(c. 2 million native speakers)
Словенски лажни пријатели со македонскиот јазик
белина |
- is a complete false friend for about 46 million native speakers of Belarusian, Polish;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 37 million native speakers of Ukrainian;
- is a true friend for about 275.5 million native speakers of Russian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Czech.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘whiteness’ is shared by R. белизна, Ukr. білизна, Cr. bjelina, Bo. bjelina, Sb. белина, Bg. белина.
- The meaning ‘linen, laundry’ (пресвлека) is attested in Blr. бялізна, Ukr. білизна, Pol. bielizna.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Sln.]
брак |
- is a complete false friend for about 75 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Polish;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 258 million native speakers of Russian, Bulgarian;
- is a true friend for about 17.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘marriage’ is shared by R. брак, Cr. brak, Bo. brak, Sb. брак, Bg. брак.
- The meaning ‘defect, flaw’ (мана) is attested in R. брак, Ukr. брак, Pol. brak.
- The meaning ‘rejects, refuse, waste’ (шкарт, отфрлена стока) is attested in R. брак, Ukr. брак, Pol. brak, Bg. брак.
- The meaning ‘lack, want, shortage’ (скудност, недостиг) is attested in Ukr. брак, Pol. brak.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln.]
век |
- has additional meanings in the language of about 48 million native speakers of Polish, Czech;
- does not have all its Macedonian meanings in the mother tongue of about 17.5 million speakers of Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian;
- is a true friend for about 260 million native speakers of Russian, Slovenian, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘age, epoch’ is shared by R. век, Pol. wiek, Cz. věk, Sln. vek, Bg. век.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘century’ is shared by R. век, столетие, Pol. wiek, Cz. věk, Sln. vek, Cr. vijek, Bo. vijek, Sb. век, Bg. век.
- The meaning ‘age (of a person)’ (возраст) is attested in Pol. wiek, Cz. věk.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk.]
вешт |
- is a complete false friend for about 312 million native speakers of Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian;
- is a true friend for about 19.5 million native speakers of Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Belarusian, Ukrainian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘clever, diligent’ is shared by Sln. vešč, Cr. vješt, Bo. vješt, Sb. вешт.
- The meaning ‘message’ (вест) is attested in Pol. wieść.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
враг |
- The Macedonian meaning ‘enemy’ is shared by R. враг, Blr. вораг, Ukr. ворог, Pol. wróg, Bg. враг.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘devil, demon’ is shared by Sln. vrag, Cr. vrag, Bo. vrag, Sb. враг.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘slyboots, smartie’ is unique.
- The meaning ‘murderer’ (убиец) is attested in Cz. vrah, Slk. vrah.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
вреден |
- is a complete false friend for about 307.5 million native speakers of Russian, Polish, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 8 million native speakers of Bulgarian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Belarusian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘able, clever’ is shared by Bg. вреден.
- There is also Macedonian meaning ‘worthy’.
- The meaning ‘harmful’ (штетен) is attested in R. вредный, Bg. вреден.
- The meaning ‘precious’ (драгоцен) is attested in Sln. vreden, Cr. vrijedan, Bo. vrijedan, Sb. вредан.
- The meaning ‘nasty, repulsive’ (гаден, одвратен) is attested in Pol. wredny.
- The meaning ‘insidious, deceitful’ (фалшив, лажан, лукав) is attested in Pol. wredny.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
година |
- is a complete false friend for about 349 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak;
- is a true friend for about 25.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Slovenian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘year’ is shared by Cr. godina, Bo. godina, Sb. година, Bg. година.
- The meaning ‘hour’ (час) is attested in Blr. гадзіна, Ukr. година, Pol. godzina, Cz. hodina, Slk. hodina.
- The meaning ‘time, hour (poet.)’ (време, час) is attested in R. година, Blr. гадзіна, час, Ukr. година, час, Pol. godzina, czas, Cz. hodina, čas, Slk. hodina, čas.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
дворец |
- is a complete false friend for about 75 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Polish;
- is a true friend for about 283.5 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Czech, Slovak.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘palace’ is shared by R. дворец, Blr. дварэц, Cr. dvorac, Bo. dvorac, Sb. дворац, Bg. дворец.
