Greek Mythology
Greek Mythology is among the most famous and well known of the Ancient Mythologies. It stretches back millennia and has intrigued man with its fantastical stories and unusual beasts. This book will serve as a detailed reference to all things in Greek Mythology, including a bestiary of Greek mythological creatures such as the centaur and nymph and a collection of Greek stories.

Greek Mythology
A guide to the mythology of the Ancient Greeks.
editGods and goddesses
editThe Olympians
editThe Titans
editDescendants of the Titans
editProtogenoi (First Born Gods)
editMajor Gods
editMinor Gods
editTheoi Ouranioi (Sky & Weather Gods)
editTheoi Halioi (Sea Gods)
editPrimeval Gods
editChthonian Gods
editTheoi Nomioi (Countryside Gods)
editTheoi Georgikoi (Agricultural Gods)
editRegular Beasts
edit- Cerberus
- Charybdis
- Chimaera
- Cyclops
- Brontes
- Steropes
- Arges
- Polyphemus
- Giants
- Graeae
- Gorgons
- Medusa
- Hesperides
- Hydra
- Minotaur
- Pegasus
- Phœnix
- Scylla
- Sphinx (Greek Σφινξ)
Primeval Beasts
editMyths and Legends
edit- The Creation
- Labours Of Heracles
- The Minotaur
- The Sphinx
- Perseus and Medusa
- Voyage of the Argo
- Calydonian Boar Hunt
- Seven against Thebes
- Trojan War
- The Titanomachy
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