Lombard/Irregular verbs
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The reference orthography for this page of Lombard course is New Lombard orthography |
Verbs that have many irregular forms
editMain irregular verbs
editIn addition to the auxiliary verbs, there is a small series of verbs that have many irregular forms. They are fà, andà, dà, stà, trà, savé, volé, podé, dì, dové (here written in Milanese dialect, but what is said stands for all dialects)[1]. For consultation of the conjugations, see Lombard language wikitionary:
► conjugation of "fà"
► conjugation of "andà"
► conjugation of "dà"
► conjugation of "trà"
► conjugation of "stà"
► conjugation of "savé"
► conjugation of "podé"
► conjugation of "dì"
► conjugation of "dové"
It should be noted that despite their irregularities, the way for conjugating "fà", "trà", "dà", "stà" is similar.
edit- ↑ The verb dové is used very rarely, and usually due to the influence of Italian language. In Lombard it is generally replaced by the construction havégh de + infinitive (similar to the English to have to + infinitive)
Verbs ending in -ù and in -oeu
editTwo series of irregular verbs should also be noted which, however, can be considered regular with small precautions, they are:
- Verbs ending in -ù (prodù, tradù, dedù...); they can be considered regular (except for the past participles in some dialects and obviously in the infinitive, see next paragraph) by adding an "s" i.e. they are conjugated as if their infinitive were produser, traduser, or a "c" for the formation of past participles in the dialects where this is regular (for example the Bergamasque dialect in which the past participle of prodù is producid).
- Verbs ending in -oeu (toeu, distoeu...) can be considered regular (except for the past participles in some dialects and obviously the infinitive , see next paragraph) if you add a "v" (or a "g" depending on the dialect) i.e. they are conjugated as if their infinitive were toeuver, distoeuver. ..
Verbs ending in -egnì/-egn
editThe verbs with this ending, in addition to the possible irregularity in the past participle (see the following paragraphs), present a small irregularity in different dialects in the voices of the present indicative without desinence, i.e. only the 3rd singular in Western Lombard and the 3rd singular, the 1st and 3rd plural in Eastern Lombard. This irregularity consists in ending with -n instead of -gn.
For example:
in Milanese dialect: verb "tegnì"
Present indicative: mi tegni; ti te tegnet, lù el ten, num tegnom, vialter tegnii, lor (i) tegnen.
in Bergamasque dialect: verb "tegn"
Present indicative: mi tegne; ti te tegnet, lù el ten, noter am ten, voter tegnii, lor ten.
then for the rules of pronunciation in Bergamasque dialect the non-doubled final "n" is not pronounced.
Irregularity due to the apophony
editAnother predictable irregularity is the apophony, it consists in the transformation of "o" into "oeu" in Western Lombard or "u" into "oeu" in eastern Lombard for certain verb forms. Only the example of the verb "vorè" (usually written "volé" in standard NOL considering the "r" as a result of the rhotacism of the "l") in Milanese dialect is shown here although apophony is present in many disyllabic verbs that have "o" in the infinitive (or "u" in Eastern Lombard) not linked to a consonant on the penultimate syllable (before the consonant "v", "r"/"l", "g" or "d") such as "trovà", "mojà", "drovà" etc...
Present indicative | Imperfect indicative | Simple future indicative | Present subjunctive | Imperfect subjunctive | Present conditional | Present imperative | |
Mi | voeuri | vorevi | voraroo | voeura | voressi | voraria/vorariss/vorarissi | - |
Ti te | voeuret | vorevet | voraree(t) | voeuret | voresset | vorariet/vorarisset | voeur! |
Lu el /lee la | voeur | voreva | vorarà | voeura | voress | voraria/vorariss | voeura! |
Nun | voeurom | vorevom | vorarèm | voeurom | voressom | vorariom/vorarissom | vorèm! |
Vialter | vorii | vorevov | vorarii | vorii | vorèssov | vorariov/vorarissov | voree! |
Lor (i) | voeuren | voreven | vorarànn | voeuren | vorèssen | vorarien/vorarissen | voeuren! |
infinitive | gerund | participle |
voré | vorend(o) | vorud |
There is another exact opposite apophony, specular to the previous one, that of the transformation of "oeu" into "o" in Western Lombard or "oeu" into "u" in Eastern Lombard for the verbs of the third conjugation such as "moeuver", "scoeuder ", "noeuser" and also "toeu" which, as mentioned, is conjugated as if it were "toeuver"....
