Category:Books to be merged

These are books that are suggested to be merged with another book.

Use {{merge}}, {{mergeto}} and {{mergefrom}}.

Pages in category "Books to be merged"

More recent additions More recent modifications
  1. Digital Electronics/Printable version
  2. Cryptography/Print version
  3. Oracle Database/Print version
  4. MySQL/Print version
  5. PHP Programming/Print version
  6. Electronics/Print Version
  7. Using Wikibooks/Print version
  8. Algebra/Chapter 16/Probability
  9. Calculus
  10. Guide to Photographic Gear
  1. Transportation Deployment Casebook/The Life Cycle of the Interstate Highway System
  2. Introduction to Software Engineering/Print version
  3. Number Theory/Irrational, Rational, Algebraic, And Transcendental Numbers
  4. Using Wikibooks/Print version
  5. Learn Electronics
  6. Java Programming/RMI-IIOP
  7. PHP Programming/Get Apache and PHP
  8. PHP Programming/formatting notes
  9. GRUB Installation After Windows Installation
  10. Windows Programming

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 253 total.

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