- The meaning ‘railway station’ (железничка станица) is attested in Ukr. двірець, Pol. dworzec.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Sln.]
диња |
- is a complete false friend for about 46 million native speakers of Polish, Bulgarian;
- is a true friend for about 306.5 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘sweet melon’ is shared by R. дыня, Ukr. диня, Sln. dinja, Cr. dinja, Bo. dinja, Sb. диња.
- The meaning ‘watermelon’ (лубеница) is attested in Bg. диня.
- The meaning ‘pumpkin’ (тиква) is attested in Pol. dynia.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk.]
Дунав |
- is a complete false friend for about 2 million native speakers of Slovenian;
- is a true friend for about 329.5 million native speakers of Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘Danube’ is shared by R. Дунай, Pol. Dunaj, Cz. Dunaj, Slk. Dunaj, Cr. Dunaj, Bo. Dunaj, Sb. Дунај, Bg. Дунав.
- The meaning ‘Vienna’ (Виена) is attested in Sln. Dunaj.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo.]
жена |
- does not have all its Macedonian meanings in the mother tongue of about 333 million speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish;
- is a true friend for about 43.5 million native speakers of Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘woman’ is shared by Ukr. жінка, Cz. žena, Slk. žena, Sln. žena, ženska, Cr. žena, Bo. žena, Sb. жена, Bg. жена.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘wife’ is shared by R. жена, Blr. жонка, Pol. żona, Cz. žena, Slk. žena, Sln. žena, Cr. žena, Bo. žena, Sb. жена, Bg. жена.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
живот |
- is a complete false friend for about 39 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Slovenian;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 296 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Polish;
- is a true friend for about 41.5 million native speakers of Kashubian, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘life’ is shared by R. живот (arch.), жизнь, Blr. жывот (arch.), жыццё, Pol. żywot, życie, Ka. żëwot, żëcé, Cz. život, Slk. život, Cr. život, Bo. život, Sb. живот, Bg. живот.
- The meaning ‘belly, body’ (стомак) is attested in R. живот, Blr. жывот, Ukr. живіт, Pol. brzuch, żywot, Sln. život.
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
завод |
- is a complete false friend for about 38 million native speakers of Polish;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 10 million native speakers of Czech;
- does not have all its Macedonian meanings in the mother tongue of about 287.5 million speakers of Russian, Czech, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘factory, works’ is shared by R. завод, Cz. závod, Bg. завод.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘institute’ is shared by Sln. zavod, Cr. zavod, Bo. zavod, Sb. завод.
- The meaning ‘contest’ (натпреварување) is attested in Cz. závod.
- The meaning ‘occupation, profession, trade’ (занимање, струка) is attested in Pol. zawód.
- The meaning ‘disappointment’ (разочарување) is attested in Pol. zawód.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk.]
заод |
- is a complete false friend for about 33.5 million native speakers of Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 40 million native speakers of Polish, Slovenian;
- is a true friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘sunset’ is shared by R. заход, Pol. zachód, Sln. zahod.
- The meaning ‘west’ (запад) is attested in Pol. zachód, Sln. zahod.
- The meaning ‘toilet’ (клозет, нужник) is attested in Cz. záchod, Slk. záchod, Cr. zahod, Bo. zahod, Sb. заход.
- The meaning ‘trouble, effort’ (труд, мака, напор) is attested in Pol. zachód.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo.]
запомни |
- is a complete false friend for about 48 million native speakers of Polish, Czech;
- is a true friend for about 268 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Slovenian, Bulgarian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Ukrainian, Slovak, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘to memorize’ is shared by R. запомнить, Blr. запомніць, Sln. zapomniti, Bg. запомня.
- The meaning ‘to forget’ (заборава) is attested in Pol. zapomnieć, Cz. zapomenout.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
збор |
- is a complete false friend for about 252 million native speakers of Russian, Slovenian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘word’ is unique.
- The meaning ‘assembly’ (собир, состанок) is attested in R. сбор, Sln. zbor.
- The meaning ‘collecting, collection’ (збирка) is attested in R. сбор.
- The meaning ‘choir’ (хор) is attested in Sln. zbor.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Cr., Bo., Sb., Bg.]