Present indicative | Imperfect indicative | Simple future indicative | Present subjunctive | Imperfect subjunctive | Present conditional | Present imperative | |
Mi | moeuvi | movevi | movaroo | moeuva | movessi | movaria /movarissi | - |
Ti te | moeuvet | movevet | movaree(t) | moeuvet | movesset | movariet / movarisset | moeuv! |
Lu el /lee la | moeuv | moveva | movarà | moeuva | movess | movaria/movariss | moeuva! |
Nun | moeuvom | movevom | movarèm | moeuvom | movessom | movariom/movarissom | movèm! |
Vialter | movii | movevov | movarii | movii/moeuvov | movessov | movariov/movarissov | movì! |
Lor (i) | moeuven | moveven | movarann | moeuven | movessen | movarien/movarissen | moeuven! |
infinitive | gerund | participle |
moeuver | movend(o) | movud |
The apophonies are different between western Lombard (of which a representative example is the Milanese dialect) and eastern Lombard since le conjugations of verbs in eastern Lombard are different, however their collocation is intuitive , following the example of the Milanese dialect just shown.
Verbs that are irregular only in the past participle
editMany verbs are regular in all forms except the past participle. Irregularities in the past participle are more prevalent in the Milanese dialect than in the other dialects, while Eastern Lombard dialects have the least amount of irregularities in the past participles. Irregular verbs in past participles can be grouped into groups with similar irregularities, so we can observe how irregular participles present a rule in their irregularity. Listed below are some irregular verbs divided into groups. The subdivision into groups based on the ending can help in understanding by analogy how a past participle of a verb not listed in the tables below can be made.
Ending in -ader
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -ader → -as (IPA: /az/ - MI )
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
evader | - | evas | to escape | MI |
dissuader | - | dissuas | to dissuade | MI |
invader | - | invas | to invade | MI |
persuader | - | persuas | to persuade | MI |
Ending in -arger
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -arger → -ars (IPA: /ars/ - MI )
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
sparger | - | spars | to scatter | MI |
Ending in -arì /-arè
editEnding in -parì / -parè
editThey are regular in these dialects: MI
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -arì /arè→ -ars (IPA: /ars/ - MI ) in addiction to regular forms
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
parì / parè | parud | pars | to seem | MI |
descomparì | descomparid | descompars | to disappear | MI |
comparì | comparid | compars | to appear | MI |
valì / valé | valud | vals | to be worth | MI |
Ending in -$arì con $ ≠ p
editThey are regular.
Ending in -eder
editWithout a precise rule.
