Wikibooks:Collections/Blender 3D: Noob to Pro

Blender 3D
Noob to Pro

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Blender 3D


Noob to Pro

Blender 3D: Noob to Pro
Unit 1 - Background
Knowing before Making
What Blender Can Do
Section 1A - 3D Concepts
3D Geometry
Coordinate Transformations
Orthographic Views
Perspective Views
Coordinate Spaces in Blender
Section 1B - User Interface (UI)
Keystroke, Button, and Menu Notation
Non-standard Input Devices
Operating System-specific Issues
Blender User Interface
Blender Windowing System
User Preferences Windows
Properties Window
3D View Windows
Object Mode
Unit 2 - Basic Modeling and Shading
Section 2A - Your First Mesh Models
Meshes and Edit Mode
Normals and Shading
More Mesh Editing Techniques
Quickie Lighting
Quickie Model
Quickie Render
Enter the World
Understanding the Camera
Improving Your House
Section 2B - Smooth Meshes (Simple Person with a Hat)
Extruding a Simple Person
Smoothing Your Simple Person
Improving Your Simple Person
Spinning a Simple Hat
Putting the Hat on the Person
Section 2C - Materials and Textures
Quickie Material
Multiple Materials per Object
Metal Versus Plastic
Texture Settings
Image Textures
Procedural Textures
Quickie Texture
Halo Materials
Section 2D - Beyond Basics
Blender Memory Management
Using Bones
Mountains out of Molehills
Modeling a Volcano
Penguins from Spheres
Dicing With Depth (Dice Modeling)
Model a Goblet
Model a Silver Goblet
Model a Silver Goblet Another Way
Spin a goblet
Light a Silver Goblet (Early look at lighting)
Simple Vehicle
Simple Vehicle: Wheel
Simple Vehicle: MudTires
Simple Vehicle: Seat
Simple Vehicle: Rocket Launcher
Simple Vehicle: Body
Simple Vehicle: Some Assembly Required
Modeling a 3D Parachute in Blender
Model a Low Poly Head
Building a House
Pipe joints
Lighting Suzanne: Introductory one lamp lighting
Section 2E - Curve and Path Modeling
Intro to Bézier Curves
Bevelling a Curve
NURBS Patches
Deforming Meshes using the Curve Modifier
The Empty Object
Section 2F - Using Reference Photos
Background Images
Aligning Vertices with a Guide Image
Modeling a Fox from Guide Images
Using Bézier Curve to Model a 3D logo from a 2D logo
Section 2G - Further Materials and Textures
Subsurface Scattering
Ray Tracing
Using Textures
Using a texture to make a material partially transparent
Creating Basic Seawater
Mountains Out Of Molehills 2
Basic Carpet Texture
The Rusty Ball
Creating Pixar-looking eyes
Procedural Eyeball
Putting It All Together: A Dragon!
Unit 3 - Broadening Horizons
The UV/Image Editor
Section 3A - UV Maps - Pasting photos to 3D surfaces
UV Map Basics
Realistic Eyes In Blender
Section 3B - Lighting
Beginning Lighting
Understanding Real Lights
Understanding Blender Lights
Basic Lighting Rigs
Faked Global Illumination with Blender internal
Practising Good Parenting
Section 3C - Basic Animation
Introduction to Keyframing
The Ways of the Animator
Animation Editors
Introducing the Graph Editor
Animation Rendering
Lattice Modifier
Bouncing Ball with Lattice
Creating Basic Water Animation
Flying Through a Canyon
Using the Sequencer to Compile Frames into an Animation
Further Rendering Options
Section 3D - Particle Systems
Particles forming Shapes
Billboard Animation
Section 3E - Soft Bodies
Soft Body Animation
Simple Cloth Animation
Soft Body with Wind
Section 3F - Blender Game Engine
Blender Game Engine Basics- Rolling Ball
Platformer: Controls and Movement
Maze: Force and Multiple Levels
Platformer: Improving the Physics
How to Make an Executable
Build a Skybox
