, boosting their herblore level to level 3, thus allowing them to identify the first herb, Guam Leaf. Herblore consists of two major parts - identifying herbs, and making the potions themselves. Herbs, when gotten from creatures, are known as 'Unidentified Herb', and they must be identified before potions can be made with them. Certain levels are required to identify each different herb, and experience is given when players are able to identify a herb, and they identify it. If unable to identify a herb, players will be informed that they require a higher herblore level to do so.

To make a potion, a herb, water filled vial and the corresponding secondary ingredient is required. The required level for the specific potion is also required. Firstly, the herb must be used on the vial. This results in an 'Unfinished Potion'. Then the secondary ingredient is added to result in a potion (Potion depending on the herb and secondary ingredient used). Potions made are always 3 dose, except for weapon poisons, which are all 1 use.

Popular potions to make are:

Prayer Restore Potion - great for experience, secondary ingredient easy to get, minimum loss for those wishing to level up. They sell like crazy, especially in Edgeville because of the pkers hanging around there.

Super Sets (consists of Super Attack Potion, Super Strength Potion, Super Defence Potion). - not too hard to sell, yet losses are hard to avoid. Super Attack and Super Strength potions are easy to sell to pures, and thus Super Defence Potions are usually avoided.



To practice herblore, players will want:

  • A mortar and pestle as this is necessary to prepare a lot of the secondary ingredients.
  • Vials of water (preferably players should make them on Entrana and fill them in the fountain there before returning to the mainland).

Identifying Herbs

Herb Identification Table
Name Level
to ID
XP to ID
Guam Leaf 3 2.5
Marrentill 5 3.75
Tarromin 11 5
Harralander 20 6
Ranarr Weed 25 8
Irit Leaf 40 8.8
Avantoe 48 10
Kwuarm 54 11.25
Cadantine 65 12.5
Lantadyme 67 13
Dwarf Weed 70 13.75
Torstol 76 15
Ardrigal These are found on Karamja during the Jungle Potion quest. They are found unidentified, and give 2.5xp for identifying.
Sito Foil
Volencia Moss
Rogues Purse
Snake Weed
Snapdragon These herbs can be exchanged for tickets in the Agility arena in Brimhaven.

Zahur in the city of Nardah will identify herbs for players in return for a fee.

Acquiring Herbs


Herbs can primarily be acquired in three ways: killing monsters, farming, or trading with other players. Slayer monsters are typically good monsters to kill in order to gather herbs. Banshees are fairly low level and reasonably close to the bank in Canifis. Chaos druids also drop herbs.

Herbs can also be acquired by gathering Gout Weed in Trollheim and trading it to Sanfew in Taverly.

Herbs can also be acquired in Miscellania after completing the Throne of Miscellania by having the citizens of Miscellania gather herbs for the player. However, this technique does not seem to be cost effective.

Secondary Ingredients





  • Players can use a Greenman's Ale to briefly gain herblore levels. These can be bought at the bar in Yanille.
  • When making potions players want to keep for yourself, it is a good idea to make them in sets of four and then combine them into 4-dose vials. These save inventory space and let players keep one more vial for further herblore training. Also, players should make sure they do not have different doses of the same potion in their bank, these swallow space for no reason.
  • For eyes of newt it is best to buy them in Port Sarim and bank at Draynor. Players should bring exactly 84 coins (3 coins each for a full inventory), the stock is so large the price shouldn't increase. An easy method is to buy 27, drop one, buy one more, pick up the one that was dropped and go back to the bank.
  • Obtaining unicorn horns for antipoison potions gets hard sometimes as most unicorn spots will already be crowded. Players should try going to Entrana if they can take on a unicorn without weapons, there are four of them on the northern part of the island. There are also two black unicorns in the forest in relekka. Please note that unicorn foals do not drop horns.
  • Cave Bugs, found in the Lumbridge slayer caves, are easy to kill (5 hitpoints) and drop herbs frequently. Roughly half the kills may drop a herb, and roughly half of the herbs will be guam leaves.
  • Cave Crawlers, found in the same caves or in the Slayer dungeon east of Fremennik village, take a little longer to kill (level 23), and drop herbs less frequently. However they have the advantage of also dropping vials which are necessary to make potions.
  • Banshees, found in the Slayer castle northwest of Canifis, aren't too hard to kill (level 23) and drop herbs or rune essence (13 noted) about 50% of the time. The herb drops seem to be less heavily weighted toward guam leaves. If players wear earmuffs and good magic defense armor (blue dragonhide or above) they may be able to kill them and be forced to bank due to an overstuffed inventory without ever having to eat.



The following quests give herblore experience.


The Basics


Slayer is a members only skill which allows players to kill special monsters which have better drops than ordinary creatures and cannot be harmed by players who do not have the required slayer level. Some of these slayer monsters require special equipment to kill and will either start doing large amounts of damage or refuse to die if the player is not using it. This skill is taught by five slayer masters around the RuneScape world who give players assignments for killing certain numbers of monsters. After completing an assignment, the player must return to a slayer master who will then assign them a new task. If either ordinary or slayer monsters are killed without getting an assignment for them first, the player will not receive slayer experience for killing them.

Slayer Masters


The five slayer masters cater to players of different combat levels, when players start training, they will have to beg one of the masters to teach them. After this they are given a "slayer crystal" which allows them to contact the slayer master who is best suited for their combat skills. Slayer masters can be located by a yellow skull icon that appears on the map. These are the slayer masters from easiest to most difficult:

1. Turael, location: Burthrope - The easiest of the masters, players of any combat level may approach him. He assigns small numbers of low level monsters. Very few players ever get assignments from him as most will wait until they have a relatively high combat before starting the slayer skill.

2. Mazchna, location: The bridge between Canafis and the haunted woods - Low to medium level players favor him. He assigns larger numbers of low level monsters and occasionally small numbers of more difficult creatures. He is useful because a lot of his assignments such as crawling hands or vampires can be completed close to him, allowing players to get a new assignment very quickly. The Priest in Peril quest is needed to reach him.

3. Vannaka, location: Edgeville dungeon at the Wilderness gate (not in the Wilderness though) - He is a strong favorite among most players, he assigns large numbers of medium to hard monsters. His assignments are virtually always possible to complete with a little effort.

4. Chaeldar, location: Zanaris at the fairy queen's court - She requires players to have a combat level of 70 before she deals with them. Sometimes referred to as "the crazy master," she may give large numbers of medium-hard creatures on a regular basis. Some regular assignments from her would be around 200 trolls or blue dragons. Some higher levels who get bored with Vannaka go to her, but many don't like what they get. The Lost City quest is needed for access to Zanaris.

5. Duradel, location: Shilo Village on the top floor of one of the houses - He requires a combat level of 100, and for a very good reason. Virtually all of his assignments are dragons or metal dragons. Only a few very daring high level players ever get assignments from him. The Shilo Village quest is needed for access to the town.

Assignment Changes


If a master (probably Chaeldar or Duradel) gives a player an assignment they cannot possibly complete without dying multiple times, that player can go to Turael in Burthorpe to get a new assignment. Just walk up to him and ask for another assignment. However, this only works if the assignment was something Turael himself would never give. Also, the second assignment must be completed and it will probably be something very boring.

The Slayer Crystal


This is given to the player when a slayer master agrees to teach them and it can be used to contact the slayer master who is most appropriate for the player's combat level from anywhere on the RuneScape world. However, the contact is broken if the player is attacked. The options when activating the crystal are:

1. Who are you? - The slayer master will introduce him/herself.

2. Where are you? - The slayer master informs the player of their location, useful if the player has never seen the master before.

3. How am I doing so far? - Probably the most useful of all the crystal's features, it reminds the player of what monster they have been assigned and lets them know how many more they have to kill before they have completed the assignment.

4. Got any tips for me? - Also very useful, the slayer master will say if any special equipment is required for the particular monster, if there is none they will give a tip on the creature's weakness (could be poison, crushing weapons, magic, etc). Or they may point out a certain attack that the creature has which may be dangerous to you (this monster has a poison, magic, teleport ability).

5. Never mind - Self explanatory.

The Slayer Shop


If a player right-clicks on any slayer master they will have the "trade" option, this opens the slayer shop. All of the masters sell the exact same items for the same prices so it makes no difference who a player goes to. This shop sells the slayer crystal for 1 gp, useful if a player needs extra or they lost their original one. It also sells special slayer equipment. This equipment is necessary for fighting or killing certain slayer monsters and it can only be found in this shop. For example: earmuffs are needed to protect against a banshee's deafening screams.

Slayer Monsters


These monsters have much better drops than normal ones since they have supposedly not been hunted for centuries and have managed to hoard up loads of treasure. They all require a certain slayer level to kill and some have to be fought with special equipment. They are the only monsters that drop black and gold mystic (a type of magic armor) and armored boots which give great defense bonuses. The most wanted of all slayer monsters are the abyssal demons which require level 85 slayer to kill and which drop abyssal whips, currently the best melee weapon in the game.

This is basically pointless.

Slayer Locations


Some areas of the map are devoted entirely to the slayer skill and this is where slayer monsters can be found. There are three big ones:

1. Slayer caves: Found below Lumbridge and its swamps, these require a light source in order for players to enter them. A bullseye lantern is recommended since anything else will blow out very quickly, it is also recommended to wear a spiny helmet (buy in a slayer shop) because wall beasts house at regular intervals in the caves. They can be entered through the kitchen cellar of Lumbridge castle if players have started The Lost Tribe quest and through the dungeon entrance in the swamps (players need a rope for this). The caves contain cave slimes, cave crawlers, and several sizes of frogs as well as the popular Tears of Guthix minigame.

2. Slayer dungeon: Located east of the golden apple tree in Relekka, this area is much more organized and less dangerous than the caves. No light sources or ropes are necessary. It is basically a long winding path with big rooms at regular intervals, each room contains a different type of slayer monster. It starts with cave crawlers and gradually processes to kurasks in order of increasing slayer level needed to kill the monsters. Two agility shortcuts allow quick travel through the dungeon. Some of the slayer monsters here drop white/gold mystic robe pieces. It helps to use the bank in Keldagrim instead of the one in Seer's Village, it saves a tiny bit of time.

3. Slayer tower: This is located in Morytania for a reason, it contains the darker of the slayer creatures who, appropriately, may drop black/red mystic pieces. The Priest in Peril quest is needed to access it. It is roughly northwest of Canifis and is organized much like the slayer dungeon except of course there are floors instead of hallways separating the monsters. There are also two agility shortcuts to allow quick travel between floors. Monsters here start at crawling hands and banshees on the bottom floor and end with nechyraels and abyssal demons on the top floor.



Slayer is a hard skill to raise as only kills done on assignment count for it. It is advised for players to use the slayer master the crystals contact them to for getting assignments. Slayer is a very fun skill if it is used simply as a way to train combat. Instead of practicing on the same monster over and over again, players will get to see some new creatures and areas. When training, players have to use their brains and the advice the masters give about creatures. Also, it's a bad idea for players to just go storming at a monster wielding any a regular melee weapon since most monsters can be fought using Magic, Ranged, or a halberd.

  • Important: when fighting slayer monsters, players should wear their best magic defense armor, not melee. While the monsters' attacks are melee fighting style and the protect from melee prayer will keep players totally safe, their attacks are in fact based in magic. Something mysterious about their origins. Believe it or not, when fighting banshees, blue dragonhide requires only about a third of the food full rune would. Most slayer monsters work this way.


Thieving is a fast but not so secure way to make money. Thieving, as its name says, is about stealing from people and chests. It also involves picking the locks on doors, stealing from stalls and disarming traps placed in chests.

Three Ways to Steal


There are three forms of thieving. The most basic form, and the only one available at first, is pickpocketing. Players can right click on an NPC (such as a common man or woman) and click "Pickpocket"; they can either be successful pickpocketing or the person who they were stealing from will turn around and stun the player for a few seconds. If players are successful, they will gain spare change, or at higher levels, items or runes.

The second form of thieving is stealing from market stalls. When stealing from stalls players must protect themselves from the person guarding the stall, but they will gain experience easily. There are many stalls in different places, such as seeds stalls in Draynor village and fur stalls in Ardougne. To steal from stalls, players must reach the minimum level of 5 for the bakery stall.

The third use for thieving is in door-opening. Some doors and chests have locks that require a certain thieving level and a lockpick to do (Lockpick is for doors only), once the player has broken the lock they gain access to the loot inside, be that nature runes, cash or a quest item.

Requirement and Tactics


Food is pretty much a requirement for this skill as being stunned by an NPC (non-player-character) that players are stealing from results in a set amount of damage being inflicted on their character, though it helps if they are standing either behind the NPC or to the side, standing in front is a bad idea and a waste of food. Likewise stealing from market stalls can sometimes result in a full blown fight with a specific NPC enemy from guards to Paladins, depending on the stall in question although these fights players should run away from.

Once players have gotten into this skill however it is very easy to level up quickly without incurring any costs as many experienced thieves will steal from the cake stalls in Ardgoune before moving onto a higher leveled target. This eliminates the need to prepare food for training.


What are RuneScape Members?


Members are players who pay $5 (US), or the equivalent thereof in their local currency, once every month. It is also known as P2P which is RuneScape slang for "pay to play". There are several methods for paying that are detailed when players click on the "subscribe account" option on the official RuneScape website. Basically the money will be taken automatically once a month until the player cancels their subscription. Once the subscription has been cancelled, the player can check how many more days their previous payment will give them and they still count as members for that time. Once those days run out, they automatically revert to non-member status.

  • Members have special world servers on which they can use members only features, none of these features exist on free worlds and so members have to log in on members servers if they want to use any of the benefits provided for them.

When do Players Become Members?


Usually when they have reached a medium or high level within the game and want to experience something new. Most of the time players will wait until they have level 60 attack and defense as well as a large amount of cash so they can immediately switch to dragon armor and weapons upon gaining member status. Some players prefer to become members as soon as they log in and they will subscribe their account before they ever start playing, this way they won't have to start all over again when they switch to members.

Members Benefits




Agility, Farming, Fletching, Herblore, Slayer, and Thieving are all skills that exist only for members. Non-members cannot train or use these (even if they were members previously). These skills provide great benefits to players who have them and make the game much more fun to experience. Besides these new skills, being a member also expands upon previous skills. For example: non-members have the crafting skill, but only members can use it to blow glass or craft dragonhide armor. Members can also use the runecrafting skill to make cosmic, chaos, nature, law, and death runes whereas non-members can only make elemental, body, and mind runes.



Members can access a ton of new items, both skill and quest related. The most prominent among these are the dragon and barrows armor and weapons as well as the powerful abyssal whip. Another very big item members can use are sharks as a combat food because they heal 6 more health than the best non-member fish. Other items are halberds, new amulets, rings, and necklaces, tons of new and fashionable clothes (such as werewolf or Viking styles), new soul and blood runes, and much more.

  • Because of all of these new items, members get many more spaces in their banks than a nonmember has.



Non-members currently have 18 quests they can complete, members have 80+ quests only for themselves and they can also do all of the non-members quests, leading to a total of 100+ quests members can do. Some of these quests are simply interesting, others, such as the Legends Quest, Recipe for Disaster, or the elf quests are very challenging with great rewards.



The members area of Runescape is about five times larger than the non-members area. It includes the second half of the kingdom of Asgarnia (Taverley, Burthorpe, and White Wolf Mountain), the entire kingdom of Kandarin (Seer's Village, Catherby, Ardougne, Yanille, and Castle Wars), the Gnome stronghold and village, the Elf lands bordering on Kandarin in the west, the Relekka province of the Fremenniks bordering Kandarin in the north, the Kharidian desert lands bordering the city of Al Kharid in the south, Morytania bordering Misthalin in the east, ogre and troll lands, Ape Atoll, and pirate islands in the eastern seas.