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
ceder | cedud | - | to yield | MI |
leder | - | les | to harm, to damage | MI |
editThey are regular in these dialects: MI
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -eder → -ess (IPA: /ɛs/ - MI ) in addiction to regular forms
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
suceder | sucedud | sucess | to happen | MI |
Ending in -esger, -eger, -ensger o -iger
editThey are regular in these dialects: MI
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
Regola frequente (MI ): -eger / -enger / -iger → -et (IPA: /ɛt/ - MI )
often in addiction to regolar form, only rarely regular
Attention: Not even in Milanese dialect these verbs always have irregular forms; for example lensger → lensgiud (but not let)
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
corresger | corresgiud | corret | to correct | MI |
dirisger | dirisgiud | diret | to direct | MI |
esiger | esat | to demand | MI | |
lensger | lensgiud | to read | MI | |
protesger | protesgiud | protet | to protect | MI |
strensger | strensgiud | stret strecc |
to shake | MI MI (arcaic or provincial) |
tensger | tensgiud | tint | to dye | MI |
Ending in -ender
editThey are regular in these dialects: MI
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
Frequent rule(MI ): -ender → -es (IPA: /ez/ - MI ) sometimes in addiction to regular forms, pnore rarely only regolar
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
difender | difendud | difes | to defend | MI |
dipender | dipendud | dipes | to depend | MI |
imprender | imprendud | - | to learn | MI |
render | - | res | to make | MI |
ofender | - | ofes | to offend | MI |
pretender | pretendud | pretes | to pretend, to demand | MI |
condiscender | - | condisces | to condescend | MI |
discender | - | disces | to descend | MI |
comprender | comprendud | compres | to comprehend | MI |
intender | intendud | intes | to mean, to understand | MI |
spender | spendud | spes | to spend | MI |
stender | stendud | stes | to draft | MI |
sospender | sospendud | sospes | to suspend | MI |
tender | tendud | tes | to strive, to stretch | MI |
vender | vendud | - | to sell | MI |
Ending in -erger o erder
editThey are regular in these dialects: MI
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -erder / erger → -ers (IPA: /ɛrs/ - MI ) in addiction to regular forms
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
disperder | disperdud | dispers | to disperse | MI |
perder | perdud | pers | to lose | MI |
emerger | emergiud | emers | to emerge | MI |
somerger | somergiud | somers | to submerge | MI |
Ending in -e$$ì con $ consonante
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -e$$ì → -e$$ud (IPA: /ɛ$$y:/ - MI ) sometimes in addiction to regular forms
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
svegnì | - | svegnud | to faint | MI |
tegnì | - | tegnud | to hold | MI |
vegnì | - | vegnud | to come | MI |
sentì | sentid | sentud | to feel, to hear | MI |
Ending in -eter
editEnding in -meter
editThey are regular in these dialects: MI
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -eter → -iss (IPA: /is/ - MI ) in addiction to regular forms
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
ameter | ametud | amiss | to admit | MI |
meter | metud | miss | to put | MI |
prometer | prometud | promiss | to promise | MI |
Ending in -neter
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -eter → -ess (IPA: /ɛs/ - MI )
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
aneter | - | aness | to annex | MI |
coneter | - | coness | to connect | MI |
Ending in -ider
editThey are regular in these dialects: MI
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -ider → -is (IPA: /iz/ - MI ) sometimes in addictoin to regular forms
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
decider | decidud | decis | to decide | MI |
divider | dividud | divis | to divide | MI |
incider | - | incis | to engrave | MI |
intrider | - | intris | to soak | MI |
recider | - | recis | to sever | MI |
Ending in -inder
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -inder → -iss (IPA: /is/ - MI ) with some exception
Verb in Lombard
regola -inder |
Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
rescinder | - | resciss | to rescind | MI |
scinder | - | sciss | to break down, to split | MI |
Ending in -inger -inguer o -enger
editEnding in -$inger -$inguer -$enger con $ ≠ r
editThey are regular in these dialects: MI
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -inger /inguer/enger → -int (IPA: /ĩ:t/ - MI ) with some exceptions
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
depensger | depensgiud | depenc | to paint | BG |
distinguer | - | distint | to distinguish | MI |
estinguer | - | estint | to extinguish | MI |
