Indonesian/Lessons/Level one

v  d  e ) Indonesian Language Course (discussion)
Learning the Indonesian Language  •  Downloadable and Print Versions

Introductory  •  Level One  •  Level Two  •  Level Three  •  Level Four

If you haven't done so already, spend a few minutes to first read the course's introductory lessons. Once that's done, you're ready to begin your very first traditional Indonesian lesson! After you have completed this level, you can move on to the next level. Finally, go to the lessons planning page if you would like to help improve this course.

Basic Indonesian

01 Pelajaran 01 : Ini dan Itu Demonstrative pronoun
and its negation
  Lesson 01 : This and That
02 Pelajaran 02 : Perkenalan
  Lesson 02 : Introducing Yourself
03 Pelajaran 03 : Pelangi G: Adjectives
V: Colors, Numbers
  Lesson 03 : Rainbow
04 Pelajaran 04 : Keluarga G:
V: Family
  Lesson 04 : Family
05 Pelajaran 05 : Sekolah G:
V: Games, Sports, Places, Playing
  Lesson 05 : School
06 Pelajaran 06 : Rumah G:
V: Household, Housework, Furniture
  Lesson 06 : The House
07 Pelajaran 07 : Cuaca G:
V: Weather
  Lesson 07 : Weather
08 Pelajaran 08 : Bepergian G:
V: Hotels, Directions
  Lesson 08 : Travel
09 Pelajaran 09 : Seni G:
V: Museums, Music, Plays
  Lesson 09 : Art
10 Pelajaran 10 : Ilmu Pengetahuan G:
V: Elements, Astronomy
  Lesson 10 : Science


InformationIntroductory  Level One  Level Two  Level Three  Level Four  Q&APlanning  

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