Members can post on the official forums, while non-members may read posts on forums they are unable to respond to them. Members can also vote in polls, which are held about once a month to give feedback to Jagex, new updates are made taking information from these polls into account. Weekly game updates will be mostly directed at members, non-members updates are extremely rare. Customer support is also more effective for members.


What are RuneScape Members?


Members are players who pay $5 (US), or the equivalent thereof in their local currency, once every month. It is also known as P2P which is RuneScape slang for "pay to play". There are several methods for paying that are detailed when players click on the "subscribe account" option on the official RuneScape website. Basically the money will be taken automatically once a month until the player cancels their subscription. Once the subscription has been cancelled, the player can check how many more days their previous payment will give them and they still count as members for that time. Once those days run out, they automatically revert to non-member status.

  • Members have special world servers on which they can use members only features, none of these features exist on free worlds and so members have to log in on members servers if they want to use any of the benefits provided for them.

When do Players Become Members?


Usually when they have reached a medium or high level within the game and want to experience something new. Most of the time players will wait until they have level 60 attack and defense as well as a large amount of cash so they can immediately switch to dragon armor and weapons upon gaining member status. Some players prefer to become members as soon as they log in and they will subscribe their account before they ever start playing, this way they won't have to start all over again when they switch to members.

Members Benefits




Agility, Farming, Fletching, Herblore, Slayer, and Thieving are all skills that exist only for members. Non-members cannot train or use these (even if they were members previously). These skills provide great benefits to players who have them and make the game much more fun to experience. Besides these new skills, being a member also expands upon previous skills. For example: non-members have the crafting skill, but only members can use it to blow glass or craft dragonhide armor. Members can also use the runecrafting skill to make cosmic, chaos, nature, law, and death runes whereas non-members can only make elemental, body, and mind runes.



Members can access a ton of new items, both skill and quest related. The most prominent among these are the dragon and barrows armor and weapons as well as the powerful abyssal whip. Another very big item members can use are sharks as a combat food because they heal 6 more health than the best non-member fish. Other items are halberds, new amulets, rings, and necklaces, tons of new and fashionable clothes (such as werewolf or Viking styles), new soul and blood runes, and much more.

  • Because of all of these new items, members get many more spaces in their banks than a nonmember has.



Non-members currently have 18 quests they can complete, members have 80+ quests only for themselves and they can also do all of the non-members quests, leading to a total of 100+ quests members can do. Some of these quests are simply interesting, others, such as the Legends Quest, Recipe for Disaster, or the elf quests are very challenging with great rewards.



The members area of Runescape is about five times larger than the non-members area. It includes the second half of the kingdom of Asgarnia (Taverley, Burthorpe, and White Wolf Mountain), the entire kingdom of Kandarin (Seer's Village, Catherby, Ardougne, Yanille, and Castle Wars), the Gnome stronghold and village, the Elf lands bordering on Kandarin in the west, the Relekka province of the Fremenniks bordering Kandarin in the north, the Kharidian desert lands bordering the city of Al Kharid in the south, Morytania bordering Misthalin in the east, ogre and troll lands, Ape Atoll, and pirate islands in the eastern seas.



Members can post on the official forums, while non-members may read posts on forums they are unable to respond to them. Members can also vote in polls, which are held about once a month to give feedback to Jagex, new updates are made taking information from these polls into account. Weekly game updates will be mostly directed at members, non-members updates are extremely rare. Customer support is also more effective for members.

Quests/Black Knights' Fortress

Description: The black knights are up to no good. You are hired by the white knights to spy on them and uncover their evil scheme.

Starting Point: Talk to Sir Amik Varze, located on the second floor in the western tower of the White Knights’ Castle in Falador.

Difficulty: Medium

Length: Medium

Requirements: 12 quest points and capable of fighting or fleeing level 33 black knights.

Items needed: A cabbage NOT from Draynor Manor, an iron chain mail, and a bronze medium helmet.

First of all, to save time, get the items. Get a cabbage from the monastery near the black knight's fortress, buy an iron chainmail from Wayne's Chains in Falador, and buy a medium bronze helmet from Peksa in Barbarian village. If your smithing is high enough, you can just smith the chain and the helmet. If not, you'll have to buy it.

Talk to Sir Amik Varze. He will you that he needs a spy. He wants you to spy on the black knights for him at their fortress located northeast of Falador on Ice Mountain. You have to find out what their new weapon is and destroy it.

Make your way to the fortress. Enter the door to the south surrounded by guards. Make sure you are wearing the iron chain and the bronze medium helmet. If you are wearing those items, you can enter. If you are not, they will not let you enter.

Once inside, the wall right in front of you can be pushed. Push it to enter a small room. Climb up the ladder in this small room. Then go up the ladder again. Climb down the ladder beside the one you just came up. Open the door to your east and the door after that one. Climb up the ladder, and then down the next one. You will end up in a room with a Zamorak altar. Open the door and run to avoid the knights. Climb the ladder to the southwest and you will pop up in a small room.

In this small room, there should be a grill. Click on it to listen. You will hear a conversation between a witch, a knight, and a goblin. The witch mentions that any cabbage other than the one from Draynor Manor will destroy the weapon. Since your cabbage came from the monastery, you will destroy the weapon, which was what you were told to do.

Go down to the floor you entered the castle in, the main floor or the first floor. Try to open the door but you will be stopped. A guard will say that there is an important meeting going on and they'll kill anyone who gets in. Say you don't care and that you're going in anyway. Run from the knights and climb up a ladder. Walk east and south and look for a wall you can push. Push the wall to see a hole. RIGHT CLICK your cabbage so that you do not eat it, and use it with the hole that should be in the room. You will hear the witch groan, meaning you destroyed the weapon.

Now go back to Sir Amik Varze and tell him you sabotaged the weapon. When he is done talking, you will be done the quest.

Reward: 3 Quest Points and 2500 gp.

Quests/Cook's Assistant

Description: The Duke of Lumbridge is having a birthday, but the cook forgot to purchase the ingredients for the cake. The Lumbridge castle cook is in a mess; he needs a lot of ingredients and does not have much time.

Starting Point: Go to Lumbridge Castle. Talk to the cook; tell him that you will help.

Difficulty: Easy

Length: Short

Requirements: None

Items Needed: Flour, milk, and an egg.

The cook will tell you he needs ingredients to make a cake. He wants you get him flour, milk, and an egg.

Egg: Eggs respawn in the chicken barns. You can go to the barn northeast of Lumbridge. There is also another barn in Lumbridge and one south of Falador. You will see chickens inside the barn. Grab an egg from one of these places.

Milk: Buy a bucket from a General Store. Next, find a dairy cow. Dairy cows are black and white in color; you cannot fight them. They can be found around the brown cows you can fight. The closest dairy cow is in Lumbridge near the chicken farm, where all the cows are. Find the dairy cow and click on it. Click on the milk option. You will now have milk in your bucket.

Flour: To buy flour, you could get it from the Food Store at Port Sarim. A superior option is to make the flour yourself. To make flour, you will first need a pot, wheat, and water. You can buy a pot from a general store such as the Lumbridge General Store. If you walk northwest from Lumbridge, you should find a windmill. West of this windmill, south of Varrock, east of Draynor, you should find grain fields. Take one piece of grain. Now, go to the windmill between Draynor and Lumbridge. Once there, climb up the ladders to the very top of the windmill. Use your grain with the hopper. Next, look for the the switches for the hopper. Use the switches and the grain will fall down a shoot. Go down to the first floor and use your pot with the flour.

Once you have these three items, return to the cook and you will be done the quest.

Reward: 1 Quest Point, 300 cooking experience, and permission from the cook to use his range.

Quests/Demon Slayer

Description: A mighty demon is being summoned to destroy the city of Varrock. You find out you are the one destined to stop him.(or at least to try)

Starting Point: Talk to the Gypsy located in a tent around Varrock Center.

Difficulty: Medium

Length: Medium

Requirements: Capable of defeating a level 27 demon.

Items needed: 1 gp, a bucket of water, and 25 bones.

The Gypsy will tell you about a story involving a demon named Delrith. He is being summoned again, and you have to kill him. She tells you to talk to Sir Prysin to help. So, go north to Varrock Castle, and on the western side of the castle, Sir Prysin should be walking around.

Tell Sir Prysin that the Gypsy sent you. Ask for Silverlight, the weapon needed to kill Delrith. He will say he kept it hidden because of it being so powerful and needs three keys to open it.

First Key: Go to the room in the northwest corner of the castle and climb the stairs. You will be in a room with guards. Climb the ladder in this room. Captain Rovin will be walking around. Talk to him and tell him that what you're talking about is important. Tell him that a demon is going to invade the city, and that you have to defeat it. He will give over his key.

Second Key: Go down to the first floor of the castle. Go into the room located northeast. It looks like a kitchen. Look for stairs or a ladder that leads up. Go up them and then go into the room near you to see a bucket. Grab it. Now go back down, and in the kitchen, look for a sink. Use the bucket with the sink. Next, go out the door in the kitchen that leads outside and look for a drain. Use your bucket of water with the drain. The second key will have fallen down. Quickly head east out of the castle and look for a manhole. On your mini map, it will have a red exclamation mark. If the manhole is closed, open it and climb down. If it is open, just climb down. Now go north west and follow a path until you reach a stream. You should see a key to your left, or a red square on your mini map nearby. Pick it up. If it isn't there, then you were to slow and have to fill your bucket with water again and do it again.

Third Key: To be quick, just get 25 bones. Then, head to the Wizards' Tower, located south of Draynor. When you're inside the tower, climb the stairs to go to the second floor. Talk to Wizard Traiborn about the key, and he will ask for 25 bones. If you have them already, give them to him. If not, go get 25 bones by killing the wizards walking about. When he's done his ritual he will give you his key.

Now that you have all three keys, go back to Sir Prysin. Give him the three keys and he will give you Silverlight. Make sure you equip it. If you are weak, get some armour and food. Talk to the Gypsy and ask her what the incantation is. Try to remember it. So now, head south of Varrock, and then east towards the stone circle, surrounded by dark wizards. Attack Delrith with Silverlight equipped. When he is weakened, say the very last incantation, which is "Carlem Aber Camerinthum Purchai Gabindo". When you've killed Delrith and said the correct incantation, you will have completed the quest.

Reward: 3 Quest Points and the weapon Silverlight.

Quests/Doric's Quest

Description: Doric the dwarf is happy to let you use his anvils but first he would like you to run an errand for him.

Starting Point: The small house north of Falador with anvils inside. Once inside, talk with Doric.

Difficulty: Easy

Length: Short

Requirements: 15 mining if you want to mine the iron.

Items needed: A pick axe if you want to mine the ores. Money if you want to buy the ores.

Doric will tell you he needs some materials for his amulets. He wants you to get him 6 lumps of clay, 4 copper ores, and 2 iron ores. Since the Dwarven Mine is nearby, head there. Go east and then north to find a path onto the mountain. On the mountain, walk south and look for a ladder around buildings and dwarves. Climb down the ladder to enter the Dwarven Mines.

To your east, there is a path. Go down it to see a dwarf you can trade. He sell ores. You can buy the ores needed here if they are in stock. If not, you will have to either mine the ores yourself or buy them from other players. When you come down the ladder, just go south to see a group of rocks. Iron, copper, and tin rocks will be there. If you explore the mines further and prospect rocks, you should come upon clay rocks.

When you have all the ores needed, return to Doric to finish the quest.

Reward: 180 coins, 1300 mining experience, and the ability to use Doric's anvils.

Quests/Dragon Slayer

Description: Prove yourself a true hero. Kill the mighty dragon Elvarg of Crandor Island and earn the right to buy and wear the powerful rune plate mail body.

Starting Point: Talk to the Guildmaster, located inside the Champions Guild.

Difficulty: Hard

Length: Long

Requirements: Capable of entering the Champions Guild, capable of defeating a level 83 dragon, level 8 crafting, level 33 magic (optional), and level 34 smithing. Level 40 defense, strength, and attack is a must.

Items needed: 3 planks (found in wilderness), 90 steel nails (6 steel bars), an "unfired bowl" (use soft clay on a potters wheel and make a bowl), a wizard's mind bomb (bought in Falador's bar for 2 gp), a lobster pot (bought from Port Sarim's fishing shop for 20 gp), a piece of silk, an anti-dragonfire shield (obtainable from the Duke of Lumbridge), and a scimitar or battle axe. 10,000gp is optional for a part of the quest.

Talk to the Guildmaster in the Champions guild. Ask him how to get a rune plate, and he will tell you to talk to Oziach. Oziach is located west of Edgeville and is very close to the wilderness. Oziach says that to be able to buy a rune plate, you have to kill the green dragon Elvarg, located on Crandor Isle. You will need to obtain three pieces of a map to get to the island. Make sure you ask him where the keys are and where to get an anti-dragonfire shield.

These map pieces may be done in any order.

First Map Piece: This is a hard one, as you have to fight many enemies, including a level 82 lesser demon. Bring armor no weaker than addy here and at least 14 lobsters. If you're afraid of dying, only bring three items and 14 lobsters. Oziach gave you a key to Melzar's Maze, which is located south of Falador, or northwest a bit of Rimmington. Use your key with the door to enter. There will be enemies on each floor of the maze. Only one of each enemy drops a key to advance to the next floor. There are many doors, but only one is correct.

First of all, kill the rats until one of them have dropped a red key. Use the key with the door in the north west corner. Climb up the ladder.

Next, kill ghosts until one of them drops an orange key. Use the key with the door second from the north.

Next, kill skeletons until one of them drops a yellow key. Use the key with the door in the southwest corner. Follow the hallway and climb down the ladders to get to the basement.

Next, kill zombies until one of them drops a blue key. Use the blue key with the door in the northwest, where Melzar the Mad awaits you.

Next, kill Melzar the Mad. He'll say some random things, but nothing important. When he dies, he'll drop a magenta key. Use it on the door containing the room with the lesser demon.

Make sure you have enough food for this guy. While lesser demons have a weak defense, they can hit high, so be careful. There is a door that you can run through to escape the maze if your hit points go low. When the lesser demon is dead, he'll drop a green key. Use it on the door containing the room with the chest. Open the chest to obtain the map piece and then climb the ladder out. If you want to enter the maze again, keep Melzar's key. If you die with the map piece, go back to Oziach and talk to him again.

Second Map Piece: For this key, you need an "unfired bowl" (use soft clay on a potters wheel and make a bowl), a wizard's mind bomb (bought in Falador's bar for 2 gp), a lobster pot (bought from Port Sarim's fishing shop for 20 gp), and a piece of silk. When you have all these items, talk to the Oracle, located on Ice Mountain. Then, when the Oracle is done talking, go into the Dwarven mines with all those items. Look for a door in the northeast part of the mines. It is just before you see scorpions. When you've found it, enter it with the items. You will enter the room and the items will disappear. Open the chest and grab the second map piece.

Third Map Piece: You need to kill Wormbrain, a weak goblin in Port Sarim's jail. Since he is behind bars, you cannot enter his cell. You can only mage him, range him, or pay him 10,000 gp to get the third map piece. If you want to range or mage him, you need to bring enough runes to do the magic spell "Telekinetic Grab" (level 33 magic required, or have level 30 magic and use a wizard's mind bomb). If you don't walk to range or mage him, there is an option to talk to him and pay him 10,000 gp. Do whichever you want.

You now have all three map pieces. Use two together and they will all be put together. Next is going to the island.

You will need 6 steel bars and 3 planks. Planks can be found in the wilderness. Smith the 6 steel bars into 90 steel nails (level 34 smithing required). Next, get a hammer and 2,000 gp. Go to Port Sarim and look for Klarense, a sailor. He is located in the southernmost dock. He will sell you his boat for 2,000 gp. Pay him the 2,000 gp and the boat is now yours. Go on the ship and go inside it. Repair the hole in the stip by using the planks with the hole. Do this three times and the hole will be repaired. Next, go to Draynor and find Ned, the person who makes ropes for you. Ask him to be your captain and help sail you to Crandor. He will agree and tell you to meet him on your ship.

