Category:Shelf:Video game development

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Video game development

Books on this shelf deal with video game development.

For books specific to the design of games, see Shelf:Game design.

Pages in category "Shelf:Video game development"

More recent additions More recent modifications
  1. Create Your Own Sim Games
  2. DarkBASIC Programming
  3. Beyond Blender Render
  4. Guide to the Godot game engine
  5. FPI Script
  6. Learning C With Game Concepts
  7. Programming Text Adventures In Basic
  8. ZZT-OOP
  9. Blender Game Engine for Morons
  10. Doom Modding
  1. Doom Modding
  2. Roblox Game Development
  3. Blender Game Engine for Morons
  4. Game Creation with the Unity Game Engine
  5. Guide to Game Development
  6. Learning C With Game Concepts
  7. Guide to the Godot game engine
  8. PyGame Guide
  9. Cross-Platform Game Programming with gameplay3d
  10. Create Your Own Sim Games

The following 32 pages are in this category, out of 32 total.