зрак |
- is a complete false friend for about 33.5 million native speakers of Belarusian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian;
- is a true friend for about 10 million native speakers of Serbian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘ray, beam’ is shared by Sb. зрак.
- The meaning ‘air’ (воздух) is attested in Sln. zrak, Cr. zrak, Bo. zrak.
- The meaning ‘eyesight’ (вид) is attested in Blr. зрок, Cz. zrak, Slk. zrak.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
игра |
- has additional meanings in the language of about 351 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian;
- does not have all its Macedonian meanings in the mother tongue of about 330.5 million speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian;
- is a true friend for about 8 million native speakers of Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘to play (a game)’ is shared by R. играть, Ukr. грати, Pol. grać, Cz. hrát, Slk. hrať, Sln. igrati, Cr. igrati, Bo. igrati, Sb. играти, Bg. играя.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘to play (theatre)’ is shared by R. играть, Blr. іграць, Pol. grać, Cz. hrát, Slk. hrať, Sln. igrati, Bg. играя.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘to dance’ is shared by Blr. іграць, Pol. grać, Bo. igrati, Sb. играти, Bg. играя.
- The meaning ‘to play (music)’ (свири) is attested in R. играть, Blr. іграць, Ukr. грати, Pol. grać, Cz. hrát, Slk. hrať, Sln. igrati.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
јагода |
- is a complete false friend for about 288 million native speakers of Russian, Polish;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 18 million native speakers of Czech, Slovak, Slovenian;
- is a true friend for about 25.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘strawberry’ is shared by Cz. jahoda, Slk. jahoda, Sln. jagoda, Cr. jagoda, Bo. jagoda, Sb. јагода, Bg. ягода.
- The meaning ‘berry’ (зрно) is attested in R. ягода, Pol. jagoda, Cz. jahoda, Slk. jahoda, Sln. jagoda.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo.]
крај |
- is a complete false friend for about 38 million native speakers of Polish;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 338.5 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian;
- does not have all its Macedonian meanings in the mother tongue of about 274 million speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Czech, Slovak.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘end’ is shared by Ukr. край, Sln. kraj, Cr. kraj, Bo. kraj, Sb. крај, Bg. край.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘region’ is shared by R. край, Blr. край, Ukr. край, Cz. kraj, Slk. kraj, Sln. kraj, Cr. kraj, Bo. kraj, Sb. крај, Bg. край.
- The meaning ‘country’ (земја) is attested in Ukr. край, Pol. kraj.
- The meaning ‘edge’ (раб, ивица) is attested in R. край, Blr. край, Ukr. край, Cz. kraj, Slk. kraj, Sln. kraj, Cr. kraj, Bo. kraj, Sb. крај, Bg. край.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
лето |
- is a complete false friend for about 2 million native speakers of Slovenian;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 304 million native speakers of Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak;
- is a true friend for about 70.5 million native speakers of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘summer’ is shared by R. лето, Blr. лета, Ukr. літо, Pol. lato, Cz. léto, Slk. leto, Cr. ljeto, Bo. ljeto, Sb. лето, Bg. лято.
- The meaning ‘year (in the sg.)’ (година) is attested in Sln. leto.
- The meaning ‘year (in the plural), e.g. 30 years’ (година (30 години)) is attested in R. лето (30 лет), Pol. lato (30 lat), Cz. léto (30 lét), Slk. leto (30 let), Sln. leto (30 let).
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
лист |
- is a complete false friend for about 38 million native speakers of Polish;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 51.0 million native speakers of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Kashubian, Slovak;
- does not have all its Macedonian meanings in the mother tongue of about 50,000 speakers of Kashubian;
- is a true friend for about 287.5 million native speakers of Russian, Czech, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘sheet of paper’ is shared by R. лист, Blr. ліст, аркуш, Ukr. лист, Cz. list, Slk. list, Sln. list, Cr. list, Bo. list, Sb. лист, Bg. лист.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘leaf’ is shared by R. лист, Blr. ліст, Ukr. лист, Ka. lëst, Cz. list, Slk. list, Sln. list, Cr. list, Bo. list, Sb. лист, Bg. лист.
- The meaning ‘letter’ (писмо) is attested in Blr. ліст, пісьмо, Ukr. лист, Pol. list, Ka. lëst, Slk. list.