Now is the time to prepare. Bring three good items, your anti-dragonfire shield, and the rest of your inventory food, either lobsters or swordfish. DO NOT BRING ARMOUR WEAKER THAN ADAMANT. DO NOT BRING A 2 HANDER. FOR A WEAPON, BRING EITHER A SCIMITAR OR A BATTLE AXE.

Go to your ship and sail to Crandor. You will crash land. Make your way through the island to the top, avoiding the monsters there. You'll see stairs behind some lesser demons. Run past them and go down the stairs. You'll be in a cave surrounded by skeletons. Keep walking and you'll see Elvarg behind a door in a room. Enter the room WITH YOUR ANTI-DRAGONFIRE SHIELD EQUIPPED. Fight Elvarg and defeat her. When you kill her, you will pop up outside the room and be finished the quest. If you die, try again.

Reward: 2 Quest Points, 18,650 strength experience, 18,650 defense experience, and the ability to wield a rune platemail and a green dragonhide body.

Quests/Ernest the Chicken

Description: Veronica is very worried. Her fiancee went into the big spooky manor house to ask for directions. An hour later and he's still not out yet.

Starting Point: Veronica, north of Draynor and south of Draynor Manor.

Difficulty: Medium

Length: Medium

Requirements: None

Items Needed: A pressure gauge, a rubber tube, an oil can, a spade, fish food, poison, and a key, all found in or around the manor.

Veronica wants you to find her fiancée, Ernest. She says he entered Draynor Manor and hasn't come back yet. Enter the manor. If you want to see what happened to him, climb up the stairs and keep going up the floors until you reach the top. Talk to the professor, who will explain that Ernest was turned into a chicken. However, to change him back, the professor needs parts that were stolen and are somewhere in and around the manor. Help him find a pressure gauge, a rubber tube, and an oil can.

Pressure Gauge: To get the pressure gauge, you will need fish food and poison. Fish food is found on the second floor, and poison is found on the first floor. Look for these two items, and when you've obtained them, go outside the manor through the back door and look for the fountain on the west side of the manor. Use the poison with the fish food so that it becomes poisoned fish food. Use the poisoned fish food with the fountain to kill the piranhas in the water to grab the gauge.

Rubber Tube: Find the spade near the back door. When you've found it, take it and then go outside. Look for the compost on the west side of the manor. Use the spade with the compost and you will get a key. Go back into the manor through the front entrance, and use the key with the door containing the room with the skeleton. If you're a low level, the skeleton will probably attack you. Just grab the rube and run out. If you have a high level, the skeleton won't even attack you.

Oil Can: There is a secret room in the manor. In the most western room on the first floor is a book case. Click on it to push it and enter a secret room. Look for a ladder that leads downwards, and climb down it. You will be in the basement. There will be doors and switches around you. Follow these instructions to obtain the oil can. You will need you use your map.

Pull lever A, pull lever B, enter the north eastern door, pull lever D, enter the south western door, enter the southern door, pull lever A, pull lever B, enter the north western door, enter the western door, enter the northern door, pull lever E, pull lever F, enter the eastern door, enter the eastern door, pull lever C, enter the north western door, enter the western door, pull lever E, enter the eastern door, enter the southern door, enter the southern door, and then enter the western door. You will now be in the room containing the oil can. Grab it, and leave the basement.

Go all the way up to the top floor and talk to the professor. Give him the items and then Ernest will be turned back into a human. When Ernest is done talking, you will be done the quest.

Reward: 4 Quest Points and 300 gp.

Quests/Goblin Diplomacy

Description: There's a disturbance in the goblin village. Help the goblins solve their dispute so the world doesn't have to worry about rioting goblins.

Starting Point: Port Sarim, speak to the bartender and ask him why he doesn't have many customers.

Difficulty: Easy

Length: Medium

Requirements: None

Items needed: 3 goblin mails, 60 gp, 3 redberries, 2 onions, and 2 woad leaves.

To make this quest much easier, obtain all the materials.

Get the three goblin mails by killing goblins, located around Lubmridge and at their village north of Falador.

Redberries are located south of Varrock and east of the dark wizards. Grab three of them.

Onions can be found near Rimmington, the village south of Falador, and behind Farmer Fred's farm. Grab two onions.

To get woad leaves, you first have to talk to Aggie, the witch in Draynor who makes dyes for you. Ask her to make blue dyes, and she will tell you that you need to have two woad leaves. Ask her where to get them, and she will tell you that you can get them from Wyson, who is located in Falador's park. Go to Falador's park and talk to Wyson and ask for some woad leaves. He will ask you to suggest a price. If you offer him 20 gp, he'll give you two, but if you offer 15 he'll only give you one. So get two from him and continue on.

Next, talk to Aggie the witch in Draynor, and ask her to make dyes for you. With your materials, she can make a red dye, a yellow dye, and a blue dye. When you have these dyes, go to Goblin Village, located north of Falador, past Doric's anvils.

In Goblin Village, the two goblin generals with two different coloured mails are arguing over which goblin mail color is better. Talk to one of them and offer to help them. They will want an orange mail. So, with your yellow and red dye, mix them together to make an orange dye, and then use the dye with one of the three mails. Talk to the goblins again, and they won't like it and will ask for another color. They want a blue mail. Use your blue dye with one of the two mails left and then talk to them again. Again, they won't like the color and will ask for a brown mail. This was the original color, so just talk to them and they will grab the one mail left in your inventory. They will like it's color and will agree on using it. When you have finished this, you will have completed the quest.

Reward: 5 Quest Points, a gold bar, and 200 crafting experience.

Quests/Imp Catcher

Description: The Wizard Grayzag has summoned hundreds of little imps. They have stolen a lot of things belonging to the Wizard Mizgog including his magic beads.

Starting Point: Wizards' Tower, on the third floor, talk to Wizard Mizgog.

Length: Medium

Difficulty: Easy

Requirements: None

Items Needed: A black bead, a yellow bead, a red bead, and a white bead.

Make your way to the Wizards' Tower. This is south of Draynor Village. Once there, go up to the third floor. Talk to Wizard Mizgog and ask him questions. He will tell you imps stole his beads and wants you to get them for him. He needs a black bead, a yellow bead, a red bead, and a white bead.

To obtain the beads, you will have to kill imps. Imps can be found almost anywhere in RuneScape. The best place, however, is on the island of Karmaja. There are many imps here but are guarded by scorpions, so if you're lower than level 29, look for imps around Varrock and Falador. Keep killing imps until you have all four beads.

Once you have all four beads, return to Wizard Mizgog and give them to him to finish the quest.

Reward: 1 Quest Point, an Amulet of Accuracy, and 875 magic experience.

Quests/The Knight's Sword

The Knight's Sword


Description: Sir Vyvin's squire is in trouble. He has accidentally lost Sir Vyvin's ceremonial sword. Help him find a replacement without Sir Vyvin finding out.

Starting Point: Talk to the squire located in Falador Castle.

Difficulty: Medium

Length: Medium

Requirements: Level 10 mining, level 10 cooking, and able to run from level 57 Ice Warriors and level 53 Ice Giants.

Items Needed: Redberry pie, a pick axe, 2 iron bars (4 if you want your own knight's sword), and 1 blurite ore (2 if you want your own knight's sword).

If you want to finish the quest faster, get the items now. You're making a sword for a knight, and you can make one for yourself, so if you want to, you'll need 2 iron bars and 2 blurite ores (explained later). You only need 1 redberry pie. To make a redberry pie, use flour with water to make pastry dough. Then, use the dough with a pie dish (located inside Varrock Castle). Then, use a redberry with the dough to make redberry pie. Next, cook it on a range to complete it. However, you'll be surrounded by level 57 and 53 monsters which can hit hard, so it's up to you if you want to carry the ores.

The squire will tell you he lost Sir Vyvin's sword, and would like you to help him replace it. The squire will tell you to talk to Reldo, Varrock's librarian. So go to Varrock Castle and to go the far north of the castle to find Reldo.

Ask Reldo about Incando dwarves. Reldo will tell you that one is located south of Port Sarim. If you haven't already made a redberry pie, make one now. If you have, continue to Port Sarim and then head south.

You should see a small house on the side of a hill with a red exclamation mark. Look for Thurgo, who is an Incando dwarf. Ask him if he would like some redberry pie. He'll take the one you have and eat it. Talk to him again to ask him about the sword. He says he'll need a picture of it. So go back to Falador and talk to the squire.

The squire will tell you that Sir Vyvin has a portrait in his room. Go to the third floor of the castle and find Sir Vyvin. Look for a cupboard nearby and open it and search it. You will obtain a portrait that shows the sword. However, Sir Vivyin will stop you if he is in the room. There are two ways to avoid this: have someone talk to Sir Vivyin while you open and search the cupboard, or open the door to his room and wait for him to walk out (very long). Once you have the portrait, go back to Thurgo.

Talk to Thurgo and give him the portrait. He will now need the materials to make the sword. You will have to enter the dungeon on the hill nearby to obtain the blurite ores. There are many enemies here, and you probably will die if you're a low level, so bring food. It is recommended you only bring a pick axe if you want two blurite ores so that you can get your own sword. So go down the ladder and walk through. When you see white ahead of you, be prepared to run. Run along the walls to find blurite ores. The rocks are bright blue in colour. Mine one or two of them if you want your own sword. When you have the amount of blurite you want, run out.

Now, get your iron bars. Talk to Thurgo with your blurite ores and your iron bars. He will make you a sword. If you want a sword for yourself, drop the sword Thurgo just made and talk to him again with the materials. Do this very quickly. He will make a second sword. Then pick up the sword you dropped. You now have two swords.

Go back to the squire, but before you talk to him, be quick and drop one of the swords. If you talk to him while holding both swords, he will take both of them. So drop one sword and give him the other. You will be done the quest when you've given him the sword. Then, pick up the sword you dropped to keep your very own knight's sword.

Reward: 1 Quest Point, 12,750 smithing experience, and a knight's sword if you got Thurgo to make you another one.

Quests/Pirate's Treasure

Description: Redbeard Frank knows where secret pirate treasure is hidden, it may require some work to persuade him to let you know where though.

Starting Point: Port Sarim's bar. South of it will be Redbeard Frank. Talk to him.

Difficulty: Easy

Length: Short

Requirements: None

Items Needed: Karmaja rum, 90 gp, and a white apron.

First of all, find a white apron. These can be bought in Varrock's Clothing Store as well as from other players. Then go to Port Sarim and talk to Redbeard Frank.

Redbeard Frank will want you to get him some Karmaja rum. So, walk south on the docks to see three sailors, Captain Tobias, Seaman Loris, and Seaman Thresnor. Talk to any one of these sailors to board the ship to Karmaja for 30 gp.

On Karmaja, make your way west towards Karamja Spirits Bar. On your map, it will have a picture of a beer. Walk inside and trade with the bartender. Buy one Karmaja rum.

Do not leave the island just yet. If you do, the customs guards will take your rum away as Asgarnia banned the imports of spirits. Go back towards the ship, but before you reach the customs guards, go north to talk to Luthas, the owner of a banana plantation. Talk to him and he will hire you as his worker. He also says that his crates are not searched by the customs guards. So, he wants you to put some bananas inside his crate outside his store. Agree to help him. Walk outside his store and then go back west and enter the banana plantation beside his house. Click on the banana trees to obtain bananas. Grab about 10.

Next, walk towards the crate outside Luthas' store. Use your rum with the crate to hide it. Next, use the bananas with the crate. When you can no longer put any more bananas in your crate, talk to Luthas and obtain your payment. Ask him where the crate goes, and he will tell you they go to a person named Wydin who owns the food store in Port Sarim. So talk to the customs officers and go back to Karmaja.

When you get off the ship, find the food store, which should be south a bit. Enter the store and look for a door at the back of the store. Try to enter it, but you will be stopped by Wyvin. He tells you only employees can go there. Ask to work for him, and if you have your white apron on you, he'll agree. So enter the room and search the crate in the room. You should find your rum. Take it and go back to Redbeard Frank.

Frank gave you a key to a chest in a bar in Varrock. So go to Varrock and go to the southern entrance, and stand outside the sword shop. To the east, there should be a bar. It will be the Blue Moon Inn. Go upstairs in the bar and look for a chest in one of the rooms. Use the key you got from Frank on the chest to obtain a note. It will give you a clue to the treasure's location.

You have to go to Falador's park. So go to Falador, and then look for the park. It is north of the eastern bank. It is very large and cannot be missed. But before you do that, there is a building nearby that has a spade inside it. Try to find the spade, and once you have it, enter the garden.

Now look for a statue of Saradomin. Look at where he is pointing. Now, look for an open spot of dirt around flowers and paths. The X is in the same line as the statue, so make sure you're in the line the statue is pointing to. Stand on the dirt and click on your spade to dig. You will obtain the treasure and be done the quest.

Reward: 2 Quest Points, a gold ring, a cut emerald, and 450gp.

Quests/Prince Ali Rescue

Description: Prince Ali of Al Kharid has been kidnapped by the scheming Lady Keli. You are hired to stage a rescue mission.

Starting Point: Talk to Hassan, located outside Al Kharid's palace.

Difficulty: Easy

Length: Long

Requirements: None

Items needed: key (you make this) pink skirt (get this in the varrock clothing department) Blonde wig( talk to the sea captain in draynor, then talk to the witch behind his house in the plaza entrance.) Skin paste(talk to the witch again, and follow her instructions.)

Reward: 3 Quest Points, free passage through Al Kharid's gate, and 700 gp.

Directions: To get the key, you will have to make it. To do this, you will need to get the imprint of lady Kelly's key. If you can mine clay, now is your moment. get a bucket of water, use it with the clay to make soft clay (a common ingredient in crafting), then go to lady Kelly. She will show you the key. You then handle the key, and make an imprint.

Quests/The Restless Ghost

Description: A ghost is haunting Lumbridge graveyard. The priest of the Lumbridge church of Saradomin wants you to find out how to get rid of it.

Starting Point: The church in Lumbridge, near Lumbridge Castle. Inside, talk to the priest.

Difficulty: Easy

Length: Short

Requirements: Capable of killing a level 13 skeleton.

Items Needed: None

Father Aereck will tell you that a ghost is haunting Lumbridge graveyard. He wants you to help him. He wants you to talk to Father Urhney, located in the swamps behind Lumbridge Castle, and get some information from him on ghosts.

Go behind the castle and then keep going south in the swamps. You'll soon come upon a small house. Go inside and talk to Father Urhney. He will give you an Amulet of Ghostspeak. Now go back to the church in Lumbridge.

Go into Lumbridge graveyard. Wear your Amulet of Ghostspeak and talk to the ghost wandering around. If he isn't wandering around the graveyard, look for a small building with a coffin inside and open the coffin. Talk to the ghost. He will tell you he is missing his skull and wants you to get it for him.

Head to the Wizards' Tower and go into the basement. Look around for a skull. Once you've found it, take it. When you grab it, a skeleton will appear and attack you. Kill it and then make sure you have the skull in your inventory. When you have the skull, go back to the graveyard.

Talk to the ghost. He'll want you to put it in his coffin. Use the skeleton with the coffin and he will rest in peace. When you have done this, you will have finished the quest.

Reward: 1 Quest Point, 1125 prayer experience, and the Amulet of Ghostspeak.

Quests/Romeo and Juliet

Description: Romeo & Juliet are desperately in love, but Juliet's father doesn't approve. Help them to find a way to get married and live happily ever after.

Starting Point: Speak to Juliet above the house west of Varrock's east bank.

Difficulty: Easy

Length: Short

Requirements: None

Items Needed: 3 cadava berries.

