DarkBASIC Programming

Learn how to Program DarkBASIC

Started By - Jonathan Skinner

Written By - Jonathan Skinner & Others
Credit is appreciated when using

Authors and acknowledgements

  • Jonathan Skinner aka Dbtutor - Wrote most of this book
  • Robert Horning - For some formatting contribution
  • TDK_MAN - For the file manager function off his site http://www.computechtenerife.com/
  • Samji - Corrected second mathematics example in Day 9, Lesson 4
  • All those unnamed formatters
  • A reader who fixed a random number problem, great stuff!
  • Thank you everyone who posts comments on the discussions section



DarkBASIC Programming is the first ever Wikibook on DarkBASIC, an open source BASIC programming language for creating Windows applications and games.

You'll go from Hello World, to computing a text adventure, to making a simple first-person shooter (when the book is eventually finished).

Don't worry it's easy! The style is easy for beginners to DarkBASIC & programming.

Before I start, I'd like to thank The Game Creator's forum users for compliments, rants & comments on this book.

Table of contents


Some lessons may be incomplete or not done at all. If you feel you're up to it contribute!!