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
листопад |
- is a complete false friend for about 55,000 native speakers of Upper Sorbian;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 101 million native speakers of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovenian, Croatian;
- is a true friend for about 275.5 million native speakers of Russian, Slovak, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘falling of leaves’ is shared by R. листопад, Blr. лістапад, Ukr. листопад, Pol. listopad, Cz. listopad, Slk. listopad, Sln. listopad, Cr. listopad, Bo. listopad, Sb. листопад, Bg. листопад.
- The meaning ‘October’ (also октомври) is attested in Cr. listopad.
- The meaning ‘November’ (ноември) is attested in Blr. лістапад, Ukr. листопад, Pol. listopad, USo. listopad, Cz. listopad, Sln. listopad.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo.]
луле |
- has additional meanings in the language of about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
- is a true friend for about 33.5 million native speakers of Belarusian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Polish.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘tobacco pipe’ is shared by R. люлька (редко), трубка, Blr. люлька, Cr. lula, Bo. lula, Sb. лула, Bg. лула.
- The meaning ‘cradle’ (лулка) is attested in R. люлька.
[NB: No information yet for Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln.]
маж |
- does not have all its Macedonian meanings in the mother tongue of about 313.5 million speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Polish, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian;
- is a true friend for about 63 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘man’ is shared by Ukr. муж, Cz. muž, Slk. muž, Sln. mož, moški, Bg. мъж.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘husband’ is shared by R. муж, Blr. муж, Ukr. муж, чоловік, Pol. mąż, Cz. muž, Slk. muž, Sln. mož, Cr. muž, Bo. muž, Sb. муж, Bg. мъж.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
мајка |
- is a complete false friend for about 258 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 8 million native speakers of Bulgarian;
- does not have all its Macedonian meanings in the mother tongue of about 17.5 million speakers of Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Ukrainian, Polish, Slovenian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘mother’ is shared by Cr. majka, Bo. majka, Sb. мајка, Bg. майка.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘dam, female animal’ is shared by Bg. майка.
- The meaning ‘gym shirt’ (кошула) is attested in R. майка, Blr. майка.
- The meaning ‘nut (to screw on a bolt)’ (мутер, заврток) is attested in Bg. майка.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk.]
маса |
- The Macedonian meaning ‘table’ is shared by Bg. маса.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘mass’ is shared by R. масса, Blr. маса, Ukr. маса, Pol. masa, Cz. masa, Slk. masa, Sln. masa, Cr. masa, Bo. masa, Sb. маса, Bg. маса.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
матка |
- is a complete false friend for about 54 million native speakers of Polish, Czech, Slovak;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 258 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian;
- is a true friend for about 45 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Bulgarian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘womb, uterus’ is shared by R. матка, Blr. матка, Ukr. матка, Bg. матка.
- The meaning ‘mother’ (мајка) is attested in Blr. матка, Pol. matka, Cz. matka, Slk. matka.
- The meaning ‘dam, female animal’ (мајка, женско) is attested in R. матка, Blr. матка, Pol. matka.
- The meaning ‘nut (to screw on a bolt)’ (мутер, заврток) is attested in Cz. matka.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
меч |
- The Macedonian meaning ‘sword’ is shared by R. меч, Blr. меч, Ukr. меч, Cz. meč, Bg. меч.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘match, game’ is shared by Pol. mecz, Cr. meč, Bo. meč, Sb. меч.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Slk., Sln.]
нагло |
- The Macedonian meaning ‘vehement, hasty’ is shared by Slk. náhly, Sln. nagel, Cr. nagao, Bo. nagao, Sb. нагао.
- The meaning ‘sudden’ (одненадеж, наеднаш) is attested in Blr. наглы (reg.), раптоўны, Ukr. наглий, Pol. nagły, Cz. náhlý, Slk. náhly, Sln. nagel, Cr. nagao, Bo. nagao, Sb. нагао.
- The meaning ‘naughty’ (дрзок, безобразен) is attested in R. наглый, Ukr. нахабний, наглий, Bg. нагъл.