If you want to get the berries first, go south of Varrock, and then walk east away from where all the dark wizards are. You will soon come across cadava berries. They are pink. Grab three of them and then do the quest.

So, Juliet wants you to help her with her situation with Romeo. She'll want you to deliver a message to Romeo. So go to Varrock Center and talk to Romeo and give him the message.

Romeo will want you to go to Father Lawrence. Father Lawrence is located inside the church north of Varrock's west bank, near the wilderness. He will tell you that you need a certain potion, a cadava potion. He says you need to talk to the Apothecary. The Apothecary is located southwest of Varrock, south of Varrock's east bank.

Find the Apothecary and talk to him. He will need three cadava[check spelling] berries to make the potion. If you already have the berries, give them to him. If not, read the first paragraph at the top of this guide.

Bring the potion to Juliet. She will tell you to go to Romeo. So go back to Varrock Center and talk to Romeo.

Romeo will misunderstand you and think that Juliet is dead. When he finishes talking, you will be done the quest.

Reward: 5 Quest Points.

Quests/Rune Mysteries Quest

Rune Mysteries Quest


Description: Recent research at the Wizards Tower has found a way to create Runes for the first time in centuries. Assist the head wizard Sedridor in his research and he too may teach you these secrets!

Starting Point: Lumbridge Castle. Go to the second floor and talk to the Duke of Lumbridge.

Difficulty: Easy

Length: Medium (lots of walking)

Requirements: 37 magic (if you don't want to walk)

Items Needed: None

The Duke of Lumbridge will give you an Air Talisman and tell you to bring it to the head wizard in the Wizards' Tower. Go to the Wizards' Tower, which is south of Draynor, and go downstairs to the basement.

Wizard Sedridor is the head wizard. Look for him in the basement and then talk to him. He will take your Air Talisman and give you a package that you have to deliver to the Aubury in Varrock. The Aubury is south of Varrock's west bank, and is inside the runes shop. So go to Varrock and talk to the Aubury.

Talk to him twice and he'll want you to deliver some notes to Wizard Sedridor. So go back to the Wizards' Tower and go down into the basement and talk to Wizard Sedridor.

The wizard will give you back your Air Talisman and will explain to you the rune crafting skill. When he is done talking, you will be done the quest.

Reward: 1 Quest Point and the ability to do the Runecrafting skill.

Quests/Sheep Shearer

Description: Farmer Fred's sheep are getting mighty woolly. He will pay you to shear them.

Starting Point: Northwest of Lumbridge, there is a person named Farmer Fred inside the house surrounded with chickens. Go inside and talk to him.

Difficulty: Easy

Length: Short

Requirements: None

Items Needed: Shears

First of all, buy some shears from the General Store. Next, head to Farmer Fred and talk to him. Tell him you're looking for a quest. He will give you one, which will be to get him 20 balls of wool. Leave his house and go south a a bit and enter the sheep pen. In here, there will be sheep roaming around. You have to use your shears with the sheep. Sheep with wool will look puffy, and sheep without wool will look skinny. If a sheep has no wool, wait a few minutes and wool will appear on them. They will run away sometimes, but keep trying and you should get wool from them.

Once you have 20 pieces of wool, you must now spin them into balls of wool. Go to Lumbridge Castle to the second floor. In one of the rooms is a spinning wheel. Click on it and spin the 20 pieces of wool you have. When they are all balls of wool, go back to Farmer Fred to finish the quest.

Reward: 1 Quest Point, 60 gp, and 150 crafting experience.

Quests/Shield of Arrav

Description: Varrockian literature tells of a valuable shield, stolen long ago from the museum of Varrock, by a gang of professional thieves. See if you can track down this shield and return it to the museum. You will need a friend to help you complete this quest.

Starting Point: Varrock library. Talk to Reldo, the librarian.

Difficulty: Medium

Length: Medium

Requirements: A trustworthy friend or partner, and if you want to join the Black Arm Gang, attack, defense, and strength levels above 10.

Items needed: 20 gp if you want to join the Phoenix Gang, 1 or 2 gp if you want to join the Black Arm Gang.

Talk to Reldo, located in Varrock's library, in Varrock Castle. Ask him about a quest and he will tell you there's a book on something in the library. You have to now search all the book cases until you find the book. When you've found it, read or skim through it.

In this quest, you get to join a gang. You can either join the Phoenix Gang, or the Black Arm Gang. It's up to you which gang you want to join, as you will get the same reward no matter what gang you join.

Phoenix Gang: To join the Phoenix Gang, after you've read the book, talk with Reldo and ask him where you can find the Phoenix Gang. He doesn’t know, but he says the fur trader Baraek might.

Baraek is located in Varrock Center. He buys and sells furs. Talk to him and ask about the Phoenix Gang. He will want you to give him 20 gp for info. Give him 20gp and he will tell you it is located in the southeast corner of Varrock.

The hideout is near the southeast corner of Varrock. It is a bit south of the Rune shop. Look for a red exclamation mark (!) on your map to find the hideout. When you've found the red exclamation mark, you will see a ladder. Climb down it to enter the Phoenix Gang's hideout.

Inside the hideout, talk to Straven. If you ask to join, he will mention a Varrock Herald. This is a cover up. There should be an option that you can tell him that you know who he is, that he is part of the Phoenix Gang. If this option isn't there, go back to Baraek and redo that part.

Straven will want you to kill Jonny the Beard. He is located in Varrock's Blue Moon Inn. This is near the south entrance of Varrock. It is a bar. Go inside the bar and find Jonny the Beard and kill him. He will drop a report which Straven wants. Grab it and bring it back to him. When he's taken it, you will become a Phoenix Gang member and can enter the hideout.

Look around for a chest inside the hideout to find one half of the Shield of Arrav.

Black Arm Gang: To join the Black Arm Gang, talk to the Tramp located near the south entrance of Varrock. Ask him what’s down the alley, and he’ll tell you that it’s the Black Arm Gang’s hideout. Go down the alley and enter the building. Look for a woman named Katrine and talk to her.

Tell her you know about her gang and that you won't give your source. Tell her to prove that you're trustworthy and she will give you a task to join her gang.

Katrine wants you to steal the Phoenix Gang's stuff. She wants 2 of their crossbows. However, you will a partner or a friend to join the Phoenix Gang for this part of the quest.

When your partner/friend has joined the Phoenix Gang, he/she will be given a key. Ask for this key. When you have it, go to the Phoenix Gang's hideout outside. Look for a door that is locked. When you've found it, use the key with the door and climb up the ladder.

You will have to kill the Phoenix Gang member on this floor. Kill him, or have your friend or partner kill him, and take 2 Phoenix crossbows. When you've gotten 2, go back to Katrine, and you will become a member of the Black Arm Gang. Go upstairs in the hideout and look for a chest, which contains one half of the Shield of Arrav.

Finishing Up: You will have to give your half of the shield to your friend/partner, or your friend/partner will have to give his/her half of the shield to you. Whoever has all of the sides of the shield has to take them to the Curator in Varrock's museum, which is north of the east bank. Talk to the Curator and he will give you 2 certificates.

Find your partner/friend and give him/her one of the certificates. Then, go find the king in Varrock Castle and talk to him. He will take your certificate and give you 600 gp. When you've done this, you will have finished the Shield of Arrav.

Reward: 1 Quest Point and 600 gp. You have to give the other certificate to the person who helped you.

Quests/Vampire Slayer

Vampire Slayer


Description: The people of Draynor village live in constant terror. Their numbers are dwindling, all due to the foul creature lurking in the manor to the north known as a vampire.

Starting Point: Draynor Village. Find Morgan and talk to him.

Difficulty: Easy

Length: Short

Requirements: Capable to defeat a level 34 vampire.

Items Needed: Garlic, hammer, stake, and 2 gp for beer.

Morgan will tell you that a vampire is causing distress. He wants you to kill it. He will tell you to go to the Jolly Boar Inn and talk to Dr. Harlow. Before this, if your combat level is below 20, there is a house in Draynor with a second floor. Go up to this floor, and look for a cupboard. When you've found it, open it and search it to receive garlic. Next, find a hammer.

To go to the Jolly Boar Inn, you have to go to Varrock. Once there, stand outside the museum or the church. Walk north towards the wilderness. You do not have to enter the wilderness. You should be on a paved path. The path should split right before the wilderness. The path will open to the east. Follow this path to the Jolly Boar Inn. Once inside, talk to Dr. Harlow. Tell him Morgan needs his help. He will want you to buy him a beer. Find the bartender, buy a beer, and then talk to Dr. Harlow. He will talk about vampires and give you a stake.

Next, find a hammer. These can be bought from General Stores.

Now that you have the required items, you must now fight the vampire. Make sure you have all three items in your inventory. It is important that you have a weapon, armor, and food. Go to Draynor Village, and then head north to Draynor Manor. Inside, go east towards large stairs that lead downwards. Go down them. There will be a coffin in the center of the room. Open it and the vampire will pop up and attack you. If you have garlic, he will become very weak and can be easily defeated. When you defeat him, you will automatically stab him with the hammer and the stake. When he is dead, you have finished the quest.

Reward: 3 Quest Points and 4825 attack experience.

Quests/Witch's Potion

Description: Become one with your darker side. Tap into your hidden depths of magical potential by making a potion with the help of Hetty the Rimmington witch.

Starting Point: Talk to Hetty in her house in Rimmington, south of Falador and west of Port Sarim.

Difficulty: Easy

Length: Short

Requirements: None

Items needed: A rat's tail, burnt meat, an eye of newt, an onion, and 10 gp.

Talk to Hetty and tell her you want to know more about the black arts. She will tell you she needs four ingredients you have to get. You need to get a rat's tail, burnt meat, an eye of newt, and an onion.

Rat's Tail: You need to start the quest to get rat's tails. Just kill a rat and it will drop a tail.

Burnt Meat: If your cooking is low, just pick up the meat cows drop and cook it. Since your level is low, you'll burn more often. So once you've burnt a piece of meat, continue on. If your cooking is too high, cook a piece of meat on a range, and then use the cooked piece of meat again on the range to burn it. You can only use the meat dropped from cows, giant rats, and bears for this quest.

Eye of Newt: You can buy an eye of newt from the magic shop in Port Sarim, it is labelled with a small fire on your map.

Onion: Onions can be found north west of Rimmington. Just grab one.

When you have all these items, talk to Hetty. She'll put them in her cauldron and tell you to drink from it. Drink from the cauldron to complete the quest.

Reward: 1 Quest Point and 375 magic experience.


What are RuneScape Members?


Members are players who pay $5 (US), or the equivalent thereof in their local currency, once every month. It is also known as P2P which is RuneScape slang for "pay to play". There are several methods for paying that are detailed when players click on the "subscribe account" option on the official RuneScape website. Basically the money will be taken automatically once a month until the player cancels their subscription. Once the subscription has been cancelled, the player can check how many more days their previous payment will give them and they still count as members for that time. Once those days run out, they automatically revert to non-member status.

  • Members have special world servers on which they can use members only features, none of these features exist on free worlds and so members have to log in on members servers if they want to use any of the benefits provided for them.

When do Players Become Members?


Usually when they have reached a medium or high level within the game and want to experience something new. Most of the time players will wait until they have level 60 attack and defense as well as a large amount of cash so they can immediately switch to dragon armor and weapons upon gaining member status. Some players prefer to become members as soon as they log in and they will subscribe their account before they ever start playing, this way they won't have to start all over again when they switch to members.

Members Benefits




Agility, Farming, Fletching, Herblore, Slayer, and Thieving are all skills that exist only for members. Non-members cannot train or use these (even if they were members previously). These skills provide great benefits to players who have them and make the game much more fun to experience. Besides these new skills, being a member also expands upon previous skills. For example: non-members have the crafting skill, but only members can use it to blow glass or craft dragonhide armor. Members can also use the runecrafting skill to make cosmic, chaos, nature, law, and death runes whereas non-members can only make elemental, body, and mind runes.



Members can access a ton of new items, both skill and quest related. The most prominent among these are the dragon and barrows armor and weapons as well as the powerful abyssal whip. Another very big item members can use are sharks as a combat food because they heal 6 more health than the best non-member fish. Other items are halberds, new amulets, rings, and necklaces, tons of new and fashionable clothes (such as werewolf or Viking styles), new soul and blood runes, and much more.

  • Because of all of these new items, members get many more spaces in their banks than a nonmember has.



Non-members currently have 18 quests they can complete, members have 80+ quests only for themselves and they can also do all of the non-members quests, leading to a total of 100+ quests members can do. Some of these quests are simply interesting, others, such as the Legends Quest, Recipe for Disaster, or the elf quests are very challenging with great rewards.



The members area of Runescape is about five times larger than the non-members area. It includes the second half of the kingdom of Asgarnia (Taverley, Burthorpe, and White Wolf Mountain), the entire kingdom of Kandarin (Seer's Village, Catherby, Ardougne, Yanille, and Castle Wars), the Gnome stronghold and village, the Elf lands bordering on Kandarin in the west, the Relekka province of the Fremenniks bordering Kandarin in the north, the Kharidian desert lands bordering the city of Al Kharid in the south, Morytania bordering Misthalin in the east, ogre and troll lands, Ape Atoll, and pirate islands in the eastern seas.



Members can post on the official forums, while non-members may read posts on forums they are unable to respond to them. Members can also vote in polls, which are held about once a month to give feedback to Jagex, new updates are made taking information from these polls into account. Weekly game updates will be mostly directed at members, non-members updates are extremely rare. Customer support is also more effective for members.

Quests/Between a Rock...

The Giant Dwarf quest is required to start this. In the end it allows players access to the Arzinian Mines, which contain 146 gold rocks.


To start this quest, the Plague City Quest must be completed first. In the "Plague City" quest players will have learned that West Ardougne is plagued. During this quest players will learn that it was all just a big lie and that there is no plague at all.

Rewards: the ability to use the King's training grounds, often used to train the ranged skill as there are ogres in a cage that can be accessed by a door to get the projectiles that miss back.

Quests/Creature of Fenkenstrain

The Priest in Peril and The Restless Ghost quests are required. This quest is amazing because it unlocks the experiment dungeon, one of the best places for combat training.

Quests/Death Plateau

Needed to be able to craft and wield claws. Also helpful because Tenzing will always sell you climbing boots, which give a +2 strength bonus, after the quest.

Quests/Desert Treasure

Desert Treasure
Probably one of the hardest quests in the game, but good fun if you like playing punchbag for high level monsters. I'll give you an idea of what I wore and how it worked out throughout the guide, and my stats if you want to try and relate it to you. I was: 100 combat, 70 magic, 71 range and 56 prayer.

Skill Requirements

  • Level 10 slayer.
  • Level 50 firemaking.
  • Level 50 magic.
  • Level 53 thieving.
  • A high agility level.
  • Be able to defeat extremely tough (no kidding) enemies above level 150.

Skill Recommendations
(These are minimum recommendations, higher would be better). 43 Prayer is essential (I don't know if anyone has done it without). Level 65 hitpoints. Level 61 Magic. Level 70 Defense. High agility is an advantage at times.

Quest Requirements

Item Requirements
About 1000gp. A cake. Shantay passes and a couple of waterskins would come in handy. Tinderbox. Facemask. 6 Steel bars, 6 Molten glass, 1 Charcoal (Shilo Village general store). Ashes. Blood rune. 12 Magic logs. 1 bone (normal kind). 1 Silver bar. Garlic (search the cupboard upstairs in a house in Draynor Village). Pestle and mortar. Spice. 1 Spiked boots (give Dunstan in Burthorpe climbing boots and an iron bar). Ice gloves. Lots of lockpicks (buy them in the Rogues Den).

