⇒ The interviews in English, Italian, Hindi and in Arabic

In the Vrinda Project, the team interviewed different stakeholders to understand who contributes to the Global Agenda for Development and what are the challenges of raising the required resources. See ⇒ the List of questions we have asked.
We collected the answers and compiled them in 10 main issues where we compared the aptitudes of stakeholders from different nations while assuming responsibility for global development and inter-cultural dialogue. Each issue was then included in one of the episodes of the documentary where we illustrate the work in progress for the achievement of the 8 MDGs and we propose the establishment of 2 new development cooperation goals.
⇒ The interviews in English, in Italian and in Hindi

The flags icons here refer to the language used in the interview not the citizenship of the testimonial, nor where the interview was taken: English, Hindi, Italian.

I'd like to see the opinions of the local stakeholders, not the stories of the reporters - Lucas Lai
 Manoj Kumar - Development Expert  playlist  
 Debate among Sierra Leonian & Italian journalists  playlist    

  Eusebio Leal  playlist  
 Lizardo Garcia Ramis  playlist  
 Raúl Roa Kouri  playlist  
 Carità Diego Bello  playlist  
 Andris Piebalgs - EU Commissioner Development  playlist  
 Catherine Ray - Spokesperson for EuropeAid  playlist  
 David Sassoli - EU Parliamentarian  playlist  
 Etikwa Ikutu - CONCORD  playlist  
 Floris Capovilla - Italian Catholic Cardinal  playlist  
 Francesco Brancatella - Journalist - RAI  
 Nirj Deva - Vice President Development Committee  playlist  
 Olivier Consolo - Director CONCORD  playlist  
 Rilli Lappalainen - NGDO Platform  playlist  
 Roberto Gualtieri - EU Parliamentarian  playlist  
 Silvia Costa - EU Parliamentarian  playlist  
 Stefano De Santis - Development Cooperation Expert  playlist    
 Tavola Rotonda sulle difficoltà di comunicare al pubblico la cooperazione internazionale  playlist  
 Toine Mandres - EU Parliamentarian  playlist  
 Vincenzo Pira - Director of Armadilla, an Italian NGO  
 Press conference for the presentation of the Encyclical Laudato si'  playlist    
 Amitabh Behar - Campaign Conveyor of Wada Na Todo Abhiyan  playlist  
 Anand Kumar - development expert  playlist  
 Bernhard Hoeper - development expert  playlist  
 C.B. Rao - United Nation officer - playlist  
 Danièle Smadja - EU Ambassador -playlist  
 Dilip Kumar - Founder Member of Pravah  playlist    
 Jean Drèze - economist  playlist  
 Julian Parr - Regional Manager, South East Asia for Oxfam GB- - playlist  
 Jyoti Sapru - Social scientist  playlist  
 J.M. Balmorugan - Indian Government Officer  playlist  
 Ita Mehrotra  playlist  
 Megan Willams - journalist  playlist  
 Montek Singh Ahluwalia - Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, Government of India - playlist  
 P. Krishna - Director Krishnamurti foundation school playlist  
 Pietro Cocco - journalist  playlist  
 R.K. Pachauri - , TERI  playlist  
 Rajesh Kumar Jha - Programme Officer for the Centre for World Solidarity  playlist    
 Rekha Chauhan - Secreaty MSS  playlist    
 Sadhguru - founder of the Isha Foundation  playlist  
 Shiva Kumar - development economist  playlist  
 Vandana Shiva  playlist  
 Vrinda Dar - secretary Kautilya Society for Intercultural Dialogue  
 Zulfi Haider - UN, Joint Programme on Convergence  playlist  
 Fabio Melloni - senior officer of the International Development Assistance Section of the Italian Government  
 Paolo Dall'Oglio - Founder of the monastic community of al-Khalīl, Syria  playlist    
 Dr. Mahmoud Abul-Huda Alhussainy - Syran Doctor, Coordinator of Islamic NGOs of Aleppo and a sufi scholar  playlist    
 Mercedes Del Carmen Ríos Secretaría Distrital de Integración Social, Alcaldía Mayor De Bogotá D.C.  playlist  
 Johnatan Nieto Blanco, Information Officer, Alcaldía Mayor De Bogotá  playlist