tenger | tengiud | tint | to dye | MI |
Ending in -imer
editEnding in -rimer
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -imer → -ess (IPA: /ɛs/ - MI )
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
comprimer | - | compress | to compress | MI |
oprimer | - | opress | to oppress | MI |
reprimer | - | repress | to repress | MI |
imprimer | - | impress | to impress | MI |
esprimer | - | espress | to express | MI |
Ending in -dimer
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -imer → -ent (IPA: /ẽ:t/ - MI )
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
redimer | - | redent | to redeem | MI |
Ending in -ister
editThey are regular in these dialects: MI
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -ister → -istid (IPA: /isti:/ - MI ) in addiction to regular forms
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | |
assister | assistud | assistid | to assist | MI |
esister | esistud | esistid | to exist | MI |
Ending in -oder
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -oder → -os (IPA: /ɔz/ - MI )
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
esploder | - | esplos | to explode | MI |
roder | - | ros[1] | to gnaw | MI |
- ↑ usually "rosegad" is used inetsad
Ending in -olver
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -olver → -olt (IPA: /ɔlt/ - MI )
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
assolver | - | assolt | to fulfil | MI |
Ending in -onder
editEnding in -fonder
editThey are regular in these dialects: MI
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -onder → -us (IPA: /yz/ - MI ) in addiction to regular forms
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
fonder | fondud | fus | to melt | MI |
Ending in -$onder con $ ≠ f
editThey are regular in these dialects: MI
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -onder → -ost (IPA: /ɔst/ - MI ) in addiction to regular forms
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
rispondere | rispondud | rispost | to answer | MI |
Ending in -order o -orer
editThey are regular in these dialects: MI
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -order/-orer → -ors (IPA: /ɔrs/ - MI ) in addiction to regular forms
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
morder | mordud | mors | to bite | MI |
ocorer | ocorud | ocors | to be needed | MI |
corer corer |
- |
cors |
to run (transtive verb) to run (intransitive verb) |
MI |
Ending in -oeu / -oeujer
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -oeu / oeuj → -olt (IPA: /ɔlt/ - MI )
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
toeu | - | tolt toeuj toeud toeult |
ro remove | MI MI (arcaic) Br Br |
distoeu | - | distolt | to divert | MI |
regoeujer | - | racolt regolt |
to gather | MI MI (provincial) |
Ending in -oeuder o -oeuver
editThey are regular in these dialects: MI
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -oeuder /oeuver → -oss (IPA: /ɔs/ - MI ) in addiction to regular forms
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
moeuver | movud | - | to move | MI |
moeuves | - | moss | to move | MI |
scoeuder | scodud | scoss | to shake, to quench, to collect | MI |
Ending in -ofrì
editThey are regular in these dialects: (MI )
They are irregular in these dialects: MI BG
General rule (MI ): -ofrì → -ofert (IPA: /u'fɛrt/ - MI ) sometimes in addiction to regular forms in disuse
General rule (BG ): -ofrì → -oferid (IPA: /ofe'rit/ - BG )
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
ofrì ofrì |
- | ofert ofrid |
to offer | MI |
sofrì | (sofrid) | sofert | to suffer | MI |
Ending in -oprì
editThey are regular in these dialects: BG MI
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -oprì → -opert (IPA: /u'pɛrt/ - MI ) sometimes in addiction to regular forms in disuse
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
scoprì | (scoprid) | scopert | to discover | MI |
Ending in -omper
editThey are regular in these dialects: BG
They are irregular in these dialects: MI BG
General rule (MI ): -omper → -ot (IPA: /ɔt/ - MI )
General rule (BG ): -omper → -ot (IPA: /ɔt/ - BG ) in addiction to regular forms
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
romper romper |
- rompid |
rot rot |
to break | MI |
Ending in -onger
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -onger → -ont (IPA: /ũ:t/ - MI ) in addiction to regular forms
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
vonsger | vonsgiud | vont vonc |
to grease | MI MI (arcaic or provincial), BG |
Ending in -onner
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -onner → -ost (IPA: /ɔst/ - MI )
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | |
suponner | - | supost | to suppose | MI |
disponner | - | dispost | to arrange | MI |
esponner | - | espost | to expose | MI |
preponner | - | prepost | to put before, to put in charge | MI |