Item Recommendations
Lots of prayer potions, (I used about 25 at 100 combat). Plenty of good food, lobsters at the least. Stat restore potions (about 10 should do it). Ectophial or elf crystal (one click teleport). Plenty of runes for teleporting around. Plenty of runes for high level elemental spells (death or blood). Antipoison potions, lots of energy potions. Rings of life. Good armor (rune and above). Good magic armor (mystic would be good). Prayer boosting armor (initiate or monk's robes). Range armor (dragonhide).

If your computer has been known to suffer from lag or a bad connection, whenever you're fighting any of the 4 big bosses I would recommend that you closed all unnecessary applications, and waited until you are confident that your internet connection is okay. The last thing you want to do is lag out and die.

The Archaeologist


Items Needed For This Part: 12 Magic logs, 6 Steel bars, 6 Molten glass, Ashes, 1 Bones, Charcoal, Blood rune, 650gp (for the beer), some money for a magic carpet ride (100-200gp), teleport runes to Varrock and a charged glory amulet would help. Waterskins for the desert.

To start the quest head to the archaeologist at the bedabin camp (take a magic carpet there south of the Shantay Pass). Talk to him and he will tell you about buried treasure hidden in the desert. He gives you some etched notes to take to Terry Bandalo at the digsite exam center. Head to the digsite, Terry Bandalo can be found wandering about in the exam center. Give him the notes and he will give you a translated book. Take this back to the archaeologist (getting tired of all the walking around yet?). After a bit of talk agree to split the reward 50-50 with him. Next head south to the bandit camp. Make sure you're not wearing anything Saradomin or Zamorak related or else everyone will attack you, especially in the pub. Head into the pub and buy a bandit's brew (650gp, seems a bit pricey for a beer, the bartender must be from London) off the bartender. Speak to the bartender about the four diamonds of Azzandra. He will tell you to talk to an elder. Head east from the pub until you reach a house with a man called Elbis inside. Talk to him about the diamonds of Azzandra and he will tell you about how they were stolen by four mighty warriors. He will tell you that he can help you find them but you need to bring him some things. Bring him the 12 Magic logs, 6 Steel bars, 6 Molten glass, Ashes, 1 Bones, Charcoal, Blood rune and give them to him. He will tell you to meet him south of his house on top of a hill. Head south then east a bit and you should see Elbis on top a little hill surrounded by 6 mirrors. Look into each mirror and you will see the locations related to the four diamonds. Therefore, by using highly complicated mathematical deduction two of the locations must be false! Fear not though, for this guide will not send on you any wild goose chases to useless locations.

Gem #1, The Diamond Of Shadow


Items Needed For This Part: A lot of prayer pots for the big fight (20 may seem like an exaggeration but trust me on this one). A bit of food for getting through the dungeon and in emergencies. Plenty of lockpicks and some anti-poison. More desert essentials (shantay pass, waterskins and money for a magic carpet ride).

Teleport or make your way to Ardougne. Head north and west a bit until you come to a fenced off area. It's roughly south-west of the fishing guild. You should find a man named Rasool there. Have a bit of a chat with him and he'll tell you that some people have stolen something off him, he wants you to get it back. Now head all the way back to the bandit camp (if you're walking throughout this quest you're a stronger man than i could imagine). Remember not to wear anything Saradomin or Zamarok related for fear of incurring the wrath of the friendly locals. Head to the southern part of the camp and you should find a locked chest inside a tent. Pick the lock with a lockpick to open it. This can be frustrating, as the lockpick can break in the mechanism and the chest can poison you. I got lucky and only needed about 10 lockpicks but some people have been known to use up to 30. If you run out lockpicks the bandits can be pickpocketed for them and antipoison (convenient huh?). Eventually you'll find a guilded cross inside the chest. Head back to Rasool and give him the cross. He will be so delighted that he gives you a shiny golden ring. It's no ordinary ring though, it's the ring of visibility (ooooo, aaaah). Note: This is the ring used in the Ghostly Robe Miniquest/game. If you equip the ring in the fenced off area you'll see a trapdoor mysteriously appear. Before you head down the mysterious ladder get ready for a tough fight. You think Mike Tyson is hard? Hah, brace yourself...

Big-daddy-baddy-boss fight #1: Damis (lvl 107 & 174)

Since you'll be using prayer against this guy (if you're not then you're either incredibly brave or incredibly foolhardy) it doesn't matter too much what armor you wear. Damis is weak against earth spells, so earth blasts or earth waves should work a treat. Therefore you want to keep your magic attack on the plus side, whilst maintaining a good prayer bonus. I wore a mystic robe bottom, monk's robe top, intiate helm, dragon dagger(s), holy book, legends cape, and mystic gloves and boots. Bring an ectophial or elf crystal (one click teleport). Some food, (about 4-8 lobster or higher equivalent food. I used cheese baked potatoes (heal 16) throughout the quest. Bring about 20 4 dose prayer pots. A ring of life might just be life saver (life saver, geddit?) Ready? Good. When you're ready head into the dungeon. Head as far east as you can go, then head all the way north, then go east until you come to a biggish room. Head as far south as you can, then east and take the next northerly turning, then east until you come into a big chamber. There are lvl 80 giant skeletons and lvl 63 shadow hounds throughout the dungeon so watch out. When you come into the dungeon Damis (lvl 103) will pop up. Try and lure him back into the corridor where you came, it's not multicombat so you'll autoattack Damis after drinking and eating. The first form is pretty easy, save your earth spells if you want and just melee him with protect from melee on. When he's dead Damis (lvl 174) will appear. I sat and gawped as this guy drained my prayer from a healthy 56 to 10 in 5 flat. He drains it like a 100m sprinter on steroids, fast. I got into a good routine of casting an earth wave or two (depending on how brave i was), drinking a dose of prayer pot, casting an earth wave, drinking a dose etc. Note: There are no safespots. Eventually after a few nail biting minutes he'll die, pick up the diamond of shadow and get outta there buddy.

Gem #2, The Diamond Of Blood


Items needed: Silver bar, Garlic, Spice, Pestle & mortar, prayer pots (not many this time), food (quite a bit), fighting gear.

We're off to sunny Canafis! Either ectofunk (ectophial if we're going to get pedantic) and walk there, and as you approach the bar you should see a short cutscene involving a friendly looking chappy called Malak. He will call you over. Note: You will look that pale if you spend all your time inside playing RuneScape. Tell him that you're looking for the diamond of blood. He says he doesn't have it, but he knows a vampire who does. He agrees to let you keep it if you kill the vampire for him (he wants more land). He will tell you where the vampire (who's called Dessous) is and how to kill him. Now teleport to Draynor village and go into the sewer/dungeon through either trapdoor. Make your way to a man standing near an anvil called Ruantan. Chat to him a bit and he will agree to make a silver pot for you if you give him a silver bar. While you're in Draynor if you haven't already it would be wise to get some garlic from the cupboard upstairs in the house north of the bank. Now head to Entrana (remember not to take any armor or weapons) and head to the big church. Speak to the head monk and he will agree to bless your silver pot. Now head back to Malak with the garlic and some spices and give him the silver pot. He will fill it with blood (oh yeah it's your blood by the way, cheeky vampire...). Now add some garlic and spices to the pot of blood and head to the nearest bank.

Big-baddy-daddy-boss fight #2: Dessous (lvl 139)

I severely underestimated this guy and nearly paid the price. He attacks with a combination of range and melee so bring good rune or barrows type armor. You'll want about 4 or 5 prayer potions, a druid pouch unless you want the ghasts to eat turn your food rotten, and plenty of good food. Apparently he is weak to air type spells, (wind waves etc.) but I used a whip. When you're ready for battle head over the bridge near the slayer master then head south into the swamp area. It's a bit of a maze to get there so I would recommend using the official world map. You're trying to get to the graveyard. When you get there use the pot of blood on the big coffin and a vampire will leap out (Buffy anybody?..). A lot of people stand behind the fence and ranged or maged him, but he can teleport right next to you. His melee attack is very strong, so I would recommend protecting from that. He sends bats out to attack you that are a combination of magic and range, they will hit a double five nearly every time. Just keep hacking away at him until he is dead. When he dies he drops no gem. Go back to Malak and you'll start to act tough. Malak cuts you down a bit (not literally, don't worry) and gives you the diamond.

Gem #3, The Diamond Of Ice


Items Needed For This Part: If you have them, runes for two Trollheim teleport runes. I didn't though and was okay. One cake (any kind would probably do). Spiked climbing boots. Regular climbing boots. Stat restore potions (super stat restore if you can spare them), as high quality food as you can manage, good melee armor and prayer pots.

Walk to or teleport to Trollheim with all the above minus spiked climbing boots. Keep walking north until you find a little troll child. After you've tried talking to him give him the cake (make sure you don't eat it, scrumptious though it may be). He will tell you about a bad man who's frozen his parents because they stole his diamond. Agree to help him. Note: Once you've squeezed through the ice gate you'll enter a very dangerous area. All your stats will slowly drain and you will be hit for 1 damage every now and again. Protect from melee is a must nearby any monsters. Squeeze through the ice gate and pop on protect from melee, and start fighting the ice trolls. Each time you kill one an ice-icle will fall off the cave passage. You'll need to kill 5. Fire blasts work very well but I used melee with no difficulty. Keep an eye on your stats, drinking restore potions when necessary. When you've killed five I would recommend heading teleporting outta there to restock.

Big-daddy-baddy-boss fight #3: Kamil (lvl 154)

This guy is pretty tough. I ranged him with rune arrows and black dragonhide which seemed to work nicely. Bring more food, prayer restore and stat restore potions, as well as the spiked climbing boots. March your way back to the ice gate and go though it. Wriggle your way through the cave thing near the ice trolls. Carry on walking round until you come to the pack of lvl 134 wolves (for heaven's sake make sure your protect from melee is on here). Ignore them and keep on going. Eventually it will inform you that there is an evil presence nearby. Kamil appears. He attack with melee and mage, and will freeze you now and again. Use protect from melee, swapping between melee and magic protect every now and again to confuse him. Keep your stats boosted with those restore potions! (but save one) Eventually he will die (if you don't first) and will drop a super restore and a couple of chocolate cakes. Pick them up but don't drink the super restore yet. Carry on walking on the path until you come to a glazed type ice path. Put on your spiked boots and drink your super restore. Carry on up the mountain on it. Every now and again you'll fall flat on your face for two damage. Try and keep your agility boosted. Eventually you'll come to an icy bridge, go across it. You'll see two frozen trolls. Smash the ice around them with a melee weapon or your bare fists. They have 10hp. Use that restore pot you saved here to make it easier. Once they're both free they'll thank you and teleport you back to their son (they're surprisingly intelligent for trolls) who will give you the diamond of ice.

Gem #4, The Diamond Of Smoke


Items Needed For This Part: Mage gear. Runes for water blasts. Ice gloves. Tinerbox. Face mask. Energy pots and prayer pots.

Head into the desert and catch a carpet to Pollinveach if you can. If not walk there (bring a waterskin if so). Head to the south of the town then west to the well in the desert. Before going down make sure you've got your face mask. I would recommend playing on low detail in here, as there is a smoke animation over the screen which gets annoying. Boogie on down to the northeast corner of the dungeon and locate the standing torch. Make sure your run energy is 100% before you light it. Once you've lit it run as fast as your pixelated legs will carry you to the southeast corner and light the next torch. Then run to the northwest corner, light the torch, then the southwest corner and light the torch. Then run to the big room in the middle of the dungeon with lots of fire giants in it. Open the chest to receive a warm key. All the torches must be simultaneously lit for you to get the key, they go out after a while. (I say a while, i was able to light them all, get the key and kill Fareed before the first one went out, so don't panic). Now head to the eastern end of the dungeon and get ready for the easiest one of the lot.

Big-daddy-baddy-boss fight #4: Fareed (lvl 167)

I maged this guy with water blasts which worked a treat whilst using protect from melee. You could probably kill him however you want. The only thing to watch out for is that he will unequip your weapon if you don't wear ice gloves. When he's dead the diamond of smoke will appear in your inventory. No worries.

The Pyramid


Items Needed For This Part: The four diamonds, antipoison potions, prayer potions, monks robes, energy potions, some food.

Take all four diamonds and go back to the mirrors to talk to Elbis. He'll tell you about the Spirit of Azzandra trapped in a giant pyramid south of him. For the pyramid light armor (monks robes would be ideal), prayer potions and plenty of energy pots are recommended. Place each diamond in it's corresponding obelisk outside the pyramid (it's pretty obvious which is which) and it will open. Now comes arguably one of the most frustrating parts of the quest. Head through the pyramid with protect from melee on and run as much as you can. There are lvl 100 Mummies and lvl 92 scarabs (they pop out randomly) that can poison you. If you have protect from melee they shouldn't be a problem. There are four floors to the pyramid, and at any point at any time on any floor you can trigger a random trap that puts you outside the pyramid. It took me 7 tries before I made it all the way through. Just keep at it and you'll make it all the way through. A pillow or cushion is handy to repeatedly punch every time you end up outside again. Eventually you'll come to a room with the Spirit of Azzandra in. Poor old Azzandra has been down there and all his mates are long gone. Once you've finished the conversation he'll teach you Ancient Magicks. Huzzah! Quest Complete!


  • 20,000 Magic Exp
  • Ancient Magicks
  • 3 Quest Points

Notes: You can swap between ancient magicks and normal by praying at the alter inside the pyramid. There is a shortcut when you complete it so you don't have to go through the pyramid. You can buy an Ancient Staff that autocasts ancient magicks from Elbis for 80,000gp. If you lose it you'll have to kill mummies (it's quite a rare drop) for one of buy one off a player. The ring of visibility you received off Rasool can be used to do the Ghostly Robes Miniquest.

Quests/Devious Minds

You can start this quest by talking to the Monk near the Zamorak church on the path towards Canifis (east of Varrock) on the Salve River. He will ask you to bring a Mithril 2-Handed Sword to Doric's place, and thin it down so you can string it.

Once you get to Doric's place (north of Falador), you can make a Mithril 2-Handed Sword if you don't already have one, and use it on Doric's Whetstone. It will become a thin-blade, now use a string with it to make a Bow-Sword.

Note: If you can't smith a 2-Handed Sword, you can buy one from the shop in Taverly.

Now head back to the monk and give him the Bow-Sword you made. He will thank you then ask you to do him a little favor. You have to smuggle the orb onto Entrana.

Get your Large Pouch and use it to conceal the orb. Now head to Entrana, and once on the island, go to the altar in the main building, use the concealed orb on the altar. There will be a cutscene of an Assassin killing the monks and stealing the 'relic.'

You need to head back to the Monk from the beginning. Upon finding him you will see that he was killed "by some powerful magic."

Head to Entrana and inform the Head Monk. He will tell you to inform Sir Tiffy Cashien of this. Sir Tiffy can be found in Falador Park.

Once you tell him about what has happened, you're finished with the quest!


6,500 Smithing experience and 5,000 Fletching and Runecrafting experience. 1 Quest Point

Quests/Druidic Ritual

This quest is needed to unlock the Herblore skill. Players can start the quest by talking to Kaqemeex the druid at the stone circle north of Taverley. Sanfew will later inform the player they will need to dip 4 different kinds of meat (uncooked) into the Cauldron of Thunder. Acceptable meats are: rat, rabbit, bear, chicken, and cow (beef). The Cauldron of Thunder is located in Taverley Dungeon, after going down the ladder follow the path and open the door guarded by two suits or armor which may attack you. The Cauldron is in the middle of the room behind the door. Use the raw meats on the Cauldron and head back to Sanfew, then go to Kaqemeex to end the quest and receive 250 Herblore exp.

Quests/Dwarf Cannon

Short quest that allows players to buy and use the Dwarf Multicannon, a powerful range weapon.

