Old School RuneScape/Skills/Woodcutting

Woodcutting is a skill that involves players cutting down different types of trees spread throughout Runescape. For each tree, a woodcutting level is required as well as an axe that can cut trees.

As a player cuts a tree, logs will appear in their inventory. The player can then light the logs with a tinderbox to raise firemaking, fletch them if they are a member, or sell them to players.

Woodcutting is also a very popular skill, as selling the logs given by the higher level trees to other players can give players a great amount of money.

How To Cut Trees


In order to cut a tree, a player will need to have an axe. Axes are also known as 'hatchets' or 'woodcutting axes'. Axes are not to be confused with battleaxes, as battleaxes cannot cut down trees and are only used for combat and not woodcutting.

Axes can be bought from Bob's Axes (located in Lumbridge) or smithed by players using the smithing skill. However, Bob only sells bronze, iron, and steel axes. So players will have to buy the higher level axes from other players or smith the axes themselves.

To cut a tree, players will need certain woodcutting levels. For example, a player will need a woodcutting level of 75 to cut a magic tree. A certain woodcutting level is also required to use a axe. For example, a player will need a woodcutting level of 41 to use a rune axe. Also, if a player wants to wield an axe, then an attack level is required. For example, a player will need an attack level of 40 to wield a rune axe. Players are recommended that they wield their axe so that they have more space in their inventory, allowing them to carry more logs.

To cut a tree, players have to find one and then click on it. Trees are really easy to find, as they are located all over RuneScape. When a player has found a tree, they can then click on it to chop it. A player's woodcutting level affects how fast they will get logs. If a player has a low woodcutting level, then they will get logs at a slow rate. But if a player has a high woodcutting level, then they will get logs at a fast rate. When the player is done cutting, they can then light the logs on fire with a tinderbox to obtain some firemaking experience, fletch them if they are a member, or sell them to other players.

Free players can only cut regular trees, oak trees, willow trees, and yew trees. However, even though there are no maple trees in the free world, members can bring maple logs to free worlds and both free players as well as members can trade them and burn them. These different types of trees are listed below.

Woodcutting Table

Tree type Woodcutting level needed to cut Experience received from cutting tree Notes
Normal 1 25 Normal trees include dead trees and evergreen trees, as they give the same amount of experience. These trees are the most common in RuneScape, as they can be found almost everywhere.
Achey 1 25 These trees are used for the member's only quest Big Chompy Bird Hunting and to make Ogre bows.
Oak 15 37.5 These trees are fairly easy to find. They are nearby many cities, allowing quick access to a bank.
Willow 30 67.5 These trees are found near water.
Teak 35 85 These trees can be found in Tai Bwo Wannai, a village on member servers. Players must pay 100 trading sticks, the currency in Tai Bwo Wannai each time they enter the fenced in area where the trees are.
Maple 45 100 Maple trees can only be found in member servers. However, the logs can be traded in and burned in free worlds by free players and members.
Hollow 45 100 These are found west of Canifis, a village on member servers.
Mahogany 50 125 These can be found in Tai Bwo Wannai, a village on member servers. Players must pay 100 trading sticks, the currency in Tai Bwo Wannai each time they enter the fenced in area where the trees are.
Yew 60 175 These trees give the best experience for free players.
Magic 75 250 These trees are members only. Cutting these trees take time as they give logs at a very slow rate.

Axe Table

Axe type Woodcutting level needed to use Attack level needed to wield Notes
Bronze 1 1 New players receive this axe when they start out. Bronze axes can can be bought from Bob's Axes in Lumbridge. They can also be smithed.
Iron 1 1 Iron axes can be bought from Bob's Axes in Lumbridge. They can also be smithed. Iron axes are better than bronze axes.
Steel 6 5 Steel axes can be bought from Bob's Axes in Lumbridge. They can also be smithed. Steel axes are better than iron axes.
Black 11 10 Black axes cannot be smithed, but are not rare and can be bought from players. Black axes respawn in Ardougne Castle on members servers, though a thieving level of 62 is required to obtain one.
Mithril 21 20 Mithril axes can be bought from players or smithed. Mithril axes are better than black axes.
Adamant 31 30 Adamant axes can be bought from players or smithed. Adamant axes are better than mithril axes.
Rune 41 40 Rune axes can be bought from players or smithed. Rune axes are better than adamant axes.
Dragon 41 60 Dragon axes can be bought from players or obtained by killing Daggonoth Kings, level 302 monsters. These axes are members only. Their street value is 2,500,000 to 3,000,000 gp. The dragon axe is no better than the rune axe as it chops at exactly the same speed, which has been confirmed by Jagex.