Basic Mouse Pointer
Text in BGE
Platformer: Creating the Engine with Python
Unit 4 - Taking Off with Advanced Tutorials
Section 4A - Python Scripting
Anatomy Of An Addon
A User Interface For Your Addon
Adding A Custom Property
A Separately Installable Addon
Object, Action, Settings
Section 4B - Advanced Modeling
High Dynamic Range imaging (HDRi)
Creating a Light Probe
Landscape Modeling with Heightmaps
How to Do Procedural Landscape Modeling
Landscape Modeling I: Basic Terrain
Landscape Modeling II: Texture Stenciling
Landscape Modeling III: Exporting as a Heightmap
Section 4C - Advanced Materials and Textures
Bump Mapping
Normal Mapping
Texture Normals
Color Map Normals
Section 4D - Nodes
Texture Nodes
Material Nodes
Further Compositing: A Portal Effect
Advanced Rendering
Introduction to Cycles
A Glass Material in Cycles
Dealing with Firefles in Cycles
Firefles in Cycles, Continued
Procedural Eyeball in Cycles
Introduction to Freestyle
Section 4E - Advanced Animation
Guided Tour:
Armature Object
Armature Object in Object Mode
Armature Object in Edit Mode
Armature Object in Pose mode
Mesh Object
Connection between Armature and Mesh
Vertex Groups & Weight Paint
Shape Keys
Lip-Sync with Shape Keys
Copy Location
Copy Rotation
Locked Track
Follow Path
IK Solver
Timeline Window
IPO Window
Data Type
NLA Window
Introduction To NLA Editor
The Stride feature
Relative Vertex Keys
Working Example: Bob
Building the Rig
Deform the Mesh
Create a Walk Cycle
Working example: Piston, Rod and Crank
Working example: Cutting Through Steel
Section 4F - Advanced Game Engine
Advanced Game Engine Techniques (GUI)
Creating Pop-Up Menus
Creating Dropping Menus
The "5-Layer" Button
Creating Object Outlines
Advanced Game Engine Techniques (Python)
Hacking Blender
Introduction to Game Engine Source
Appendix A - Reference Material
Frequently Asked Questions
Tutorial Links List
Output Formats
Image Portfolio
Blender Glossary
Materials Directory: Every Material Known To Man
Sources of free 3D models
All Blueprints Links
Materials, Textures, Photos
Appendix B - Advice
Appendix B1 - General advice
Asking for Help
Tips for a Successful Project
Modeling Realistically
Modeling tips
Appendix B2 - Performance tips
Cheat the 3D
Performance vs. Quality
Appendix C - Miscellaneous Tutorials
Modeling a Gingerbread Man
Modeling a simple space-ship
Part 1 - Preparing the Scene
Creating Weapons based on 2D Images
Modeling with Meta Balls
Match Moving
Match Moving/Motion Tracking with Icarus and Blender
Create a Clayman
Organic Modeling
Understanding the Fluid Simulator
Creating a jewel in Blender
Modeling a picture
Modeling with the Spin Tool
Spin Tool Introduction
Illustrative Example: Model a Wine Glass
Creating Ogg-Theora movies using Blender
Creating animated GIFs using Blender and Gimp
3D Tiling Backgrounds For The Web
Cool Things That Aren't That Obvious in Blender
Creating Blender Libraries
Add some depth with stereo
Ways to create a "fluffy" effect (materials and lights)
Human Body
Rendering Information
Using Blender Libraries
Beginning Modeling Final Project
Using Inkscape to make advanced Bezier curves
Light Mapping
Platonic Solids
Modeling techniques and Workflow
Polygonal Modeling
Box Modeling
Illustrative example: Model a Chair (Swan Chair)
Model a Chair-Preparations
Model a Chair-The Seat
Model a Chair-The Feet
Illustrative Example: Modeling a Simple Human Character
Modeling a Human Character - Preparations
Modeling a Human Character - Modeling
Polygon by Polygon modeling
Animation Notes and FAQ
Mist - Make Objects Opaque