
Level One
1.01 This and that
1.02 Introduction
1.03 Rainbow
1.04 Family
1.05 School
1.06 The House
1.07 Weather
1.08 Travel
1.09 Art
1.10 Science
Talk : pagelessons
v  d  e ) Indonesian Language Course (discussion)
Learning the Indonesian Language  •  Downloadable and Print Versions

Introductory  •  Level One  •  Level Two  •  Level Three  •  Level Four

Cuaca (Weather)

  • Cerah = Sunny
  • Sinar Matahari = Sunshine
  • Mendung/Berawan = Cloudy (awan = cloud)
  • Berkabut = Foggy (kabut = fog)
  • Hujan = Rain
  • Hujan Deras = Heavy Rain
  • Hujan Sedang = Moderate Rain
  • Gerimis = Drizzle
  • Berangin = Windy (angin = wind)
  • Badai = Storm
  • Petir = Lightning
  • Guntur = Thunder
  • Salju = Snow
  • Panas = Hot
  • Dingin = Cold
  • Hangat = Warm
  • Sejuk = Mild, Cool
  • Suhu = Temperature
  • Derajat = Degrees
  • Basah = Wet
  • Kering = Dry

Season (Musim)

  • Musim Panas = Summer
  • Musim Dingin = Winter
  • Musim Semi = Spring
  • Musim Gugur = Autumn
  • Musim Hujan = Rainy season
  • Musim Kemarau = Dry season

As one of equatorial country, Indonesia only has two seasons: musim hujan and musim kemarau.

Level One Lessons  

1.01 This and That  1.02 Introduction  1.03 Rainbow  1.04 Family  1.05 School  1.06 The House  1.07 Weather  1.08 Travel  1.09 Art  1.10 Science  Test  

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