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These books deal with computing: usually defined as the activity of using and developing computer technology, computer hardware, and software.


The following 38 subcategories may be of interest, out of 38 total.





Pages in category "Subject:Computing"

More recent additions More recent modifications
  1. Evalution of Online Sources
  2. ORCID Advocacy Toolkit
  3. History of video games
  4. Character Encodings
  5. Computer Literacy
  6. Methodology for code migration on many-core architecture
  7. Cluster-Handbook
  8. KoBo Toolbox
  9. GCSE Computing — AQA
  10. Data Science: An Introduction
  1. Computers for Beginners
  2. A-level Computing 2009
  3. Character Encodings
  4. Computer Graphics
  5. Data Science: An Introduction
  6. Modelling Theory and Practice
  7. ORCID Advocacy Toolkit
  8. OpenSSH
  9. High performance computing
  10. The Computer Revolution

The following 40 pages are in this category, out of 40 total.