
Level One
1.01 This and that
1.02 Introduction
1.03 Rainbow
1.04 Family
1.05 School
1.06 The House
1.07 Weather
1.08 Travel
1.09 Art
1.10 Science
Talk : pagelessons
v  d  e ) Indonesian Language Course (discussion)
Learning the Indonesian Language  •  Downloadable and Print Versions

Introductory  •  Level One  •  Level Two  •  Level Three  •  Level Four

Bacaan (Reading Comprehension)


Example 1


Commonly used with friend ;

  1. Hallo, nama saya Anton saya ingin pergi ke pulau Bali pada tanggal 12 Februari 2015 bersama teman saya Carter dia berasal Kanada. Kami akan bertemu dengan teman kami sekaligus pemandu wisata kami bernama Dinda di pantai kuta. (Narasi)
  2. Carter bertanya siapa yang akan memandu kita.
  3. Dinda memandu kami selama berlibur di Bali.
  4. Kami tiba pada pukul 12 siang dan akan menuju hotel setelah makan siang.
  5. Carter bertanya dimanakah hotel tersebut berada.

Terjemahan (Translation);

  1. Hello, my name is Anton we want to go to Bali Island in Februari 12, 2015 with my friend Carter from Canada. We going to meet our friend also our tour guide Dinda at Kuta beach. (Naration)
  2. Carter asking who gonna guide us.
  3. Dinda guide us during vacation in Bali.
  4. We arrived at 12 noon and will go to the hotel after lunch.
  5. Carter asked where the hotel is located.

Example 2


Used for traveling alone;

  1. Halo nama saya Carter saya ingin memesan tiket penerbangan menuju Bali untuk tanggal 12 Februari 2015.
  2. Pada jam berapa pesawat akan berangkat?

Terjemahan (Translation);

  1. Hello my name is Carter I want to order airline ticket to Bali for Februari 12, 2015.
  2. What time the plane going to take off? (note : usually using "leaving" but "take off" is more appropriate)

Kosa kata (Vocabulary)

  • Pemandu = guide ("Tour Guide" means people who guide the tour)
  • Wisata = Tour



Awalan Me- (Me- prefix)


In the passage, you'll notice the first prefix in Indonesian: me-. It's the most important and commonly used in Indonesian.

When it's combined with verbs like above (pandu → memandu), it means the same as the infinitive form. The only thing is that we emphasize that now the verb is in active form.

Awalan Pe- (Pe- prefix)

  • See above explanation for this section

In the passage, you'll notice the first prefix in Indonesian: pe-. Which is different than memandu.

pe- here used to denotes Job or profession (pe+pandu → pemandu).

Level One Lessons  

1.01 This and That  1.02 Introduction  1.03 Rainbow  1.04 Family  1.05 School  1.06 The House  1.07 Weather  1.08 Travel  1.09 Art  1.10 Science  Test  

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