Quests/Elemental Workshop

This quest allows the player to make elemental shields (necessary for fighting Wyverns and have good magic def bonuses) as well as fight elemental creatures which have some very good drops. Water elementals are perfect for herblore because they drop water filled vials when killed, all elementals have good herb drops.

Quests/A Fairy Tale Pt. 1

Required quests/skills: Lost City, Nature Spirit. High farming is good.

Needed items: pair of secaturs, bucket of super compost, uncut diamond, and volencia moss (found on Karamja), some good food, and a bunch of transport runes.

Start: talk to Martin the Master Gardner in Draynor village. He wants you to talk to other members of GAG to find out what's wrong. Talk to 5 other gardeners. Most gardeners will work for this, use the first option "Are you a member of GAG?"

The 5th gardener will tell you that Fairies are causing the problems. Go back and talk to Martin again. He'll want you to check it out, so go to Zanaris.

Go to where the throne is located. The queen's not there, so talk to the Fairy Godfather. He'll tell you that the Queen is sick, and go talk to Fairy Nuff.

Fairy Nuff is located back by the bank, just to the north. She'll give you a list of the Queen's symptoms and tell you to go see the head of the dark wizards, in the tower to the West of Falador. He'll help you, and want you to go talk to Morgas, who is the bumbling wizard along the highway south of Falador that keeps turning things in fungi. He'll help you with your quest by telling you how to kill the Tanglefoot. You need to take secaturs, super compost, volencia moss, and an uncut diamond to the Nature Spirit (in Morytania - from the Nature Spirit quest). Don't forget your amulet of ghostspeak!!

Once you get there, the Nature Spirit will enchant your secaturs. Simply make your way back to Zanaris. Head towards the Cosmic Temple Ruins, and there will be a crack in the wall you can squeeze through. Follow the path around until you get to the end. Attack the Tanglefoot (level 111) while wielding the secaturs. Once you kill him, he'll drop the Queen's secaturs. Take those back to the Fairy Godfather to complete the quest.

Reward: farming xp, magic xp, and 2 quest points

Quests/Family Crest

This quest will have you catching and cooking fish as well as fighting dangerous enemies. You have to collect 3 pieces of a family crest from 3 sons and return them to the father, who is hoping to reunite his scattered family. One son (cook in Catherby) will require you to catch and cook several different kinds of fish for him. Another (man at the Scorpion Pit mine by Al Kharid) wants some perfect jewelry to impress a certain girl. Oh by the way, the perfect gold needed for this can only be mined next to a couple of Hellhounds (level 100 something). They shouldn't be too much of a problem though, on a busy world someone will generally be using them for range training and get them out of your hair. The third son wants you to beat a demon for him. The demon in question is found in low level Wilderness in the Edgeville dungeon and can only be killed after all of the four blast spells are cast on him first.

The main reward from this quest are a pair of steel gauntlets given to you by the father. Any of the sons will enhance the gauntlets with special properties, if you change your mind, they will re-enhance the gauntlets for a fee. The son in Catherby will give you cooking gauntlets, these are the firm favorite, they will make you burn fish less often and you will stop burning fish 10 cooking levels lower than you normally would (you stop burning sharks at level 95 cooking with these gauntlets). The son at the Scorpion Pit will give you goldsmithing gauntlets, giving you twice the normal experience when you smith gold bars. The demon-hunting son will give you chaos gauntlets, which increase your max hit with the blast spells and gives you extra exp when you cast them.

Quests/Fishing Contest

This quest allows players access to a secret passage below White Wolf Mountain which allows them to avoid the mountain completely while walking between Catherby and Taverley. Inside this passage are a few dwarves, including an engineer needed for the Between a Rock... quest and a cook needed for a subquest of the Recipe for Disaster quest. There is also a dwarf selling tickets for a mine cart trip to Keldagrim (see The Giant Dwarf). Three dwarven stouts spawn in the room with all the dwarves, the tables in here make it a reasonable place for range training.

A few things you need to know for this quest:

  • The special bait you need to win the competition can be found in McGrubber's Woods west of Seer's Village. Go around to the north of the woods (just to the east of the house there) and you will see a loose railing, squeeze through the loose railing there and find a red vine. When you search it you will get a special worm, you will need 2-3 of these for bait.
  • Garlic can be found upstairs in Morgan's House (start of the Vampire Slayer quest) in Draynor Village. Go up the stairs, open the cupboard and search it.

Quests/The Fremennik Trials

Become a member of the local Viking tribe by going through a series of trials to gain enough votes on the village council. You will have to fight twice, use your smarts several times, and go through a series of NPCs very like in the One Small Favour quest to obtain one tiny item. The trials are the reason you frequently see people in Seer's Village buying a raw shark so you might want to think about getting one to prevent yourself suffering stress during the quest because of a lack of sellers. This quest provides experience in several skills, a teleport to the Fremennik village, the ability to communicate with the Fremennik tribe (buy from stores, steal from stalls, talk without getting snubbed, etc), a free ride to Waterbirth Island (otherwise you'd have to pay 1k), and access to the islands of Miscellania and Etceteria.

Quests/Garden of Tranquillity

Players go trekking all over the RuneScape world to find some special seeds for the Queen of Misthalin. The Creature of Fenkenstrain quest is required. This quest is especially useful as it gives players the amazing Ring of Charos (U), with the U standing for unlocked. This ring lets players influence the weak minded and it can be used for free boat rides to and from Karamja at both ports, discounts on mine cart and magic carpet rides, choosing your cat's color when you buy from Gertude, and much more.

Quests/Gertrude's Cat

A very short quest which rewards players with a pet kitten. They can later buy more of them for 100 gp each from Gertrude. After having walked behind the player for a while, the kitten will turn into a cat and eventually into a lazy cat. Cats and lazy cat can be traded to civilians in West Ardougne for 100 death runes for those who have completed the Biohazard quest.

Maintaining Cats

Ornamental cat.

Cats need to be fed and played with regularly or they run away from the player. They eat most kinds of raw fish. Players who have completed Itchlarin's Little Helper can use the catspeak amulet to communicate with their kitten/cat.

Quests/Ghosts Ahoy

Very helpful quest because it provides players with the Ectophial. This is the only way to teleport to Morytania for those who do not have Ancient Magicks. It also helps in the process of worshipping the Ecotufuntus (see the Prayer skill guide). During the quest, an amulet of ghostspeak should be worn at all times.

Quests/The Giant Dwarf

To start this quest, go to the Keldagrim entrance in northeast Relekka. Go into the first cave and then into the second, talk to the dwarven boatman. He will take you to Keldagrim, on the way a cutscene happens and the quest is started. The quest does not have to be completed to access the city again but it is very helpful as completing it allows you to start the Between a Rock... quest. Completing the Giant Dwarf also grants you access to the mine cart transportation system. This connects Keldagrim to the tunnel below White Wolf Mountain (see Fishing Contest) and the dwarven mines below Ice Mountain. Every time the carts are used a fee has to be paid, with the Ring of Charos (U) (see Garden of Tranquility) the ticket price is halved. The city has some useful features such as the Blast Furnace minigame, a few stores, some stalls that are useful for Thieving, and most importantly a bank that can be very helpful when killing Slayer monsters in the Relekka slayer dungeon.

Quests/The Grand Tree

The Tree Gnome Village quest is required. Players help unlock a devious plot by a gnome to unlock all-out war between the gnomes and humans. The best reward from this quest is the ability to use the Gnome Gliders for transportation. These gliders connect the Grand Tree with Al Kharid, White Wolf Mountain, the Digsite, Karamja, and Feldip Hills (for those who have completed the One Small Favour. Any glider can go to the Grand Tree and from there the player can go to all of the gliders. The spirit tree in the gnome stronghold can now also be used to teleport to any of the other 3 spirit trees.

Quests/Heroes Quest

The Heroes quest requires 55 quest points and allows access to the Hero's Guild upon completion. Your reward for completing Heroes Quest is the right to use Dragon Mace and Dragon Battle Axe. Heroes requires two people to complete this quest.

Quests/Holy Grail

Start point: Camelot Castle

To start: Speak to King Arthur

Quest length: Long

Minimum requirements: Must have completed Merlin's crystal, Must defeat a lvl-126 Black Knight Titan

Members only: Yes Items needed: Excalibur sword from the Merlin's Crystal quest. You must done this quest before trying to complete the Holy Grail quest. If you have not got the Excalibur anymore , then you can get one by talking to the lady of the lake again Reward: 3 quest points and some prayer exp.

King Arthur: Will tell you to talk to Merlin. Merlin will tell you to talk to the High Priest on Entrana or Sir Galahad who is living in a two story house on the outside west edge of McGrubor's wood.

Entrana: First deposit any armor and weapons before going to Entrana. When you go there , go to the church and talk to High Priest.

Sir Galahad: Go to his house and talk to him, he will give you a napkin.

Whistle: After you get the napkin , go to Draynor Manor. Go to third floor and retrieve two magic whistles.

Black Knight Titan: Take Excalibur, whistles, food, armor and cure potion with you. Go to Brimhaven, carry on west till you find poison scorpions. Now head north and you should see a square plot of stone. Stand on this and blow a whistle. You are now teleported to way the Holy Grail is.

To go further, you must kill the Black Knight Titan lvl 146. You must use Excalibur to kill him.

Castle: To get into the castle you must first talk to the Head Fisherman. Go back to the castle and find the bell. Ring the bell and you teleported into the castle. The King: Talk to the king there and he will tell you about his son. Once you finished talking to the king , blow your whistle again and this will teleport you back to the square Plot.

Golden Feather: Go back to King Arthur and talk to him. He will give you the golden feather. Son: He is found in Goblin Village. Find the sacks and prod them. Give him a whistle. Claiming your reward: Go back to the castle where the Holy Grail is and speak to the King again. Go upstairs and take the Holy Grail and then back to Camelot to speak to King Arthur again.

Quests/Horror from the Deep

Allows access to the Lighthouse dungeon and gives players the opportunity to buy damaged prayer books (Guthix, Saradomin, and Zamorak) which can be filled with 4 missing pages (found from treasure trials), these books are wielded as a shield and give a +5 bonus to prayer.

Quests/In Search of the Myreque

The Nature Spirit quest is required. Players help find the legendary Myreque, who are fighting against Morytania's dark forces and their vampiric overlord. This quest unlocks a shortcut through Mort Myre swamp which is very useful for players seeking access to the Barrows.

Quests/Jungle Potion

The Druidic Ritual quest is required as Jungle Potion centers around the Herblore skill. Players search around Karamja to find some special herbs for Trifitus (NPC) which he needs to call upon the gods. After this quest players can start the Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup minigame.

Quests/Legends Quest

To Start: Go to the Legends Guild, located northeast of Ardougne.

Requirements: The following Quests must be Complete:

The Heroes Quest

The Family Crest Quest

The Underground Pass Quest

The Waterfall Quest

The Shilo Village Quest

And you must also have 107 Quest Points.

First Leg of Quest.

Items Needed: I Suggest you bring doubles of these Items in case you die and need to go back to the General Store in Ardougne.

Charcoal (Around 5-10, Bought at the General Store in Tai Bwo Wannai)

Papyrus (Around 5-8, Bought at the General Store in Ardougne)

Cut Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Diamond, Red Topaz, Opal and Jade

2-3 Lockpicks

2-5 Gold bars


Hatchet (Highly recommended)

Machete (if you have access to the Tai Bwo Wannai cleanup, try to get a topaz machete, it helps a little)

Silverlight (Strongly recommended)

Prayer Restore Potions (Not needed if your Prayer is high enough)

Armor and Weapons


Soul Rune, Mind Rune, Earth Rune and Two Law Runes


Skills Needed:

Able to defeat a High-Level Demon (around the 150s)

50 Agility (Not needed, but recommended)

50 Crafting

45 Herblore

56 Magic

52 Mining

42 Prayer (Charge Prayer at the Prayer Guild (Monastery) to get the Two Extra Prayer Points) (43-45 HIGHLY recommended)

50 Smithing

50 Strength

50 Thieving

50 Woodcutting

Speak to Sir Radimus Erkle in his Building inside the Legends Guild. He will hand you an Uncompleted Map. Search the Cupboard inside his Building to get a Machete. Drop it and get a second if you are afraid of dieing and must return to fetch Items. Now, get the required Items and take the Boat, teleport using your Amulet of Glory, or even better, take the Glider to Karamja.

Make your way to Shilo Village and grab your Machete, Hatchet, Map, Charcoal, Papyrus and Food. Leave Shilo Village and head south. You will encounter some large Hills blocking your way. Head west until you see some Trees instead of the Hills guarded by a Jungle Forester. Ignore him, and start chopping Trees and Plants, with your Machete making your way into the large Jungle. Now to put your 50 Crafting to the test. Once your inside, start Mapping by selecting “Map” on your Radimus Scrolls. Head to the eastern Part of the Jungle, western and then Central doing this. You might miss and loose some Papyrus and Charcoal while attempting this. Your Map should now be complete. head back out of the Jungle using your Hatchet and Machete and speak to the Jungle Forester. Then use your Completed Map with the Forester. He will copy the Map and give you a Bull Roarer in return. Chop your way back into the Jungle and swing around the Bull Roarer. Gujuo will come out of nowhere and speak with you. But beware, the Bull Roarer might attract Wolves and Savages too. Speak to Gujuo and talk to him about a Token of Friendship between his Tribe and the Human Population. He will ask for a favor in return. He will explain that their Sage has been possessed by an evil Demon and that they need your help freeing him. He will explain that you will need a Golden Bowl with Pure Holy Water to reach him, and he gives you the plans for the Bowl.

Now, head back for the Shilo Village Bank. Deposit everything and withdraw your Gold Bars, Bowl Sketch that Gujuo gave you and a Hammer. Now to put your 50 Smithing to the test. Make your way to Tai Bwo Wannai and use the Anvil there. Be careful, for you can miss and loose some Gold Bars while trying to make the Bowl. If you have enough remaining Bars, make a second Bowl. It might come in handy. Zoom back to Shilo Village and grab some Armor and Weapon, the S.M.E.L. (Soul, Mind, Earth, two Laws) combination of Runes, Food, the two Lockpicks, Machete, Hatchet, your Pickaxe and your seven Gems, again head west. Keep close to the Hills separating the Karamja and Southern Jungle. You should soon come up to three Rocks in a Triangular Form. Search the northern one and crawl down into the Caverns. You might get stuck and lose a bit of health though. Once down there, ignore the large Fire Octagon and search every Bookcase. You should find one with a Gap behind it. Crawl through, and you should now be in a smaller Cavern.

Continue until you discover a large Gate. You need your 50 Thieving here. Carefully Picklock the Gate with your Lockpick and make your way through. Now for your 52 Mining. Smash the three Boulders blocking your way and you should now be faced with another Gate. This is where your 50 Strength is used. Shove the Gates open using your mighty Strength. You are now in a Cave with a ton of Death Wings flying around. Run through them, and continue down the large Cavern. A small Ruined Wall will block your Path further on. Jump over it. You are now in a dead end. No, you’re not. Head towards the Ancient Wall and use your S.M.E.L. Runes with it. The Wall is now Unlocked. Go through and you’re now in a large Cavern with seven Pools. This is where your seven Gems are needed. Use every Gem with every Pool until all the Gems are in place. A Book of Binding will appear in the middle of the Room. TAKE THIS BOOK! Now, make your way back, out of the Cavern, and back into the Karamja southern Jungle.

Now, go to the Bank, and grab some more Food, a Prayer Potion or two, Silverlight, your Golden Bowl, Map, Machete, Hatchet, Bull Roarer, Book of Binding, Armor, and your trusty Weapon. Get back into the southern Jungle and swing your Bull Roarer again. Speak to Gujuo and tell him you have the Bowl. Your 40-42 Prayer is needed here. Gujuo will lead you into a deep Meditation to enchant your Bowl. If you fail, drink a Prayer and Restoration Potion, or head back to the Monastery if you’re 40 Prayer, and try again. When you have successfully enchanted it, search for the Water Spring. It’s southeast of the Triangular Rocks you visited earlier. Use your Machete with one of the Tall Reeds surrounding it and use it with the Spring. You now have Water in your Bowl.