- The meaning ‘fast, quick’ (брз, пргав) is attested in Sln. nagel.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
недела |
- The Macedonian meaning ‘week’ is shared by R. неделя, Cz. týden, neděle, Bo. nedjelja, sedmica, Sb. недеља, седмица.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘Sunday’ is shared by Blr. нядзеля, Ukr. неділя, Pol. niedziela, Cz. neděle, Slk. nedeľa, Sln. nedelja, Cr. nedjelja, Bo. nedjelja, Sb. недеља, Bg. неделя.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
пара |
- is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 83 million native speakers of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish;
- is a true friend for about 43.5 million native speakers of Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘steam’ is shared by Blr. пара, Ukr. пара, Pol. para, Cz. pára, Slk. para, Sln. para, Cr. para, Bo. para, Sb. пара, Bg. пара.
- The meaning ‘pair’ (чифт, двајца) is attested in R. пара, Blr. пара, Ukr. пара, Pol. para.
- The meaning ‘a couple of, some’ (неколку) is attested in R. пара, Blr. пара, Ukr. пара, Pol. parę.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
пладне |
- is a complete false friend for about 37 million native speakers of Ukrainian;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 46.0 million native speakers of Belarusian, Polish, Kashubian;
- is a true friend for about 293.5 million native speakers of Russian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘noon’ is shared by R. полдень, Blr. поўдзень, Pol. południe, Ka. pôłnié, Cz. poledne, Slk. poludnie, Sln. poldan, Cr. podne, Bo. podne, Sb. подне, Bg. пладне.
- The meaning ‘south’ (југ) is attested in Blr. поўдзень, Ukr. південь, Pol. południe, Ka. pôłnié.
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
плот |
- The Macedonian meaning ‘body, flesh’ is shared by R. плоть, Bg. плът.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘fence’ is shared by Pol. płot, Cz. plot, Sln. plot, Cr. plot, Bo. plot, Sb. плот.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk.]
повест |
- is a complete false friend for about 100.5 million native speakers of Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian;
- is a true friend for about 266 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Bulgarian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Serbian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘novelette’ is shared by R. повесть, Blr. аповесць, Bg. повест.
- The meaning ‘novel’ (роман) is attested in Ukr. повість, Pol. powieść.
- The meaning ‘history’ (историја) is attested in Cr. povijest, Bo. povijest.
- The meaning ‘fame, reputation’ (глас) is attested in Cz. pověst, Slk. povesť.
- The meaning ‘legend’ (приказна, предание) is attested in Cz. pověst, Slk. povesť, Sln. povest.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
покој |
- is a complete false friend for about 46 million native speakers of Belarusian, Polish;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 266.0 million native speakers of Russian, Kashubian, Czech, Slovak;
- is a true friend for about 20 million native speakers of Slovenian, Serbian, Bulgarian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Ukrainian, Croatian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘quiet’ is shared by R. покой, Ka. pòkùj, Cz. pokoj, Slk. pokoj, Sln. pokoj, Sb. покој, Bg. покой.
- The meaning ‘room’ (соба) is attested in R. покой (arch.), комната, Blr. пакой, Pol. pokój, Cz. pokoj.
- The meaning ‘peace’ (мир) is attested in Pol. pokój, Ka. pòkùj, Slk. pokoj.
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo., Bo.]
полноќ |
- has additional meanings in the language of about 83 million native speakers of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish;
- is a true friend for about 293.5 million native speakers of Russian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘midnight’ is shared by R. полночь, Blr. поўнач, Ukr. північ, Pol. północ, Cz. půlnoc, Slk. polnoc, Sln. polnoč, Cr. ponoć, Bo. ponoć, Sb. поноћ, Bg. полунощ.
- The meaning ‘north’ (север) is attested in Blr. поўнач, Ukr. північ, Pol. północ.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
проба |
- does not have all its Macedonian meanings in the mother tongue of about 258 million speakers of Russian, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘probe’ is shared by R. проба, Bg. проба.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘to test’ is unique.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Cz., Slk., Sln., Cr., Bo., Sb.]
(на)право |
- is a complete false friend for about 349.0 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Kashubian, Czech, Slovak;
- is a true friend for about 25.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Slovenian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘straight on’ is shared by Cr. pravo, Bo. pravo, Sb. право, Bg. (на) право.
