False Friends of the Slavist/Map vredny



yellow shading ‘harmful’
red stripes ‘precious’
blue circles ‘able, clever’
blue stripes ‘nasty, repulsive’
green stripes ‘insidious, deceitful’
brown stripes ‘hard-working’
grey dots ‘worth’
white shading no such word

(For areas without shading there is no information yet.)

harmful precious able, clever nasty, repulsive insidious, deceitful hard-working worth
R. вредный
Blr. Ø
Ukr. Ø
Pol. wredny
Cz. Ø
Slk. Ø
Sln. vreden
Cr. vrijedan
Bo. vrijedan
Sb. вредан
Mk. вреден
Bg. вреден
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