< Punjabi
Punjabi Dictionary
editੳ ਅ ੲ ਸ ਹ ਕ ਖ ਗ ਘ ਙ ਚ ਛ ਜ ਝ ਞ ਟ ਠ ਡ ਢ ਣ ਤ ਥ ਦ ਧ ਨ ਪ ਫ ਬ ਭ ਮ ਯ ਰ ਲ ਵ ੜ
This module is not a traditional dictionary but endeavours to present to the reader most commonly used words alongwith their meanings and illustrative usage. Just click on the initial letter of the word and jump to the page containing the word you want to find and then scroll up and down to find it.