- The meaning ‘to the right’ ((на) десно) is attested in R. направо, Blr. направа, Ukr. направо, Pol. na prawo, Ka. w prawo, w prawą, Cz. napravo, Slk. napravo.
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
просто |
- has additional meanings in the language of about 83 million native speakers of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish;
- is a true friend for about 293.5 million native speakers of Russian, Kashubian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘simple, simply’ is shared by R. просто, Blr. проста, Ukr. просто, Pol. prosto, Ka. prosto, Cz. prostě, Slk. proste, Sln. prosto, Cr. prosto, Bo. prosto, Sb. просто, Bg. просто.
- The meaning ‘straight on’ (направо) is attested in Blr. проста, прамо, наўпрост, Ukr. просто, Pol. prosto.
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
реч |
- The Macedonian meaning ‘speech’ is shared by R. речь, Cz. řeč, Slk. reč, Bg. реч.
- The meaning ‘word’ (збор) is attested in Cr. riječ, Bo. riječ, Sb. реч.
- The meaning ‘matter’ (работа) is attested in Blr. рэч, Ukr. річ, Pol. rzecz, Sln. reč.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
родбина |
- The Macedonian meaning ‘relations’ is shared by Sln. rodbina, Cr. rodbina, Bo. rodbina, Sb. родбина.
- The meaning ‘family’ (семејство) is attested in Ukr. родина, Pol. rodzina, Cz. rodina, Slk. rodina.
- The meaning ‘motherland, home region’ (роден крај, татковина) is attested in R. родина, Blr. радзіна, Bg. родина.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
рок |
- is a complete false friend for about 298 million native speakers of Russian, Polish, Czech;
- is a true friend for about 19.5 million native speakers of Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘fixed time, set term, deadline’ is shared by Sln. rok, Cr. rok, Bo. rok, Sb. рок.
- The meaning ‘year’ (година) is attested in Pol. rok, Cz. rok.
- The meaning ‘destiny, fate’ (судбина) is attested in R. рок.
[NB: No information yet for Blr., Ukr., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk.]
словенски |
- is a complete false friend for about 366.6 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Kashubian, Lower Sorbian, Upper Sorbian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Bulgarian;
- is a true friend for about 10 million native speakers of Serbian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘Slavonic’ is shared by Sb. словенски.
- The meaning ‘Slovak’ (словачки) is attested in Cz. slovenský, Slk. slovenský.
- The meaning ‘Slovenian’ (словенечки) is attested in R. словенский, Blr. славенскі, Ukr. словінський, Pol. słoweński, Ka. słowensczi, LSo. słowjeński, USo. słowjenski, Sln. slovenski, Cr. slovenski, Bo. slovenski, Bg. словенски.
[NB: Information complete.]
сто |
- has additional meanings in the language of about 17.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian;
- is a true friend for about 359 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘a hundred’ is shared by R. сто, Blr. сто, Ukr. сто, Pol. sto, Cz. sto, Slk. sto, Sln. sto, Cr. sto, Bo. sto, Sb. сто, Bg. сто.
- The meaning ‘table’ (маса) is attested in Cr. sto, Bo. sto, Sb. сто.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
стол |
- The Macedonian meaning ‘chair’ is shared by Sln. stol, Bg. стол.
- The meaning ‘table’ (маса) is attested in R. стол, Blr. стол, Ukr. стіл, Pol. stół, Cz. stůl, Slk. stôl, Cr. stol, Bo. sto, Sb. сто.
- The meaning ‘canteen’ (кантина, менза, трпезарија) is attested in Bg. стол.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
столица |
- is a complete false friend for about 343.0 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Kashubian, Slovenian, Bulgarian;
- is a true friend for about 33.5 million native speakers of Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘chair’ is shared by Cz. stolice, Slk. stolica, Cr. stolica, Bo. stolica, Sb. столица.
- The meaning ‘capital’ (престолница) is attested in R. столица, Blr. сталіца, Ukr. столиця, Pol. stolica, Ka. stolëca, Bg. столица.
- The meaning ‘professorship’ (катедра) is attested in Sln. stolica.