If you like to have things the easy way, go get some Empty Vials. Read through your Book of Binding until you reach the part about Enchanting Vials. Click on the “Enchantious” thing and your Vials should now be enchanted. But it takes two Prayer and Magic Experience Points for every Vial you enchant. Now use your Bowl of Sacred Water with it to fill it up. If you have several, go get more Water from the Spring. These Holy Water Vials are very effective against the Demon.

Go back down into the Caves with the Fire Octagon. Use your Bowl of Water with the Firewall, and you will go through it. Now comes the Demon fighting. Equip your Silverlight or Holy Water Vials (While both of these have been found useful, if you have something in the league of a dragon battle axe or scimitar, use that it'll probably do more damage than Holy Water).Use your Book of Binding with Unglagudu. He will suddenly transform into a Giant Black Demon! Quickly stab it with your Silverlight, or throw your Holy Water Vials at it. Now, unless you’re a very powerful Warrior, (Level 100+) TURN ON PROTECT FROM MELEE!!! The fight is quite easy, because you can drink Prayer and Restoration Potions and eat Food during Combat. Defeat the Demon and speak to Unglagudu. Talk to him about every single thing possible. He should give you some Yommi Seeds and a Spell to Protect you from the Flames, so you can leave and enter he Fire Octagon at will.

Congratulations! You have just completed the first leg of the Quest!

Second Leg of the Quest.

Items Needed: I Suggest you bring doubles of these Items in case you die and need to quickly go back and get them.

2-3 Lockpicks


Machete (if you have access to the Tai Bwo Wannai cleanup, try to get a topaz machete, it helps a little)

Southern Jungle Map

Hatchet (Highly recommended)

Silverlight (Strongly recommended)

Prayer Restore Potions

Armor and Weapons

Food (Sharks HIGHLY recommended!!!)

Bull Roarer


30 Elemental Runes

3 Cosmic Runes


Water filled Vial

Skills Needed:

Able to defeat a high Level Demon (around the 150s)

52 Mining

50 Agility (This is a MINIMUM! Higher is better!)

50 Strength

50 Thieving

At least 43 Prayer recommended

Magic Level high enough to enchant Orbs

45 Herblore

Get all of the Items mentioned above and head back to the Jungle. Go to the Spring and investigate the Water. It will be all Muddy. Swing your Bull Roarer around and speak to Gujuo about this. He will say that the Spring has been corrupted and that you can only get more Underground where the source of the Spring is located. You will need a Potion of Courage, Snake Weed and Ardigal Herbs to make it. Snake Weed can be found southwest of Tai Bwo Wannai by searching the Vines near the Waters. Ardigal is found in one of the Palm Trees near the Ship Dock northeast of Tai Bwo Wannai. Mix these two Herbs together to make the Potion. You will need 45 Herblore to do this. Head back down into the Caves via the Triangular Rocks.

Walk through the Firewall and speak to Unglagudu about this matter. Now, go back through the Passageway behind the Bookcase as before and go through the Gate, the Boulders, the Hard Metal Gate, the Low Wall and the Ancient Wall. You are now back inside the Cave with the seven Pools. There’s a Dark Gate on the Wall to the right of where you entered. Use your Enchant Orb Spell on the Gate to open it. You are now in a Room with Barrels scattered everywhere and a Winch in the middle. If you like, you may smash the Barrels. Inside are various Items, including Throwing Knives, Food, useless Tickets for stuff, Monsters and sometimes the Barrel may explode. Now drink your Potion of Courage and use your Rope with the Winch. Forgot your Rope? Don’t worry, it can be obtained inside of one of the Barrels in the Room. Slowly lower yourself down into the Darkness. You are now on the top of a massive, thin Hill. Do NOT touch the Wizard Hat, (We will come back to this Hat when you are ready to deal with what lies underneath!). Your Agility will be tested here. Jump over the Rock blocking your Path, if you fall you’re going to get massive damage. I was lucky and managed to hang on, but my Agility Level suffered a bit. Keep going down through the Obstacles until you reach, or fall, to the Bottom. Now, get your Prayer ready. You will now have to defeat three Warriors. Their Levels are in the 100s, so be careful. The three Warriors are San Tojalon, Irvig Senay and Ranalph Devere. Use Protect from Melee and quickly take them out. The first Warrior, San Tojalon, is right in front of you when you reach the Bottom of the Agility part. The second is further on, and the 3rd is at the end of the Cavern. Every time you defeat one, it will drop a part of a Crystal. If you haven't noticed already, look at the Mini-Map. The Cavern you are in looks like a Dragon’s Head. Once you have all three Crystal parts, go to where the Dragon’s Horns should be and you will find a Lava Furnace. Use your three Crystals with the Furnace to merge them together. You now have a Heart-Shaped Crystal.

Head toward the Dragon’s Eye, search the Rock there, use your Crystal with it to start it glowing. Return to where Ranalph Devere was and locate a Cave Entrance. It is protected by a Magic Barrier. Use your Heart-Shaped Crystal with the Heart-Shaped Slot beside the Cave Entrance. The Barrier will disappear, and you can go through. In this new Cave, there are Lesser Demons, run through them to the right. You are now in a large Spring which is the Source of the Sacred Water. Try pushing on of the Boulders at the Base of the Water Streams and a Spirit will appear. He will ask you to go kill the Mage protecting this Realm and in return he will let you use the Water Springs. Accept, and get the Dagger from him. WARNING! DO NOT GO KILL THE MAGE! (If you must, go back to the top of the Agility Cliff and try to pick up that Magic Hat. Vyledi will appear, stab him with the Dagger given to you. By doing this makes the Third Leg of the Quest harder.) So instead, get back out of the dreaded Catacombs and go see Unglagudu. Give him the Dagger and in return you get the Holy Force Spell. This will be very useful against the second Demon. While you’re out of the Catacombs, this is a good chance to Bank, top off your Prayer and get more Food. Go back into the Catacombs, past everything, and back to the Water Springs. Push the Boulder again and the Spirit will reappear. Quickly use your Holy Force Spell on it, and it will transform into the Black Demon you defeated earlier! Stab him with your Silverlight to weaken him. Turn on Protect from Melee and take him out. If you run out of Prayer, quickly gulp down a Prayer Potion. When he’s defeated, push the Boulder out of the way. A Clean Spring is revealed. Fill your Golden Bowl if you have it. If not, you can use the Spring up at the Surface. Congratulations, you just completed the Second Leg!

Third Leg of Quest.

Items Needed: I Suggest you bring doubles of these Items in case you die and need to go back and get them quickly.


Southern Jungle Map

Hatchet Better than Black (Mithril, Adamantite, Rune)

Silverlight (Strongly recommended)

Prayer Potions

Armor and Weapons


Bull Roarer

Yommi Seeds that you got earlier

Skills Needed:

Able to defeat a High-Level Demon (around the 150s)

50 Woodcutting

At least 43 Prayer recommended

45 Herblore

Head back to the Surface. If you haven’t yet, fill your Bowl with Water and use the Holy Water with your Yommi Seeds. They will now be Germinated. Look for a Patch of Fertile Ground near the Spring. Use your Yommi Seeds with the Patch of Earth. You may miss and kill the Plant, but you may get more Seeds from Unglagudu. Once you have Planted the Seeds, quickly Water it with your Holy Water. Once it has grown, cut it down with your Hatchet. Then cut off all the Branches, and craft it into a Totem Pole. Now head west, where a Black Totem Pole is located. Use your good Pole with it. The Black Demon will yet again appear. Quickly defeat him using Protect from Melee. Once he’s defeated, replace the Black Totem Pole with your Red One. Now swing your Bull Roarer and Gujuo will Congratulate you. He will give you a Gifted Totem Pole. Return to the Legends Guild and give your Pole and Completed Map to Sir Radimus Erkle. He will Congratulate you and let you Enter the Main Hall. Speak to the Sir Radimus Erkle in there and he will Award you with Experience in four Stats of your choice.

Congratulations, you have completed the Legends Quest!

Extra Notes: In the Guild, White Capes can be purchased for 700 Gold Pieces each, Mithril Seeds for 300 Gold Pieces each and the Right Half of the Dragon Shield, 750,000 Gold Pieces. They also sell Maze and Dusty Keys for one Gold Piece, and of course Silverlights for 75 Gold Pieces each. There’s also a Bank, and in the Basement, Shadow Warriors.

Quests/Lost City

The Lost City Quest is one of the most important quests for members in the MMORPG Old School RuneScape, as it allows the wielding of the first Dragon weapons, Dragon Daggers (can be poisoned to create poisonous daggers), and Dragon Longswords.

The quest is quite easy in comparison to other quests which allow players to wield new dragon weapons (for example, Monkey Madness or Heroes Quest.

Difficulty: Experienced

Length: short

Requirements: Level 31 Crafting Level 36 Woodcutting Must destroy a level 101 spirit

Reward: Access to the lost city of Zanaris and the ability to wield the Dragon longsword and Dragon dagger.

1.Head to the Draynor forests where some experienced warriors are gathered around by a camp fire (just a bit south west from Lumbridge).

2.They won't respond to you except the warrior. Talk to him and fool him into telling you what he and his party are after.

3.He says that they are after some leprechaun a bit north west of all those guys (by a pot spawn). Go west to a tree that say "Chop tree" instead of "Chop down tree". When you cut this tree with your axe, Shamus (the leprechaun)will come out. Talk to him to ask him how to find Zanaris.

4.Prepare for a easy or hard fight (depends on your approach) bring these recommended items: The items you choose from the list depend on your preferred mode of combat: if you wish to melee this spirit, take a silver bar and a sickle mold with you and make a silver sickle on entrana to fight with. (Woohoo that sounds like fun!) for magic: Bolt magic attacks work well. Take some potions (especially prayer and/or a super potion set), depending on your approach. Glory amulet helps some (editor note: I think glory ammy is no longer permitted on Entrana), and of course take good food. If you can fletch a bow, bring the items needed to make one (bowstring, unfinished bow) and also unfinished arrows (arrow shafts with feathers attached or separate, arrow heads that you can fletch with) and put together your ranging equipment once you get there. Since the only way out of the dungeon is through level 31 Wilderness or by teleporting, you may want to bring teleport runes or teleport jewelry (Glory ammy (if allowed), Dueling ring or Games necklace.)

5. Deposit all your weapons and such in the bank except for what I listed. Then head to Port Sarim and talk to the Monks of Entrana. They'll search you and if they find something try to think what it is and go deposit it. Permitted items include runes, arrows (may need to be unfinished), bowstring, unfinished bow, jewelry, potions, capes (some capes, like legends cape, not permitted on Entrana), robes, prayer books, boots, hats, and a knife for fletching. You can craft leather or dragonhide armor on the island if you bring the basic items with you. Once you get to the island go north east to the little bridge and then head west to the dead trees and cave monk. Talk to the monk. Note that once you descend, YOU CAN'T GO BACK UP THE LADDER, so plan to take a teleport out, use teleport jewelry, or risk coming out at level 31 wilderness. It's usually not too risky on a less crowded world.

Go down the ladder and kill some zombies (level 25) until you get a bronze axe. Put your equipment together and equip it if you haven't already. Then run past the greater demons (lvl 92). (If you have a high level friend you could have him kill greeters for a better weapon, but you still need an axe anyway.)

After running past the greeters, look for a big dramen tree with blue swirls in it. If you can't find the dramen tree... well I really hope you can, otherwise go let a greater kill you, lol.

Attempt to cut down the dramen tree. The level 101 Tree spirit will pop out, yell "You must defeat me before you can chop the tree!", and attack you. If you are alone, use some magic attacks if you do not have level 43 prayer, while eating also. (You can also bring materials to make weapons or bows with you.) Many people state that it is possible to safely range the Tree spirit from behind a stand of mushrooms. (Edit: Once you're in the right spot behind the mushrooms, I found it was easy to finish off the spirit with fire bolt. This is the attack I recommend. (and agree with the person below) Range may also work well.) If you start to panic because of low hp, RUN around and try to get the tree between you and the spirit.

(Low Levels Help)

So maybe your only a level 50 guy with at least lvl 17 mage?

In order to do the lost city quest, You need 50 chaos runes and 100 air runes.

When the lvl 101 tree spirit comes out, Its hard to find a place to hide with good defense, You may think mushrooms, But how about the other side?

Look at the picture below, IF you mage, This is the BEST place to hide:

If you have a friend, have him/her stand between you and the spirit while merrily raining down magic attacks on the spirit's head, and you can also range/mage the tree spirit from behind the fungus. Sometimes the spirit can go through your friend for some weird reason. If this happens resort to the second half of Step 8.

(Something that also helps is bringing a high level friend in with you. Try killing most of the spirit and if your friends want to, let them kill the rest of it for you. Then it will die and you can get the branches.)

Once you have defeated the spirit (Congratulations), chop the tree as many times as you want to get branches that will fill your inventory (probably 5 or so is fine, unless you plan to die many times with the staff).

Now teleport out or go into the greater room to use the magic door that leads to the wildy. In either case, get a knife and use it on your branches to make Dramen staffs (do this after getting somewhere safe).

Head east of the starting location in the Lumbridge swamp, wind your way through the swamp till you find a little building (there is farming equipment just inside the door). Wield your Dramen staff and walk in.

Quests/The Lost Tribe

The Goblin Diplomacy quest is required. This quest brings you into contact with the Cave Goblins (the Lost Tribe in question) living below Lumbridge Castle and also involves the mysterious HAM clan (the only NPC clan currently in existence). After finishing the quest, players can access the Dorgeshuun mines. These mines contain iron and silver rocks and one of the goblins there buys both of them so it is a very good place to powermine and still make some money. The mines also provide a shortcut to the Lumbridge slayer caves as well as often being used for the Wanted! quest.

Quests/Monkey Madness

Monkey madness is among the hardest quests in the game. It is by far the longest but one of the most rewarding. In the quest you have to help the King of the gnomes by finding out what happened to his elite fighting group, the 10th guard. The quest leads you to an island inhabited by apes, Ape Atoll. Unfortunately pretty much everything on the island poisons you, this is very annoying, but as you progress further into the quest and after you kill a level 195 jungle demon, you receive 35000 experience in either strength and hitpoints or attack and defense, and the two skills you didn't choose you receive 200000 experience (if you are a pure and you do not want the defense experience, don't talk to the gnome that teleports you to the hangar), you also receive 10k, 2 cut diamonds and the ability to wield the dragon scimitar.

Note: 1K = 1000

Quests/Monk's Friend

In this quest you have to help a monk find a blanket for his son. The monks cannot sleep because of the baby is crying because he doesn't have his blanket. You have to find the blanket to receive a small reward. The blank is located at an underground hideout for thieves. You will have to find the hideout to get the blanket. To find the hide out, you must go near the clock tower near the river near the city of Ardoughne. You will see a circle of stones. When you step in the circle, a ladder will appear. Go down the ladder. Look around for a table with a blanket on it and take it. Return to the monk and give him the blanket. You will receive 8 law ruins, some exp in a skill(I don't know what skill, i forget)and a small party(balloons will fall out of no where, you may pop them like at party petes party hall but there is nothing in them.)

Quests/Mourning's End Part 2

So far the last quest in the ongoing West Ardougne series. This quest allows members to craft death runes.

Quests/Nature Spirit

The Priest in Peril and The Restless Ghost quests are required. Players are advised to take care in the swamp as ghasts do damage, drain prayer points, and rot food. It is also advised to have the amulet of ghostspeak on at all times.

