False Friends of the Slavist/Map belizna



yellow shading ‘whiteness’
red stripes ‘linen, laundry’
blue circles ‘strong detergent’
blue stripes ‘bowl’
green stripes ‘bast’

white shading no such word

(For areas without shading there is no information yet.)

whiteness linen, laundry strong detergent bowl bast
R. белизна
Blr. бялізна
Ukr. білизна
Pol. bielizna
Ka. bielëzna
LSo. běliznja
Cz. Ø
Slk. bielizeň
Sln. belina
Cr. bjelina
Bo. bjelina
Sb. белина
Mk. белина
Bg. белина
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