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
страна |
- is a complete false friend for about 250 million native speakers of Russian;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 24 million native speakers of Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian;
- does not have all its Macedonian meanings in the mother tongue of about 83.0 million speakers of Ukrainian, Polish, Kashubian, Bulgarian;
- is a true friend for about 19.5 million native speakers of Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Belarusian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘side’ is shared by Ukr. сторона, Pol. strona, Ka. strona, Cz. strana, Slk. strana, Sln. stran, Cr. strana, Bo. strana, Sb. страна, Bg. страна.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘page’ is shared by Cz. strana, Slk. strana, Sln. stran, Cr. strana, Bo. strana, Sb. страна.
- The meaning ‘country’ (земја) is attested in R. страна, Bg. страна.
- The meaning ‘cheek’ (образ) is attested in Bg. страна.
- The meaning ‘political party’ (партија) is attested in Cz. strana, Slk. strana.
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
тиква |
- is a complete false friend for about 10 million native speakers of Czech;
- is a true friend for about 277.5 million native speakers of Russian, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Belarusian, Ukrainian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘pumpkin’ is shared by R. тыква, Sln. tikva, Cr. tikva, Bo. tikva, Sb. тиква, Bg. тиква.
- The meaning ‘sweet melon’ (диња) is attested in Cz. tykev.
[NB: No information yet for Pol., Ka., LSo., USo., Slk.]
час |
- is a complete false friend for about 101 million native speakers of Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian;
- is a true friend for about 269.5 million native speakers of Russian, Bosnian, Serbian, Bulgarian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Croatian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘hour’ is shared by R. час, Bo. čas, Sb. час, Bg. час.
- The meaning ‘time’ (време) is attested in Blr. час, Ukr. час, Pol. czas, Cz. čas, Slk. čas, Sln. čas.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
шина |
- is a complete false friend for about 266 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Bulgarian;
- has additional meanings in the language of about 37 million native speakers of Ukrainian;
- is a true friend for about 55.5 million native speakers of Polish, Kashubian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Czech, Slovak, Slovenian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘rail’ is shared by Ukr. шина, Pol. szyna, Ka. szina, Cr. šina, Bo. šina, Sb. шина.
- The meaning ‘tyre’ (гума) is attested in R. шина, Blr. шына, Ukr. шина, Bg. шина.
[NB: No information yet for LSo., USo.]
шума |
- has additional meanings in the language of about 8 million native speakers of Bulgarian;
- is a true friend for about 17.5 million native speakers of Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘forest’ is shared by Cr. šuma, Bo. šuma, Sb. шума, Bg. шума.
- The meaning ‘foliage, leaves’ (лисје) is attested in Bg. шума.
- The meaning ‘bush’ (грмушка) is attested in Bg. шума.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
Ø |
There is no Macedonian word like R. слово, Blr. слова, Ukr. слово, Pol. słowo, Cz. slovo, Slk. slovo, Sln. slovo, Cr. slovo, Bo. slovo, Sb. слово, Bg. слово.
гора |
- has additional meanings in the language of about 6 million native speakers of Slovak and Bulgarian;
- is a true friend for about 352.5 million native speakers of Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian;
- The Serbian meaning ‘mountain’ is shared by R. гора, Blr. гара, Ukr. гора, Pol. góra, Cz. hora, Slk. hora, Sln. gora, Cr. gora, Bo. gora, Sr. gora.
- The meaning ‘forest’ (шума) is attested in Slk. hora, Bg. гора.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
овошје |
- is a complete false friend for about 287 million native speakers of Russian, Ukrainian;
- is a true friend for about 61.5 million native speakers of Polish, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Belarusian, Slovenian, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘fruits’ is shared by Pol. owoce, Cz. ovoce, Slk. ovocie, Cr. voće, Bo. voće.
- The meaning ‘vegetables’ (зеленчук) is attested in R. овощи, Ukr. овочі.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo.]
мрак |
- is a complete false friend for about 16 million native speakers of Czech, Slovak;
- is a true friend for about 257.5 million native speakers of Russian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian;
- does not have any formally similar counterparts in Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Bulgarian.
- The Macedonian meaning ‘darkness’ is shared by S. мрак, R. мрак, Cr. mrak, Bo. mrak.
- The meaning ‘cloud’ (облак) is attested in Cz. mrak, Slk. mrak.
[NB: No information yet for Ka., LSo., USo., Sln.]
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