This quest allows access to Mort Myre swamp and the Nature Spirit alter in the swamp, this alter is very useful as it is very close to the Barrows where prayer points are needed and the alter gives a +2 bonus to prayer points. Players also get access to druid pouches (explained during the quest) which allow them to kill ghasts, and blessed silver sickles which prevent the swamp from causing damage. Ghasts give 30 prayer exp when killed and if a player carries the silver sickle and some pouches Mort Myre becomes a lot less dangerous.

Quests/One Small Favour

The Shilo Village quest is required. All you have to do is get some mahogany logs from a Jungle Forester for an antiquities collector. Unfortunately the Jungle Forester in question wants a favor for the logs, they want their axe sharpened and of course the sharpener wants a favor too. This goes on and on until the player gets to the point where they have to beat a high level monster, then they go back and give everybody what they want to eventually return to the collector and hand them their logs. Along the way the player unlocks a glider ride to Feldip Hills but this can only be used by those who have completed the The Grand Tree quest. The best reward from the quest are two lamps which will give 10k exp to any skill above level 30 and a key ring which will hold most of the keys available in the game.

Quests/Plague City

This is a quest in RuneScape 2. In this quest the player will begin to explore the west side of Argougne which is plagued. They can't explore though unless they first make a gas mask so they don't catch the plague. Reward: Teleport to Argougne

Quests/Priest in Peril

Allows players to access the Morytania region of RuneScape and gives them the WolfBane dagger which prevents werewolves from morphing into wolf form.

Quests/Recipe for Disaster

Recipe for Disaster
This was Jagex's 100th quest released, and is the longest and one of the hardest. It is a continuation of Cook's Assistant quest, the first one released by Jagex. It's split into lots of subquests after the initial short quest. These vary in difficulty, from very easy to pretty darn challenging. I'll deal with each subquest individually. Once you've done the first quest bit you can do any of the subquests in any order you want, except for the final part which you can only start once you've finished all the miniquests. There are different rewards for each quest, with the main rewards being the armoured gloves available to purchase in the Culinaromancer's chest. The way it is designed is that more gloves and cooking related weapons are available when you've completed more of the subquests. Very clever on Jagex's part, tricky to explain. Got all that? Good, let's get started.

Part 1: The Cook


Skill Requirements

  • Level 10 Cooking

Quest Requirements

Item Requirements
Fruit blast (you must make this yourself. You can't buy it. Sorry). Ashes. Eye of newt. Greenman's Ale (buy from the Yanille pub). Rotten tomato (buy at the duel arena or near a pillory).

Talk to the cook in the Lumbridge castle kitchen. Agree to help him with his little predicament (about to become a very big one). Gather all the items listed above (make a dirty blast by adding ashes to a fruit blast that you've made). Give them all to the cook. Congratulations! You've completed the extremely arduous (not) first part of Recipe for Disaster.


  • 1 Quest Point
  • An Invitation to a feast

Quests/Recruitment Drive

This quest allows the player to become a member of the Temple Knights of Falador and lets them purchase Initiate armor (consisting of a full helmet, platebody, and platelegs) from Sir Tiffy (put together the armor gives a +14 Prayer bonus). All you have to do in order to join is withstand a series of tests. If at any point you fail a test you will have to start all over again. It is recommended for you people with male characters that you start the quest and then go see a Makeover Mage and turn into a girl. Start the quest before doing this though (if you do you'll get a refund for the 3k at the end, if you do it before starting the quest you won't).



Once you talk to Sir Tiffy to start the trials you will be teleported to a room, once you are done, use the exit portal on the opposite side of the room to go on to the next challenge and keep going like this. Which challenges you get and in what order they are is random. If you fail and start over you will get different challenges as the last time. In every room there will be an NPC who will tell you what to do.

1. Riddles - There are two kinds of riddle rooms, in one you actually have to think, in the other one you just look at the first letter of every sentence for the answer.

2. Patience - Just stand there and do absolutely nothing after the person is done talking to you, after a while they will say you passed.

3. Missing Statues - Right after you enter, let the NPC keep on talking without pressing continue. You get 10 seconds if you didn't press continue. Look around the room at the random statues, there is bronze, silver, and gold. Look which color has 3 statues instead of 4. Now look at the weapons the other colors (the complete sets) are holding, determine which weapon is missing in your 3 statue color. Remember the color and the weapon, press continue and the room will go dark. Now walk to the statue that was missing and touch it to pass.

4. Grain, Chicken, and Fox - The old riddle: get all of them across the bridge without the chicken eating the grain or the fox eating the chicken while you can only carry one at a time. Click on them to pick them up, walk across the bridge, open up your equipment menu and click on them in your weapons slot to drop them. Now for the order: take the chicken across first and drop it on the other side, go back and take the wolf across and on the return trip take the chicken back with you, drop the chicken and pick up the grain, bring the grain to the other side and drop it, now go back and take the chicken across and you're done.

5. Combat Test - Remember when I said start the quest and turn yourself into a girl before doing the trials? If you didn't listen, too bad you fail this one and now you have to start all over. The warrior will say before the fight "No MAN can defeat me" (Lord of the Rings anyone?). And just like in the book, only a girl can win. Guys can do damage but not deal the final blow. He's really easy to beat.

6. Alchemy - The longest puzzle to solve, first go around the room and search every single crate, book, and box you can find, you will need all of it. Then ask for help from the NPC, search the bookcase again for an alchemy book. To do this: [1] take the spade off the table [2] use the spade with the bunsen burner [3] use the metal part of the spade with the stone door in the back of the room [4] use the cupric sulfate, sodium chloride, acetic acid, and a vial of liquid on the stone door to open it [5] use the gypsum with the tin (looks like a cake tin) [6] use a vial of liquid with the tin [7] use the tin with gypsum and liquid in it with the key stuck on the floor [8] use the tin ore powders and the cuplric ore powder on the tin [9] use the tin on the bunsen burner [10] use a bronze wire with the tin to get the key for the wooden door.

Quests/Roving Elves

Part of the ongoing West Ardougne storyline, at the end players receive either a crystal bow or shield (their choice) and they can buy more of either if they want.

Quests/Shilo Village

The inhabitants of Shilo Village are under siege by the undead, give them a hand and beat the ruler of the undead while you're at it would you? This quest gives the player access to Shilo Village which is an excellent place for fly fishing as well as containing a bank very close to the Kharazi Jungle during the Legends Quest. This town also has 7 rocks which can be mined for all gems up to diamond, Duradel (the highest level slayer master), and the start of the One Small Favour quest.

Quests/Spirits of the Elid

This quest is helpful as it allows access to a fountain in the middle of the desert and a statuette that will temporarily restore your hitpoints to above your actual level and still restores prayer. Nardah is a very useful city for banking when training at the Agility Pyramid and when this quest is completed it becomes even more handy. Players training agility can use a bowl on the water fountain and then use it on their empty waterskins to fill them back up. Players who have not completed the quest will notice that the fountain is dry for them.

Quests/Tears of Guthix

This is a relatively short quest for the awesome reward it gives (in my opinion at least). The only hitch is that players need 49 Firemaking and Crafting to complete it. For those of us who had trouble finding the start point of the quest and spend about half an hour searching around for it (like me), it is located in the Lumbridge slayer caves below the swamp (see the Slayer guide for details on the caves). Bring a bullseye lantern (you'll need it for the quest anyway) and a tinderbox. It really helps to have started the The Lost Tribe quest because this allows you to avoid wall beasts (if you haven't started the quest bring a spiny helmet and wear it in the caves).

  • Started The Lost Tribe - All you have to do to get there is enter the secret entrance in the kitchen cellar of Lumbridge Castle and either take the first turn left (automatic wash down the river, won't do any damage) or take the first turn right, mine through the rock (bring a pickaxe) and end up not far from the river-washing spot. Whichever route you took, just go south until you get to a stepping stone with some Giant Frogs on the other side (these are not dangerous) and go across. You should see a cave entrance, go in there.
  • Haven't started The Lost Tribe - Once again, bring a spiny helmet! To get there just head into Lumbridge swamp until you see a ! icon, use a rope on the entrance and go down. From the swamp entrance just go as far southeast in the caves as you can (you have to go off this track for a few seconds to get through the winding passages, don't worry that's ok). Eventually you should see the stepping stone, go across and into the caves.

Once you're in the right cave, follow the path to the climbing rocks and go down. Talk to Juna (NPC snake, not dangerous) to start the quest. Now to make the special bowl: get a pickaxe, a chisel, a sapphire, and a bullseye lantern (unless you were smart and already have one). Go up the rockslide and extinguish your lantern. Now use your sapphire with it and light it again. Use it on one of the light creatures for a (slightly terrifying, if you're afraid of heights close your eyes) trip across the chasm. Once across, mine the rocks and use a chisel on the rock you get to make the bowl. Use your sapphire lantern on a light creature again to get back across. Now extinguish your lantern, use your lens on it and light it again. Go back to Juna to access the Tears of Guthix cave.

Juna will also tell you some interesting stories about how Geilinor (RuneScape) was formed such as the God Wars, Cave Goblins, and some of the ancient civilizations that existed before Zamorak invaded.

The minigame: Once every week you may access the Tears of Guthix minigame (if you're there an hour early too bad for you, you have to wait). This will let you collect tears from the blue walls in the cave, after your time in the cave is up you go outside and drink the tears. Depending on how many tears you got, you get experience in your lowest skill (this is how I got 42 farming). There are only three problems. First is that the green walls will take away tears. The second is that the walls will move around the cave. Figure out your own strategy for dealing with this. By the way, no need to keep clicking on a wall, when you start draining tears from it your character keeps going until you say differently (they also don't stop if the wall goes empty or turns green). The third problem is that every week, you must have either 100k exp (can be spread over all your skills) or 1 quest point more than you had the week before or you won't be allowed into the cave. I prefer to start preparing for any quest I choose on Mondays, go to the cave on Wednesdays, keep training and do a quest over the weekend. This system has worked pretty well for me but you might like something different. I do quests because the more quest points you have, the longer you can stay in the cave.

Quests/Throne of Miscellania

The The Fremennik Trials quest is needed to access the islands of Miscellania and Etceteria. As the name of the quest implies, one of the rewards is your very own kingdom.

Quests/The Tourist Trap

This quest can be started just south of the Shantay Pass and mostly takes place in the desert to bring desert robes, waterskins, and a knife. This quest is required for fletching darts.

Quests/Tree Gnome Village

Tree Gnome Village


This quest guide was written by InsaneBunny9 of JustRS.com.

Description: The tree gnomes are in trouble. General Khazard's forces are hunting them to extinction. Find you way through the hedge maze to the gnomes secret treetop village. Then help the gnomes fight Khazard and retrieve the orbs of protection.

Requirements/Items: 6 Regular logs, ability to kill a lvl 112 enemy.

Starting Location: King Bolren in the middle of the gnomes' maze.

Reward: 11,000 attack experience, ability to use Spirit Trees to teleport, 2 quest points, and a gnome defense amulet.


Get through the gnome maze and talk to King Bolren. He will tell you that the gnomes are in trouble and need help to save them from dying. He tells you that you must return all the orbs to him so they will be safe again. He also tells you to talk to Commander Montai.

Commander Montai will tell that he needs 6 logs. Assuming you have them, give them to him. Talk to him again and he will tell you that he sent gnome trackers into the battlefield but has not heard from them since. Go to the khazard troops and find the three gnomes who will tell you the coordinates. They are:

Height- 4



Now go and fire the ballista. It will ask you for the coordinates. Assuming you get them all right you will hit the target. Now go back to the Khazard Troop's side and climb over the crumbled wall. There you will get attacked. Kill the trooper and go up the ladder. Again, you will be attacked but kill him and open the chest. Inside you will find the orb. Now go talk to Elroy (located right in front of the maze) and he will take you to King Bolren. He now tells you that you must kill the Khazard Warlord to get the final two orbs.

You can find the Khazard Warlord North-West of the battlefield past the lvl 64 wolves. I would recommend using prayer against the Warlord and to bring lots of food. Once you kill him you will receive the final two orbs. Again go back to Elroy, who will take you back to King Bolren.

King Bolren now thanks you and gives you your reward!

- This guide was used with permission from JustRS.com - The community of fellow Runescapers!

(You may copy/modify this guide as long as credit is given to JustRS.com and InsaneBunny9)

Quests/Troll Stronghold

The Death Plateau quest is necessary. High agility is recommended as it saves you from having to run past a couple of ranging trolls. Protect from melee is also recommended as you have to beat a troll well over level 100 (he hits you with what looks like half a tree and knocks you back while doing damage, he can be ranged/maged from some spots though). And you have to run past several trolls during the quest. At the end, when freeing the recruit, make sure that you also free mad Eadgar or you'll have trouble later on when you want to do Eadgar's Ruse. When you have to beat the Troll General: Two can be ranged/maged and one of these can also be hallied.

You reward is a law talisman and the ability to craft law runes. You can only have one law talisman at a time but if you turn your original into a tiara and then go back you'll say you lost it get another one.

Quests/Underground Pass

One of the Ardougne series. Here the player is introduced to the idea of lands beyond West Ardougne and they get a chance to fight the legendary Iban, alleged son of Zamorak. This quest can be very annoying for anybody who only got the minimum requirements in agility and thieving, 50+ thieving is strongly recommended (not least because it saves a trip through a maze) and it is also advised to get the highest agility level possible without dying of boredom (40+ will work). This quest can be very frustrating because there are so many agility obstacles where failing will result in having to walk through about half of the Pass a second time, the random text messages that pop up in the chat window don't really help either. Supposedly anyone who stays in the Pass for a long time will go crazy, the messages of "join us," "kill, destroy," and "Iban will release you..." will certainly push anybody with nerve issues to the edge of their seat.

Some more tips:

  • If you have a reasonable range level, bring range armour, a bow, and some arrows. The three greater demons in the quest can be ranged/maged from the bridges but range works better as earlier on in the quest you will need to face melee monsters and mage armour won't help against those.
  • If you dislike spiders, you'll have to fight a giant one at some point. Play on low detail with the camera up all the way so you won't have to look at it.
  • Bring lobsters or swordfish (sharks if you can afford it), fill up your whole inventory, you're going to need every last one of them.
  • Bring prayer potions!!!


After the Recruitment Drive quest the player became a member of the Temple Knights, however there's been a small problem with the application: You have to be a member of the White Knights of Falador to apply. So to become a member: really help out the white knights, though you already did this in Black Knights' Fortress, you are going to have to do something even more big than stopping a Black Knight invasion.

The main reward for this quest is access to the White Knight's armoury, this armour is about equal to adamant in stats and each piece gives a +1 bonus to prayer. It also contains the only halberd that can be bought outside the elven lands. In order to gain access to all of the equipment, players must rise in the White Knight's ranks. Though if a player of a higher rank first buys the item from the armoury, anybody who has completed the quest can buy it from them and wield it. In order to gain White Knight ranks, players must kill black knights. The best places for this are the Black Knights Fortress and their hangout in the far south part of Taverley Dungeon (Taverley is much preferred).

White Knight ranks and requirements:

1. Novice - 0 kills

2. Peon - 100 kills

3. Page - 200 kills

4. Noble - 400 kills

5. Adept - 800 kills

6. Master - 1600 kills

Quests/Waterfall Quest

This quest is mainly done to gain access to the fire giants in the Waterfall dungeon. They are an ideal training ground for rangers and halberd users. This quest is also required to start the Legends Quest.

Quests/Zogre Flesh Eaters

This quest allows players to fletch and use brutal arrows, which can only be used with ogre bows and do more damage than normal arrows of the same type. This also allows players access to a "cure disease" potoin which may be used in the Tai Bwo Wannai cleanup minigame as well as in the [[Old School RuneScape /Quests/Shades of Mort'ton|Shades of Mort'ton]] quest.

  1. JAGeX's announcement on deceasing holiday drops