Jungles And Machetes


Members don't have to just cut trees. They can also cut small jungles in and around the small village Tai Bwo Wannai. Cutting down jungles is also part of the mini-game Tai Bwo Wannai Clean Up.



To cut a jungle, players cannot use an axe. Instead, they need a machete. However, in Tai Bwo Wannai, the currency is not gp, but instead 'trading sicks'. These sticks can be obtained by killing the monsters on Karmaja or by doing favors for the villagers.

To buy a machete, players will need trading sticks. There are 4 different machetes, each one having a different price. The normal machete can be bought from the general store in the village, while the other 3 have to be bought from the NPC named Gabooty. A player can trade with him to see his store. He is usually located in the center of the village. Machetes can also be wielded at any level, and a woodcutting level is not needed to use them.

Machete Table

Machete name Price in store Notes
Machete 60 gp This is the 'worst' machete as it is the slowest of the four machetes. It can be bought from Tai Bwo Wannai's general store.
Opal machete 600 trading sticks This is an average speed machete. It can be bought from Gabooty's Jungle Store.
Jade machete 1200 trading sticks This is an average speed machete. It can be bought from Gabooty's Jungle Store.
Red topaz machete 2400 trading sticks This is the 'best' machete as players cut jungles fast with this machete. It can also be bought from Gabooty's Jungle Store.



There are three different kinds of jungles. There are light jungles, medium jungles, and dense jungles. When players cut a jungle, they receive no logs, unlike cutting trees. However, cutting jungles for long periods of time will be boring, but players can receive better experience from cutting jungles for an hour than cutting a yew tree for an hour.

Jungle Table

Jungle type Woodcutting level needed to cut jungle Experience received from cutting jungle
Light 10 32
Medium 20 55
Dense 35 80



Members can also make canoes. Canoes can be used as a faster method of transportation. Canoes can be used to travel on the River Lum, which goes from Lumbridge all the way to level 35 Wilderness. However, a certain woodcutting level is needed to cut the trees that make the canoes.

How To Make Canoes


To make a canoe, members have to find a canoe tree. These trees can be found at canoe stations. These stations are located in the following places.

  • Lumbridge: On the east side of the river a bit south of the house where Goblins respawn.
  • Champions Guild: On the east side of the river west of the wheat field.
  • Barbarian Village: South of the eastern bridge on the east side of the river.
  • Edgeville: On the east side of the river near the guard post.
  • Level 35 Wilderness: At the lake south of where the Moss Giants. Players cannot go south from this station.

When the player has found a canoe tree at one of these stations they must then cut the tree down. The player then has to click on the fallen tree and select what type of canoe they want to make. When they've made the canoe they want, they then can click on the canoe to push it in the river. When in the river, the player can then click on the canoe and select where they want to go.

Canoes can only go to a certain number of stations away. Higher level canoes can go farther than the lower level canoes. It's recommended that players make the highest canoe they can make.

Canoe Table

Canoe type Woodcutting level needed to make Experience received from making canoe Notes
Log 12 30 Can travel to one station away from where the player made it. Cannot enter the wilderness.
Dugout 27 60 Can travel to one station away from where the player made it. Cannot enter the wilderness.
Stable dugout 42 90 Can travel to one station away from where the player made it. Cannot enter the wilderness.
Waka 57 150 Can travel to any station

Random Events


Random events are events that happen at random times. They were introduced to stop autoers, or people who use a program to do their work. Some random events include NPCs wanting players to do a task for them and rewarding them if they are successful or a monster that will attack the player. In woodcutting, there quite a few of random events.

  • Tree Spirits: While cutting trees, a Tree Spirit may appear and will begin attacking a player. The combat level of the spirit depends on your level, but it will always be higher then the player's combat level. The Tree Spirit's combat level varies from level 14 to 170. The player can either kill it or run away from it. If a player kills a Tree Spirit, it can drop some axes, seeds for members, bananas, runes or nothing.
  • Axe Splitting: While cutting trees, the player's axe might split, causing the axe head to fly off. The head will land somewhere nearby, usually 3 to 10 squares away. When this happens, the player has to find the axe head quickly before someone else sees it and grabs it. When the player has found the axe head, they can use it with their handle to put the axe back together.
  • Nests: If the player is a member, a nest may fall out of the tree they are cutting. They can either pick up the nest and search it or just leave it on the ground, though it is recommended that the player search it. When the player searches it, they will be given a random item, such as a gem, jewelry, some gp, or even a tree seed that can be used for farming. If the player's herblore level is 81, they can use the nest with a pestle and mortar to crush it and make a Saradomin Brew. If their herblore level is not 81, then the player can either put the nest in their bank or drop it.
  • Ents: A tree can also turn into an ent. Players can notice this if the tree they are cutting starts shaking and has an angry face somewhere on it's trunk. As soon the tree starts shaking, players must walk away and wait for the tree to transform back into it's original state. If the player keeps cutting the tree, the ent will break the axe. To fix it, players will have to take the axe back to Bob, the owner of Bob's Axes, located in Lumbridge, to get it fixed for a price. Axe fixing costs:
  • Bronze: Free
  • Iron: Free
  • Steel: Free
  • Black: 10 gp
  • Mithril: 18 gp
  • Adamant: 43 gp
  • Rune: 427 gp
  • Dragon: 1,800 gp