proponner | - | propost | to propose | MI |
Ending in -orger
editThey are regular in these dialects: MI
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -orger → -ort (IPA: /ɔrt/ - MI ) in addiction to regular forms
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
acorges | acorgiud | acort | to notice, to realize | MI |
sorgere | sorgiud | sort[1] | to rise | MI |
- ↑ just in literary form, "nassud" is normally used
Ending in -orì
editAlmost all regular with some exceptions (see table below)
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
morì | - | mort | to dead | MI |
dolì | dolud
- |
dolsud |
to ache (transititive)
to ache (intransitive) |
MI |
Ending in -ù
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -ù → -ot (IPA: /ɔt/ - MI )
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | |
condù | - | condot condut |
to conduct, to lead | MI MI (arcaic) |
dedù | - | dedot dedut |
to deduce | MI MI (arcaic) |
indù | - | indot indut |
to induce, to lead, to infer | MI MI (arcaic) |
introdù | - | introdot introdut |
to introduce | MI MI (arcaic) |
prodù | - | prodot produt |
to produce | MI MI (arcaic) |
redù | - | ridot redut |
to reduce | MI MI (arcaic) |
sedù | - | sedot sedut |
to seduce | MI MI (arcaic) |
tradù | - | tradot tradut |
to translate | MI MI (arcaic) |
Ending in -uder
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -uder → -us (IPA: /yz/ - MI )
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
concluder | (concludud) | conclus | to conclude | MI |
deluder | - | delus | to disappoint | MI |
eluder | - | elus | to evade | MI |
escluder | - | esclus | to exclude | MI |
iluder | - | ilus | to deceive | MI |
Ending in -ulger
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -ulger → -ult (IPA: /ylt/ - MI )
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
indulger | - | indult[1] | to indulge | MI |
- ↑ usually notr used, "havud clemenza" is used instead
Ending in -umer
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -umer → -ont (IPA: /ũ:t/ - MI )
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
assumer | assont | to hire | MI | |
presumer | presont[1] | to assume, to presume | MI |
- ↑ out of the legal context "prusmad" is used
Ending in -uger
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -uger → -ut (IPA: /yt/ - MI )
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
distruger | - | distrut | to destroy | MI |
Ending in -uter
editThey are regular in these dialects:
They are irregular in these dialects: MI
General rule (MI ): -uter → -us (IPA: /ys/ - MI )
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
discuter | - | discuss | to discuss | MI |
Other irregular participles
editVerb | Participi passad forma regolar |
Participi passad forma iregolar |
Dialet | |
estrà | - | estrat | to extract | MI |
Verb in Lombard | Past participle regular form |
Past participle irregular form |
Verb in English | Dialects |
coeuser coeuser |
cosud - |
cot cocc |
to cook | MI |
dervì | dervid | avert vert |
to open | MI MI (provincial) |
scernì | scernid | scelt | to choose | MI |
scriver | scrivud - |
scrit screit scricc |
to write | MI |
vedé ved |
vedud - |
vist vest |
to see | MI BG |
viver | vivud | vissud | to live | MI |
vorè | vorud | vorsud | to want | MI |
- ↑ presenti solo in alcuni Dialects
Defective verbs that have only the past participle
editThere are some verbs in Lombardy that exist only in the form of Past participle, most of them have been introduced only in the Dialects more italianized, especially Milanese, under the thrust of the Italian language. Therefore, it is possible to construct only the compound tenses of these verbs, while in the simple tenses it is necessary to use other verbs.
Past participle of the difective verb |
Usable verb(s) in the simple tenses |
Verb in English | Dialects |
aces[1] | pizzà | to turn on | MI |
adot | tirà in ball, presentà | to invoke | MI |
aflit | tormentà, tossegà | to afflict | MI |
assis | setàss | to sit | MI |
consont | consumà | to consume | MI |
cospers[2] | sbrofà | to sprinkle | MI |
contus | macà | to contuse | MI |
dilet | havégh in del coeur | to prefer | MI |
fint | fà finta | to pretend | MI |
intrus | cascià dent a forza, cascià dent de sfros | to intrude | MI |
prefiss | prefissà | to set | MI |
sciolt | deslenguà | to melt | MI |
trafit | infilzà | to pierce | MI |
rosegad | roder | to gnaw | MI |
Defective verbs that do not have the past participle
editSome verbs are defective due to the lack of the past participle, which is replaced by the past participle of other verbs.
Lombard verb difective |
Past participle replacement |
Verb in English | Dialects |
conquider | conquistad | to conquer | MI |
incuter | fad vegnì | to strike | MI |
rediger | compilad | to draw up | MI |