Trainz/Content Creation

Trainz Content Creation—Master Table of Contents

for Intermediate to Advanced Topics

Trainz Asset Maintenance and Creation
TOC | BeginningsFun | AM&C | Creation | InBook Refs ORP Refs:  • Index • Containers • Kinds • Tags | Appendixes  • Vers
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Trainz Advanced Content Creation



The Trainz Content Creator may have little more than a picture like this to work with for developing Trainz models of older asset prototypes. Most locomotives take upwards of 6 months of diligent effort to make a good model, so send your favorite Content Creators chocolates or flowers today!

This Book Division index page is a master Table of Contents page for Intermediate Skills and Advanced 3D Content Modeling and skills building topics. Just as Introductory Trainz pages linked above is for those just getting their feet onto the first slopes of the various Trainz learning curves, and Content Creation and References are for even more advance topics. If the reader visualizes a large reference work in a three ring binder with TABS sticking out to quickly switch between book sections, you see what we're trying to accomplish in your minds eye.

At the file structure level, some threaded materials will be linked both in-sequence (threaded page to page 1st to next page) and in collections of related material where it was relocated into various places such as Trainz Wikibook Appendix pages, or other divisions of the Trainz Wikibooks. Consequenly, if you've seen such a page, with a slightly different look the chances are you have—the magic of modern type setting technology in a Wiki allows that page to appear both ways! These Division TOC pages will also introduce new and older Trainzers to that of organization of the work, and give a greater sense of where to look for things when needed.

Advanced Content Creation TOC

  1. Content Configuration
  2.  Before you start Performance and other issues
  3.  When to use lod
  4.  Software Used for Content Creation
  5.  Content Creators Guide
  6.  API and Scripting Guide
  7.  Setting Up Software For Content Creation
  8.  Sources for textures
  9.  Basic Reskinning for beginners
  10.  Tutorials for Content Creation
  11.  Tutorial for Blender
  12.  Tutorial for adding night mode with Blender
  13.  Tutorial for Normal mapping (TRS2009)
  14.  Tutorial for incorporating normalmaps using Blender (TRS2009)
  15.  Creating Normal Maps with Blender
  16.  Transparent Windows using Blender
  17.  Polished metal using Blender
  18.  Recommended Tutorials for GMAX
  19.  Adding a background image to GMAX
  20.  Tutorial for Modifying the reskin mesh in GMAX
  21.  Tutorial for Creating a Three Plank Wagon From the Reskin Mesh in GMAX
  22.  Tutorial for Reskinnng a Locomotive using Paint.Net
  23.  AM&C/config.txt files
  24.  Overview of Attachment Points
  25.  Adding a Second Mesh
  26.  Shape File Viewers
  27.  Using Content Creator Plus (CCP)
  28.  Uploading Assets
  29.  Importing Across Platforms
  30.  Creating Coaches
  31.  Hints and Tips for 3D Modelling Software
  32.  Useful bogeys
  33.  ACS Coupling information

See also



Notes and Footnotes