Making Money


Woodcutting may seem like a very boring skill, but it is also a very profitable skill. Selling logs to players is a great way to make excellent money.

If players wish to sell their logs instead of burning them, it is recommended that they sell willow logs and up. Normal logs and oak logs are not bought often and are not worth much money. However, selling logs to a general store is not recommended, as general stores give you small prices. Players should sell their logs to other players, especially members.

All Logs have a 'street price'. A street price in RuneScape is the price which players buy items for. Log street prices are listed below. The logs that are not in this list are not worth selling or buying.

  • Willow logs: 30 gp each.
  • Maple logs: 100 to 200 gp each.
  • Yew logs: 250 to 300 gp each.
  • Magic logs: 800 to 1000 gp each.

It is important to remember that magic logs are members only. It is also important to note that prices change over time.

Maple trees can only be found in member areas but the logs can be bought and sold in free servers

The best logs to sell are yews logs as there is a large demand for these logs and they can be sold for an excellent profit. However, it is recommended that players cut yews at level 76 woodcutting, because at this level players obtain yews faster. Magic logs are not recommended to sell as they take to long to cut. Willow logs are also good logs to sell.

The best place to sell or buy logs is in or around Draynor Village's bank. Falador's banks and Varrock's banks as well as the center are also good places for buying or selling logs. Members can also find good deals in and around the Seer's bank.

Free To Play Training


Here are some ways to raise a player's woodcutting level if they are a free player.

  • Level 1 to 15 - Cut normal trees. There is a great forest between Lumbridge and Draynor where there are many normal trees. This is an excellent spot to get to level 15. Another good spot is South of Varrock where there are also many normal trees.
  • Level 15 to 30 - Move on to oak trees. A good spot is east of Draynor Village's bank.
  • Level 30 to 76 - Cut willow trees. While it is a long time until players start cutting yews, it is recommended they stay with willows as the logs are given at a quick rate. A good spot is beside Draynor Village's bank, as there are 5 willow trees there, though it is often crowded.
  • Level 60 to 99 - Cut yew trees. A good spot is behind Varrock castle, where there are 3 yew trees. However, this will be slow and players might become bored very quickly. Cutting willow trees at this level is recommended as players get better experience from them.
  • Level 76 to 99 - Cut yew trees. A good spot is behind Varrock castle, where there are 3 yew trees. However, cutting willow trees give players slightly better experience, so it's up to the player what they want to cut.

Pay To Play Training


Here are some ways to raise a player's woodcutting level if they are a member.

  • Level 1 to 15 - Cut normal trees. There is a great forest between Lumbridge and Draynor where there are many normal trees. This is an excellent spot to get to level 15. Another good spot is South of Varrock where there are also many normal trees.
  • Level 15 to 30 - Move on to oak trees. A good spot is east of Draynor Village's bank.
  • Level 30 to 76 - Cut willow trees. While it is a long time until players start cutting yews, it is recommended they stay with willows as the logs are given at a quick rate. A good spot is beside Draynor Village's bank, as there are 5 willow trees there, though it is often crowded. Another good spot is northwest of Seer's Village where there are 6 willow trees.
  • Level 60 to 76 - Cut maple trees. There are 4 just north of Seer Village's bank and even more along the road to Relekka. These are great spots to get to level 76.
  • Level 76 to 99 - Cut yew trees. A good place is south of the flax field south of Seer's Village. Another good spot is behind Varrock Castle.
  • Level 85 to 99 - Cut magic trees. A good place is northwest of the Legend's Guild at the Sorcerer's Tower. There are also a few near the Mage Training Arena and in the elven lands by Lletya. However, since it takes a long time to get logs from these trees, it is recommended that players cut yew trees until level 99.

These links are related in some way to woodcutting.





These quests give woodcutting xp upon completion.

  • Recipe for Disaster - 20,000 xp, plus 1,500 xp if the player had done a side quest, involving them saving Skrach Uglogwee.