Old School RuneScape/Skills/Firemaking

Firemaking is a skill that can be used to light things, whether they be logs or lanterns.

However, firemaking is considered the "worst skill in Runescape". Since there isn't much of a point to firemaking, other than to make fires, players see nothing of value from raising it, thus making many people consider it "the worst skill in Runescape". However, the logs that you can burn give very good exp, thus making it one of the fastest and easiest skills to raise. Most non-members will raise this skill in order to raise their total level or if they have nothing better to do. Members will raise it to level 50 for the famous "Legends Quest" and in order to use bullseye lanterns which are considered the best economic light source in the game.

How to Make Fires


To make a fire, you first of all need a log, which can be done doing the Woodcutting skill. Once you have a log, you need a tinderbox. Tinderboxes can be bought from General Stores scattered across Runescape.

There are two ways of lighting a log. The first way is to click on your tinderbox and use it with the log. Your character will then drop the log and light it. The other method is to drop the log and then right click the log and select the option "light log".

After you light a fire, your character will automatically walk one step to the west if there is room there, otherwise they will step east. It is advised to have a clear path to the west so that you can go on burning logs without having to walk to a different spot all the time.

Log Table


You will need certain levels to burn different types of logs, as explained below.

"Lvl Needed" means level needed to burn logs. "Exp Received" means experience received towards firemaking obtained by successfully lighting those logs.

Tree Lvl Needed Exp Received Notes
Normal Logs 1 40 Normal trees include dead trees and evergreen trees, as they give the same amount of experience.
Oak Logs 15 60
Willow Logs 30 90 Very good exp from these logs, as they are easy to cut.
Teak Logs 35 105 These logs are members only.
Maple Logs 45 135 Although there are no maple trees in free worlds, members can sell maple logs to free players, and free players can light maple logs
Mahogany Logs 50 157.5 These logs are members only.
Yew Logs 60 202.5 These logs are great exp from level 60 to 99.
Magic Logs 75 303.8 These logs are members only.



In members worlds, you can light lanterns to see in the dark. These are used in some dungeons. You also need a level to light certain lanterns.

These items are members only. They are only used to see in dark member dungeons.

  • Level 1 - Torch
  • Level 1 - Candle
  • Level 1 - Black Candle
  • Level 4 - Candle Lantern
  • Level 4 - Black Candle Lantern
  • Level 12 - Oil Lamp
  • Level 26 - Oil Lantern
  • Level 49 - Bullseye Lantern
  • Level 65 - Mining Helmet

Free to Play Training


Here are some ways to raise your firemaking level if you're a free player.

  • Level 1-15 - Burn normal trees. There is a good forest between Lumbridge and Draynor where there are many normal trees.
  • Level 15-30 - Move on to oaks. A good spot is east of Draynor Village's bank.
  • Level 30-60 - Burn willows. These give great exp as they are easy to cut. A good spot is beside Draynor Village's bank, as there are 5 willow trees there. There are also a few trees by Rimmington, this might be a good place since Draynor tends to be very crowded.
  • Level 60-99 - Burn yews. Although you are burning a great source of money, this is the best way to get to 99 firemaking.

Pay to Play Training


Here are some ways to raise your firemaking level if you're a member.

  • Level 1-15 - Burn normal trees. There is a good forest between Lumbridge and Draynor where there are many normal trees.
  • Level 15-30 - Move on to oaks. A good spot is east of Draynor Village's bank.
  • Level 30-60 - Burn willows. These give great exp as they are easy to cut. A good spot is beside Draynor Village's bank, as there are 5 willow trees there.
  • Level 35-60 - Start the Tai Bwo Wannai cleanup minigame, get into the woodcutting area and burn teak and mahogany. These give great firemaking and woodcutting experience and you don't have to worry about wasting fletching materials. They also tend to be deserted as virtually all players see them as useless.
  • 45-60 - Burn maples, go to the far northeast of Seer's Village, just follow the path and you will get to a great spot just before the bridge. This place is nice for burning as there will usually be very few other people so you don't get in anyone's way and the path continues to the west across the bridge for almost 28 paces. This means that you won't have to reset your character every time for a new fire and you can just keep going until your inventory is almost empty.
  • Level 60-99 - Burn yews. Although you are burning a great source of money, this is the best way to get to 99 firemaking.
  • Level 75-99 - Burn magics. However, these logs are hard to get, so it's up to you if you want to burn these logs or yews.